Motivational Factors

This chapter will focus on the motivational factors for citizens on the street level only. The driving force for the upper level controlling faction of this movement will be explored in the chapter on psychopathy.



Intimidation and Blackmail
From what I've noticed, some of those who participate in this program do not do so of their own free will.


They have obviously been forced. Sometimes, with their body language, they'll tell you, "I know, I'm sorry, it's not me, I have to do it," etc. Some of these people were previously targeted and know what will happen if they don't participate. Or, they willfully served and later found out what they were serving.

So, some do it out of fear. As demonstrated, both U.S. intelligence and the Stasi have recruited informants by intimidation. According to the Stasi's own figures, over 7% of the IMs were recruited by intimidation. Fulbrook states that this doesn't' take into account those who cooperated due to the implied retaliation for refusing to do so.

Only in the last ten years or so has information become widely available on this topic. Imagine that you're face with this horrible situation. Your life is falling apart. You know that something is happening, but don't know what it is. There is no name for it. You wonder if you're not going insane. You don't tell anyone out of fear of sounding paranoid. And if you do, you're not believed. There is nowhere to turn for information.

Then, by some means of communication, you're given a chance of serving it as a way of having it reduced or stopped. It's clear to me that this has been the experience of some of those now participating in this program. They were repeatedly assaulted by something they couldn't understand or explain, they were given an opportunity, and they took it.

In my opinion, this has nothing to do with lack of strength, morals, ethics, or intelligence. Some may have been attacked and recruited because they possessed those exact traits. So some of these people are victims themselves, regardless of where they are on the hierarchy of this program.



Voluntary Servitude
The rest of this section focuses on those who willingly choose to participate. In order for a well-meaning person to willingly participate in this program, they would have to be deceived. As previously mentioned, lies told by authorities play an important role in the recruitment process. But there are other forces at work such as group dynamics and human needs. There are some traits I've noticed which would predispose a person to this type of influence. First, a lack of understanding of authentic history. Secondly, a belief that they are well informed (naivety). Thirdly, (and probably most importantly) minimal pursuit of genuine personal development.

Psychologists, social workers, and personal growth instructors have concluded that there is a set of human needs that we all strive to fulfill. While experts may disagree on the number of needs, and the words used to describe them, they do agree that there is a core set of them. They help explain why people join groups in general, ranging from a local street gang to a yacht club. The words used to describe these needs are simply pointers to a feeling that people are looking to experience.

These needs transcend culture, age, and race. All human beings have these needs. So it's not a matter of whether they are met; they will be met, it is only a matter of how. I've included some of the basic human needs below. Words are sometimes a limitation, especially when explaining human needs.


For that reason, I've combined several words to describe the same need.


They are:

  • Security/Certainty/Comfort/Safety/Confinement/Structure

  • Uncertainty/Excitement/Adventure/Freedom/Variety

  • Significance/Independence/Importance//Power

  • Acceptance/Connection/Closeness/Belonging/Support

  • Growth/Competence/Expansion

  • Contribution/Service

Even though all of these needs must be met, there is a hierarchy of importance that each person chooses (usually unconsciously).


A package which offers these needs will be appealing to most people. Citizen informants are obviously offered these needs in a compelling package. The Think Tanks which allegedly created this program are definitely skilled at exploiting these needs and manipulating large groups of people. They know exactly how to motivate people.


Therefore, you can bet that their well-written propaganda material is filled with power words such as:

  • Community

  • Partnership

  • Contribution

  • Participation

  • Service

  • Responsibility

  • Independence

  • Growth

  • Leadership

  • Empowerment

There are the surface reasons we do the things we do, and there are the real reasons.


The surface reason is a means to an end. The end reason is a state of being. I doubt if most of the people who participate in this program are aware of their true personal motives. In his book, Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman wrote, "As one sociobiologist puts it, 'it is not difficult to be biologically selfish and still appear to be sincere if one is sufficiently ignorant of one's own motives.'"

In my experience, the primary motivating factors for citizen informants in Russia and Germany were personal empowerment and contribution. But probably more so, personal empowerment. For the most part, informants in Germany weren't paid, or were paid very little. Some were given gifts. But they believed that by participating they were special, they were somebody. They liked meeting with their handlers and being listened to. They did it for the deep human satisfaction of having, "one up" on the people they were watching. Despite their surface claims of patriotism, they were motivated by a selfish desire for personal empowerment. In essence, they received an empowerment package. It seems to me that the current situation is no different.

