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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
Many people the world over have for years been trained to
recognize two things. First, the importance of the Wesak Festival at the time of the Full
Moon of May, because it not only objectively links the major Eastern religion with the
major Western faith, but because it esoterically provides the key to the open door between
Shamballa and the Hierarchy, between the purpose of God (still unidentified by man, owing
to his relatively low stage of evolution which makes it beyond human comprehension at
present) and the method of God, which is love; it provides also the link between the
Buddha, temporarily embodying will-wisdom, and the Christ, embodying love-wisdom, and also
between humanity, focused in consciousness through the Christ, and the Hierarchy,
focused in consciousness through the Buddha. Owing to the stress of humanity today and
the urgency of the response which that distress evokes in the Hierarchy, the synthesis of
these two reactions to the world crisis can prove adequate to bring in that outside
assistance which could end the conflict along right lines and bring not only relief, but
illumination to the human consciousness. But again - speaking here to a representative
body of aspirants and disciples - I would state that the focus and the emphasis is not yet
adequate to guarantee this extra-planetary response. Nevertheless, it could be if, in your own life of meditation [228] and of discipline, in your speech with others and in the general tone of your intercourse with your environment, you can eliminate the negative and more selfish reactions and (for the sake of human welfare) temporarily, at least, live at your highest point of aspiration. Secondly, you have been trained in the belief that all the information which I have given out anent the relation of the Buddha and the Christ, and of the Hierarchy, Humanity and Shamballa, will form part of the coming new world religion and that the theme of the Great Approaches will constitute the basic fundamentals of the future spiritual teaching. This too you must have in mind, for the work you are asked to do at the coming two Full Moons, and during the less important full moons of the year, is not only related to the present emergency, but is also constructively related to the future faith of humanity. Bear this also in mind. You will note that what I have said concerns your mental attitudes and your emotional reactions to present world affairs. It concerns also your soul tension, your willingness to undergo soul tension, and your capacity to stand as part of the great chain of intermediaries who are today being called to the service of the race in an hour of urgency. It concerns the organizing of yourself as an integrated personality in relation to your soul and to humanity; it involves the recognition of the work which you can do from the point of integration. I would ask you to ponder with care upon this paragraph, stating the possibilities of your task. I call you to a period of clear thinking. I seek not to mould your political approach to life, but I do seek to aid you to see humanity and its welfare - not only in terms of your own nation or your own political group - but in terms of the whole, and as we, the teachers on the inner side, are forced to see it. I seek to see you free yourselves from the condition where you are swayed by propaganda of a political, national or religious kind, and deciding for yourself where you, as a soul, must stand in this world crisis and on which side you will place the emphasis of any influence you may wield; I would have you note where your highest ideals [229] will lead you and whether the springs of your life's decisions and attitudes are truly pure and unadulterated. I seek to draw your attention away from the many minor issues, the many clamoring voices, and from the widespread concentration upon the unworthy pasts and the undesirable aspects of all nations (without exception), and help you to see with clarity the major dualism which underlies the present world conflict - might against right, materialism against the higher values, freedom against imprisonment, cruelty against fair dealing, liberty and safety against fear and aggression. Then, having balanced these pairs of opposites within your consciousness, decide where your loyalty, your interest and your ability to serve will be placed, and then go forward to further the ends of one or other of the two groups, at no matter what cost, but knowing where you stand and why you stand there. That the will of Shamballa may be enabled to express itself through love and through the meditation of the Hierarchy, working through all disciples, aspirants and men and women of goodwill, is the earnest prayer of your fellow disciple and co-worker. |
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