November 22, 2005 19:18
TheWhyFiles Website
On December 1984, Jaime Shandera, a
Hollywood film producer who also has an interesting UFOs, received
some unusual information via the post - a package containing just
one roll of monochrome film. The package was posted in Albuquerque,
New Mexico but had no return or senders address. There was no
accompanying letter. Shandera had the film developed and was
surprised to find negatives of what appeared to be an eight paged
briefing paper dated 18th November 1952.
The first page of this paper carried a warning "TOP-SECRET - EYES
ONLY" and was for the attention of President Dwight D.
On page two was a list of twelve eminent US scientists, military
leaders and intelligence advisors. On page three the subject of the
paper was stated as the recovery of a crashed flying saucer and
alien bodies near Roswell , New Mexico, in July 1947.
The final page of the briefing paper was a memorandum from President
Harry Truman to his secretary of defense, James Forrestal,
instructing Forrestal to proceed with "Operation Majestic-12".This
memorandum was dated 24th September 1947.
The paper and the memorandum showed that in 1947 a flying
disc-shaped craft crashed near Roswell and extra-terrestrial
biological entities (EBEs) were recovered by the military -
President Truman was authorizing Forrestal to set up a committee to
deal with the situation. In 1952, newly elected President Eisenhower
is then briefed about the situation by the papers - including
details of the 12 man committee, the saucer crash and the need to
avoid public panic.
In 1985, researcher Bill Moore received a postcard, postmarked New
Zealand, through the post advising him to search some recently
de-classified files at the US National Archives. Along with Shandera,
Moore did this and found a memo confirming the existence of MJ-12
(another name for Majestic-12 along with MAJIC), written by
Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for National Security, Robert Cutler,
addressed to Nathan Twining - US Air Force Chief of Staff.
Tim Cooper, UFO researcher, received a number of MJ-12 documents -
some of which were hoaxes. However, according to Cooper and fellow
researcher Stanton Friedman, two single-page documents appeared to
be genuine:
The first contains brief
instructions to General Nathan Twining (alleged MJ-12 member)
regarding his activities during a trip to New Mexico in July
1947 - the site of a crashed UFO. The second is memo, dictated
by US Secretary of State to his secretary R.H. Humelsine, to
President Truman - the reference at the top of the memo contains
- "MAJIC EO 092447 MJ-12"
Then in 1994, UFO researcher Don
Berliner received an anonymous roll of film containing 23 pages of a
"Majestic-12 Special Operations Manual" - dated April 1954 -
containing detailed instructions entitled " Extra-terrestrial
Entices and Technology: Recovery and Disposal".
The original paper and ink of these documents cannot be analyzed
because they are on film but the factual details can be checked -
such as the background of the 12 members of MJ-12, dates and times
and signatures etc..... The alleged members did , in deed, prove to
be the cream of the US’s Intelligence, Military and Scientific
communities - exactly the people that could be expected to be
members of a group investigating UFOs.
The last surviving member of MJ-12 had died before Shandera received
the original film but the activities, correspondence and telephone
logs etc.... of the members could be investigated .
The earliest reference to Majestic-12 is in the memo allegedly sent
by Truman to Forrestal, names the president’s science advisor,
Vannevar Bush, and is dated 24th September 1947.

Investigation shows
that this was the only day between May and December that Truman met
with Bush. After a great deal of research Stanton Friedman also
proved that Forrestal also met with Bush - that day.
The 24th September 1947 is also important because Nathan Twining,
Commanding General of The Air Materiel Command, sent a secret memo
to the Pentagon regarding "flying discs", including the words:
"The phenomenon reported is
something real and not visionary or fictitious".
Also, flight logs from 1947 show that
Twining had flown to New Mexico on 7th July 1947 - according to the
original paper this was the same day that "a secret operation was
begun to assure recovery of the wreckage for scientific study".
Genuine documents or hoaxes accompanied with several coincidences?
There is a lot of disagreement by "experts". One of the main
problems regarding the documents is the signature on the Truman
document - it appears to wrongly positioned on the page and, when
compared with an authentic signature, it appears to be almost
exactly the same - inferring that it has been copied.