"USAonWatch through Neighborhood Watch empowers citizens in our communities with the opportunity to volunteer to work toward the safety of our homeland."
-George W. Bush

Sergei Kourdakov, a member of a Russian Citizens Brigade, stated that becoming a member was one of his proudest moments. He recalled how nice it was to be part of something he could believe in. Regarding the propaganda lectures which his group would regularly receive, he noted that the leaders "weren't sitting back, waiting for our enemy to destroy us from within." We were people "who admired action and we listened with admiration as we heard of the massive efforts being mounted." He exclaimed, "And to think that we were part of it!"

Referring to the East German IMs, Fulbrook wrote, "Many informants were committed and loyal citizens... who were genuinely convinced that it was important to keep a watchful eye out for what they held to be subversive activities of dangerous 'enemies of the state.'" However, she adds, "[In] the majority of cases, the informant was persuaded into cooperating through a combination of feeling important, being attracted by small advantages, social rewards, material inducements or by a sense of adventure and stimulation to break an otherwise routine existence."

Speaking of adventure, it's clear to me that some of these people are having fun while stalking and harassing. It took me a while to categorize the facial expression that some of these people exhibit when I encounter them. Eventually I concluded that it was one of obsession - they're obsessed! Not necessarily with me, but with the act itself. In the book Mobbing, Dr. Carroll Brodsky, a psychiatrist, is quoted as saying, "Whether it occurs among nations or among individuals at the highest or lowest socioeconomic and political levels, harassment seems to be a social instinct... [and] human beings fall easily into harassment behavior even when there seems no rational objective."

These citizens seem confident that a program sponsored by their Federal Government and endorsed by leaders in their local government must be moral. But lacking historical knowledge, they are unaware that they are playing a role in malicious process. When these groups sprung up in Germany and Russia, they were not created by a rogue element within the government they were created by the government, and run by local and federal law enforcement. All major components of the community were complicit. This means that trusted, and respected members of the community (who may have been operating on lies themselves), endorsed it. In other words, it was sold by the "good guys," who told these people they'd be protecting their country from the "bad guys."

From what I have noticed, most participants seem to require this type of structure, even though it is limiting, destructive and an obstruction to their development. This primitive, decaying thought pattern (herd mentality, group think), apparently left over from pre-historic times, has nothing to do with following orders from a superior, respect, participating in constructive group efforts, or working together for a goal. In reality, it is a subtle surrender of the individual's identity, and conformity to the Group Mind.

This type of surrender is very subtle and is usually unconscious. After it occurs, two things happen. First, each individual's thinking capacity is reduced to that of an adolescent. This has been called regression. Secondly, the limited product of the relinquishment merges itself into the group, which, itself functions as one entity called, the Group Mind. This Group Mind is ultimately limited and almost always insane.

"A hallmark of the person as group member, Freud saw, was the replacement of his self by a group self," stated Dr. Goleman. "The group archetype... is the 'primal horde' a band of primitive 'sons' ruled by a strong 'father.' The particular schemas that constitute the group mind, in this view, would be those dictated by the father, a charismatic, strong leader." He continued, "The members of such a group, said Freud, relinquish their intellect to the chief... In the group mind 'the individual gives up his... ideal [his will] and substitutes for it the group ideal as embodied in the leader.'"

Dr. PeckIn his book, People of the Lie, psychiatrist Dr. M. Scott Peck (pictured right) described groups as having a quality of "psychological immaturity." He wrote, "Individuals not only routinely regress in times of stress, they also regress in group settings... One aspect of this regression is the phenomenon of dependency on the leader. It is quite remarkable," he exclaimed. "It does not happen by a rational process of conscious election; it just happens naturally - spontaneously and unconsciously." Although most of the surrendered people are not aware of it, they have exchanged their self for what they perceive to be a more empowering Group Mind.

"Each individual possesses a conscience which to a greater or lesser degree serves to restrain the unimpeded flow of impulses destructive to others. But when he merges his person into an organizational structure, a new creature replaces autonomous man... mindful only of the sanctions of authority."
-Dr. Stanley Milgram, 1974

Dr. Goleman observed, "Madness, said Nietzsche, is the exception in individuals, but the rule in groups. Freud agreed. In Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Freud wrote, 'A group is impulsive, changeable and irritable.'... Freud saw people in groups as regressing to an infantile state as consequence of membership." He continued, "By 'group' Freud meant something that bordered on a mob." "Like individual evil, group evil is common," wrote Dr. Peck. "In fact," he warned, "it is more common - so common, indeed, it may be the norm."

