by Fritz Springmeier
Whale Website
In this article I hope to provide the
reader with many specific (and often little known) details
concerning the creation of what may evolve into an actual third
world war. The latest manufactured crisis has already taken on
global proportions.
This article has been written in response to people repeatedly
asking me, “Are we headed for W.W. III?” This is a valid question
considering Osama bin Laden has been circulating the manuscript of
his unpublished book (which he wrote) entitled America and the Third
World War. For years, I have been looking beyond the theatrical
symbols of the world’s movers and shakers and examining the
underlying realities. These
global elite would not dare let you know
their plans, but I will provide you with more details so that you
might know your enemy, for whether you chose to love or hate your
enemy you need to know them.
I will organize this information into two parts:
B. DETAILS OF SPECIFICS, first Osama bin Laden, & then
second, the creation of a viable Moslem threat.
In my intense study of the world’s
elite, I have come to realize a profound truth; these men know how
to control humans by directing the way the human mind likes to
think. Their methods to mind control are not so much to conquer the
mind, but to direct its natural paths of thinking in the direction
they want it to go. If you understand this principle it will help
you understand how the natural desires of Muslims, Christians,
secular Corporations, Jews, Palestinians, Americans, British,
Afghanis, Iraqis, etc. are being manipulated into a large
confrontation, a confrontation that was planned even before Jewish
immigrants began to pour into Palestine to create Islam’s first big
sore spot called “al-Naqba” (Islam’s “Holocaust” in Palestine).
Before providing the details, allow me to give the bigger pictures.
The present crisis was originally planned in the 19th century. The
script for the crisis called for an incredible theater of puppets.
The goal is the elimination of fundamental religions, Christianity
and Islam, and the control and the enslavement of planet earth. The
WTC attack is the tip of the iceberg to this manufactured crisis,
and the beginning of more sad events. This is the biggest picture.
The Moslem world has had a predictable pattern with the west
(European culture). In fact there is a book, which provides Muslim
country by Muslim country, year by year, the history of how this
cycle has occurred. The Moslem world goes through a cycle, one phase
is where its adopts technology and liberty from the west and then
the other phase is where it rejects what is foreign and goes back
into Islamic fundamentalism. Different areas of the Moslem world are
at different phases at any given time. The Moslem world has usually
not had all of its territories in the same phase at the same time.
The world’s movers and shakers have aggravated and manipulated this
natural cyclic pattern.
Carroll Quigley, the famous establishment historian writes in
Tragedy & Hope in 1966,
“The destructive impact of Western
Civilization upon so many other societies rests on its ability
to demoralize their ideological and spiritual culture as much as
its ability to destroy them in a material sense with firearms….
It is possible that new civilizations may be born in the debris
from the civilizations wrecked by Western Civilization… In this
wreckage is debris from Islamic, Hindu, Chinese and Japanese
civilizations…. The birth of a powerful civilization at any or
several of these points… would serve as a counterbalance to the
expansion of Soviet Civilization on the land mass of Eurasia.”
(Tragedy & Hope, p. 14)
Quigley had a sense of what the elite
were doing. He predicted that Western Civilization and Russia would
be challenged by a rising Asian civilization by 2000, which turns
out to be Islamic fundamentalism. (Ibid. p. 21) While the
politicians of the world allow themselves to look incompetent, the
movers and shakers (the puppeteers) know in a very detailed way what
they are doing and the effects that their actions are causing. The
West’s leadership has had very detailed studies about the Islamic
world and what the impact of certain actions will have.
Their detailed plans have been repeatedly leaked in vague ways to
the unsuspecting public. For instance, H.G. Wells, one of their
Fabian Socialist-Masonic-Illuminati prophets, in his film “Things to
Come” made in the late 1930’s, shows delta-winged planes (resembling
stealth fighter-bombers) flying over Iraq’s oil fields to bomb.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the
Sudan were used as incubators to
create fierce Moslem fundamentalist Jihad warriors.
Lebanon, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other spots were used to
create incidents that would fuel natural passions.
When one realizes
that the non-Islamic leaders (i.e. the U.K., U.S., USSR etc.) who
subtly helped create these incidents had advisors who knew totally
well how these incidents would create Islamic fundamentalism, it is
impossible not to realize that the catalyst that created Moslem
fundamentalism turns out to be the global elite themselves.
