Posted By: Rayelan
26 September 2000
RumorMillNews Website
The Federal Emergency Management
Agency an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked
with responding to, planning for, recovering from, and mitigating
against disaster can trace its beginnings to the Congressional Act
of 1803. This act, generally considered the first piece of disaster
legislation, provided assistance to a New Hampshire town following
an extensive fire. In the century that followed, ad hoc legislation
was passed more than 100 times in response to hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters.
By the 1930s, when the federal approach to problems became popular,
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was given authority to make
disaster loans for repair and reconstruction of certain public
facilities following an earthquake, and later, other types of
disasters. In 1934, the Bureau of Public Roads was given authority
to provide funding for highways and bridges damaged by natural
disasters. The Flood Control Act, which gave the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers greater authority to implement flood control projects, was
also passed. This piecemeal approach to disaster assistance was
problematic and it prompted legislation that required greater
cooperation between federal agencies and authorized the President to
coordinate these activities.
The 1960s and early 1970s brought massive disasters requiring major
federal response and recovery operations by the Federal Disaster
Assistance Administration, established within the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Hurricane Carla struck in 1962
Hurricane Betsy in 1965
Hurricane Camille in 1969
Agnes in 1972
the Alaskan Earthquake hit in 1964
the San
Fernando Earthquake rocked Southern California in 1971
These events
served to focus attention on the issue of natural disasters and
brought about increased legislation. In 1968, the National Flood
Insurance Act offered new flood protection to homeowners, and in
1974 the Disaster Relief Act firmly established the process of
Presidential disaster declarations.
However, emergency and disaster activities were still fragmented.
When hazards associated with nuclear power plants and the
transportation of hazardous substances were added to natural
disasters, more than 100 federal agencies were involved in some
aspect of disasters, hazards, and emergencies. Many parallel
programs and policies existed at the state and local level,
compounding the complexity of federal disaster relief efforts. The
National Governor’s Association sought to decrease the many agencies
with whom state and local governments were forced work. They asked
President Jimmy Carter to centralize federal emergency functions.
President Carter s 1979 executive order merged many of the separate
disaster-related responsibilities into a new Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). Among other agencies, FEMA absorbed:
Federal Insurance Administration
the National Fire Prevention and
Control Administration
the National Weather Service Community
Preparedness Program
the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General
Services Administration
the Federal Disaster Assistance
Administration activities from HUD
Civil defense responsibilities
were also transferred to the new agency from the Defense Department’s Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
John Macy was named as FEMA’s first director. Macy emphasized the
similarities between natural hazards preparedness and the civil
defense activities. FEMA began development of an Integrated
Emergency Management System with an all-hazards approach that
included direction, control, and warning systems which are
common to the full range of emergencies, from small isolated events
to the ultimate emergency war.
The new agency was faced with many unusual challenges in its first
few years that emphasized how complex emergency management can be.
Early disasters and emergencies included:
the contamination of Love
the Cuban refugee crisis
the accident at the Three Mile
Island nuclear power plant
the Loma Prieta Earthquake in
Hurricane Andrew in 1992 focused major national attention
In 1993, President Clinton nominated
James L. Witt as the
new FEMA director. Witt became the first agency director with
experience as a state emergency manager. He initiated sweeping
reforms that streamlined disaster relief and recovery operations,
insisted on a new emphasis regarding preparedness and mitigation,
and focused agency employees on customer service. The end of the
Cold War also allowed Witt to redirect more of FEMA s limited
resources from civil defense into disaster relief, recovery, and
mitigation programs.
Witt’s plans were put to the test by the Great Midwest Flood of 1993
and California’s massive Northridge Earthquake in January, 1994. The
agency’ transformation was recognized as an integral part of the
Clinton Administration’s efforts to reinvent government, and in 1995
President Clinton recognized the agency’s accomplishments in his
State of the Union address.
Today, FEMA a 2,500-person agency supplemented by over 5,000
stand-by disaster reservists has a mission to provide leadership and
support, reduce the loss of life and property, and protect the
nation from all types of hazards. FEMA provides preparedness and
response and recovery support to the nation and, through Project
Impact, provides leadership in preventing and reducing risk before
disaster strikes.