After the individuals surrender themselves to the group, the entire herd merges into a single being. Dr. Peck explains, "This is because a group is an organism. It tends to function as a single entity. A group of individuals behave as a unit because of what is called group cohesiveness. There are profound forces at work within a group to keep its individual members together and in line." Although this type of surrender is an obstruction to personal growth, most of these people consider it a compelling trade for temporary artificial empowerment.(**)

1. To invest with power
2. To equip or supply with an ability; [to] enable

This "group cohesiveness" that holds groups together is described by Dr. Goleman as "mental homogeneity" which is made up of shared beliefs he calls "schemas." Quoting Freud, Dr. Goleman wrote, "What separates a 'group' from a random crowd is shared schemas," which he describes as "a common interest in an object [or person], a similar bias in some situation..." "The more in common a group shares... the higher the degree of 'mental homogeneity' and therefore, 'the more striking are the manifestations of group mind.'"

So, if a group has been created for a specific purpose, and group cohesiveness is maintained by working toward a common goal, would the group create circumstances to foster its own cohesiveness in order to survive? The answer is yes. According to Dr. Peck, the most effective way of fostering group cohesiveness is to create an enemy. This helps to explain why dictators have usually created internal or external threats, as an excuse to form groups which would persecute their enemies. Again, this is always done legally, by the law enforcement of that time period. The effectiveness of this tactic is amplified when used within a Specialized Group, which was created to neutralize "enemies" in the first place.

Dr. Peck writes, "A practically universal form of group narcissism is what might be called 'enemy creation.'" He says, "Those who do not belong to the group (or club or clique) are despised as being inferior or evil or both." "If a group does not already have an enemy," he explains, "it will most likely create one in short order."



Enemy Creation
"It is almost common knowledge," maintains Dr. Peck "that the best way to cement group cohesiveness is to ferment the group's hatred of an external enemy. Deficiencies within the group can be easily and painlessly overlooked by focusing attention on the deficiencies of... [others]." Dr. Goleman illustrates, "A group may implicitly demand of its members that they sacrifice the truth to preserve an illusion. Thus the stranger stands as a potential threat to the members of a group, even though he may threaten them only with the truth. For if that truth is of the sort that undermines shared illusions, then to speak it is to betray the group."

"The evidence for the collective defenses and shared illusions at work in groups... is nowhere better stated than in Irving Janis's research on 'groupthink'" wrote Dr. Goleman. "The first victim of groupthink is critical thought... Facts that challenge the initial choice are brushed aside... Loyalty to the group requires that members not raise embarrassing questions, attack weak arguments, or counter softheaded thinking with hard facts. Only comfortable shared schemas [beliefs] are allowed full expression."

In her book, Betrayal Trauma, Dr. Jennifer J. Freyd wrote, "Indeed, becoming socialized to a culture may be partly dependent on one's falling into a kind of appropriate 'trance' in which one assimilates the norms and expectations of the members of the group..." She continues, "Such a state occurs in both small and large social organizations, in families and in nations, and the behavior may seem disturbing when viewed by an outsider... as when 'normal' German citizens engaged in heinous acts under Hitler..."

We already understand why people join groups, and now we have an understanding of what happens after they do. But why do people, even if receiving an empowerment package surrender their self in exchange for being led (or misled)? Dr. Peck provides us with another answer, stating, "Most people would rather be followers. More than anything else, it is probably a matter of laziness." So, according to these professionals, this unconscious process works this way: Because I'm a lazy coward, I'll give you my mind, and you give me some temporary empowerment. As primitive and simple-minded as this underlying motivational factor may be, it seems to apply in most cases.

"USAonWatch empowers citizens to become active in homeland security efforts through participation in Neighborhood Watch groups."
-Citizen Corps program description



Birds of a Feather
People who operate on a particular frequency have a tendency to become aligned with acts and structures that emanate from that frequency. For instance, some of the largest historical atrocities that have taken place were not carried out by individuals, but groups, large groups. You can think of it as a negative energy field that continues to grow and use human beings as instruments to express itself. It almost always disguises itself as something good such as, "a great cause," and usually uses deception to enlist supporters.