Of course, Islamic fundamentalism is a natural reaction to the
modernization, secularization, and corruption that is accelerating
in what is termed “the West” (European civilization). Such a strong
reaction to the sinfulness of the West has taken place that the
Sunni and Shiite fundamentalists are in full collaboration. Devout
Christians who hold to wholesome family values, freedom from global
corporate tyranny, and the destruction of communities are also
having some similar “reactionary” reactions to
the New World Order.
Christian fundamentalists turn to the Bible and Biblical law, and
the Moslem of course turns to the Koran and its Sharia (Islamic
law). The trick of the elite is to harness those natural reactions
to destroy their opposition. This is why both the Christian Patriot
movement and the Islamic fundamentalists are infiltrated with agent
provocateurs who will encourage both groups to run to their own
The elite are not above actually stepping in and taking leadership
of their opposition. This is why George Hunt discovered that the
Rothschilds and
Rockefellers and other leading capitalists were
leaders of the UNSED environmental activities. This is why the
anti-big corporation movement that rioted in Seattle against the WTO,
has its share of connections back to the elite. This is why many of
the leaders of Islamic fundamentalism have ties back to powerful
rich Capitalists or Communists. (Communism has been a great front
for the elite.) While I am not attacking the concerns of the Islamic
fundamentalists, I am pointing out that their leaders are tainted
with puppet strings. Moslems have threatened me in the past for
being so frank.
As an example of someone who heralds himself as a third alternative
to capitalism and communism and yet has ties to both is Col Qaddafi
of Libya. Without outside help he would not survive in power. I
personally noticed that Col. Qaddafi of Libya maintained his
popularity with his people because he came into power at the same
time that big oil money flowed into Libya. He was able to associate
himself in the eyes of his people with prosperity. Rich capitalists,
(such as the
Bush family, the Rockefellers, the Royalty of England
and the Netherlands, to name just a few) are behind the oil
companies. Americans have operated the oil fields that provided Quaddaffi the money to remain popular with his people. Behind those
Americans technicians were Capitalists who controlled or even became
political figures.
The script calls for a primary “bad guy”, in this case Bin Laden,
who like other modern “bad” guys, actually is quite popular with
fundamentalist Muslims. Actually a number of bad guys have been
created, and we will examine some of the details of these. The
puppet strings of many of the leaders of around the world can be
discerned by looking at their affiliations, their training, their
genealogies, their fraternal memberships and their actions. These
puppet strings ultimately go back to
the global elite. For instance,
the elite here in America verbalized to each other how pleased they
were with Saddam Hussein’s destruction of things.
Islamic fundamentalists would say that Allah is responsible. If the
West’s leaders had seriously wanted to halt the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism, they had the ability to do so, but they added fuel
to the fire at each step. My point is that the rise of
fundamentalism is being encouraged and manipulated.
How convenient
for Israel that Iran has its religious revolution and then goes to
war with Iraq.
How convenient for all the corporations in the West
and the Soviet Union that supplied materials for the long war and
the attempts to rebuild after the war.
How convenient for those who
made profits off of oil and gas and opium.
Follow the money of
Moslem terrorists, the CIA, the Illuminati elite, and the rich Gulf
Arabs and you will find much of it met at
the infamous
BCCI. (Bank
of Credit and Commerce International)
The fall of the West’s puppet Shah of Iran was actually not a
surprise to the elite. They had decided to let him fall. He had been
empowered by America’s CIA, and then abandoned when the time was
ripe for a strong reaction. The man who replaced him, the Ayatollah
Khomeini was British MI6. And tying together Saudi intelligence,
Saddam Hussein’s intelligence and Egyptian intelligence (and
previously the Shah’s CIA-led SAVAK) is a group called
the Safari
Club set up by French espionage. When you are aware of these kind of
things, then you realize the insidious deceptive nature of this
script. Different puppets, one script.
Look at the Moslem leaders like Jordan’s King Hussein. He married an
American and was a Freemason. The Shah of Iran’s father was put into
power by the British, and is descended from an old Jewish bloodline.
