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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization |
At this particular time, the emphasis of the needed alignments
and adjustments with which the Hierarchy is faced is being placed upon activity within
the Hierarchy Itself. The secondary Ashrams are being stimulated; new ones are being
gradually formed, for there are not as yet forty-nine minor Ashrams; vacancies in the
major Ashrams are being filled as rapidly as possible from the ranks of those working in
minor Ashrams and the places of these latter are being taken by accepted disciples who are
being fitted for this work through experience, difficulties and the tension of world
service. All these changes necessitate much adjustment. The interior work of hierarchical
alignment is in the charge of the Chohans of the Major Ashrams, whilst the task of
superintending the interior adjustments incident to new alignments and the admission of
new personnel is being watched over and directed by the forty-nine Masters who are in
charge of minor Ashrams - either Ashrams with what is regarded as a full complement of
workers, or Ashrams in process of attaining that full complement, or embryonic Ashrams of
which there are already quite a few. One of the results of this hierarchical alignment and adjustment will be the establishment, for the first time, of a fluid interplay and movement between the three planetary centers. Chohans are today passing out of the Hierarchy into the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World, or on to one or other of the Seven Paths; senior Masters in charge of Ashrams are taking higher grades of initiation and taking the rank of Chohans; initiates above the third degree are rapidly taking the fourth and fifth initiations and becoming Masters (taking both initiations in one life), and their places are being taken by lesser initiates; these, in their turn, have been training disciples to take their places, until in this process of substitution and replacement we arrive at the door which symbolically stands between humanity and the Hierarchy, and today stands wide open, so that [530] accepted disciples are taking initiation, pledged disciples are being accepted, and accepting disciples are taking their pledges. Thus a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will be seen taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy - held as usual every century - in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically "The Stage of the Forerunner". It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity. In the adjustment necessitated by the rapidly advancing alignment, the Members of the Hierarchy are fitting Themselves for the objective work of public expression. This entails far more difficulty than you might imagine or anticipate, because it entails the development of that form of "resistance to the pull of the lower vibration" of which you can know nothing, for that lower vibration is a necessary aspect of your normal expression - little as you may like to realize this. You need to realize that there is nothing in the Masters or higher initiates which can respond to any vibration of this nature. Though They cannot absorb it or react to it or redevelop it again, it can cause Them the acutest discomfort and pain; that is the reason why the Son of God was called in The Old Testament a "man of sorrows and acquainted with grief". This did not in reality refer to His sufferings for poor miserable humanity (as orthodox theology so selfishly interprets it) but to the fact that He had to submit Himself to contact with humanity. The Hierarchy is therefore, along all lines (many of which I may not indicate or upon which I may not enlarge), preparing Itself for the experience of physical manifestation; It is also endeavoring to "create" the needed responsive apparatus which will be of such a nature that [531] Members of the Hierarchy may function with the minimum of difficulty on earth and will experience the least possible measure of handicap; They will thus be enabled to give full time and attention to the work to be done by Them in physical manifestation. They are endeavoring also to establish a closer telepathic rapport and a more intimate (though strictly impersonal) relationship with Their disciples on all rays, so that there can be a free interplay of thought and a consequent better hierarchical integrity and one which - no matter what may happen in the three worlds - cannot be disrupted or in any way lessened. Although for Them no astral plane exists and glamor is entirely non-existent, They have to learn to do a most peculiar thing: to work on the astral plane (because it exists for humanity and for the animal kingdom), to traverse this region of glamor and then to "demonstrate light in dissipating fog" in a manner for which there has hitherto been no call. None of this information may make much sense to you, but I am simply seeking to go on record for the sake of those who will come after you. There is little more that I may give you anent adjustment and alignment within the Hierarchy. It is rapidly proceeding, and just in so far as disciples demonstrate upon the outer physical plane and in the three worlds their affiliation with an Ashram will they share in this dual process. Are you prepared for this? |
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