The Council on Foreign Relations

Congressman James E. Jeffries wrote,

"If the Establishment is elusive in its identity, it certainly has a perceptible face in the Council on Foreign Relations..."

Like its counterpart The Trilateral Commission, the CFR is composed of Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, members of Think Tanks and Tax-exempt Foundations, ambassadors, past and present presidents, secretaries of state, lobbyist lawyers, media owners, university presidents and professors, federal and supreme court judges, and members of military leaders from NATO and the pentagon.

It was formally established in New York, on July 29, 1921, as a counterpart to a British group called, The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).

"The CFR and RIIA were originally intended to be affiliates, but became independent bodies, although they have always maintained close informal ties," wrote James Perloff, in his well-documented book, The Shadows of Power.

CFR HQIts meetings are not open to the public and membership is by invitation only.


Like the Trilateral Commission, its membership list is publicly available. The CFR puts out a publication known as Foreign Affairs which has been called "the most influential periodical in print," by Time Magazine. They are located at the Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street in New York City, New York 10021. Pictured right is the CFR headquarters at the Harold Pratt House.(*)

It was originally dominated by J.P. Morgan interests, and began to gain momentum around 1927 with funding from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. The founding president was John W. Davis, millionaire and personal attorney of J. P. Morgan.


Some other early/founding CFR members included, Henry Davison, Thomas Thacher, Harold Swift, W. Averill Harriman, John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Thomas Lamont, Paul Cravath, Federal Reserve architect Paul Warburg, Mortimer Schiff (Jacob's son), Morgan partner Russell Leffingwell, and other Morgan partners.

Jim Marrs wrote in his book Rule by Secrecy that,

"Funding for the CFR came from bankers and financiers such as Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, and Paul Warburg.


Today, funding for the CFR comes from major corporations such as Xerox, General Motors, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Texaco, and others as well as the German Marshall Fund, McKnight Foundation, Dillion Fund, Ford Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Starr Foundation, and the Pew Charitable Trusts."

The CFR created junior chapters in most major cities called, Committees on Foreign Relations. These junior chapters hold periodic dinner meetings.

Many researchers on this subject agree that there is an inner and outer core of the CFR and its interlocking Think Tanks. Members of the outer ring are just window dressing or camouflage, and are not aware of the motivating factors of the inner-core. The inner-core appears to be members of the steering and advisory committees.

Similar to the TC objectives, those of the CFR seem humanitarian on the surface.


Describing this façade in his book, Who's Who of the Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross explained,

"Let's start with the smoke and mirrors furnished by the CFR in several of their Annual Reports."

Quoting a CFR Annual Report from 1993-4, he said,

"The Council on Foreign Relations is a non-profit, and non-partisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas."

However, he states,

"if you are doing something illegal, immoral, unethical, unpopular, and/or unconstitutional, you will do whatever is necessary to see that it is kept secret."

Professor Sutton describes the CFR as,

"superficially an innocent forum for academics, businessmen, and politicians, [which] contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many of its members, a power center that unilaterally determines U.S. foreign policy."

He states that their true "subversive" objective is,

"the acquisition of markets and economic power... for a small group of giant multinationals under the virtual control of a few banking investment houses and controlling families."

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot observed the same veil of deception. In his book, The Invisible Government, he wrote,

"The leadership of the invisible government doubtless rests in the hands of a sinister... few."

Regarding the majority of members he stated,

"Many, if not most, of these are status-seekers."

But warned,

"The ultimate aim" of the CFR, "however, well-intentioned its prominent and powerful members may be" is "to create a one-world socialist system."

When you see the word socialism think tyrannical dictatorship, dominated by the big corporations and international banks.

"A number of individuals are apparently invited into the CFR simply because they have a distinguished name or other enhancing qualities," stated Perloff. He continued, "[they] join without endorsing or even knowing the Council's habitual viewpoint."


"However," he said, "The membership's great majority... have been chronically pro-socialist and pro-globalist."

Professor Sutton recognized,

"most members of the CFR have no knowledge of this diabolical plan. But there is an inner core within the CFR that... promotes it."

Regarding the media blackout, Allen observed,

"During its first fifty years of existence, the CFR was almost never mentioned by any of the moguls of the mass media."


"And," he added, "When you realize that the membership of the CFR includes top executives from the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Knight Newspaper chain, NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Fortune, Business Week, US News and World Report, and many others, you can be sure that such anonymity is not accidental."

Referring to the whitewashed Reece Committee investigations which feebly investigated the Tax-exempt Foundations interlocked with the CFR, Smoot wrote,

"The power of the Council is somewhat indicated by the fact that no committee of Congress has yet been powerful enough to investigate it or the foundations with which it has interlocking connections and from which it receives its support."

He declared,

"In 1939, the Council began taking over the U.S. State Department."

