
Note: This page has not yet been updated to reflect the edited online edition of the book.

Volume I Part I

Above all the reader must-at least: America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, (Trine Day, 2003), Professor Antony C. Sutton
-Introduction to the Financial Elite

Elite Clique Holds Power in the U.S: The Shadows Of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations & the American Decline, (Western Islands, 1988), James Perloff
Wars are started (and stopped): Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, ('76 Press, 1976), Professor Antony C. Sutton
The real menace of our republic: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald wrote: The Rockefeller File, (76 Press, 1976), Gary Allen
The men at the top of the empire: Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light, (Rivercrest Publishing, 2004), Professor Texe Marrs
From these they have typically proceeded to Harvard: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
five major groups: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
significant in the determination of world affairs: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
These include Think Tanks: Ibid
We should realize that many of these groups: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Perloff acknowledged this interlock: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
This is a corporation in the nature of a foundation: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, (Covenant House Books, 3rd printing, 1993), Rene Wormser
They decide when wars should start: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Secret elitist groups always censor: Trilaterals Over Washington, (August Corp, 1980), Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
are not aware of its true objectives: Ibid; America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton; Rule By Secrecy, (Harper Collins, 2001), Jim Marrs
These members are aware of only about 50%: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
The existence of groups like the Trilateral Commission: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
If the top leadership of government and business: Ibid
Somewhere at the top of the pyramid: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
established some very special and highly influential: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Concord Press, 1971), Gary Allen
The Elite control our courts, the Pentagon: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
not only the Central Intelligence Agency: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The Rockefellers, Rothschilds: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
-Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission was founded: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
Its membership is composed of: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
The Trilateral Commission was formally established: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
With the blessing of the Bilderbergers: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The organization is completely above ground: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Although its meetings are invitation-only: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
It seeks to improve: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
The paper suggested that leader: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
On 7 January 1977: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
The January 16, 1977: Ibid
The same issue of the Washington Post: Ibid
The new President: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
small handful of national leaders: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
In September 1974 Brzezinski: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
a further vital and creative stage: Ibid
a national constitutional convention: Ibid
When Brzezinski refers to: Ibid
International banks and multinational corporations: Ibid
a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control: With No Apologies: The personal and political memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, (Berkley, 1980), Senator Barry Goldwater
The Crisis of Democracy: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
corporate socialist takeover: Ibid
A new kind of fascism: Ibid
Like sheep going to slaughter: Ibid
-Council on Foreign Relations

If the Establishment is elusive: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Like its counterpart the Trilateral Commission: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
The CFR and RIIA were originally: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The CFR puts out a publication: Ibid
They are located: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
dominated by J.P. Morgan interests: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
Some other early/founding CFR members: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff; With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
Funding for the CFR came: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
junior chapters: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
dinner meetings: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
steering & advisory committees: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Let's start with the smoke, and mirrors: Ibid
superficially an innocent forum for academics: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
The leadership of the invisible government: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
A number of individuals: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
an inner core: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
During its first fifty years: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
The power of the Council: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
staffed almost every key position: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
Once the ruling members of the CFR: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
submergence of US sovereignty: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
The Trilateral Commission doesn't secretly: August 1978 issue of "W" Magazine
virtually an agency of the government: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
The C.F.R. is totally interlocked: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
All of the organizations have: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
School For Statesmen: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
abolish the United States: Ibid
the "invisible government,": Ibid
I am convinced that the Council: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
We shall have world government whether or (Warburg Quote): The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
the creation of a world government: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
not one American in five hundred: Ibid
one American in a thousand: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
-The Bilderbergers

