VJEnterprises Website
This page contains a transcript of a
radio show called the "Billy Goodman Happening" that was aired in
Las Vegas, in November of 1989. It deals with information about
Underground Bases in Nevada. We obtained a copy of this through the
mailing list organized by Francisco Lopez, who is searching the
airwaves for key information about UFOs, that found it posted by
Steve Wingate, who also has been sharing information about UFO
through various mailing lists and on his own BBS and Web Site.
Update from Steve Wingate (August, 1996):
-- Steve shared via the IUFO mailing list a
map of supposed underground bases in the world.
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 00:13:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Francisco Lopez {d005734c@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us}
Subject: Re: UNDERGROUND BASES (fwd)
From: steve@linex.com (Steve Wingate)
Subject: Re: UNDERGROUND BASES (fwd)
Organization: LineX Communications (415) 455-1650
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 18:24:42 GMT
The following conversation, in relation to the Nevada Military
Complex and the ’underground facilities’, took place on the
"Billy Goodman Happening" - KVEG Radio 840 AM, Las Vegas,
Nevada, on November 19, 1989. It was transcribed by a Las Vegas
resident t.
Billy Goodman incidentally, has personally planned visits, in
collaboration with KNBC Radio in Los Angeles, to observe the ’disks’ which are being tested at Groom Lake. Goodman and others
claimed to have seen these disks in operation, and back up these
claims with video documentation. One such video shows a hovering
object making a vertical ascent, stop in mid-air, make a
horizontal traverse, followed by another vertical ascent.
Something like this would be impossible for any conventionally
known aircraft of the time to duplicate. Billy Goodman, who has
since moved to another radio station in Los Angeles, has been
very instrumental in getting the information out about the
underground base at Site 51 (or Area-51, the ’underground
facility’ where the ’visitors’ live, according to Bill Cooper’s
source whom we’ve just quoted). In the following annotated
transcript, the Caller will be identified as ’C’ and Billy
Goodman as ’G’:
G: Hi! Your on the Billy Goodman Happening on KVEG! Sir, what
can I do for you tonight?
C: O. K. Are you ready? Hang on to your seats! Here goes! We are
going 3,000 feet underground! O. K. We get to that point, 3,000
feet. We come out into a stainless steel atmosphere.. and we
come upon people that are ah.. construction people.. working
people, and so forth that are supposed to be in that area. Then
we come upon another people who push us into another little
room. They tell us, "Do not come out of that area, until your
told to." These guys are 6 minute marines, all right? They tell
us, "If you do, you are going to get hurt!" OK? So we are
construction workers!
G: Where are you working? Where is what you are describing to
C: On a certain test site!
G: A certain test site! Which one? You can’t reveal which one?
C: We’re kinda mixed up! We don’t know what the hell is going
on. We’re making ah.. good buck s... and everything has come
down on U.S... and they are hurting us! OK? So we are
contractors! We are workers! OK? So there’s a person that I
called and explained what is happening to me and they told me to
call you and tell you! So, that is what I am doing right now!
Calling you!
G: You presented it in a very odd way! First of all I didn’t
know if you were going to be serious or what! Are you saying to
me that you are a construction worker and you had to go 3,000
feet under ground? First of all what would you be doing
underground? Let me ask you that!
C: We are running lights and power.
G: And who assigned you this job?
C: It’s through Reynolds’ Electronics. I have to say that
because I get my pay check from someone else!
(Note: Reynolds’
Electronics is a branch of "E.G. & G." Corporation which DOES IN
FACT work with and contract through the Nevada and Utah Test
Sites - Branton)
G: They tell you to put these lights underground?
C: Yeah, but there’s more to it than that! I’m sort of afraid of
expressing. Am I talking to you or what?
G: Yes, you are talking directly to me!
C: OK. You know some of the things that are happening, shouldn’t
be. It should be made public! The public should know what the
hell is going on! And it scares the hell out of me. What is not
being brought out you know? For example, can I give you an
example? Here’s an example! A few weeks back we were inside a
certain cavern going through stainless steel halls, going north,
and as we move along we are hanging lights. In the rooms are..
they’re like operating rooms. All of a sudden, off the elevator,
our U.S. Marines come out, crash us down off our scaffold,
pushing us down, and then into a room. This is taking a hell of
a lot out of me to tell you this right now!
The bosses come into
the room and we’re getting debriefed and all this kind of stuff
and all of a sudden they are carrying fixed bayonets. Now I
fought in Vietnam and I thought these guys were my buddies! Oh,
no way! Forget it! These guys are from outer space!
(Note: There
is a slight possibility that the ’soldiers’ which this man
encountered were not ’human’ marines, but we will deal with this
bizarre possibility later on - Branton)
These people brought
these little characters on gurneys, OK? They had big heads and
little bodies and they went into this little room. Then, behind
them, these doctors in white coats and stuff! And we was really
at ah.. we didn’t know what the hell was going on! We were
shocked to hell! ..I was SCARED man!