The people who participated in those atrocities did not find their way into that structure and commit those acts by accident. Those people were attracted to that energy field because they operated on a frequency similar to it. The frequency of energy that I'm talking about here is not a high one; it is in fact primitive, but also popular. Some may call this destructive energy field, "evil." But I think "insanity" or "unconsciousness" are also accurate descriptions.

"Persons who have a weakened sense of self feel more secure in a group in which they find support," stated the book, Mobbing. "They often 'vulture,' lacking the courage to listen to their conscience. They find their identity by associating with someone believed stronger, respected, idolized." Dr. Westhues, professor of Sociology at the University of Waterloo, and author of the book, Eliminating Professors stated, "The only relevant reality at that point, far beyond any personality characteristics of the Mobbee... is the pack, the herd, a number of individuals having surrendered their selves to something bigger."

McKinney described the Gang Stalking participants as "covert wannabees" carrying out what they think are covert activities, which are "perverted in the ultimate objective." And referring to the white-collar people who participate, Moret declared, "You would think it would not be so easy to co-opt them." My understanding is that most of these people seem to have a fragile internal support system, but rather than strengthening it by going through a process that is uncommon and somewhat frightening, they seek security outside of themselves. They thrive on recognition and acceptance, and will eagerly conform in order to meet these needs.

Obviously keeping an eye on people is a very big and empowering part of their lives. But if this vehicle were to be removed, they'd have a choice. One option is that they could go through a process of growth, which results in the development of power that is truly theirs and is with them under any circumstances. This approach is not taught in the mainstream. In fact, it is denounced! So the more common method is for them to quickly find one of the many readily available vehicles (groups), which will safely and easily offer them the temporary power they need.

I have not detected a category as far as age, occupation, religion, education, race, social standing, or financial status that these people can be placed in. But I have learned this: They're the norm! And despite their status, their minds are generally small and closed. I have no reservations about saying that the financial elite are using the small-minded, mentally ill, and deceived people to persecute the ones who are waking up or are already awake.

So, on the surface it would appear that their involvement is a result of carefully calculated decisions made by fully functional and informed adults, who participate out of patriotism and service to the greater good. However - upon further investigation, we find their involvement is born of a cowardly and selfish scapegoat mentality.

Dr. Peck referred to groups which are created for a specific purpose as Specialized Groups, and noted there is "subtle but definite scapegoating involved." He continues, "For the reality is that it is not only possible but easy and even natural for a large group to commit evil without emotional involvement..." "It happened in Nazi Germany. I am afraid it will happen again," he warned. It is happening again. The concentration camps are electronic; the physical intimidation has been replaced by more refined non-physical violence.

Some who willingly participate in this program may disagree with the analogy of Nazi Germany. They may say, "Oh, you're full of it, we're not torturing anyone." My reply would be that such a person is naive, in denial, or just lying. It's exactly the same evil, but more subtle. No visible torture chambers, but torture just the same. In fact it stems from the same financial interests that funded the Nazis - literally funded a holocaust... then lied about it. Anyone who has an open mind with no hidden agenda that has read my previous supporting evidence, probably knows that the people who created this are monsters.



Evil in Disguise
There is another category of people who willingly participate. They suffer from an acute type of insanity that could be described as evil or psychopathic. These people do it because they simply enjoy watching others suffer. They're not criminals. They pay their taxes on time, they pay their bills, and they go to church. They're members of your local community center. They're soccer moms and little league baseball dads. They're well groomed. They appear to be model citizens.

"They live down the street - on any street," says Dr. Peck. "They may be rich or poor, educated or uneducated. There is little that is dramatic about them. They are not designated criminals. More often than not they will be 'solid citizens' - Sunday school teachers, policemen, or bankers, and active in the PTA." He adds, "They dress well, go to work on time, pay their taxes, and outwardly seem to live lives that are above reproach." Dr. Peck reveals that these people can't be categorized by any existing "psychiatric pigeonholes," not because, "the evil are healthy," but "simply because we have not yet developed a definition for their disease."

He asks, "How can this be?" "How can they be evil and not designated as criminals? The key lies in the word 'designated.' They are criminals in that they commit 'crimes' against life and liveliness." "But" he says, "except in rare instances... their 'crimes' are so subtle and covert that they cannot clearly be designated as crimes." It's usually not the size or illegality of their acts, but the consistency with which they commit them. He adds, "While usually subtle, their destructiveness is remarkably consistent." This pattern of consistent destruction, which Dr. Peck describes, seems to fit the people and organizations mentioned in Volume I perfectly.

