Edward Teller's Pitch to President Reagan for SDI,
~1980s (486k)
In this five-page double-spaced memo written for
President Reagan’s approval, Dr. Edward
Teller clearly shows his familiarity with the UFO
subject and its threat to National Security. It opens
with a gripping sentence, "I wish to bring to your
attention a very real and dangerous situation that
threatens not only us, the world, but our very existence
as a race." It goes on to state, "No longer can the
United States be in the position which it found itself
in 1947. This was realized in January 1950 when
President Truman made a decision to go ahead with a
defence program exceeding in scope and cost of the
Manhattan Project." What could this have
been? The only logical conclusion is that it was a
massive effort to exploit the celestial gifts as FDR
recommended in his 24 February 1944 Double Top Secret
Memo to the Special Committee on Non-Terrestrial Science
and Technology.