Genuine or fake, the MJ-12 documents are certainly some of the most
interesting documents in the history of UFOlogy and because of the
details involved it seems that if they were faked then it was done
by someone with inside knowledge - perhaps someone who thought the
public had "a right to be informed". Informed of the fact that the
US Government is willfully covering up the truth about UFOs.
General Hoyt
Vandenberg - Chief of Military Intelligence and second
Director of Central Intelligence |
Forrestal - first U.S. Secretary of Defense, officially
he committed suicide in the early hours of May 22nd,
1949 whilst in Bethesda Naval Hospital recovering from a
nervous breakdown. However, the official account has
been disputed - see below. |
Dr. Detlev
Bronk - biophysicist - head of the National Academy of
Science and Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board of
the Atomic Energy Committee |
General Montague - head of the Special Weapons Project
at the Atomic Energy Commission in New Mexico. |
Dr. Lloyd
Berkener - Executive Secretary of the Joint Research and
Development Board, also member of the CIA-funded
committee in the 1950s. |
Donald Menzel - originally classed as a UFO debunker -
however he had " Top Secret ULTRA Clearance" and close
connections with other MJ-12 scientists and it was
proved that he made a number of trips to New Mexico in
1947 and 1948 on government expenses. He was a security
advisor to several presidents. |
Rear Admiral
Sidney Souers - first Director of Central Intelligence
(1946) appointed first Executive Secretary of National
Security Council in 1947. |
Dr. Vannevar
Bush - Chairman of the Joint Research and Development
Board(1945-49) - Advisorto the President and took an
important roll in developing the atomic bomb
Dr. Jerome
Hunsaker - renowned aircraft designer and Chairman of
the National Security Committee
on Aeronautics |
Gordon Gray
- Assistant Secretary of the Army - later to become the
National Security Advisor and Director of CIA’s
Psychological Strategy Board |
Twining - Commander of Air Materiel Command at Wright
Field - later Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
US’s highest military position. |
Rear Admiral
Roscoe Hillenkoetter - first Director of Central
Intelligence (1947-50) - he acknowledged in 1960 that
there was a UFO cover-up |
Eisenhower Was he briefed about Majestic-12 ? |
Shandera - received the original film containing details
The Majestic-12 |
Harry Truman The instigator of the Majestic-12 |
received (on film) by
Jaime Shandera
listing the
Click on
picture for larger size |
Majestic-12 papers - genuine or hoax?
on picture for larger size |
Cutler-Twining memo - found in the US National Archive
by UFOlogist
Bill Moore after receiving a postcard
New Zealand)
telling him where it was hidden.
"The Cutler
Click on
picture for larger size |
The Truman
on picture for larger size |
A genuine
signature of President Truman
. |
signature on the Majestic-12 documents .Genuine or not? |
Forrestal – A Tragedy
James Forrestal - did he pay the price for opposing incredibly high
levels of secrecy?
Following World War Two, James
Forrestal served as Secretary of the Navy under the
Truman administration but
was made Secretary of Defense. In
this position Forrestal objected to the obsessive secrecy
that was developing, especially by certain new departments such as
the CIA. In fact he lobbied for the CIA to be brought under
much tighter governmental control.
His opposition to the high levels of secrecy caused him to
attract the attention of those he opposed and when he voiced his
objections to “being watched”, he was declared paranoid by those who
were ignorant of the true facts.
Forrestal was ordered to the mental ward of Bethesda Naval
Hospital and was said to have suffered a nervous breakdown.
He was isolated and discredited; even his family and friends were
denied permission to visit him.
On May 21st 1949, Forrestal’s brother informed the
authorities that he intended removing him form the hospital on the
following day. In the early hours of 22nd May 1949, it
was later announced, James Forrestal committed suicide.
However, ex-Naval Intelligence Officer
William Cooper maintains that
James Forrestal was the victim of the people whose obsessive
secrecy he opposed and some time on that fateful morning secret
agents (CIA) entered his hospital room, tied a sheet around
his neck and the other end to a room fixture. The agents then threw
Forrestal out of the window, unfortunately the sheet could not
sustain his weight and it tore and he plummeted to his death.
James Forrestal’s secret diaries were confiscated, probably
by the CIA.