The Shah joined a Catholic Military Order in 1958, and Jordan’s King
Hussein joined the Catholic Military Order of the Golden Spur in
1964. And then some of the Moslem leaders are Sufis. Syria’s leader
Assad, who is also a Freemason, maintains secret ties with
Syrian-born Jews from Aleppo who are one of the groups plotting the
Temple Mount conspiracy to build a Temple in Jerusalem. All these
men have allegiances beyond Islam.
The Muslim world views itself as a single entity. This is embodied
in the term pan-Islamism, which transcends nationalism. However, in
my travels in the Middle East, I saw first hand that most Muslims
also have allegiances to clans, language groups, nations, ideologies
and sects. The West and Russia have meddled in the affairs of the
Moslem world most of the 19th and 20th century, and have tried to
work the different allegiances of the Moslem world to their own
advantage. The Soviet Union took a very active role in helping to
create Greater Syria & a Greater Israel. The New Right in
politics was KGB controlled. The West managed to interject itself
smack into the middle of the Moslem world, and there is a great deal
of tension in the Moslem world about this. They feel that their
civilization will not be safe until they eject the West (with its
control and influence) from the middle of their territory.
first, Bin Laden, and
second, the creation of a viable Moslem threat
Now let’s look at the script’s top Bad guy Osama bin Laden. Osama
bin Laden’s family was on the inside track with the House of al-Saud
of Saudi Arabia. Anyone who has had the opportunity to bump into
Saudi princes here in America or Europe is well aware of their
enormous appetites for immoral behavior. The King and Princes of
Saudi Arabia have been provided any perversion they wanted by the
West’s elite. As a young man, Osama bin Laden was cut from the same
He loved fornication, alcohol and the
pleasures of sin. Some of his brothers and sisters live in the
United States, mostly in the Boston, MA area. He doesn’t come from
some poor Palestinian family that has suffered from Israeli tyranny.
Instead he comes from a family that has tasted what the West has to
offer. He has tasted of the sins that are associated with the West
and has rejected that life. It’s sad that that is the view of
America that so many see. While the Bible Belt and America’s
traditional spiritual values are mocked and scorned by the
establishment media, the liberal values that Hollywood treasures are
in turn scorned by the militants who hate their intrusion into the
Moslem world.
Osama bin Laden had several religious experiences, and turned his
back on wealth and the life of sin. Even though he was a successful
businessman with a university education, he lives the life of a
warrior monk, along with his 4 wives and fifteen children. (No small
responsibility, especially since each wife according to Moslem
standards should be treated equally.) He has been reported to live
in a cave with no running water. (His forces are also headquartered
in remote deep well protected caves.) He has turned his back on the
easy life, and technology and is waging a war against the
non-Islamic world. Since America is the top power in the non-Islamic
world and very active interfering in the affairs of the Moslem
world, America has captured his negative attention.
Christians have long tried to tell secular Americans that the life
of sin was an empty life. It is no surprise that Osama bin Laden
lost interest in it. Osama bin Laden rediscovered his religious
roots in medieval Afghanistan when he led their freedom fighters
against the infidel Russians. He said, “One day in Afghanistan was
like one thousand days of praying in an ordinary mosque.” This is
similar to the Baptism of Fire that the Christians talk about, which
purges the weak sinner of what is insignificant in life and gets the
pilgrim down to the real fundamentals of life, one’s spiritual
roots. I’m not saying that bin Laden found the right roots, but he
certainly found the spiritual roots of Islam, which included Jihad
against the infidel.
Besides Osama bin Laden, over 20,000 other Arabs traveled to
Afghanistan to join in the holy war against the Russians. Pakistan
and Afghanistan became the crucible where these individuals were
turned into warriors with a kamikaze martyr spirit and the training
and experience to make them deadly. Our CIA helped supply them. The
Russians provided one side of the hellish fight; America helped
provide the other, and out of the conflict comes a closely bonded
experienced group of radical Moslem warriors. And Osama bin Laden
was down in the trenches with them, sharing their dangers, and poor
food. And the American elite’s House of al-Saud helped finance Osama
bin Laden & the other Arab volunteers (mujahideen) from all over the
Moslem world.
There were two events had great impact on Moslem terrorism. One was
done by the United States, the other by Russia.
contribution was the “al-Azma” (literally Arab for “crisis”). The
crisis was the American desecration of Saudi soil during Desert
Shield/Storm. All of the Saudi religious leaders were against
allowing the infidel American troops into Saudi Arabia. The global
elite, as well as the House of Saud, knew that the Moslem world
would be outraged for years, and they were.