Initiated in October 1997, Project Impact focuses
on creating disaster-resistant communities in all 50 states,
Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. By taking action before disaster
strikes, FEMA hopes to reduce the amount of federal money spent on
picking up the pieces after a disaster and hopes to reduce the risks
for property loss and loss of life that every state faces. (Updated:
May 28, 1999)
Gordon Vickery (April 1979 -
July 1979)
Thomas Casey (July 1979)
John Macy (August 1979 -
January 1981)
Bernard Gallagher (January
1981 - April 1981)
John W. McConnell (April
1981 - May 1981)
Louis O. Giuffrida (May 1981
- September 1985)
Robert H. Morris (September
1985 - November 1985)
Julius W. Becton, Jr.
(November 1985 - June 1989)
Robert H. Morris (June 1989
- May 1990)
Jerry D. Jennings (May 1990
- August 1990)
Wallace E. Stickney (August
1990 - January 1993)
William C. Tidball (January
1993 - April 1993)
James L. Witt (April 1993 -
James Lee Witt was appointed by President Clinton and confirmed by
the U.S. Senate as Director of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency in April 1993. He was the first agency head who came to the
position with experience in emergency management, having previously
served as the Director of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Services
for four years.
As FEMA Director, Mr. Witt coordinates federal disaster relief on
behalf of President Clinton, including the response and recovery
activities of 28 federal agencies and departments, the American Red
Cross and other voluntary agencies. He also oversees the National
Flood Insurance Program, the U.S. Fire Administration and other
pro-active mitigation activities that reduce loss of life and
property from all types of hazards. Mr. Witt oversees 2,500
employees located in Washington, D.C. and 10 regional offices. In
1997, Mr. Witt started Project Impact, a national initiative to help
build disaster resistant communities through education, mitigation,
and public and private partnerships.
Since taking office, Mr. Witt has led FEMA through more than
348 Presidentially declared disasters in some 6,521 counties in all 50
states and territories, including the most costly flood disaster in
the nation s history, the most costly earthquake, and a dozen
damaging hurricanes. He reorganized FEMA into a pro-active
customer-focused agency recognized by President Clinton and Vice
President Gore as a model for successful government. The agency has
received increasing public accolades and specific honors in recent
years, including, in 1996, the Innovations in American Government
award from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, at Harvard
In February 1996, President Clinton elevated Mr. Witt to
status a first for a FEMA Director.
Mr. Witt’s professional career includes the formation of Witt
Construction, a commercial and residential building company. After
12 years as a successful businessman and community leader, he was
elected County Judge for Yell County, serving as the chief elected
official for the county, with judicial responsibilities for county
and juvenile court. At age 34, he was the youngest elected official
in Arkansas, and was later honored for his accomplishments by the
National Association of Counties. After being re-elected six times
to the position, Mr. Witt was tapped by then-Governor Bill Clinton
to assume leadership of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Services.
A native of Arkansas, Mr. Witt has been nationally recognized for
his work in emergency management, environmental health, earthquake
mitigation, and veterans affairs. He was charter Board Chairman of
Child Development Incorporated, an organization dedicated to
advancing Head Start programs for children. (Updated: May 28, 1998)
Lynn Gilmore Canton was appointed Executive Director for FEMA in
June 2000. In this new position, she is responsible for overseeing
the agency s personnel and management issues, employee development
diversity, labor partnership and strategic planning. Prior to this
appointment, Ms. Canton was Regional Director of FEMA’s Region 2. In
that position, she coordinated mitigation, preparedness, and
disaster response and recovery activities in: New Jersey, New York,
Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Prior to joining FEMA, Ms. Canton served as Executive Director of
the Division of Minority and Women s Business Development for the
Department of Economic Development of New York State. While in that
post, Ms. Canton also served as chair of the New York State
Affirmative Action Advisory Council and of the Task Force on the
Status of Women in the New York State Department of Economic
Development. Earlier in her career, Ms. Canton served as a member of
the New York State Board of Parole and worked for the State Division
for Youth, the Executive Chamber, and the Division of Budget.
Ms. Canton has taught college and graduate level courses at the
State University of New York at Albany in the Women s Studies
Department and the Center for Women in Government. She is a member
of the National Emergency Management Association and the State
Association of Public Administrators.
A native of Buffalo, New York, she holds a B.A. in African American
studies and an M.S. in Education from the State University of New
York at Albany. (Updated: July 28, 2000)
In fiscal year 1998, FEMA
asked Congress for $3.2 billion dollars.
In fiscal year 1999, FEMA
asked Congress for $3.1 billion dollars.
In fiscal year 2000, FEMA
asked Congress for $3.4 billion dollars.
In fiscal year 2001, FEMA
asked Congress for $3.6 billion dollars.
So there you have it the Jekyl
and Hyde sides of FEMA.