Appearance is extremely important to these people. This is for concealment. They're petrified of someone finding out what they are. "Utterly dedicated to preserving their self-image of perfection, they are unceasingly engaged in the effort to maintain the appearance of moral purity," wrote Dr. Peck. "They worry about this a great deal. They are acutely sensitive to social norms and what others might think of them."

So according to Dr. Peck, it's as if evil people have something like a checklist of tasks, that they think "good" people do, and they go through the motions of performing these deeds so they can outwardly appear decent. They go through these motions not to be good, but to pretend that they are. "The words 'image,' 'appearance' and outwardly,'" states Dr. Peck, "are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil. While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their 'goodness' is all on a level of pretense [fakeness]... It is, in effect, a lie."

Interestingly, one task that these fake good people usually engage in, as part of their cover, is destroying evil. "Strangely enough," stated Dr. Peck, "evil people are often destructive because they are attempting to destroy evil." "Instead of destroying others," however, "they should be destroying the sickness within themselves." He observed that they are often "busily engaged in hating and destroying... usually in the name of righteousness." Therefore, the Hidden Evil, with its Neighborhood Watch groups and silent electromagnetic torture, is the perfect expression for their sickness. The liars - the fakes - can harm while appearing to help. They can hide within it, because the program itself - is a lie.



Ordinary Evil
In my estimation, most of the citizens now participating in Gang Stalking are not evil. But you don't need to be evil to participate in evil. "Even civilians will commit evil with remarkable ease under obedience," remarked Dr. Peck. "As David Myers described in his excellent article A Psychology of Evil (The Other Side [April 1982], p. 29): 'The clearest example is Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments. Faced with an imposing, close-at-hand commander, sixty-five percent of his adult subjects... would deliver what appeared to be traumatizing electric shocks to a screaming innocent victim in an adjacent room. These were regular people - a mix of blue-collar, white-collar and professional men.'"

Dr. Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments, were originally conducted at Yale University during the 60s, and then conducted in other parts of the world. The tests were done to see how many ordinary people would commit acts of violence against an innocent person. The tests consisted of a teacher and a learner scenario. The teachers were told that they would be administering a test to a student or learner, and if the student answered a question wrong, they were to shock him. In reality, the learner was an actor, and the real subject of the experiment was the teacher. The true nature of the experiment was to see how much pain an ordinary person would inflict on an innocent victim with a heart condition, under the direction of an authority figure.

Dr. MilgramIn the December 1973 issue of Harpers Magazine, under an article entitled, The Perils of Obedience, Dr. Milgram (pictured left) wrote, "The point of the experiment is to see how far a person will proceed in a concrete and measurable situation in which he is ordered to inflict increasing pain on a protesting victim." The only way for the subject to disobey and halt the experiment was for them to make a clear brake with authority.

Before the experiments Dr. Milgram asked a variety of people including, psychiatrists and faculty in the behavioral sciences, what the outcome would be. They answered that only a "pathological fringe of about one in a thousand would administer the highest shock on the board." "These predictions," stated Dr. Milgram "were unequivocally wrong." 65% of the adult test subjects administered the full 450 volts to the victim.

One colleague dismissed the experiments, claiming that once "ordinary people" outside of the Yale campus were selected, the numbers would decrease. So, the experiments were conducted by other scientists in places such as Princeton, Munich, Rome, South Africa, and Australia. The level of obedience increased to has high as 85%.

Dr. Milgram warns, "The most fundamental lesson of our study," is that "ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process." But, even if they're aware of the destructive process they'll still participate under the right circumstances. He adds, "Even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority."

What else did they discover? Well, fortunately many protested before administering the shocks, but unfortunately even though they were "totally convinced of the wrongness of their actions," they "could not bring themselves to make an open break with authority," wrote Dr. Milgram. These psychiatrists also found that most people didn't like inflicting pain on innocent people, but did enjoy the satisfaction of pleasing the authority figure. Contrast this to citizen informants looking for a pat on the back by local authorities for their service. If this type of motivation sounds small-minded, remember, it's what motivated adults in other countries to do the same. They were, "proud of doing a good job, [and] obeying the experimenter under difficult circumstances," proclaimed Dr. Milgram.