an international group: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
leading political and financial figures: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The Bilderbergers are a group: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The first official meeting: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The primary impetus: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The Rockefellers & Rothschilds: The Bilderberg Diary, (American Free Press, 1995), James P. Tucker
The Bilderberg group is an organization: Ibid
Comprising themselves in the form of the Bilderberger: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
three interlocking Think Tanks: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Their meetings are financed: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The "Bilderbergers" are another: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
close ties to Europe's nobility: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
As with the Trilateral Commission: Ibid
Those who adhere to the accidental: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
sets global policy: How The World Really Works, (ABJ Press, 1996), Alan B. Jones
Bilderberg does not publish membership lists: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Each year the hosting government: Ibid
Decisions are reached, resolutions adopted: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
When they meet, they clear out all the guests: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
A rather tight lid of secrecy: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
When Prince Bernhard arrived: Ibid
Bilderberg keeps its news blackout: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
Unlike their American counterparts: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The press, naturally, is not allowed: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Reporters that are not invited: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
Despite the fact that many highly: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
the news media are always present: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
The Swiss Military to Protect International: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
The 1994 meeting in Helsinki, Finland: Ibid
Versailles, France in 2003: Ibid
Gerald Ford attended Bilderberg: Ibid
In 1991, then Arkansas governor Bill Clinton: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
European super-state: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
In some cases discussions do have an impact: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
a direct influence on the White House: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
Most presidents have been members: Ibid
While the "new world order: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
A single currency: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
the word shadow government: Ibid
World Government, controlled by them: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
may not be aware of the true intentions: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
Not everyone who attends: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
neither Republican nor Democrat: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Gorbachev was influenced by the Bilderbergers: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
He promises a new world order: Ibid
Hilary Clinton in: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
-The Federal Reserve System

From the earliest days: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Essential to controlling a government: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
All those who have sought dictatorial control: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
an international banker: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
a banker may receive political influence: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The bold effort the present bank: Ibid
In the early years of the Republic: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
America heeded Jackson's warning: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
A German banker named Paul Warburg: Ibid
The Panic of 1907: Ibid
an old hand at creating artificial panics: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Morgan The Great: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The Money Trust... caused the 1907 panic: Ibid
Heading National Monetary Commission: Ibid
Federal Reserve became law: Ibid
drafted on Jekyl Island: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The 'Fed,' …is allied with the Bilderberg group: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
The Federal Reserve is privately owned: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Probably 90% of the US citizens: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
only Congress may issue money or regulate its value: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
It operates outside of the control of Congress: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
Since these positions control the entire economy: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
the 16th amendment was passed: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Initially, it was nominal: Ibid
the Federal Reserve would stabilize the economy: Ibid
the Fed has usurped the government: Ibid
the invisible government: Ibid
If the key to controlling a nation: Ibid
plan for international currency: Ibid
In 1987 Senator Jesse Helms: Ibid
Many historians would have us believe: Ibid
-Tax-exempt Foundations

Foundations were originally created: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
By the time the income tax became law: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
predominately tax avoidance: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
channeling of their fortunes into: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
They have a power comparable to political patronage: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
a socialistic, one-world government: Ibid
Commission on Industrial Relations: Ibid
Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis: Ibid
Control is being extended: Ibid
the findings of 1915 are still significant: Ibid
foundations have permitted themselves to be infiltrated: Ibid
Congressman Cox died during the investigation: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
was a pathetic whitewash: Ibid
subversive in the extreme sense: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
"unfinished business" of the defunct Cox Committee: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
CFR came under official scrutiny: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Other organizations which came under investigation: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union: Ibid
beyond the reach of a mere committee of the Congress: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
The net result of these combined efforts: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
an agency of the United States Government: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
an overwhelming amount of evidence: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
often act in concert with each other: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
Congressman Reece made a final report: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
Reece details the infiltration into the government: Ibid
Finally Reece concluded that: Ibid
When their activities spread: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
The power of the individual large: Ibid
Every significant movement to destroy the American: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
create for itself a favorable press: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
As I see it, the foundations: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
Perloff arrives at the same conclusion: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
world government is necessary: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
devoted to a socialist one-world system: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
socialist and related political movements: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
moral relativity: Ibid
the brutal MKULTRA experiments: The Search For The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, (W. W. Norton & Company, 1991), Jonathan Marks
On August 30, 2003 Congressman Ron Paul: the elites who wish to set up their world dictatorship: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones


