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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
We come now to the last two phrases which summarize the
effects - synthetic and eternal (and consequently lasting) which the establishment of
direct relationship with Shamballa will produce in the two other planetary centers, the
Hierarchy and Humanity. I refer to effects which will express themselves as a group
activity, motivated by the essential values of selflessness and persistent effort (which
is sustained concentration, in the last analysis) and thereby producing conditions for
which the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, has long waited. The patience and
sustaining love of Shamballa is infinite. The fourth phrase runs: May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time. As you know, the word "forgiveness" is a curious and unusual one and signifies (according to the best derivative sources) simply "to give for." Forgiveness is not therefore, a synonym for pardon though the word has been distorted in theological circles to mean this, so little has the Church understood the basic, motivating power behind divine expression in our solar system. Theologians ever think in terms of the human mind and not in terms of the divine mind. Forgiveness is sacrifice, and is the giving up of one's self, even of one's very life, for the sake of others and for the good of the whole group. This spirit of sacrifice is ever found when the Shamballa force is rightly contacted, even in the smallest degree, and the underlying impulse behind the loving will of God is sensed and understood, accompanied as this always is with the desire to participate in that will and its spirit of divine sacrifice. Manifestation is itself the Great Forgiveness. The [166] stupendous Lives - outside manifested existence - entered into manifestation in order to give Themselves for the lesser lives and forms of existence in order that these lesser lives might be enabled to proceed onward towards a goal which is known to Deity alone, and thus eventually reach high places of spiritual expression. Achievement is ever followed by sacrifice and the giving of the greater for the lesser. This is an aspect of the Law of Evolution. Such is the note and theme of the entire creative process and is the basic meaning of the phrase, "God is Love," for love signifies giving and sacrifice, at least in this solar system. It is for this reason that the esoteric teaching emphasizes the fact that the soul of man is a Lord of Sacrifice and of loving persistent Devotion - the two outstanding qualities of the Shamballa Lives, sustaining life and giving. This is lasting devotion to the good of the whole or the expression of the spirit of synthesis and sacrifice in order again that all lesser lives (such as those embodied in the personality of man) may rise to the "resurrection which is in Christ," through the crucifixion or sacrifice of the soul upon the Cross of Matter. It is this thought again which gives significance to the life of Christ on earth for He re-enacted for us an eternal process, externalizing it in such a way that it became the symbol of the motive of the entire manifested universe and the impulse which should direct each of us - crucifixion and death, resurrection and life, and the consequent salvation of the whole. It is this thought which is embodied in the challenge of this fourth phrase of the Great Invocation, and means literally, "May all men everywhere respond to the keynote of the universe and give themselves for others." |
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