LibertyAustralia Website
This is Dr. Beter in
Today is Oct. 27, 1979,
and this is my
Russia’s secret space triad of weapons. As I’ve detailed in
the past, these are: the manned Cosmos Interceptor Killer
Satellites, the manned bases on the moon, and the
manned electrogravitic platforms called Cosmosphere
s floating high over our heads and in other land and sea areas of
the earth.
These super weapons were developed in secret by Russia
and deployed suddenly during the closing months of 1977. The United
States has no equivalent space triad and is at a great military
disadvantage as a result.
And so rather than let the Bolsheviks regroup and launch nuclear
war, the Russians are turning once again to geophysical warfare,
including weather warfare.
The west coast is a prime target because of the heavy concentrations
of aerospace and military activity there. The Kremlin
is debating whether the time has come after all to unleash the great
man-made catastrophe on America’s west coast.
Until next month, God willing, this is
Dr. Beter.
Thank you, and may God bless each and
every one of you.
This is Dr. Beter in Washington.
Today is February 24, 1980,
and this is my
A few nights ago on February 21, the CBS Evening News
presented a sensational report. The report claimed that Israel
had carried out its first atomic bomb test last fall.
CBS alleged that the bomb had been exploded over the
South Atlantic last September 22, 1979. It was also stated that
nearby South Africa had assisted the Israelis in making the atomic
It all sounded like a neat answer to the famous mystery of the giant
double flash in that area several months ago. The mystery began last
October 25, 1979. On that date the United States released a
statement through the State Department.
The statement began by saying the United States had obtained, quote:
"An indication suggesting the
possibility that a low-yield nuclear explosion occurred on
September 22."
Those are very uncertain words, but the
rest of the statement was even more vague. For example: the location
of the supposed explosion was narrowed down to, quote:
"an area of the Indian Ocean and
South Atlantic including portions of the Antarctic Continent and
the southern part of Africa."
That’s an area of several million square
miles. In addition, the United States Government admitted having no
corroborating evidence about whatever had happened, and the
announcement ended in the doubtful words: "We are continuing to
assess whether such an event took place." Many people were very
disturbed by the fuzziness of the announcement.
It was apparent that something spectacular had taken place near
South Africa, possibly an atomic blast; but the
United States was not sure what it was, or where it had happened, or
even if it had really happened. Some people wondered, "How could
this be?" We are constantly told that the United States can watch
the world with Early Warning and Spy Satellites.
We are led to believe that no one could fire a missile at us even
from a submarine at sea without being caught in the act by our
satellites. To make matters worse, reporters soon found out that the
satellite which picked up the mysterious double flash was not an
Early Warning or Spy Satellite.
It is an aging relic launched a decade ago called a Vela
Satellite. It is the die-hard last survivor of a series of
monitoring satellites for the Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty,
and it was little more than luck that it happened to spot the
mysterious double flash last fall.
Had the double flash taken place out of range of the Vela, it would
have gone completely undetected by the United States, because the
United States no longer has any Spy or Early Warning Satellites
continuously orbiting the earth. Russia finished shooting them
down nearly two years ago, as I reported in
for April 1978. Ever since the United States announcement about the
double flash late last October, the mystery about what happened has
refused to go away.
A panel of scientific consultants were convened by the White House
early last November, but they have ended up with no conclusion. Then
came the CBS report a few nights ago describing the alleged atom
bomb test by Israel in the South Pacific.
My friends, Israel does have the bomb, but the CBS
story about a test was a lie. By the very next
evening, February 22, CBS was already backing away
from its Israeli A-bomb story.
The truth is that there was a giant double flash in the South
Atlantic last fall, but beyond that point you have been hearing
nothing but lies and inaccurate guesses about the double flash
mystery. The lies began with the Government announcement of October
25, which gave a falsified date and time for the incident, and since
then the confusion has just kept on growing.
My friends, I am now in a position to give you my report on the
mystery of the so-called South African double flash. What happened
there is something which you need to know about as a matter of
The brilliant flashes detected by the Vela Satellite
were produced by an experimental test, but what was tested was not
an atomic bomb. The test was carried out not by Israel or South
Africa but by Russia, and what Russia learned from
that test has just been put to use against the United States.