Volume I Part II
-The Financial Elite's control of History, Media, & Academia
Control of Media

Rockefeller gang's plans for monopolistic World Government: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
Why don't investigative new shows like Sixty Minutes: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The so-called founders of: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Congressional Record Volume 54: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The CFR needs to reach the mass audience: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
Public opinion is manufactured: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
CFR's influence in the mass media: Ibid
The Associated Press, New York Times: Ibid
The CFR could not accomplish: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
CFR's ventriloquists: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
We are grateful to the Washington Post: Chronological history of the new world order, Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD,
Other outlets allegedly under the control: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
It is through the press and the media: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
official landscape painters: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
the engineering of consent: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
the Establishment's managed news curtain: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Control of History & Education

According to some: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
controlling or influencing the public press: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
Professor Kenneth Colegrove: Ibid
The impact of foundation money upon: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
an enormous impact on education: Ibid
subservient to the wealth: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
the historical blackout: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
a conscious distortion of history: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
Twentieth-century history: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
the gullibility of the American: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
The rewriting and deceitful misinterpretation: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
so-called "accrediting" organizations: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
pet project of foundation managers: Ibid
Through foundations controlled: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Books critical of the official: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
historians that do not adhere: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Where will you find a college administration: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
During the past one hundred years: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
do not pour money into local school board races: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
rewrite the past: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
a conditioning mechanism: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Few of us are aware: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
-Wall Street funded the Communists

Western textbooks on Soviet economic: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
In the Bolshevik Revolution: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
According to his grandson John: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
emergence of a communist dictatorship: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Averell Harriman was a director: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Today it is estimated even by Jacob's grandson: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Congressman Louis McFadden: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Now our textbooks tell us that the Nazis: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
But obviously these men: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
From the days of Spartacus: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
On may 1st, 1918: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
The Bolsheviks were not a visible political: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Having created their colony in Russia: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
Probably no name symbolized: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Chase Manhattan built a truck factory: With No Apologies, Senator, Barry Goldwater
American technology helped: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Wall Street continued to aid the Russian communists: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
these American capitalists: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Eaton Joins Rockefellers: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
W. Averill Harriman was made: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Sutton quotes a report by Averell Harriman: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
based on assiduous research: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
The synthesis sought by the Establishment: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
-Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen

The Council on Foreign Relations played: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
U.S. intelligence cracked the radio code: Ibid
these intercepts were routinely sent: Ibid
Captain Johan Ranneft: Ibid
a Japanese submarine was sunk: The Times, US drew first blood at Pearl Harbor, August 31, 2002, Nicholas Wapshott
The captain of the USS Ward: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Outerbridge sent a report: The Times, US drew first blood at Pearl Harbor, August 31, 2002, Nicholas Wapshott
Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
US claims that it fired first against Japan, Japanese Pearl Harbor sub found: BBC, Japanese Pearl Harbor sub found, August 29, 2002
they found a Japanese midget submarine: Chicago Sun-Times, Japanese sub sunk before attack found in Pearl Harbor, August 29, 2002
no doubt the attack took place: The Times, US drew first blood at Pearl Harbor, August 31, 2002, Nicholas Wapshott
The Roberts Commission: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Supreme Court justice Owen Roberts: Ibid
At the court-martials: Ibid
repressed the results: Ibid
Despite testimony from Lieutenant Outerbridge: The Times, US drew first blood at Pearl Harbor, August 31, 2002, Nicholas Wapshott
Incriminating memoranda: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
2,390 people dead, 1,178 wounded: BBC, Japanese Pearl Harbor sub found, August 29, 2002
The council on Foreign Relations has heavy: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
All this [funding] was done legally: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
the 911 Commission chaired, vice chaired:
If they really wanted to defeat the Nazis: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
-Wall Street funded the Nazis

