by Dr Hermes
March 11, 2003
DrHermesReviews Website
From 1923, where it appeared in the March and April issues of
ADVENTURE, this is a wonderful book featuring a large assembly of
Talbot Mundy’s cast of adventurers on a search for the greatest
treasure imaginable. It’s not really a light thriller that you can
breeze through from one narrow escape to the next; instead, the
dense prose and detail mean that THE NINE UNKNOWN is best enjoyed by
making your way through it as if you are exploring a foreign city
where you don’t know your way.
Mundy’s writing is highly polished and clever. I hate to say it, but
sometime it is just too rich and subtle to give the story any
momentum. Nearly every paragraph has a wonderful phrase or insight
that makes you pause to savor it. (A good example is the throwaway
line where a witness is told to "lie like history". I love that
phrase and the book is packed with hundreds like it.) As good as the
prose is, though, it’s too dense to carry the reader quickly along
with the storyline. Robert E. Howard or Sax Rohmer did not have
Mundy’s jewel-like polish, but on the other hand, they knew how to
keep each page leading into the next so that you plowed through
their stories in a breathless rush.
First, we have to mention the cast. Many of Mundy’s adventure
stories had a loose assortment of heroes who appeared by themselves
or in various combinations. THE NINE UNKNOWN has (by my count) seven
protagonists, most of whom could easily carry a book alone. There’s
the acknowledged captain of the group, James Schuyler Grim, Jimgrim,
an enigmatic soldier of fortune dedicated to forestalling wars and
bringing bits of peace to the East as far as possible.
King was a colonel in the British army before joining Grim’s society
and he is roughly King’s equal in cunning and resourcefulness (he’s
the most well-known of these guys because of a 1953 movie made of
his book KING OF THE KHYBER RIFLES... not that it was much like the
book). There’s Jeremy Ross, an impudent con artist and magician, and
Jeff Ramsden, a beefy giant who is thoughtful, if not clever. Then
we have two murderous warriors who can be relied on when blood has
to be spilled: the Sikh Naryan Singh and the mercenary Afghan Ali ben Ali (who travels around with seven "sons" he adopted after
killing their various fathers.)
And there is also the indescribable Chullunder Ghose, Falstaff
incarnated as a fat Hindu babu. Ghose is so complicated and
contradictory that anything I say about him would have to be negated
by another of his aspects. (When he’s first mentioned, Ghose has
asked the narrator for a character reference, offering to spy on his
new employer in return. Tells you something about him.)
This sort of pulp Justice Society is after the immeasurable amount
of gold that has been reported throughout history of which only a
tiny fraction is accounted for today. To find this boodle, they need
the help of 80 year old Father Cyprian. The good reverend has spent
his life in India collecting every book of heathen lore he can find,
with the goal of burning them all in one big bonfire; paradoxically,
in doing so he has become an expert on the occult and owner of a
vast library of forbidden knowledge. And he has learned of the
existence of the Nine Unknown.
Yep, this is where Philip Jose Farmer derived his secret conspiracy
the Nine in his Doc Caliban books, but it actually is a belief that
goes way back in history. (Some sources trace the origin of the Nine
Unknown back to the Indian emperor Asoka of the third
century B.C.
who basically turned Buddhism into a world religion; Mundy hints
this cabal goes back way further than that, predating
Atlantis.) The
Nine Unknown may be degraded evil masterminds or they may be the
most enlightened living beings on this planet, but in any case the
ancient knowledge in their nine books is incredibly advanced and
potent. They make
the Illuminati look like a bowling team.
And this is what Jimgrim and his crew are tackling. There are so
many stealthy encounters, violent attacks and reprisals, stratagems
and schemes, that this book has enough material packed into it to
make an entire series. At one point, our heroes encounter a cult of
sinister assassins who make the pages creep in your hand, they’re so
spooky; and it turns out that they’re only a shallow bunch imitating
the Nine Unknown, not even a shadow of the real thing!
If you love high adventure, or if you’re interested in spiritual
mysticism (like Theosophy), or if you just enjoy a writer who has
real mastery of language, and you see a copy of THE NINE UNKNOWN on
eBay or on the shelves of a used book store, by all means pounce on
that puppy and take it home. The explanation of how people can
safely drink the water of the Ganges (with all its filth, sewage,
discarded corpses and diseased pilgrims wading in its water) is in
itself worth reading this book to find out.
Then there’s also the
useful hint that the way to resist an evil hypnotist is to do
difficult math in your head... or that a single page of one of the
Nine’s books has enough secrets of propaganda that a thief can
promptly begin his own religion.... or that Sinanuju was founded by
a disciple of the Nine (okay, that part I just made up to see if you
were paying attention).