The incredible series of storms which have recently
devastated southern California and Arizona were not natural but man
made! The original State Department announcement of October 25 did
not describe what the Vela Satellite had seen. It simply said
that it appeared to be an atomic test, but within a day or two word
leaked out that it was a pair of blinding flashes one right after
the other.
The first one was powerful, but the second was many times more
powerful. For months now debate has been raging over whether this
was the result of a nuclear explosion. The light produced by a
nuclear blast behaves in a way that is similar to what the satellite
detected last fall--that is, there is a bright flash, followed
moments later by a second much brighter flash.
So why the big mystery? Just this: Visible light is not the only
radiation from an atomic blast. A nuclear explosion sends out floods
of deadly gamma rays, X-rays, and neutrons. The Vela Satellite
is equipped to pick up all those things if they are present--but
they were not present.
There was a giant double flash of light only--no X-rays, no gamma
rays, no neutrons; and afterward, no radioactive fallout could be
found anywhere in the world. Acoustic sensors on earth confirmed
that some kind of giant explosion had taken place, but the question
remained: What kind of explosion?
My friends, last month I reminded you of the giant air booms
of two years ago off America’s east coast. For many weeks thousands
of people from South Carolina to Connecticut and elsewhere were
being frightened out of their wits by the booms. Public officials
dreamed up all kinds of ridiculous cover stories to try to explain
them away.
Since that time the official cover stories about the booms have been
proven to be nonsense by Cornell University scientists and others;
but to our Rulers, the only thing that matters is that people forgot
about the booms after a while. The real reason for those air booms
two years ago was what I reported in
December 1977. They were being produced by several newly deployed
Russian hovering space platforms.
These platforms called Cosmospheres constitute the
third leg of Russia’s secret Space Triad, and they were creating
those giant air booms by defocused firing of their charged
Particle Beam weapons into the atmosphere.
In later AUDIO LETTERS I reported much more about the
Cosmospheres, including their use in weather modification.
But the Cosmospheres all by themselves have never been
as effective in weather modification as desired by Russia.
Russian scientists have been hard at work to devise more powerful
techniques of weather warfare as a contingency weapon; and now they
have succeeded in developing a newer and more powerful system for
weather modification. Russia’s newly operational weather-war
system involves two legs of their Space Triad working together.
One leg consists of the Cosmospheres; the other leg is
the Moon with its network of giant Particle Beam
When I first reported on Russia’s new Cosmospheres in
AUDIO LETTER No. 29, I also reported on the first operational test
of the Russian Moon Bases.
The Particle Beam weapons on the moon are at least 100
times more powerful than those aboard the hovering
Cosmospheres. When fired at the earth, they can produce
instant destruction over a wide area, so for their first test firing
they chose a target area where they thought the effects would go
unnoticed by everyone else; but their choice turned out to be a
tragic one.
AUDIO LETTER No. 29, I described that test firing from the
moon at the earth. There was a huge cyclone in the Bay of
Bengal, southeast of India. It was a giant storm, many hundreds of
miles across--the perfect cover for a test firing. Or so the
Russians thought. But they made a small miscalculation as they chose
their aiming point at the earth. They knew that the particle beam
would be deflected by the earth’s electromagnetic field, and tried
to correct for it. But there was a small error in that
correction--and as a result, the particle beam blasted the sea too
close to the Indian coastline.
In AUDIO LETTER No. 29, I quoted the words of an eyewitness who saw
the results. She was a British relief worker, who told the BBC:
"There were TWO enormous BLINDING
FLASHES, and the whole sky lighted up as though on fire. Then
this vast tidal wave--about 30 miles in length along the coast
and 18 feet high--just bore down upon them."
My friends, the giant double flash which
I reported over two years ago in connection with the Indian cyclone
disaster had the same source as the giant double flash last fall in
the South Atlantic.