G: Well, sure you didn’t know what was going on and didn’t
expect it! I guess them handling you upset you first of all.
Being man to man, you thought why should you treat me this way!
And that’s to be expected. As far as knowing where you are I
have no idea.
C: I know where I was! I worked there every day! I keep a log
and if someone asks me I know what’s going on! I’m telling you
man they’re not telling us the truth. There is something damn
wrong within our government. I only got a glimpse of this
scientist on television (i.e. most likely referring to Robert
Lazar - Branton), but I know he’s not telling much of what he
knows. I’m just a worker. A hammer and nail man. This guy’s got
more brains than I do, and would know more about it than I do.
There’s something INSIDE they aren’t telling us!
G: OK. I understand that! Now what do you want us to do about
G: I think you’ve done that yourself, just now! Now you haven’t
told us your location and I think that’s important so we have
some idea where this is. I hope you understand at this moment..
C: I work at Mercury, Nevada and I’m the best electrician there.
This is between you and me now. I don’t want anybody else to
know about this!
G: But your on the air Sir!
C: You mean somebody knows about this besides you and me?
G: But you are talking over the radio, Sir! Everybody, all over
the West Coast that is listening has just heard you! So you’ve
gotten your word out. Now let’s see if anybody else knows about
it. Maybe just maybe, we’ll get some calls from some of the
people that work with you.
C: Wait a minute! You mean somebody else knows about this beside
you and me?
G: Now, this is a talk show, you called a talk show. I am over
the radio - that’s where you called!
C: OH, MY GOD!!!
G: Why, what’s wrong with that? You called a talk show!
C: I thought I was just talking to you!
G: Now you said someone told you to call me. Was it someone you
work with?
C: Yes.
G: Nobody knows who you are. You haven’t said your name or
anything! Now, let’s see if anyone will back up your story!
C: But I didn’t know other people would hear this. Now I’m
scared for my life! There’s tremendous stuff out there that’s
being hidden. It’s being corrupted inside. It’s being stashed
G: Well that’s what we do here. We are trying to bring the
information out, and it’s people like yourself who are making
that happen. They bring us information all the time! Are you
trying to bring the information out yourself because you don’t
like what’s going on?
C: I fear for my life because I’ve seen what happened. I fear
for my life because the government is lying to me.
G: OK. Why do you fear for your life? Have you been threatened?
C: Before you even go down in the pit they threaten you! That is
you tell anything of what you saw, you are dead!!!
G: But you’re not saying more than what you saw. Is there
anything else you want to say before we say thank you for
C: Yes, one other thing. Whenever it gets down to the nifty
gritty, it will be clear to the people, that what they are
seeing on the news, is true! We’ve got six little bodies under
ground, man!!!
G: Please keep in touch, OK?
(end of transcript)
The reference to Reynolds’s Electrical, by the way, may be
explained more fully in it’s connection with E.G. & G., from the
following reference which we quote, from an article that appeared in
a newspaper called the REVIEW-JOURNAL, January 9th, 1990. This
Associated Press article stated:
"Three Nevada-based EG&G companies
employ most of the workers at the Nevada TEST SITE, the nations’
nuclear proving grounds 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
"The companies employ 8,000 people: 1,500 at EG&G Energy
Measurements Inc.; 1,000 at EG&G Special Projects; and 5,500 at
Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co."
Actually, present officials working at
the Nevada Test Site are apparently, at least for the most part,
refusing the advice of the FOUNDER of EG&G., Herald ’Doc’ Edgerton,
who once made the following statement at a meeting of the
Archaeological Society of America:
"Work like hell, TELL EVERYONE
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, close a deal with a handshake, and have
Edgerton apparently was no supporter of
’official secrecy’, yet many of those now involved in this company
are being threatened to remain silent to the point of endangering
their very lives if they speak out about what they have seen.
Incidentally, Robert Lazar was hired by EG&G himself to work at the
S-4 installation at Groom Lake. In fact,
we will now relate another conversation which took place on the
"Billy Goodman Happening" almost a week following the conversation
which is recorded above. There are apparently SOME EMPLOYEES working
at the Nevada Test Site, who ARE speaking out about what is going on
there, like the one who called in to the Billy Goodman show on Nov.
24, 1989, possibly in response to the caller from Mercury, Nevada
mentioned earlier, as well as in response to Bob Lazar’s own
The person who transcribed this particular taped program indicated
that they had missed the first 15 seconds or so of the callers
conversation. This is NOT the same caller whose conversation we just
In the following transcript, (C:) indicates ’Caller’;
(G:) indicates Billy ’Goodman’; and (L.:) refers to
Bob ’Lazar’, who
was Goodman’s guest for that evening. Beginning with the ’Caller’:
C: ...Well, we’re kinda fed up with
what’s going on, right! And I mean nothing gets done without the
ants! We are the ants! We are the construction workers, O. K.?