part of authentic history: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont: Ibid
The deal bringing Hitler into the government: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The financing for Adolph Hitler's rise to power: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
In 1939, on the eve of blitzkrieg: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Other U.S. companies which contributed heavily: The New Hampshire Gazette, Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed, Documents in National Archives Prove, October, 10, 2003, John Buchanan
A similar article appeared: The Guardian, How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power, September 25 2004, Ben Aris & Duncan Campbell
Prescott Sheldon Bush: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
a founding member of the Bilderbergers: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
The alliance between Nazi Germany: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
responsible for bringing the Nazis: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat: Ibid
The two largest tank producers in Hitler's: Ibid
Newly discovered documents: IBM dealt directly with Holocaust organisers, The Guardian March, 29, 2002
alliance between IBM and the Reich: How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland, The Village Voice, March 27, 2002
"accidental" or due to the "short-sightedness: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
the United States accidentally played an important: Ibid
I.G. Farben directors had precise knowledge: Ibid
aided Naziism wherever possible: Ibid
All Honorable Men, published in 1950: Ibid
The evidence suggests there was a concerted effort: Ibid
Nazi industrialists were puzzled: Ibid
Their general attitude and expectation: Ibid
It was headed by the Council on Foreign Relations: Ibid
At the end of World War II: Ibid
So when we examine the Control Council: Ibid
None of the Americans were ever prosecuted: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
were careful to censor any materials: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
the very core of Naziism: Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
-The Great Depression was deliberately created

This new law [the Federal Reserve Act]: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
That day of reckoning, of course, came in 1929: Ibid
Having built the Federal Reserve: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The Federal Reserve prompted: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
despair [which] produced a willingness: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
It was not accidental: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Plummeting stock prices ruined: Ibid
History shows that the Wall Street: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
For those who knew the score: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
FDR is probably best remembered: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Longest and most severe economic: Encyclopedia Britannica
To think that the scientifically: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Competition is a sin:
-Wall Street attempted to overthrow the U.S. Government by force

offered up to 300 million dollars: The Plot To Seize The White House, (Hawthorn Books, 1973), Jules Archer
highest award for valor in: http: //
Americans who plotted to seize the White House: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
Heavy contributors: Ibid
American Liberty League was the primary:
Most papers suppressed the whole story: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
distortion, suppression, and omission: Ibid
struck a low blow at Butler: Ibid
string of denials, or ridicule: Ibid
It's a joke-a publicity stunt: Ibid
attempted to ridicule Butler: Ibid
Philadelphia Record and the New York Post: Ibid
He is a man of unquestioned sincerity: Ibid
the Senate committee expired:
no one involved in the plot had been prosecuted: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
Portions of Butler's story were corroborated:
The Congressional committee report confirmed Butler's testimony: Ibid
Roger Baldwin: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
Time Magazine: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
stopped dead in its tracks when it got near the top: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
too important politically: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
There was no doubt that General Butler was telling the truth: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
The founding president of the CFR: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Thomas W. Lamont was a founding member of the CFR: Ibid
one of the most fantastic plots in American history: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
thwarted the conspiracy to end democratic government in America: The Plot To Seize The White House, Jules Archer
The Communists came to power: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen


Volume II Part I
-Introduction to the Hidden Evil

The program has been operational: Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation, Julianne McKinney
"Mobbing" is the purposeful and strategic: Uncovering the Truth About Depleted Uranium, Leuren Moret
Julianne McKinney is a former: MHME, Julianne McKinney
number one listing on Google: Dr. Reinhard Munzert interviewed on The Investigative Journal, May 17, 2006, Topic-Directed Energy Weapons
particularly her interview: Leuren Moret interviewed on Vancouver Co-op Radio CFRO 102.7 FM, August 8th 2005, Topic-The Technology of Political Control
psychological terror: Mobbing: Emotional Abuse In The American Workplace, (Civil Society Publishing, 2nd printing 2002), Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
-Tactics (part I)