Both were caused by Russian Particle Beam weapons, fired from the
moon. When a target on earth is to be fired at from the moon, a
pair of beam weapons are fired in sequence--first one, then the
other. That is what I reported to you in AUDIO LETTER No. 29, over
two years ago.
The first blast is largely dissipated in the atmosphere. In the
process, it creates an ionized condition called a confinement
channel through the air. Moments later, the second beam is fired at
the same spot, and it follows the confinement channel right down to
the earth’s surface. The target on the earth’s surface--even if it
is the sea itself--explodes violently.
And so a lunar particle beam attack creates a double flash. The
first flash is somewhat diffused, since it takes place mainly in the
air; but the second flash is more concentrated and intense.
This, my friends, is what our tired old Vela Satellite
accidentally picked up last fall in the South Atlantic. When the
Government here made the first announcement about it on October 25,
1979, they lied about both its date and time.
The official story is that the double flash took place at 3:00 AM,
in the early morning hours of September 22, 1979. But it actually
took place on October 22--just three days before the October 25
announcement about it. October 22 was the same day that the former
Shah of Iran arrived in New York City.
On one hand the Russians were maneuvering the Shah in hopes
of undoing the Bolshevik Iran Crisis strategy, as I have
reported in
53. But at the same time, the
Russians were also gearing up for hostilities in case their
maneuvers with the Shah should fall apart.
As a matter of interest, I can also report to you that the double
flash took place around 3:00 PM in the afternoon--not 3:00 AM as
claimed officially. The United States Government falsified the time
and date as a trap for the unwary--and many have fallen into that
trap. The CBS fairy tale of February 21 about an Israeli
A-bomb test is only one example. At the time of the initial
public reports about the double flash last October, the Russian
experiment in the South Atlantic was still in progress. It had begun
on October 22, when two lunar particle beams were aimed at a
location in the South Atlantic.
The desired bull’s-eye was at the navigational coordinates 35
degrees South, 26 degrees West. This point is on a parallel with the
lower tip of South Africa, but is slightly closer to South America
than to Africa.
Two of the Russian particle beam weapons on the moon
zeroed in and prepared to fire. Meanwhile, a quadrangle of
Cosmosphere s were ranged around the target area. The four
Cosmosphere s were deployed at the corners of a square
800 miles on one side, centered on the bull’s-eye at sea. They were
hovering at an altitude of 100 miles. It was expected that the
moon bases would achieve much better accuracy this time than
they had two years ago. But just to be safe, the Cosmosphere
s were deployed well away from the target.
Then the two moon weapons fired at the earth. Firing from a
quarter-million miles away in space, the beams missed the center of
the 800-mile target square by only a little over ten (10) miles.
The resulting double flash was centered at roughly 34 degrees, 54
minutes South; 26 degrees, 10 minutes West. Tremendous quantities of
sea water in the target zone flashed instantly into superheated
steam. The hot water vapor and surrounding hot air started rising
fast toward the stratosphere. Cooler air started racing into the
target zone to fill the vacuum. The inward-rushing winds began to
swirl due to the earth’s rotation, and the barometric pressure began
dropping in the target zone. Within minutes, the atmosphere above
the target zone was a spiraling chimney of tumbling, rising air and
water vapor.
The world’s first totally man-made storm cell was being born over
the South Atlantic.
The powerful beams fired from the moon had started the process. Then
it was up to the quadrangle of Cosmospheres to keep it
going. The vast quantities of water vapor sent skyward by the blasts
began condensing rapidly in the cool upper air. Normally, this would
have led quickly to localized rain showers. As a result, most of the
water would have rained right back into the sea, not far from the
target area.
But the four Cosmospheres were there to prevent that.
Right after the moon shots that produced the giant double flash, the
Cosmospheres went to work. Each began firing a
powerful electron beam into the target zone, in a de-focused mode.
The electrons mingled into the rising torrents of water vapor,
giving a negative charge to the water droplets as they formed. This
caused the tiny droplets to repel each other, so that they could not
condense into rain.
So the water vapor was forced to stay aloft instead of raining back
down into the sea. The Cosmospheres remained on
station for several more days in order to complete the experiment.
