The Federal Reserve should be abolished because
it inflates the money supply, destroys the purchasing power of our currency,
distorts the proper workings of the market economy with boom-and-bust
cycles, and allows the federal government to expand without directly taxing
the American people.
As a result of this inflation, there is tremendous malinvestment, the value of each dollar in circulation falls, and prices of goods are forced up.
This process benefits those who get to use the
new money before prices adjust - banks, those with lots of debt - and harms
those who get to use the money as it finally trickles down - the poor, the
middle-class, and those who have savings.
The Fed’s expansion of credit and bank reserves distorts the entire system of prices and production, creating a quick, but artificial, “boom.” But when the inevitable credit expansion stops, the misallocation of production and capital become more obvious and the recession, or “bust,” sets in.
When the necessary readjustment and liquidation
is needed, the Fed then steps in and pumps in more credit, masking the
problem even further.
...are funded not by taxing us directly, but by borrowing and printing the money instead, transferring the cost to future taxpayers.
This is how President
George W. Bush can cut
taxes during a war and President
Barack Obama can cut the payroll tax
despite ever-expanding Social Security requirements.
In a market economy, prices help entrepreneurs rationally allocate scarce resources to their most productive use. The Fed, however, centrally plans interest rates (the price of credit), and often times far below the market rate.
Without the market price for a given good
or service, central planning is doomed to fail.
With inflation, boom-and-bust cycles, and the depreciation of the dollar, the Federal Reserve is no exception to the damaging effects of government intervention.