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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization | ||
There are certain synonyms which here may serve to develop your synthetic thinking and so bring in a definite measure of enlightenment. | ||
Synthesis | Unity | Separation |
Will | Purpose | Plan |
Life | Soul | Appearance |
Spirit | Consciousness | Substance |
Livingness | Organism | Organization |
Apprehension | Polarization | Focus of Activity |
Power | Momentum | Action |
Energy | Distribution | Forces |
Direction | Transmission | Reception |
Head | Heart | Throat |
It will be apparent to you how little you can
understand of the Shamballa intention when you realize that it is not easy for you to see
any true distinction between unity and synthesis and, at the same time, how impossible it
is for me [535] to make the distinction clear. All I can say is that synthesis is,
whilst unity is achieved and is the reward of action and effort. As you progress upon the
Path of Initiation the meaning of unity clarifies. As you direct yourself towards the Way
of the Higher Evolution synthesis emerges. More than that it would be useless for me to
say. This problem of the apparently impenetrable darkness of intention as grasped by Shamballa, of meaning, of inscrutability, of a spiritual imperviousness which holds, in spite of all fluctuations in the three worlds of human evolution and the remaining two of superhuman unfoldment, provides a situation to which the Hierarchy has to make adjustment through alignment. You are, in your small way, making your adjustment to the Hierarchy through a steady construction of the antahkarana, and in so doing are aiding in the construction of the antahkarana which unites Humanity and the Hierarchy - the first few strands of which were established through the sacrifices of certain of the Sons of God when the Hierarchy was founded on Earth. Today, the Hierarchy is working at the establishing of the linking strands between Itself and Shamballa, and good progress has already been made. It might be said here that for the past seven hundred years the chain of Hierarchy has been complete; by this I mean that the planetary rainbow bridge uniting the three major centers has existed. The task ahead of all these three major centers, working in alignment through adjustment, is to strengthen and beautify (if I may so express it), to electrify this bridge, thus producing full planetary inter-communication between the three centers and the four minor centers, so that "the weight of the Will of God, the momentum of the Purpose of Sanat Kumara and the Plan of His Representatives may progress unimpeded from point to point, from sphere to sphere and from glory to glory." It is this complete establishment of relationship between Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity which brought about the planetary crisis through which the world has just passed and, from some standpoints, is still passing. [536] Shamballa, as I have told you, can now reach Humanity, the third major center, directly, and therefore has two points of planetary contact: the first, via the Hierarchy, as has been for long the case, and secondly, in a straight line, carrying energy direct to Humanity, without any transmission and consequent modifying of impact, as has also been the case hitherto. When this direct line of spiritual, dynamic, electrical energy made its first impact on earth (after the Great Council held in 1825), it first of all awakened men's thinking in a new and comprehensive way, producing the great ideologies; it aroused their massed desire, and registered obstruction on the physical plane. It found its course impeded and discovered it was faced with barriers. This energy from Shamballa, being an aspect of the ray of the destroyer, proceeded to "burn up" in the fires of destruction, all such hindrances upon the planes in the three worlds. This was the deeply esoteric and unrecognized cause of the war - the beneficent bringing to an end of the impediments to the free flow of spiritual energy down into the third center; this was the factor which called "evil from its hidden place" and brought the opposing forces to the surface of existence, prior to their "sealing". To the extent that this was so, mankind in the World War (1914-1945) was the unhappy victim of spiritual circumstance; however, from the angle of man's historical past, humanity was the engineer of its own fate; but it took both the esoteric activity of Shamballa and the exoteric activity of humanity over a millenia of years to precipitate the conditions which made this new alignment possible and brought about the sealing (still being carried slowly forward), and plunged mankind into the vortex of war. This impelling downpouring energy from the highest center penetrated not only to the heart of humanity, but into the very depths of the mineral kingdom, implicating also the animal and the vegetable expressions of divine life. |
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