Who was this authority figure? Well, in the experiments he was portrayed as a doctor with a stern voice, telling the subjects that they must continue. Milgram noted that "he had almost none of the tools used in ordinary command structures." In other words, this authority figure did not portray himself as a military officer, an FBI or NSA agent, or a local official. "For example," says Milgram "the experimenter did not threaten the subjects with punishment," such as "loss of income, community ostracism, or jail," but despite these limitations, "he still managed to command a dismaying degree of obedience."

Variations of the experiment were carried out and levels of obedience increased when the responsibility was diffused. The act of administering the shock was spread to multiple people. "Predictably," says Milgram "they excused their behavior by saying that the responsibility belonged to the man who actually pulled the switch." The person who pulls the switch is simply following orders.

He continues, "This may illustrate a dangerously typical arrangement in a complex society: it is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only an intermediate link in a chain of actions." Similarly, although many of these citizen informants may not pull the switch, they're an essential part in a relay that results in torture and murder. Dr. Milgram adds, "Perhaps this is the most common characteristic of socially organized evil in modern society."

Yale Alumni Magazine produced an article on Dr. Milgram's findings. Written by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo, it appeared in the January/February 2007 issue and was entitled, When Good People Do Evil. Dr. Zimbardo asked, "Obviously, you would have dissented, then disobeyed and just walked out. You would never sell out your morality," he asked, "Right?"

"Milgram," continued Zimbardo, "once described his shock experiment to a group of 40 psychiatrists and asked them to estimate the percentage of American citizens who would go to each of the 30 levels in the experiment. On average, they predicted that less than 1 percent would go all the way to the end, that only sadists would engage in such sadistic behavior... They could not have been more wrong... The vast majority of people shocked the victim over and over again despite his increasingly desperate pleas to stop."

Frighteningly, when the experiments were altered, "Milgram was able to demonstrate that compliance rates could soar to over 90 percent," proclaimed Dr. Zimbardo. "In one study, most college students administered shocks to whimpering puppies when required to do so by a professor." He added, "His classic study has been replicated and extended by many other researchers in many countries." When a more pronounce authority figure is used, compliance increases. It also increases when the act of inflicting pain is fragmented among many people. And the greater the distance, the easier it is to inflict pain.

Dr. Zimbardo wrote of another study where a group of twenty high school students joined a history teacher's authoritarian political movement, and within a week had expelled their fellows from class and recruited almost 200 others from around the school. The article continued, "Motives and needs that ordinarily serve us well can lead us astray when they are aroused, amplified, or manipulated by situational forces that we fail to recognize... This is why evil is so pervasive."

"Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action."

These experiments clearly show a significant flaw in the logic of the masses which allows persecution, genocide, and holocausts to occur. In fact, Dr. Milgram originally conducted the experiments to see how an entire country could go along with persecution and mass murder in Nazi Germany. This is not a problem with the "evil elite" who want to control us, but a problem with humanity. This is a problem with society.

In a March/April 2002 article entitled, The Man Who Shocked The World, Psychology Today Magazine described Dr. Milgram as, "the man who uncovered some disturbing truths about human nature," by conducting "one of the most significant - and controversial - psychological studies of the 20th century."

These studies, they stated "demonstrated with jarring clarity that ordinary individuals could be induced to act destructively," and "need not be innately evil or aberrant to act in ways that are reprehensible and inhumane." The article concluded, "Milgram's obedience experiments teach us that in a concrete situation with powerful social constraints, our moral sense can easily be trampled."

Milgram's researched led him to conclude that there is a protocol used by leaders of countries that artificially creates an environment of situational power, which will foster the participation of the public in carrying out acts of evil. It is basically a protocol for mass persecution. Speaking of this, Dr. Zimbardo noted, "Milgram crafted his research paradigm to find out what strategies can seduce ordinary citizens to engage in apparently harmful behavior. Many of these methods have parallels to compliance strategies used by 'influence professionals' in real-world settings, such as salespeople, cult and military recruiters..."

In other words, these methods are a type of mass mind-control. Once more, in the past, the masses did not detect that they were being negatively influenced to commit these acts, just as they're not aware of it now. As Professor Marrs described, one key aspect of a dictatorship, is that the target population may be unaware of its existence. The protocol includes:

(A) "Prearranging some form of contractual obligation, verbal or written, to control the individual's behavior in pseudo-legal fashion." In Germany they signed wavers when recruited into the Ministry for State Security, in Russia they were sworn to secrecy. Obviously the current informants go through a similar process.