Admiral WardAdmiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, remained in the CFR for about 20 years and co-authored a book entitled, Kissinger on the Couch, where he wrote,

"Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition."

To the left we see Admiral Chester Ward (right) swearing in William Frankey as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

The Admiral also warned that the goal of the CFR is the,

"submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government."

In the August 1978 issue of W Magazine, former CFR President Winston Lord is quoted as saying,

"The Trilateral Commission doesn't secretly run the world. The Council on Foreign Relations does that."

Rene Wormser who served on the Reece Committee investigating the multi-billion-dollar Tax-exempt Foundations and their interlocks, wrote in his book, Foundations, that,

"The Council on Foreign Relations" is "virtually an agency of the government," and that it is "financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, [and furthermore it] overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept."

Author Allen agreed when he wrote,

"The C.F.R. is totally interlocked with the major foundations and [other] so-called 'Think Tanks.'"

Regarding the interlocking Think Tanks, Dan Smoot explained,

"All of the organizations have federal tax-exemption as 'educational' groups; and they are all financed, in part, by tax-exempt foundations, the principal ones being Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie. Most of them also have close working relations with official agencies of the United States Government."

Referring to the CFR's infiltration into the White House, Senator Goldwater wrote that the CFR has,

"staffed almost every key position of every administration since that of FDR."

The senate was apparently concerned about the influence and infiltration of the CFR into the White House.


Quoting a Congressional Record, dated December 15, 1987, vol. 133, Perloff wrote,

"Senator Jesse Helms, after noting the CFR's place within the Establishment, put it this way before the Senate in December 1987: The viewpoint of the Establishment today is called globalism... Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power..."

In an article called, School for Statesmen, which appeared in the July 1958 issue of Harpers, CFR member Columnist Joseph Kraft, proclaimed,

"It [the CFR] has been the seat of some basic government decisions, has set the context for many more, and has repeatedly served as a recruiting ground for ranking officials."

Allen commented,

"The policies promoted by the C.F.R. in the fields of defense and international relations become, with regularity which defies the laws of chance, the official policies of the United States Government."

"Today the C.F.R remains active in working toward its final goal of a government over all of the world - a government which the Insiders and their allies will control," declared Allen.


"The goal of the C.F.R. is simply to abolish the United States with its constitutional guarantees of liberty. And they don't even try to hide it."

Study No. 7, published by the CFR on November 25, 1959, advocates,

"building a new international order [which] must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, [and] for social and economic change." This new order will include, "states labeling themselves as 'Socialist' [Communist]."

Allen refers to the CFR as the "invisible government," and says it is "unquestionably" the "most influential group in America."


Former Agent Smoot concurs, writing,

"I am convinced that the Council on Foreign Relations, together with a great number of other associated tax-exempt organizations, constitutes the invisible government which sets the major policies of the federal government."

Continuing, he said, the CFR,

"exercises controlling influence of government officials who implement the policies; and, through massive and skillful propaganda, influences Congress and the public to support the policies."

He stated further that,

"the objective of this invisible government is to convert America into a socialist state and then make it a unit in a one-world socialist system."

CFR Meeting This 1968 photograph on the right shows President Johnson consulting with advisors regarding Vietnam peace talks.


Except Johnson, all were members of the CFR. Left to right: Andrew Goodpaster, Averell Harriman, Cyrus Vance, Maxwell Taylor, Walt Rostow, Richard Helms, William Bundy, Nicholas Katzenbach, Dean Rusk, President Johnson.


Helms was not a CFR member at that time, but joined later.

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."
-CFR member James Warburg,

testifying at Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950

Regarding the CFR's plan for a single world government, Perloff said,

"The CFR advocates the creation of a world government." And, "Anyone who cares to examine back issues of Foreign Affairs will have no difficulty finding hundreds of articles that pushed... this concept of globalism."


"For decades," said Perloff, "the CFR pushed this ascending approach to world government, with Foreign Affairs carrying such titles as Toward European Integration: Beginnings in Agriculture, Toward Unity in Africa, Toward a Caribbean Federation, and so on."

He quotes a 1974 article which stated,

"The house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down... an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."

Very few people are aware of the existence of the CFR or its purpose. This appears to be the case with their interlocking Think Tanks such as the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission.


Perloff said,

"Today, probably not one American in five hundred can identify the CFR, despite the fact that it is arguably the most powerful political entity in the United States."

And Allen's estimate is higher; he comments,

"It is doubtful that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council's name, or that one in ten thousand can relate anything at all about its structure or purpose."


The CFR is a supra-governmental organization that overshadows congress.


It is financed by the Tax-exempt Foundations, and portrays itself as a humanitarian group. But its objectives are to erode national sovereignty and merge America into a worldwide government under the control of its members, which include people of tremendous wealth. Basically, their goal is global fascism.


The CFR is responsible for setting major policy, which is activated without public knowledge or consent. It is beyond congressional investigation.



* All photos taken from Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

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