The Russian contribution was to carry out the covert sabotage of a
C-130 plane carrying Pakistan’s President Zia-ul-Haq on Aug. 17,
1988. His replacement, Benazir Bhutto, made it national Pakistani
policy to support militant Islamic fundamentalists. Pakistan gave
out special “tourist” visas and airline tickets were given out to
Moslems who wanted to join the militant fundamentalists in their
Pakistani training camps. Kosovo Albanians and Bosnian Moslems were
some of those who came. They didn’t come to liberate Afghanistan.
They came to create militant Moslem groups in their own countries.
Another Russian contribution to things was
Gulbaddin Hekmatiyar, a
Muslim leader who they controlled, and who led one of the factions
of Afghan resistance. His contribution was to fight other resistance
groups and weaken the original Afghan mujahideen forces.
Next, it was Pakistan (still supported by the U.S.) who encouraged
the Afghan mujahideen to carry out a large-scale conventional
offensive against the fortress Jalalabad. In a fashion similar to
the how the Viet Cong (southerners) were eliminated by the Tet
offensive, and then the NVA (northerners) had complete control, the
Afghani rebels lost large numbers of men, and were replaced by
Pakistan’s Taliban mujahideen force.
We can then see how through a series of actions encouraged by
outside influences, the original Afghan forces were decimated and
the fundamentalist Taliban, who were foreigners, could take over. In
a sense, Afghanistan was still an occupied country; they traded the
occupation by the Russians for the occupation of the Taliban.
In 1989, after the war, Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia as a
popular war hero. He was popular with the Saudi Royal family, with
whom he was still very close friends. He was also close to Saudi
intelligence. Since the Saudi Royal family is clearly reprobate
spiritually, by any standards, it is difficult to rationalize Bin Laden’s loyalty to them, and to seriously continue to believe he
genuinely believed in the tenets of Islam. Unless perhaps he has
multiple personalities, which may well be the case. Bin Laden is now
titled as Sheikh bin Laden, and is very respected across the Moslem
While an explanation of how this threat
was created will not eliminate it, it is useful for us to learn how
the bad guys’ threat was created. The bad guys in the script had to
have a viable dangerous army or threat. It has taken billions of
dollars and countless wars and machinations by
the global elite to
finally get the fundamental Moslems to the point that they are both
angry and a real threat.
In 1991, after the Afghan war wound down, the militant Moslem
fundamentalists shifted from Pakistan to the Sudan. Iran contributed
to this shift. The training of hard-core fighters occurred in
numerous countries, but the center of activity shifted to Africa.
Anyway, prior to the Afghan War, the Moslem world lacked a large
trained international cadre of dedicated warriors committed to
fundamentalism. The Afghan war provided the perfect setting with
which to create the hard core international Moslem cadre to create a
third world war. It was the perfect setting because the United
States, which protects Israel, could (without the contradiction
looking too obvious) supply and assist these Moslem fundamentalists,
and Russia could provide a technologically superior super-power for
them to train against. I realize that most people reading this will
not realize the enormous cultural-technological gap that has
existed between the Arab world and the West. To put it bluntly,
these people were riding donkeys and camels a few years ago, and
living in medieval cultures. The ways of organizing things, of
openness, and education that we take for granted were foreign to
The establishment press has done a poor
job of showing this cultural gap. In order to create a credible
threat to the West, the Moslem world has had to receive an
incredible amount of help from the West and Russia. This incredible
amount of assistance from the West and Russia finally began to show
some successful results during the 1990’s. Even then the gap between
the two cultures is enormous. I write this from first hand
observations, as well as from the observations of numerous others
who have shared their experiences.
By the way, this is not the first time America played both sides of
a conflict. During the six-day war of June 1967, the CIA provided
the Egyptians important intelligence on the Israeli’s ongoing Order
of Battle via the USS Liberty spy ship sailing near the battle in
order to make the war more equal. The Israeli’s sank the U.S. spy
ship. Since Israel and the U.S. call each other an ally, they both
covered up the sordid affair.
