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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
It was the acuteness of this situation, and the wide extent of
the cleavage, which induced the watching Hierarchy to permit a direct inflow of the
Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective
was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively
good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies -
Fascism, [127] Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of
Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism. All these ideologies
are fostered by the desire of the masses for the betterment of the condition in which the
populace in any country lives and it has become focused, expressive and creative by the
force of the Shamballa influence. But another result of this inflow of the will-to-power
has been to stimulate a certain group of outstanding personalities in many lands so that
they have assumed control of the masses and can thus determine the policies and methods -
religious, political and social - of the different nations. In every nation a relatively
small group of people decide all important issues and determine all major national
activities. This they do either by force, terror and deception or by persuasion, fair
words and the application of ideological motives. Of this situation in the world the Lords
of Destiny are availing themselves in order to bring the ancient conflict to an end and so
enable humanity to pass into the new Aquarian Age relatively free and with a clearer
understanding of right human aims, right relationships and man's predestined future. It will serve no purpose for me to trace the relation of the present world conflict and the present world leaders to the conflict and the leaders in Atlantean times. Suffice it to say that many of the same personalities (on a higher turn of the spiral) are again playing their various parts in the great drama. It is no service to you and to your mental grip upon the situation for me to emphasize the details of that great war and its modern correspondences; it is of no value for me to compare the old methods and the modern usages whereby one side or the other carries forward the struggle for supremacy. You are in no position to verify what I say or to check the accuracy of my statements. The point which is, however, of major importance is for you to arrive at a clear understanding of what is at stake and a just appreciation of the values involved and also a correct grasp of the ideals animating the two groups of opponents. In Atlantean days, it was stated that the battle was [128] between the Forces of Darkness (the so-called "Black Lodge of Adepts") and the Forces of Light (the so-called Great White Lodge, the Hierarchy of Masters). That was then approximately true, for the conflict was between two small groups and the masses of the people were simply the blind and miserable victims of the fight and of the situation. Today, it is not possible to make such a clear distinction between the forces engaged, nor is it properly admissible. No nation or group of nations can be classed in a broad generalization as either black or white. Bear this in mind. Only those with no vision and an intolerant and prejudiced spirit will speak thus. All nations have within them those who belong in their thousands to the category of those who are swayed by the Forces of Light and who, therefore, respond normally and easily to the concept of goodwill, to the desire for right relationship between all men and to the ideal of true international and world understanding. In all nations there are those to whom this position makes no appeal at all and they are still in darkness and blinded to the true issues. This is a statement of fact. Those who seek to see the establishment of goodwill and understanding are in the majority but are - as I pointed out in earlier writings - relatively futile to control the situation as yet or to force their leaders to follow the mass will-to-good. They are either inspired or protected by the Hierarchy of Light and it is with them that the task of stimulating the free expression of this goodwill must be carried forward when the conflict ends. As for the other group, they are those who through inclination or ancient karma are the descendants of the Lords of darkness; their actions and ideals make possible the activity of the forces of materialism. I would have you note that phrasing. Even the most dangerous of them are nevertheless conscious of some form or another of idealism, but they are misguided and full of response to the will-to-power (power upon the physical plane and through the medium of form activity). This is stimulated by the inflow of the Shamballa energy. Because of these reactions and tendencies, they constitute focal points for those Lives and [129] Energies which are inherent in matter itself and whose influence and work are dedicated to the preservation of form, and of that which is. They endeavor constantly to negate the new and to hold back the evolution and development of the human consciousness. Forget not that the real issue is in the field of consciousness and that the struggle is between form and the life within the form, and between progress, leading to the liberation of the human spirit, and reactionary activity, leading to the imprisonment of the human consciousness and the restriction of its free expression. |
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