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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Process |
Students need to remember that all manifestations and every
point of crisis are symbolized by the ancient symbol of the point within the circle, the
focus of power within a sphere of influence or aura. So it is today with the entire
problem of ending the world glamor and illusion which fundamentally lie behind the
present acute situation and world catastrophe. The possibility of such a dispelling and
dissipation is definitely centered in the two Avatars, the Buddha and the Christ. Within the world of glamor - the world of the astral plane and of emotions - appeared a point of light. The Lord of Light, the Buddha, undertook to focus in Himself the illumination which would eventually make possible the dissipation of glamor. Within the world of illusion - the world of the mental plane - appeared the Christ, the Lord of Love Himself, Who embodied in Himself the power of the attractive will of God. He undertook to dispel illusion by drawing to Himself (by the potency of love) the hearts of all men, and stated this determination in the words, "And I, if I be lifted from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32). From the point they then will have reached, the world of spiritual perception, of truth and of divine ideas will stand revealed. The result will be the disappearing of illusion. [360] The combined work of these two great Sons of God, concentrated through the world disciples and through Their initiates must and will inevitably shatter illusion and dispel glamor - the one by the intuitive recognition of reality by minds attuned to it, and the other by the pouring in of the light of reason. The Buddha made the first planetary effort to dissipate world glamor; the Christ made the first planetary effort towards the dispelling of illusion. Their work must now be intelligently carried forward by a humanity wise enough to recognize its dharma. Men are being rapidly disillusioned and will consequently see more clearly. The world glamor is being steadily removed from the ways of men. These two developments have been brought about by the incoming new ideas, focused through the world intuitives and released to the general public by the world thinkers. It has been also largely aided by the well-nigh unconscious, but none the less real, recognition of the true meaning of these Four Noble Truths by the masses. Disillusioned and deglamored (if I may use such a term), humanity awaits the coming revelation. This revelation will be brought about by the combined efforts of the Buddha and the Christ. All that we can foresee or foretell anent that revelation is that some potent and far-reaching results will be achieved by the merging of light and love, and by the reaction of "lighted substance to the attractive power of love." In this sentence I have given those who can understand a profound and useful hint as to the method and purpose of the undertaking staged for the June Full Moon, 1942. I have also given a clue to the true understanding of the work of these Avatars - a thing hitherto quite unrealized. It might be added that when an appreciation of the meaning of the words "transfiguration of a human being" is gained, the realization will come that when "the body is full of light" then "in that light shall we see Light." This means that when the personality has reached a point of purification, of dedication and of illumination, then the attractive power of the soul (whose nature is love and understanding) can [361] function, and fusion of these two will take place. This is what the Christ proved and demonstrated. When the work of the Buddha (or of the embodied buddhic principle) is consummated in the aspiring disciple and in his integrated personality, then the full expression of the work of the Christ (the embodied principle of love) can also be consummated and both these potencies - light and love - will find radiant expression in the transfigured disciple. What is true, therefore, of the individual is true also of humanity as a whole, and today humanity (having reached maturity) can "enter into realization" and consciously take part in the work of enlightenment and of spiritual, loving activity. The practical effects of this process will be the dissipation of glamor and the release of the human spirit from the thralldom of matter; it will produce, also, the dispelling of illusion and the recognition of truth as it exists in the consciousness of those who are polarized in the "awareness of the Christ." |
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