(B) "Giving participants meaningful roles to play... that carry with them previously learned positive values..." In East Germany the IMs were recruited for "state security." In Russia they were "Citizen's Brigades," maintaining civil order.

((C) Using semantic deception to alter "the frame so that the real picture is disguised" from "hurting victims" to "helping." Clearly the current participants are told that they're helping their communities and country, not helping to murder innocent people. Again, similar propaganda was used in Germany and Russia.

(D) "Creating opportunities for the diffusion of responsibility or abdication of responsibility for negative outcomes..." There are two considerations. First, the fragmenting of responsibility increases group complicity and removes accountability, which results in people going above and beyond what they'd normally do as individuals. In this situation, no one is directly responsible for the murder of a person. Secondly, when an authority figure takes responsibility for the acts by making them OK, accepted, or legal, then complicity increases.

(E) Possibly the most important part of this protocol is the offering of the "big lie," which Dr. Zimbardo says is used to "justify the use of any means to achieve the seemingly desirable, essential goal."(***) "In social psychology experiments, this is known as the 'cover story,'" says Dr. Zimbardo. This lie, he declares, "is a cover-up for the procedures that follow, which do not make sense on their own." He describes the real world equivalent as "an ideology," such as a nation relying on "threats to national security," before suppressing political opposition.

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."
-Adolph Hitler

An article in the July/August 2004 issue of the American Scientist entitled, Milgram's Progress, stated, "In a television interview in 1979, Milgram said that he eventually came to the conclusion that, "If a system of death camps were set up in the United States of the sort we had seen in Nazi Germany, one would be able to find sufficient personnel [to operate]... those camps in any medium-sized American town."

But we've come a long way since the 60s, we don't think like that anymore, right? Besides, those types of things happen in other countries... Unfortunately this is false. People have not changed in thousands of years. Technology has - not people. Again, the same financial interests that funded those dictatorships are allegedly responsible for the current situation.

In fact, years later ABC News re-created these obedience experiments in its own study and in January 2007 published their findings in an article entitled, The Science of Evil. They wrote, "Primetime wanted to know if ordinary people today would still follow orders, even if they believed their actions were causing someone else pain. Would as many follow the seemingly dangerous and painful orders as in the original experiment?" They found that obedience held at 65%, and in some cases increased to a surprising 73%. Like the original studies, theirs subjects were composed of an ethnically diverse group with an unusually high level of education.

Referring to specialized groups, Dr. Peck wrote, that the "group will remain inevitably potentially conscienceless and evil until such time as each and every individual holds himself or herself directly responsible for the behavior of the whole group... We [the general mass] have not yet begun to arrive at that point."

"With numbing regularity good people were seen to knuckle under the demands of authority and perform actions that were callous and severe... A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act and without limitations of conscience, so long as they perceive that the command comes from a legitimate authority."
-Dr. Stanley Milgram, 1965



Parasitic Behavior
There is another motivational factor worth mentioning. Possibly, the greatest factor. During these covert group attacks, there is an energy transfer that these individuals, whether they know it or not, are looking for. The systematic vulturing during Mobbing and Gang Stalking campaigns is an intended robbery of a person's life-energy. This is no different than sticking a needle in someone's arm and stealing their blood. Eastern philosophy refers to these people as Sappers.

A Sapper is a person who is too sick, weak, or underdeveloped to create their own life-energy. So they continually find themselves in circumstances where they steal or sap energy from a being that has already assimilated it into a usable form. This is similar to an infant eating pre-processed food. Society is full of them. They are completely unconscious of this tendency. I also refer to them as Psychic Fleas.



When we examine the underlying factors which motivated citizen informant groups in the past, we find that feelings of personal empowerment, and a sense of adventure, figured largely.


Present-day citizen informants, in all likelihood, are motivated by these factors. While having their personal human needs fulfilled, they may not recognize that they're part of a destructive process. Most ordinary people will commit evil regularly under the right conditions.

People with weak support structures feel more secure in a group. The group offers protection in exchange for conformity and obedience. Groups created for a specific purpose engage in scapegoating, which includes the creation of enemies to foster its existence. The group functions as a single entity with the psychological capacity of an adolescent.


There exists an actual recipe for gaining mass complicity in persecution, where this entity can be used.



* All photographs used on this page have been taken from and
** It's almost as if they're enabling the disabled in order to disable the enabled.
*** Coincidently, one alternate name I contemplated for the Hidden Evil was, "The Big Lie."

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