They were able to confirm that the artificial storm clouds remained
stable, drifting eastward with the winds. They also monitored the
target zone itself, to learn how fast conditions would return to
normal. Then they finally dispersed, in early November 1979. The
artificial storm cell was left to dissipate gradually of its own
accord, and as a result it attracted no attention.
Early last month on January 4, 1980, the United States announced
what amounts to a new Cold War. A whole series of
embargoes and restrictions against Russia
were initiated. The most important of these was the embargo of
17-million metric tons of grain ordered by Russia. The grain
embargo, my friends, is an effort by the Bolsheviks here to hit the
Russians right where they live. Four days after it was announced,
the grain embargo was described by a White House
spokesman as the most punitive of all steps against Russia; and ever
since then, the Bolsheviks here have been twisting arms world-wide
to force other countries to do the same.
Early this month on February 6, the Russians summed up their view of
all this. Throughout the Soviet press that day, there were stories
that the Carter Administration wants to starve the Russian
people; and since the Bolsheviks always use starvation as a tool of
power, this was no idle comment by Russia.
The very next day, there began to be reports of strange developments
in the weather of the southwestern United States.
For example, northern New Mexico experienced a heavy snowstorm
combined with thunder and lightning. But it was the following week,
on February 13, that the real weather news began.
Unprecedented rainstorms began pounding southern California and
Arizona. Day after day they came, one incredible storm right after
another. Dams filled, and then began overflowing. Levees broke.
Houses washed into canyons. Caskets floated away from cemeteries.
Mudslides caught several victims and buried them alive. Bridges
washed out. Entire communities became flooded and marooned. Phoenix
endured a flood so vast that another like it would not be expected
for 500 years.
And: in the vital agricultural areas of southern California, damage
was mounting fast. On February 19, the seventh day of the rains, a
CBS Evening News report said:
"It’s like an organized assault--one
storm after another."
And an organized assault is exactly what
it was, my friends. Centered at a point 576 miles west of San Diego,
a quadrangle of Russian Cosmospheres were in
Based on the results of their "double flash" experiment last fall,
the Russians have refined their technique; and each time the Moon
Bases fire at the earth, they are becoming more accurate. So the
quadrangle west of San Diego was only about 100 miles on a side, and
the Cosmospheres were at the decreased altitude of 40
miles. Using the technique tested last October in the South
Atlantic, the Russians were creating the storm cells, one after
another; and this time, they did not just let the cells drift away
to dissipate.
Instead, they were drawn precisely to the areas to be attacked in
southern California and Arizona. Then the storms were triggered by
additional Cosmospheres hovering over those areas.
Eighty-five (85) miles above Yuma, Arizona, there was a pair of
Cosmospheres. Nearly 100 miles to the north, another
Cosmosphere duo was hovering over the vicinity of
Blythe, California.
Both locations are on the Colorado River, bordering California’s
crucial Imperial Valley agricultural area.
These Cosmosphere duos used their beam weapons
to load the atmosphere with protons, which are positively charged.
This attracted the artificial storm cells with their negatively
charged clouds. That is why the storms pounded exactly the same
areas--time after time after time; and it was also the proton clouds
that triggered the actual storms.
They neutralized the electrons in the storm clouds, the water
condensed into rain, and the devastating storms were the result.
Finally, after nine (9) days and over half a billion dollars in
damage, the Russians called a halt on the storms for the moment.
But this, my friends, is only a sample of what may lie ahead for
food-producing areas throughout the United States! While the western
weather disaster was filling the headlines, the Russians were also
testing out their weather-control system in less dramatic ways all
over the United States.
A total of five more Cosmosphere quadrangles at sea and
fifteen more Cosmosphere duos over land were involved.
The Russians are determined to retaliate in kind for the Bolshevik
starvation campaign against Russia. If the American Bolsheviks keep
to this food boycott against Russia, then American food shortages
will be making headlines by this time next year! In the meantime,
you still have a chance to stock up on storable foods--and, my
friends, I would waste no time in doing just that.