by Andrew Puhanic
January 19, 2013
GlobalistReport Website

An image of the venue where
the first Bilderberg Group
meeting was
20 years after
the Bilderberg Group
established, its founder
Prince Bernhard revealed to the world the
secrets of the Bilderberg Group.
Today, the Bilderberg Group is still the same shadowy and secretive
organization that it was in 1954 when it was founded. In fact, former United
States President Gerald R. Ford in 1965 revealed his thoughts about the
exclusivity of the Bilderberg Group.
The former president was quoted as saying,
“you don’t really belong to the
organization, one gets an invitation from the Prince”.
The following years after the Bilderberg Group
was established, the world’s only means of understanding what the
organization is all about has been derived from selectively leaked
information and the odd conspirator who has willingly divulged prohibited
information (such as attendance lists).
However, 20 years after the Bilderberg Group was founded, the founding
father of the Bilderberg Group, Prince Bernhard, actually revealed to
the world the inner workings of the organization to The Argus-Press on
June 21, 1974 (click below image):

The following is a summary of what the Bilderberg Group founder Prince
Bernhard revealed.
The Prince covered a wide range of topics,
‘what is the Bilderberg Group’
‘the purpose of the Bilderberg Group’
‘rules that govern the Bilderberg Group’

Prince Bernhard,
Founder of the Bilderberg
The purpose of the conference is to
allow eminent (the elite) persons in every field an opportunity to
speak freely without being hindered by the knowledge that their
words and ideas will be analyzed, commented upon and criticized in
the press.
All Bilderberg Group meeting attendees
are guaranteed privacy.
Reporters are never allowed to enter the
hotel where Bilderberg Group meetings are held.
Participants who are caught dealing with
the press, are not invited back.
Between 1954 (when it was founded) and
1974, on average 80 persons were invited to each meeting.
Up until 1974, and possibly beyond that,
there was only one topic discussed at Bilderberg Group meetings. The
topic was ‘prospects for the Atlantic world’.
The main speakers at Bilderberg Group
meetings get 10 minutes to deliver their speech. Other participants
are limited to 5 minutes per speech.
Security at all Bilderberg Group
meetings is of the up-most importance. During Bilderberg Group
meetings, they are to be “practically” surrounded by police for the
three-day event.
The founder Prince Bernhard always tried
to ensure that there was a 50% switch in representation at each
Bilderberg Group meeting.

Birthplace of the
Bilderberg Group, 1954.
Any notes or official documentation is
to be written in both American English and French.
When it comes to voting, the votes of
who voted for what are never recorded.
Prince Bernhard, personally requested
Henry Kissinger attend Bilderberg Group meetings. Also, at the
1974 meeting,
David Rockefeller was also in attendance.
Prince Bernhard also expected that the
ideas that emerged from Bilderberg Group meetings would influence
the inner circle to which it’s participants belong.
This brief, yet revealing insight into the inner workings of the Bilderberg
Group highlights that there is still plenty we do not know about the