If you believe the public relations version of FEMA, then we have a
customer-oriented service organization, something like a
multi-faceted, high-powered Red Cross. If you suspect something not
so nice is going on with FEMA beneath the altruistic face something
all ready and just waiting for the right national emergency
to be declared to suspend our Constitution and bring martial law
down upon us then you re ready for the next part of this
With all of the contrasting information presented to this point on
FEMA as background, let s now turn our attention to the present
moment in time and some revealing legislative preparations going on
right now to welcome FEMA in many towns across the
country. The following article is by Don Harkins and appeared in the
August, 2000 edition of The Idaho Observer; it is reprinted here
with permission:
If it was coming to yours, how would you know unless you looked
I am going to be frank. I was disappointed in the response we
received in our call to readers of the SPOTLIGHT and The Idaho
Observer to determine the status of emergency powers
among public officials at the city and county level. It is
outrageous that conspiracy theorists would gripe
about the coming
New World Order and await some overt and
inevitable sign that it has arrived, and not spend an hour in
county or municipal code to find out if their elected leaders
had passed ordinances locally which provide the infrastructure
for our national occupation, one town and one county at a time.
If we, as informed Americans, do not draw our countrymen a map
of our pending occupation by despotic forces, we are going to
lose what was once the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
What is worse, if we do not take responsibility for the freedom
of our children and the freedom of our countrymen by spending an
hour at city hall or the county courthouse, then we, as a
people, deserve to have our freedom taken away.
The passage of emergency powers ordinances in most cases places
an unelected bureaucrat in control of all municipal functions in
the event of a declared state of emergency. They are being
passed all over the country at city, county, and state levels.
They are being passed in conjunction and in cooperation with
federal emergency provisions that will be administrated by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
In a declared state of emergency, your unelected city manager
(or the police chief, the sheriff, the fire chief) assume the
power to ration food and water, ration power and utilities,
create roadblocks, and enforce curfews. This emergency
czar will be the point-man for communications with FEMA
which, under a variety of laws and executive orders, will have
the authority to control everything from commerce and trade to
the food and other provisions you have stored for your family in
case of an emergency.
While we stupidly await a stock market crash or a world war or a
disease pandemic to justify a federal declaration of martial law
in response to a national emergency, we are paying our
duplicitous local leaders to pass laws and ordinances that will
make it easy for the kleptocrats to take control of the
activities and resources of our nation.
Believe me, I know how dark it is out there. There is nearly no
hope left that we can see in our lifetimes a peaceful return to
our birthright of freedom and self responsibility. But what are
we going to do give up Are we going to complain until such
utterances mean a rope or a firing squad Are we going to
sit back as passive activists and hope that an active activist
is able to turn the tide all by himself Are we going to
hope that our detractors were right and that we are really just
a bunch of silly conspiracy theorists and that this
is all a bad dream and that everything is just fine
Or are we going to do our small part to make a big noise?
I am trading the productive years of my life to work with
principled men and women who believe that all men are equal in
their rights to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. I refuse to
give up.
These emergency powers ordinances are easy to find in county or
municipal code. They are usually found in a chapter for public
health and safety. If you are nice, county and city clerks are
usually very accommodating and will help you find the city or
county emergency powers ordinance. The process will take less
than an hour. If you have access to the Internet, you may find
your city or county code to be on-line. Get a copy of the
ordinance and send it to The Idaho Observer, P.O. Box 457,
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869.
There are over 3,000 counties in the U.S. We have about 3,000
counties to go. Help me to draw your countrymen a map.
1. San Marcos,
California (San Marcos Municipal Code 2.28.030 2.28.060
2. Selah, (Yakima County) Washington (Selah Ord.
# 1441, 1999)
3. Jackson County, Oregon (Jackson County Code,
244-14, 1994)
4. Allen, Texas (Code of Ordinances, 2-2, 1984)
5. Long Beach, California (Municipal Code,
Chapter 2.69, Civil Defense)
6. Village of Fox Point, Wisconsin (Ord. #99-20,
7. Burlington, North Carolina (Burlington Code
Section 10-26 10-29, 1986)
8. Hernando County, Florida (Ord. # 97-07
Section 5-6-97, 1997)
9. Medford, Oregon (Ord. #1999-162, 1999)
10. Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico (Joint Resolution,
November, 1993)
11. Anchorage, Alaska (Anchorage Municipal Code 3.80.010
12. Costa Mesa, California (Costa Mesa Municipal Code 6-4
6-11, 1999)
13. Eddy County, New Mexico (Joint Powers Agreement with
cities of Carlsbad and Artesia; villages of Hope, Loving,
and the U.S. Department of Energy, 1993)
14. Whatcom County, Washington (Ord. #89-115, 1989)
15. Santa Rosa County, Florida (Ord. #93-13, 1993)
16. Jackson, California (Jackson Municipal Code 2.32.010
17. Escambia County, Florida (Escambia County Code 1-24-76
1-24-95, 1995)
18. Bonner County, Idaho (Title 4, Ch. 1, County Code, 1995)
19. Benewah County, Idaho (Ord. #68, 1990)
20. Bakersfield, California (Chapter 2.40-2.4090)
[End quoting]
Is FEMA usurping state constitutional
authority through the use of legislation at a city or county level?
