By Michael Shore
November 2004
Rense.com Website
The U.S. Presidential election was
rigged even before the first ballot was cast. The whole voting
system is rigged by the Illuminati to keep their control of the
People in so-called "democratic" societies. See report
Almost every person in a so-called "democratic" society
thinks that so-called elections are REAL. You either vote
Republican or Democrat in a two party system,
which is NOT what true democracy is all about. If your father or
mother was s Democrat or a Republican, that’s who you probably voted
for. They taught you in school about so-called "democracy" and about
George Washington and all other Presidents never telling
lies... yeah, right, sure. They taught you about every war that was
ever fought and how proud you should be because America won. Early
on children are taught that war and the killing of millions of human
beings in wars is "normal" acceptable human behavior and not the
acts of sick insane killer MAD MEN. Dropping not one but two atomic
bombs on Japan and killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of
innocent men, women and children was NOT considered a major war
crime and neither President Truman nor anyone else went to
jail for committing what could be considered the greatest, most
atrocious war crime in history. It is now known and reported that
the Japanese were ready to surrender BEFORE the bombs were dropped.
They don’t teach you in school that America is the most warring
Nation on the planet and that the Illuminati
manipulated U.S.A. has been responsible for the deaths of over
60,000,000 human beings in 55 wars or U.S. supported conflicts all
over the world in the last 65 years.
Rather than go into the details of who and what the Illuminati
are, go
HERE and take the time to
read for your self how this small secret group has set up a
worldwide web of secret societies whose goal it is to
pursue their quest for a
One World Government,
organized as a global fascist police State, ruled by a so-called
"elitist" dictatorship! You can also get a detailed historical story
of who the Illuminati are in
David Icke’s book "The
Biggest Secret". The Illuminati
intentionally and covertly control the publishing companies that
write the history books that are used in American schools and other
schools throughout the world, so they can write whatever history
they want the people to believe in order for them to easily move
forward and achieve their agenda.
They have also put together a group of about ten huge multi-national
media conglomerates that control EVERY major T.V. and radio station,
newspaper, magazine, movie and music company and book publisher. So
the only "truth" that you get is the "truth" that
the Illuminati want you to believe. This is the main way
that the Illuminati suppress the real TRUTH about
911, the war in Iraq, the
unconstitutional income tax, the independent banking cartel called
Federal Reserve that
controls all the money in the U.S.A. etc. They want the American
people to believe that they live in a democracy and that their
elections are "real" and "free" and not manipulated or corrupted.
Nothing could be further from the TRUTH.
The American elections are a "staged"
Illuminati event to give the American people the belief that a
"real" democratic event is happening and that no matter who wins, it
is your "patriotic" duty to wave a red, white and blue flag and
"blindly" follow that leader and do whatever he says, including
killing innocent men, women and children in unnecessary "wars for
Illuminati profits" In order for the Illuminati to get
their American "SLAVES" to do their bidding, an intensive daily dose
of brainwashing and mind control is in constant play. The Illuminati
mind control starts in kindergarten and continues throughout your
school years and into your adult life until the day you die.
The Illuminati through their web of foundations and
Fortune 500 corporations continue neverending research on better and
better ways of brainwashing and mind control in order to control the
over six billion human beings in this world, so they can’t see the
TRUTH about the Illuminati manipulation
that is going on right before their very eyes. As pointed out in
David Ickes book "The Biggest Secret", it has taken this
"amazing" organization hundreds and possibly thousands of years to
put together their world wide "brotherhood",
whose sinister sick, perverted goal is to control humanity according
to their point of view and beliefs without the "slaves" realizing
that they’re being controlled. Guess what? It appears to be working
and the Illuminati are into their final stage of "total
world domination", which is called their "Great Work of
Briefly speaking, the Illuminati control both the
Republican and Democratic parties, so no matter which candidate wins
the Illuminati RULE and continue their agenda of total control of
America and total world domination. It is always interesting to see
that after an election is over, that some people begin to THINK that
the elections are rigged. A few people are saying that Kerry
and Bush were Scull and Bones fraternity
brothers and Kerry threw the election from the start. Well of
course he did. That’s what the Illuminati planned probably years
ago, and Kerry and Bush, two Illuminati "puppets",
were told exactly what to say and do. It’s amazing how these two
guys could keep a straight face and not laugh in public as they were
"acting" out this whole election charade.
