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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section I - Introductory Remarks |
1. Government by a recognized Spiritual Hierarchy. This
Hierarchy will be related to the masses of the people by a chain of developed men and
women who will act as the intermediaries between the ruling spiritual body and a people
who are oriented to a world of right values. This form of world control lies indefinitely
ahead. When it becomes possible so to govern, the planetary Hierarchy will have made a
major Approach to earth, and there will then be thousands of men and women in touch with
Their organization because they will be developed enough to be sensitive to Its thoughts
and ideas. [52] 2. Government by an oligarchy of illumined minds, recognized as such by the massed thinkers, and therefore chosen by them to rule. This they will do through the education of the thinkers of the race in group ideas and in their right application. The system of education, then prevalent, will be utilized as the medium of reaching the masses and swinging them into line with the major ideas and this will be done not by force, but through right understanding, through analysis, discussion and experiment. Curiously enough (from the point of view of many) the spiritual Hierarchy will then work largely through the world scientists who, being by that time convinced of the factual reality of the soul and wise in the uses of the forces of the soul and of nature, will constitute a linking body of occultists. 3. Government by a true democracy. This again will be made possible through a right use of the systems of education and by a steady training of the people to recognize the finer values, the more correct point of view, the higher idealism, and the spirit of synthesis and of cooperative unity. Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity in that the subjective spirit and the objective form are functioning towards one recognized end. Today, such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians and of the financial forces as are the people under the rule of dictatorships, enlightened or unenlightened. These latter might be regarded as selfish idealists. But I would have you here note the word "idealist"! When, however, the world has in it more truly awakened people and more thinking men and women, we shall see a purification of the political field taking place, and a cleansing of our processes of representation instituted, as well as a more exacting accounting required from the people of those whom they have chosen to put in authority. There must eventually be a closer tie-up between the educational system, the legal system and the government, but it will all be directed to an effort to work out the best ideals of the thinkers of the [53] day. This period does not lie so far ahead as you might imagine, particularly if the first move in this direction is made by the new group of world servers. This first move involves a right comprehension of goodwill. These three systems, which are the three major systems, correspond to the three major rays of synthesis, of idealism, and of intelligence, which are only other names for the rays of Will or Power, of Love-Wisdom and of Active Intelligence. 4. Government by dictatorship. This type of government divides itself into three parts:
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