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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization |
When the Christ reappears and the Hierarchy externalizes
itself on earth, conditions will be totally different; there are today no empty spaces;
the population of the world is enormously enlarged and is growing from year to year; no
locality is isolated or unattainable; the jungles are open territory to the explorer and
to the numerous commercial agents; vast cities cover the planet and oceans are traversed
by multitudes of ships; the airways of the world are travelled by millions of passengers
annually; the land is divided into minute sections by railroads, highways, speedways and
myriads of lesser roads and streets. In fact, every living unit in the world is in touch
with thousands of other units and can - through the many means of information - be in
touch with millions; the news presses grind out the news from hour to hour and the eyes of
millions are ceaselessly glued to the printed page at all hours of the day or night; the
ears of other millions are daily and hourly attuned to the voice of the radio. Only the
inner perceptive sense remains inactive, for only advanced humanity lives constantly in
touch with the world of Spiritual perception and intention. The conditions, therefore, confronting the Hierarchy constitute a serious and drastic problem. As far as we can, we will attempt to consider these conditions, for some understanding of the problem is necessary if right work is to be done. Necessarily, the problem is one of a change in the orientation of perception but not necessarily in modes of living or in any definitely physical plane adjustments. Hierarchical orientation has for some centuries been one of a very strict internal consolidation, in order that the magnetic aura of the Hierarchy may unfailingly respond to impression from Shamballa, and also be of so potent a nature that it can form a protective screen around the human family. Forget not the nature of the protective service which the Masters have assumed on behalf of mankind, standing between humanity and the emanations and influences and the magnetic aura of the Black Lodge. This internal consolidation has been greatly strengthened [685] during the past one hundred years. Because of this, and because of the resultant clarity of impression and of the potent outgoing influence, the Plan for humanity - as a Whole - was imparted with emphasis to disciples in the Ashrams, and by them was formulated clearly and presented to humanity. H.P.B. (one of the first working disciples to go forth on the externalization impulse and with first ray energy driving him) gave the background of the Plan, under impression from me; the more detailed structure and the sweep of the hierarchical intention have been given by me in the books which A.A.B. has introduced under her own name to the public (in so doing acting under my instructions). For the first time in human history, the purpose of past events - historical and psychological - can be clearly noted as the foundation for all present happenings, thus bringing the mysterious Law of Karma in an easy manner to public attention. The present can also be seen, indicating the way of the future and revealing clearly the Will-to-Good which is animating the entire evolutionary process - a process in which humanity (again for the first time) is intelligently participating and cooperating. It is this cooperative participation, even if unconsciously rendered, which has made it possible for the Hierarchy to grasp the opportunity to bring to an end the long silence which has persisted since Atlantean days; the Masters can now begin to undertake to renew an ancient "sharing of the secrets," and to prepare humanity for a civilization which will be distinguished by a constant intellectual perception of truth, and which will cooperate with the externalized Ashrams in the various parts of the world. The internal consolidation is now being somewhat loosened, if I may use such an inadequate expression, and a majority of the Members of the Hierarchy are withdrawing Their close attention from reception of impression from Shamballa and are now orienting Themselves - in an entirely new and directed manner - to the fourth kingdom in nature. At the same time, a very powerful minority of Masters are entering into a much closer association with the Council of Sanat Kumara. [686] |
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