by Anonymous
May 07, 1997
Modified: 25/12/2003
Anomalies.net Website
What follows is a summary of some of the
things we’ve discussed over the past few weeks. I am now learning
how to phrase my questions so as to get more detail in the answers.
Add Arlen Spector, Colin Powell, and (probably)
Gerald Ford to the list of those who sit on the ruling council
of Omega. Consider how Ford came to be president. Nixon learned
of Omega’s existence, and wanted in. But he wanted it all, total
control. Nixon had to go. Under Omega’s way of thinking, no one man
should have total control. Such would be too much of a temptation to
abuse that power. The break-in at the Watergate Hotel was not
planned by or encouraged by Omega. But they did take advantage of
it. They made certain that the press didn’t let go of the story,
didn’t bury it. They fed the info to Woodward and
Burnstein. Omega was behind and was feeding "Deep Throat". Nixon
fell in disgrace for coveting too much power, in the eyes of Omega.
Omega claims to be "the good guys". There are 15 people
who have already been selected to function as "sector chiefs" under
Omega’s plan for a global governing body. A Sector Chief will be
responsible for all the Public Safety Officers and people living in
his area. One area will cover a wide territory - what is now several
southwestern states, extending up to the border of Canada, west to
the Pacific coast, and parts of Mexico, as an example. The lands
have already been divided up into these sectors. Each Sector Chief
will report to a superior, who will in turn report to the Omega
Council. There is currently an Omega "Field Office", for lack of
a better term, in every major city in the US and worldwide. These
offices are run by Omega personnel as private businesses - stores,
general offices, service-oriented businesses, etc. Most are
businesses that deal with the public, giving the people employed
there access to public thought and opinion. (Its not that hard to
strike up a conversation with someone in a check-out line.) These
stores/offices are where the "field personnel" hold meetings when
such is deemed necessary.
Omega Agency uses America Online extensively for
communication, but not exclusively. It is easily accessible from
anywhere in the world, and it is a closed system. Recall that
Alexander Haig, along with George Bush, was mentioned in
the original posting about Omega as a member of the Council. Who are
the members of the Board of Directors of America Online?
The main entrance to the underground base at Albuquerque,
New Mexico, is located on the grounds of Kirtland Air Force
Base in Albuquerque. The base beneath the city is massive,
spanning nearly the area that the city occupies. The security system
at the main entrance consists, in part, of retinal scans. These are
reported as "foolproof", in that not only is the retina of the eye
being scanned for identification, but also brain wave patterns are
being recorded for the same purpose. There is no "machine" one has
to place one’s head in for the scan to be done. Merely stepping up
to the door initiates the security scans.
Here, in the base under the city of Albuquerque, the
aliens (mostly the greys and the greens) carry on
their lives here on Earth. They conduct scientific experiments,
study human nature, human emotion, our civilization, etc. They are
most baffled by our apparent need to worship a god-figure.
They believe that there is an all-powerful creative force that did
indeed create the universe in which we all live. They don’t,
however, feel the need to worship it.
The aliens that are here are physical beings, just as we are
in that sense. They do possess technology that allows them to time
travel and dimensional travel, but neither the past nor the future,
nor another dimensional plane of existence, is their place of
origin. They know that the time is approaching when their presence
will become known on a world-wide basis. Not just hints of their
existence, not just stories of encounters with isolated groups of
them. But rather undeniable, irrefutable evidence that they are, and
have been, here. They are nervous about this, fearing for their
safety. They base this fear on their observations of humans’ general
reactions to change, to the unknown, and to anything "out of the
ordinary." But, at the same time, they realize that this must be
The grey aliens, as well as the greens, have both male
and female of their species. Both races reproduce through sexual
means. The race of aliens commonly called the "Nordics" are a
myth, made up by those charged with the responsibility of keeping
off track those who would expose these things ahead of Omega’s
schedule. The stories were created, and nurtured and expounded on,
by Omega influence. This has been done in many, many
situations and in regard to many topics considered as "fact" by
those who profess to belong to the "ufo community". It is the ease
with which unsubstantiated material quickly becomes accepted as fact
that has aided Omega most in keeping a degree of control over which
direction ufo and/or alien presence investigations have gone. And it
is the same principle that has allowed them to remain in the
shadows, going about their work basically undetected and unknown.
The grey aliens are mainly vegetarians, though they do have a
taste for fish and chicken. And they have been known to enjoy a
steak now and then. There is a fruit native to their homeworld that
is very similar to the mango here on Earth. The mango is a favorite
of theirs.
Recently a new, previously unknown alien race arrived on
planet Earth. These new "visitors" are in the care of Omega
personnel, and are at the present undergoing the "getting to
know you" process. There is not, at this point, reason to suspect
them to be of a hostile nature. Caution, however, is being used in
dealings with them, as there is the possibility that these new
aliens are not what they present themselves to be.
Under Omega’s watchful eye, the world would become a place where all
people of all races... earthly races as well as extraterrestrial
races... would live side by side in peace. Each will contribute his
or her fair share to the betterment and well-being of the community.
The concept of war will become foreign to us, as it has become
foreign to the aliens, who long ago purged it from their
civilization. Feelings, impulses to act in certain ways, etc., will
be dealt with first on a personal level, each taking responsibility
for themselves. Only when self-discipline fails to curb the socially
undesirable behavior will the law-sustaining elements of Omega step
in. Violence in any form will not be tolerated. Recall Colin
Powell’s current project dealing with education of our children
regarding violent behavior. The Omega-approved education and
preparation of the next generation has begun.
There are those forces at work who wish to counter the plans of
Omega. The most active of these groups is the CIA. The reason
for the CIA’s non-support of the Omega agenda is this: Under
Omega guidance, there will be no need for an organization such
as the CIA. It is marked to be disbanded under Omega’s
system of world government. And this is not something that the
powerful machinery that is the CIA wants to see happen.
Omega claims that they are the "good guys".... that they have
the best interest of the people of Earth and the people of the
universe at heart. They claim that under their leadership, the Earth
will be able to take its place in the galactic community.
I’ve come to know this person rather well over the course of several
months now. I have been able to substantiate through independent
sources at least some of the things this person has told me in
regard to a personal history and background. The things that I have
been able to verify have been corroborated through more than one
source on each point.
So, again, based on the facts at hand and the personal experience of
talking face to face with this person, I must continue in my
original impression:
I don’t think this person is lying.
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