by Philip Mikas
Excerpts of
World Freedom Information Network
Evolve 2 Magazine
Project Blue Beam
(from Contact, April, 1996)
Set to take place this year is the worldwide, simultaneous, Christian
Crusade, Billy Graham, all languages audio and video revealing of our "God"
in the clouds. This is also known as Operation Blue Beam. It got shut down
last year but, to fulfill the expectations of the "people" for a
Rapture and
Second Coming, etc., there MUST be a visualization in every part of the
world - to allow for the ONE WORLD RELIGION.
The "revelation" herein is to stop, look and listen before you jump off the
cliff into the arms of an illusion. The "operation" is easy to EXPLAIN and
REVEAL technologically.
Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an
interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves. A
single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the
second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror. The two
beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a
hologram. This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of
the original object.
According to a comprehensive report by Canadian
investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this
holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control
weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is
capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to
convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the
second coming of
The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the
prophecies of old. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie
screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images
to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according
to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of
multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving
different images according to predominating regional/national religious
faiths. No area will be excluded.
With computer animation and sound effects
appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the
various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly
convincing lifelike realness.
The various saviors will then merge into one
after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations
will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political
and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those
The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4
steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at
its head.
First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in
new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic
doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple
3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of
God, speaking in all languages.
Third, electronic telepathy involving
ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach
people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the
natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to
believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.
Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to
deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien
invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the
aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic
supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to
travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are
everywhere and inescapable.
Comets and Cruisers
(from Contact 4-2-96)
What is this Japanese comet?.
Firstly, it has nothing to do with Japan. It was, however, a Japanese person
who "discovered" it some month or so ago (????). That should be enough to
tell you that you are dealing with a New Age Disease and NOT a comet.
[Editor's note: Supposedly this comet was discovered by Japanese astronomer
Yuji Hyakutake on January 30 of this year with just binoculars (!?!). So
much for needing high-power telescopes to let us know when visitors are
coming our way from "out there" somewhere. Preliminary estimates of its
orbit indicate the comet will pass about 10 million miles from Earth on
March 26 and that's the closest it will be to us. One month later the comet
ought to reach its closest point to our Sun, at a distance of less than 30
million miles.]
"They", however, cannot decide of what it is composed and most now rattle
about ice and ice crystals, and on and on and on.
It is nothing but a HOLOGRAPH, readers. It has, almost, some form and a
projected tail of sorts - but it is simply a test run through of a system
called BLUE BEAM heading your way in the local skies (wherever you might be)
in April, simultaneously with the Billy Graham world-telethon scheduled for
last year but now to happen in a couple, or so, of weeks.
The biggest lie in all of history is set to wash over you in a very
Earth-bound holographic light-show in the very near future. You are already
witnessing it in the current light-holograph called a comet. Get ready, get
set, and I suggest you carefully consider where and how you GO.
THE PLAN is awaiting its conclusion, especially and specifically the
RELIGIOUS perceptions and misperceptions which WILL COME DOWN and will come
down very soon now.
The script is now written subject only to last minute editing and
stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost
ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The
last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main
actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be
time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise.
ACTION WILL HAVE COME. (From the Armageddon Script; by Peter LeMesurier, St.
Martin's Press.)
Sky Signs
Since 1991 there are more and more signs in the heavens which point to the
ability of the adversary to play mind games with your senses. Comet Hyakutake is an excellent example.
This "vision" is exactly THAT, a vision.
It is a man-projected IMAGE in holographic form. This is to get your focus
on the sky for the big show-and-tell coming up according to the plans to
dump an One World Religion onto your shoulders. Always honor the
possibilities available but recognize the probabilities of even your beloved
visions of, say, Mother Mary. You will always be presented with that which
you want to see and hear.
The orchestra is tuned and ready to open this act of the play in progress,
but what happens when you have a prophecy which doesn't happen?
Ah, yes
indeed, you have another bout of sleeping sickness and more difficulty in
arousing the sleepers NEXT time and surely, with the Elite World Takers,
there is always a next time.
What about the x-rays?
One who sways he was the head of Laser Physics at Cal. Tech for fifteen
years states that, not only is the comet a hologram, but that he helped
develop the technology for it.
He stated that the holographic image being
utilized for the holographic projection was actually that of Halley's Comet.
He said the reason all the news programs told people to view it with
binoculars instead of a telescope was that, with a telescope, you could
easily see that there was no actual core to the comet, but only light
Remember the controlled media's story about "Comet"
Hyakutake emitting
mysterious rays, and this was the first time x-rays were ever observed
coming from a comet! An icy ball of dirt does not emit x-rays - but a
holographic image constructed from the convergence of intense light beams
may well do so under the right atmospheric conditions.
One more point,
didn't you wonder why this comet appeared and disappeared so quickly,
without forewarning of any kind?
Inter-Dimensional Physics
Richard Hoagland, did an interview on the Internet. In the
interview he stated that the French nuclear tests in the Pacific were
related to inter-dimensional physics, and not for the testing of the nuclear
devices themselves.
The above mentioned scientist explained the purpose behind these
inter-dimensional experiments.
He said that the Elite have realized that our
planet is going to have a "dimensional shift upward to the forth dimension"
in the near future and that they were scrambling to find a way off the
planet to escape the event. He said that the shift would encompass the
entire Universe that we know of.
Could it be that the elite crooks know full well that, as we continue
ramping further into the effects of the
Photon Belt, their abysmally
declining vibratory rate, due to such a constant fixation of the material
level, means an increasingly uncomfortable time awaits them as Earth
continues its transition up in frequency into its finer, fourth-dimensional