We put things together and take them apart! You are the
scientists (referring here to Robert Lazar - Branton). You do
all the higher level of knowledge stuff, right? We do all the
putting in this and putting in that: installing, construction
and so forth! Well we heard about your situation, and it’s going
through a whole bunch of grape vines, OK? It’s coming together
where people are meeting in small groups and they’re trying to
organize a support for you to back you up! Out of the meeting we
had yesterday of 7 people, counting myself there are two that
will come forward and support you! What they SAW, what they are
INVOLVED WITH! The other guys are just scared to death and I’m a
little scared myself, you know!
L.: Do these people work in area S-4?
C: Yeah, all over the area!
L.: That would be great!
C: Mostly UNDERGROUND! The deep sections of the area! The whole
G: How do you feel Bob? Sounds like you are getting some
L.: Yea, that’s great! There’s power in numbers!
C: We are trying to get things where it will be safe! You know
what I mean Bob?
L.: Oh Yeah, I do!
C: It’s kinda hard to talk to you like this you know but the
guys are for you! People are for you and everybody’s wanted to
do something a long time ago but nobody knew what they could do.
L.: Yeah, that was the consensus when I was down there!
Everybody wanted to do something. I’m glad everyone has that
C: Yeah, you are probably the beginning of the first motion of
the wheel you know! The first turn! The wheel is gonna turn
faster and faster in order to get where we want to get to!
L.: Well hopefully that will be the case! Do you think these
people would come forward if there was some sort of
congressional amnesty for them?
C: I don’t know but we all know a lot! We know our jobs well,
like you do!
L.: I’m sure you do.
C: What we have to do is be firm about it, get to the point and
say, "Hey, here’s what’s happening!" Why don’t you tell the
people what’s happening? Why keep it a secret? Like before you
walk into those hangers there. Somebody had to install this and
install that! It’s frightening. It scared the heck out of me. We
got together out at Lathrup Wells and kicked it around. We
B.S’.ed a little bit and said, "We gotta do something!" SO WE
DID SOMETHING YESTERDAY. Like I said: there’s only two of the
seven of us who are willing to do something.
G: Sir, Sir! Is there anything we can do to help you in this
matter? Is there anything the listening people can do? I know
they are behind Bob Lazar 100%. I had him on here one night and
there hasn’t been one person by either mail, or by telephone,
who has disputed what he has said! So they are behind him. Is
there anything we can do?
C: Well you could form some kind of walk or picket! Or announce
it on the street. Tell them we want to know! WE WANT TO KNOW!!!
G: When you say on the street, are you talking about downtown
Las Vegas?
G: What do you think of that Bob? Do you think that would do
L.: Certainly if these people come
forward! They have a LOT to lose, if people start making a
ruckus like that! They could lose their jobs right away! They
talked about there being a ten year jail term and a $10,000 fine
for divulging information like that! I mean they have a lot to
lose! You might...
G: But you know something Bob? It’s almost like...
C: We have the first amendment on our side!
L.: Yeah, you do but... have you thought about contact(ing)
George Knapp? (of KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, who produced an entire
series of UFO-based documentaries after Lazar came forward with
his story - Branton) He’s looking for anybody that is coming
forward from S-4, and any surrounding areas having knowledge at
all about that area or any of the flying saucer information!
He’s gathering all he can and doing alot to try and expose it!
G: You might want to contact George! That might be a good idea!
But I think there’s another side to this. It’s almost like
they’re not concerned any more about their jobs. They’re more
concerned about the Constitution! They’re more concerned about
Humanity! That’s the impression I get!
L.: Yeah, you get that point but you have to feed yourself too!
G: Well you know, there are people that take chances in life,
and sometimes they wind up with something better. Later on...
down the line. You know what I’m saying? Someone like yourself.
I’m not saying this would happen by coming forward, taking a
chance, and all of a sudden, say, the government cut you off.
You might get an offer for a better position. You follow what
I’m saying? Because there are people who own the businesses that
believe the way you believe. And I believe this! I hear this
gentleman talking and it’s happening more and more. There are
people out there who would LOVE to come forward with
C: But somebody has to start it.
G: Right. And I think you’ve done that Bob! You started the ball
rolling. I know you did. I think what is going to happen is the
people who have been wanting to say something; this might be a
relief for them. It’s coming out and they won’t have to keep it
inside any more!
L.: That was the general consensus
when I was out there.
G: Well obviously they want out too. They want to tell the
C: Bob, did you have any work underground? IN THE TUNNELS?
L.: No! I have a friend whose dad worked on some of the drilling
equipment! I know there’s some tunnels down there!
C: There’s more than just tunnels down there! There’s everything
you can imagine down there. I know cause we put it up!!! We
installed. We did everything. I just want you to know that the
M.W.s (Mercury Workers) are gathering together in small groups
trying to put something together for you and contact you somehow
to join you. If the people want to join us in a march or
whatever it’s going to be, that’s what we’re going to do!
L.: Oh! That’s super!
C: So we’re with you man!
G: Thanks for the call sir! Have a nice night. Bob, it sounds as
though people are starting to come forward.
(end of transcript)