Every U.S. Presidential election is "fixed" by the Illuminati
for their benefit. People were surprised how close this election and
the Bush/Gore election were, but many Presidential elections
are close. It looks "good" and "real" to the People, who believe in
so-called "democracy". Just take a look at the Nixon/Kennedy
election or the Truman/ Dewey election. Do you remember some
years ago when People’s votes could be "bought" for only a dollar?
The main thing to ask in any election is
"who is counting the votes and how can it be verified that the count
is accurate?" Pretty much if an organized group of people have the
money, power and intent, they can "rig" almost any election. It all
happens so fast. Most elections are over in a 24 hour period. The
people manning the voting booths are not properly trained. Things
are pretty loose at voting places. As reported some votes disappear,
some votes are "accidentally" thrown in the trash, some people are
prevented from voting and have no time to challenge this etc. etc.
The corruption in 2004 was so blatant and could be seen by the way
the election ended. Here was Kerry conceding the election
BEFORE all the votes were counted in Ohio. The election "looked"
very close, but the Kerry team never called for any recounts
in any State. Kerry and his campaign team either had to be
deaf, dumb and blind to not know that the electronic voting machines
were NOT secure and trustworthy and left no paper trail of
individual votes, and that the votes could not be properly audited.
Votes could be changed with the click of a mouse. The four companies
that made the electronic voting machines just happened to be linked
to the Republican party. One executive of one of the
voting machine companies made a statement committing himself to
deliver votes to Bush. Yet Kerry and the
Democrats never went to court BEFORE the election to
challenge this potential criminal fraud from happening.
Come on folks! How much more crap do the Illuminati
have to throw in the People’s faces before they see the
Illuminati manipulation? Americans stood in long lines to
vote, when all along the Illuminati had already CHOSEN Bush
to continue to lead the American people on the path to death and
destruction of Planet Earth. Bush et al will lie, cheat,
steal, rape, torture, kill, which is the modus operandi and mantra
of the sick EVIL satanic Illuminati. The Bush
family have proved to be the non-compassionate killers of
human beings that the Illuminati have chosen to do
their EVIL dirty deeds on the way to their quest for total world
Basically since there are only TWO possible choices in a so-called
U.S. "democratic" election and since the Illuminati
with their untold wealth CONTROL BOTH the Democrat and Republican
parties, it really doesn’t matter who wins the election THE
ILLUMINATI RULE!!! So if the Illuminati have the
money and the power to "rig" every election, why would they go
through so much trouble to get their CHOSEN CANDIDATE elected, since
it doesn’t matter which candidate wins for the Illuminati
to keep their power? Why don’t we ask them?
Probably one of the the most important things the People can do is
to bring the Illuminati out of the shadows and into
the main spotlight, so humanity can have a chance to expose this
sinister evil group and stop them from carrying out their sick
killing agenda. We can have a serious live televised citizen’s
investigation of the election "process" and expose how the election
is a rigged Illuminati staged event. The
Illuminati and all their connected secret organizations
could once and for all be SEEN by the People and everyone could
learn about their sick insane perverted trip... Then after they are
EXPOSED on live world wide T.V. for who they are, the People can rid
themselves of the Illuminati "rule" and we can
possibly get some new kinder, gentler uncorrupted leaders, who have
compassion for human life and who really do work for the benefit of
humanity. Hopefully then WE can live in Peace!
If the Illuminati are not exposed and stopped ASAP,
they will unfortunately be able to continue with their insane agenda
to possibly kill BILLIONS of human beings with WMD on
Planet Earth. It’s in every human being’s best interest to
take the time to research this information so we can ALL organize
ourselves against the EVIL Illuminati menace.