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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section I - Introductory Remarks |
I would like to point out also that trance Mediumship, as it
is called, must inevitably be superseded by that Mediumship which is offered by the man or
woman who is clairvoyant or clairaudient on the astral plane, and who therefore in full
waking consciousness and with the physical brain alert and [13] active can offer himself
as an intermediary between men in physical plane bodies (and therefore blind and deaf on
the subtler levels) and those who, having discarded their bodies, are cut off from
physical communication. This type of psychic can communicate with both groups and their
value and their usefulness as mediums is beyond computation when they are single-minded,
unselfish, pure and dedicated to service. But in the training to which they subject
themselves they must avoid the present negative methods, and instead of "sitting for
development" in a blank and waiting silence, they should endeavor to work positively
as souls, remaining in conscious and intelligent possession of the lower mechanism of
their bodies; they must know which center in that body they use whilst working
psychically, and they must learn to look out, as souls, upon the world of
illusion in which they are undertaking to work; from their high and pure position let them
see clearly, hear truly and report accurately, and so serve their age and generation, and
make the astral plane a familiar and well-known place of activity, accustoming mankind to
a state of existence wherein are found their fellowmen, experiencing, living and following
the Path. I cannot here write concerning the technique of that training. The subject is too vast for a brief article. I do say, with emphasis, that a more careful and wise training is needed and a more intelligent use of the knowledge which is available, if sought after. I appeal to all who are interested in the growth of psychic knowledge to study, and think, and experiment, and teach, and learn until such time as the entire level of psychic phenomena has been lifted out of its present ignorant, speculative and negative position to one of potent assurance, proved technique, and spiritual expression. I appeal to such movements as the Psychical Research Societies in the world and the vast Spiritualistic Movement to lay the emphasis on divine expression and not so much on phenomena; let them approach the subject from the angle of service and carry their researches into the realm of energy, and cease to pander so much to the public. The opportunity [14] offered them is great and the need of their work is vital. The service rendered has been real and essential, but if these movements are to avail themselves of the coming inflow of spiritual energy, they must shift their attention into the realm of true values. The training of the intellect and the presenting to the world of a group of intelligent psychics should be a main objective, and the astral plane will then be, for them, only a stage on the way to that world wherein all the spiritual Guides and Masters are found, and from whence all souls go forth to incarnation and all souls return from the place of experience and of experiment. It might be asked what ground this training should cover. I would suggest that teaching should be given as to the nature of man and the purpose and objectives of the soul; training can be offered as to the technique of expression, and careful instruction also given as to the use of the centers in the etheric body and in the development of the ability to preserve inviolate the attitude of the positive onlooker, who is always the directing, controlling factor. There will have to be careful analysis of the type and character of the psychic, and then the application of differentiated and suitable methods so that he may progress with the least hindrance. Training schools and classes which seek to develop the student must be graded according to his point in evolution, and his passing into a group, optimistically hoping that something will happen to him whilst in it, will have to cease. The goal for the low-grade negative psychic should be the training of the mind and the closing of the solar plexus until such time as he can function as a true mediator; if this involves the temporary cessation of his mediumistic powers (and consequently of his commercial exploitation), then so much the better for him, viewing him as an immortal soul, with a spiritual destiny and usefulness. The instruction given to the intelligent medium and psychic should lead him to a full understanding of himself and of his powers; it should develop those powers without risk and with care, and he should be stabilized in the position [15] of the positive controlling factor. His clairvoyant and clairaudient powers should gradually be perfected, and the right interpretation of what he sees and contacts on the plane of illusion, the astral plane, should be cultivated. Thus we shall gradually find emerging in the world a large body of trained psychics whose powers are understood and who function on the astral plane with as much intelligence as they function on the physical plane, and who are preparing themselves for the expression of the higher psychic powers - spiritual perception and telepathy. These people will constitute eventually a body of linking souls, mediating between those who cannot see and hear on the astral plane because they are the prisoners of the physical body and those who are equally the prisoners of the astral plane, lacking the physical response apparatus. The great need, therefore, is not that we should cease to consult and train our psychics and mediums, but that we should train them rightly and guard them intelligently and so link, through their means, the two worlds of the physical and the astral. (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. II. (Esoteric Psychology), Pages 555-598. |
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