The story you just read should answer that question.
In speaking with a well-informed source in Indiana, I’ve been told
that the Federal Regional Agency LEAA, which stands for
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, was the precursor to FEMA.
Is FEMA slowly and methodically making in-roads throughout the
nation, quietly, in the hopes that no one will notice the gradual
take-over? How does FEMA go about their work with the
counties? I’m told there is an excellent book which clearly
outlined this take-over plan. The name of the book is Rockefeller
Regionalism The Shadow Behind Oregon’s LC/DC, by Joe Spenner. While
I have not received a copy of this book yet, I am merely passing
that bit of information along for those of you wanting to explore
this issue in greater depth.
In the meantime, turning now to an article obtained from the FEMA
website, we can see one way they make inroads with local government
Washington, D.C., July 27, 2000
The National
Association of Counties (NACo) and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency have introduced a new awards program for
elected county officials. At NACo s 65th Annual Conference,
which was held in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), N.C., July
14-18. FEMA Director James Lee Witt addressed conference
attendees, speaking on the importance of proactive disaster
prevention and the key role of elected county officials in
building disaster-resistant communities.
Leaders are assessing their community’s risks from disasters and
developing ways to address them. These solutions directly
contribute to the growth and sustainability of their community
as a whole said Director Witt. I believe it is
important to recognize the achievements and commitment of local
elected officials who have taken steps to make their communities
disaster resistant.
The Building Disaster Resistant Communities Leadership Awards
are presented to elected county officials who have demonstrated
outstanding leadership in the area of disaster prevention and
mitigation. Award winners are recognized for implementing
effective programs that have resulted in a more sustainable,
long-term quality of life for their county s citizens. State
Associations of Counties play an important role in identifying
elected county officials to commend.
There are five award categories:
Building Code
Innovative Floodplain
Innovation in
Disaster Resistant Growth
Community Outreach
and Risk Education
Mitigation Planning.
One local elected county official
per state will be recognized at the NACo Legislative Conference
in February 2001. National awards in each of the five categories
listed above will be presented during NACo’s 2001 Annual
Conference in Philadelphia.
This award is for individuals who take a stand in the name of
saving lives said C. Vernon Gray, NACo Immediate Past
President. That’s what proactive prevention is all about
saving lives and livelihoods.
During Director Witt’s address to the NACo conference, he kicked
off the awards program by presenting the first Building Disaster
Resistant Communities Leadership Award to Gray.
Over the past several years, NACo and FEMA have worked as
partners to help America s communities become more disaster
resistant. The new Building Disaster Resistant Communities
Leadership Awards program is the latest in a series of joint
efforts to highlight the importance of disaster prevention.
To find out more about The Building Disaster Resistant
Communities Leadership Awards you can call FEMA’s Office of
Intergovernmental Affairs at 202-646-4515 or send an email to
(Updated: August 17, 2000)
[End quoting]
Another announcement (holding out a
carrot ) on the FEMA website promotes something mysteriously
referred to as Project Impact Summit 2000 whatever that is. Notice,
again, exactly who is targeted for this particular pep rally
to promote the FEMA team:
Celebrate what Project Impact has accomplished and share wisdom
for what s yet to be done to ensure that your community is
disaster resistant.
When: Week of November 12, 2000 at the Marriott Wardman Park
Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Who should attend: Chambers of Commerce; Elected Officials;
City Managers and County Administrators; Community Risk
Managers; Infrastructure Officials; Building Code Officials;
Fire Service Personnel; Economic Development Officials;
Environmental Officials; Small and Large Business
Representatives; Community-Based and Volunteer Organizations;
Teachers and Educators, grades K through College; Media
Partners; Project Impact Community Coordinators; Local Emergency
Managers; State Emergency Managers.
More specific details available soon.
[End quoting]