During the 1990’s, these militant fundamentalists trained in
Afghanistan have been using terrorism to gain control over the rest
of the Moslem world and to extend Moslem control over the
sub-Saharan and East African areas. The Somalian fiasco where
hundreds of American Rambos almost got annihilated at Mogadishu was
an extension of the new strength the Moslems gained from the spread
of the trained militants. The defeat of America in Somalia convinced
the Moslem militants that they could defeat America in other
During the 1980’s and the 1990’s a large number of Moslem successes
against Russia, Israel, and the United States have breathed a new
spirit into the militant Moslems. This impact of these successes
can’t be overstated. For instance, the Intifadah was only possible
after the Palestinians regained their self-respect from a successful
commando raid into Israel which used hang gliders. After losing war
after war with Israel and the West, the Moslems had begun to doubt
their abilities. Their successes worldwide that have occurred since
Russia invaded Afghanistan have changed all that. That confidence is
going to be crucial to sustain any credible world war.
Are we entering into a war similar to the Vietnam War, except that
this time it will be continental (and perhaps global) rather than
against a single nation? An example of how widespread the fighting
is already is the Philippines. Militant Islamic Fundamentalists are
fighting there. Both Iran and Iraq work with Bin Laden. Do the
Muslim forces have enough of a military and terrorist threat to
really create a third world war? It is clear that just as the elite
quietly supplied Hitler’s war machine before and during W.W. II, the
elite are going to continue to supply both sides to continue this
war between Moslem fundamentalists and the West. The United States
military has even provided training for some of the Moslems here in
the United States. The Kosovo Liberation Army is connected to the
Militant Moslems, and yet it was assisted during the Kosovo crisis
by the Americans.
Where will the next major terrorist strike be? What kind of weapon
will be used next? How far will the war spread? As things continue
to deteriorate, we can expect more Moslem countries to become
militant. The entire Moslem world is in a state of flux. Militant
Moslems live in all over Europe. Chechnya is part of the militant
Moslem network, and events are tossing Russia and the U.S. together
as allies again. The level of Moslem abilities to carry out
terrorist acts is impressive. Besides extensive training in the use
of aircraft as vehicles of terrorism, extensive work has taken place
to create a cadre of trained martyrs who can carry suitcase nukes
into areas.
While it looks great on paper that America can launch a $600,000
cruise missile with pinpoint accuracy, the effect of some expensive
cruise missile hitting a mud building in Afghanistan is less
impressive. America is infatuated with its military toys, but a few
B-1s and B-2 Spirit bombers are not going to impress a hardened
group of warriors who have already faced everything the Soviet Union
could dish out. This “war” doesn’t seem to be well thought out. It
seems to setting the stage for more trouble. In America’s haste to
do something, it looks like Bush will be just as effective as
and Clinton were against radical Moslems. The threat from Moslem
terrorism is more dangerous because the United States still thinks
like it did when it fought North Vietnam.
For instance, during that war, the Vietnamese successfully used
tunnel systems. The Moslem fundamentalists have spent energy
learning how to copy those successful Vietnamese tunnel systems.
Even our B-52 bombers had limited success against the Vietnamese’s
tunnel systems, and our high technology failed. Our best weapon
against the tunnels turned out to be small men called tunnel rats
armed with knives. It seems that many of the same high tech American
attitudes that had limited success in Vietnam are being brought out
again. Dropping bombs on people is not the solution to the Moslem
fundamentalists. It makes Americans feel good, but what are these
expensive cruise missiles really accomplishing?
Our approach to solving our difficulties with Moslem fundamentalism
is seriously lacking.
Why are our leaders setting us up for failure?
Who is going to benefit from this long war?
What kind of
alternatives could be creatively developed to back out of this mess?
As usual, the elite have done their job well in creating this
crisis. They prefer to develop these problems so that only one plan
of action makes sense, and then they stampede us that direction
before we can think of anything else.
What we have covered in this article are some of the details tracing
the creation of today’s war between the U.S.A. and her allies and
militant Moslem Fundamentalists. Some will call the evolution of
hostilities accidental, or the fault of reckless indifference by
incompetent politicians. But the strings of the puppets are visible
if you look close.
The unfolding of events look like scripts that were discussed years
ago. It is obvious, that whatever caused this “war” has happened and
now we have the problem of how to end it. But like a disease, we can
treat the symptom or the cause, and in this case, the war is a
symptom of a larger problem