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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section I - Introductory Remarks |
The Immediate Task September 28, 1938 The Hierarchy is deeply concerned over world events. I am asked to request you to continue with the goodwill work at all costs and in the face of all obstacles. The nucleus already formed must be preserved. The new group of world servers must preserve its integrity and work undismayed. All is not yet lost. The steadiness of those who know God's Plan will help humanity and aid the efforts of the Elder Brothers. They are those who love and do not hate and who work for unity - both subjective and spiritual. This is all I can say at this time, for the Hierarchy itself knows not which forces will prevail. They know that good must ultimately triumph but They do not know what [62] the immediate future holds for humanity because men determine their own courses. The Law of Cause and Effect can seldom be offset. In those cases where it has been offset, it has required the intervention of Forces greater than those available at this time upon the planet. Those greater Forces can intervene if the world aspirants make their voices penetrate. Will this be possible? The forces of destruction, militating against the Forces of good, have (to use your American phrase) "cornered" the money assets of the world and have turned the tide of prana - which automatically crystallizes into money and in the financial wealth of the world - towards entirely material, separative and personal ends. It is not easily available, therefore, for the spread and culture of goodwill and this applies equally to the money which is in the hands of aspirants, as in the hands of those who are purely selfishly minded. So many aspirants have not learnt to give with sacrifice. If you can reach some of the financial abundance and deflect it towards the ends of the Great White Lodge of which the Christ is the Master, it will be, at this time, one of the most constructive things you can do to help. In this time of stress and strain, my brothers, I would remind all aspirants and disciples that there is no need for the sense of futility or for the registration of littleness. The seed groups that will function in the new age are, at this time, in the dark and growing stage and in the process of expansion, working silently. This stage is, however, most important for according to the healthiness of the seeds and their ability to cast strong roots downwards and to penetrate slowly and steadily upwards into the light, so will be the adequacy of their contribution to the new age which is upon us. I would emphasize that fact to you. The New Age is upon us and we are witnessing the birth pangs of the new culture and the new civilization. This is now in progress. That which is old and undesirable must go and of these undesirable things, hatred and the spirit of separation must be the first to go. I told you before that accidents to individuals are the [63] result, usually, of an explosion of force and that these explosions are caused by the hatreds and the unkind thoughts and the critical words of those involved in the accident. The world situation today is not caused by the ambitions of any one person or race, or by the materialism, aggression and pride of any particular nation. It is not basically the result of the wrong economic conditions existing in the world at this time. It is caused entirely by the widespread hatred in the world - hatred of people and of races, hatred of individuals and of those in power, or of influence, and hatred of ideas and of religious beliefs. Fundamentally, it is caused by the separative attitudes of all peoples and races who, down the centuries and also today, have hated each other and loved themselves. It is caused by people in every country, who have sought to cast the blame for conditions on everyone except themselves, and who have diligently sought for scapegoats whereby they may feel personal immunity for their share in the wrong thinking, the wrong speaking and the wrong doing. This fact should be grasped and faced by all aspirants and disciples, including the members of the seed groups. They are not immune from the prevalent failings and many of them have sought to apportion the blame for world conditions and to criticize those who are seeking, in their own way and fashion, to deal with the situation. Clear thinking, a clear appraisal of causes and a loving outgoing to all, should distinguish all disciples at this time. Where this attitude does not exist, there is ever the danger of absorption into the vortex of hatred and separativeness and the divorcing of the person by this (even if only temporarily) from the vortex of love. This spells danger and glamor. The very fact that disciples are all so pronouncedly individual, intensifies their reactions, good and bad. I stand almost bewildered (did I not know and love human nature so well) at the little advance in loving thinking that some disciples have shown. It is time now, in the face of the difficulty and seeming inadequacy, to begin the intended group work, if such a beginning is ever to be made. [64] Each group has been organized to fulfil a specific task. This united group work has not yet been started. That task must be begun. |
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