The methods reportedly employed: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Zersetzung was developed to destroy: Stasiland: True Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall, (Granta Books, 2003), Anna Funder
In Germany this is called Zersetzung: Dr. Reinhard Munzert interviewed on The Investigative Journal, May 17, 2006, Topic-Directed Energy Weapons
The German word Zersetzung: Stasiland, Anna Funder
frequency & duration: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
Basic Protocol

There is a basic protocol that they begin with: Julianne McKinney interviewed on The Investigative Journal, April 19th, 2006, Topic-Directed Energy Weapons & Gang Stalking,
double-folded strategy: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
According to the DOJ: Wired NewsWire, Big Business Becoming Big Brother, Kim Zetter, August 09, 2004
Mental Health System

have used doctors to help abuse & discredit people: Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control And Medical Abuse, (Bantam, 1990), Gordon Thomas
psychiatrist & psychologists appear: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
enemies of the dictatorship: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
The APA's refusal to acknowledge: MHME, Julianne McKinney
The first edition of the DSM: American Psychiatric Association on; The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003), Jim Keith
brilliant cover up operation: Microwave mind control: Modern torture and control mechanisms eliminating human rights and privacy, September 25, 1999, Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
first think of paranoia and schizophrenia: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
It's called the Diagnostic Statistical Manual: Annie Earle interviewed on The Investigative Journal, May 3, 2006, Topic-Experimentation
The patients that started coming: Ibid
has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens: Nexus Magazine, How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), April/May 1996, John St. Clair Akwei

German & Russian security: Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police, (Westview Press, 2000), John O. Koehler, The Persecutor, (Fleming H. Revell Company, 1973), Sergei Kourdakov
bases of operation and training: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the people who move into these bases have been linked: Ibid; Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
In order to target someone it requires: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
neighbors, friends & family are then co-opted: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
This surveillance is apparently done: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
The Life Assessment Detector System (LADS): The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted, by Any Agency, Organization, or Individual, (Feral House, 1999), H. Michael Sweeney
Some of these flashlights display images in 3D format: M2 Presswire, Handheld through-wall radar delivers unique 3D view that can revolutionize security, June 7, 2005; Design News, Radar device peeks through wall, August 6, 2001
Character Assassination

It was planned destructiveness: The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks
the usual rumors spread:;
A major effort is spent: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Deception is the name of the game: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
The agency was authorized to conduct secret smear campaigns: spy.files/intelligence/stasi.aspl
The Russian KGB: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) at Georgetown University, Understanding The Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its control in the USSR, Ray S. Cline
The essence of defaming your target: Gaslighting: How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy, (Loompanics Unlimited, 1994), Victor Santoro
The Stasi would destroy the character: The Mirror (London, England), The Stasi Files, When the Berlin Wall fell, the East German secret police panicked and shredded their secret papers. Now, a new machine is beginning to reassemble, May 28, 2007, David Edwards
There have been multiple magazine & newspaper reports: Rocky Mountain News, Sex offender falls victim to arson neighbors harassed him for months, says castle rock man, July 1, 2004, Gabrielle Crist; Wisconsin State Journal (Knight Ridder Newspapers), Living, isolated, under an unshakable label, registered sex offenders find it difficult to build a life after prison, August 8, 2005, Rick Armon; Associated Pressr (AP Online), Pushing Sex Offenders May Increase Dangers, Neighbors and bosses force them from their homes and jobs, Michael Hill, June 20, 2005; Daily News (Los Angeles, CA) Associated Press, Convicted child molester loses job, January 16, 1997
driven out of multiple states: Associated Pressr (AP Online), Sex Offender Chased From Four States, January 17, 2003, Julie Ann Stephens
Perverted Justice would start campaigns: Toronto Star, Vigilantes versus pedophiles, August 8, 2004
calling friends, neighbors, children, places of employment: Ibid
Sensitivity Programs (NLP) a very powerful tool: Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People, (Thorsons Publishers, 1993), Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
There is a basic protocol: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
They will stalk the target for a while: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
It is done by creating a peak emotional state: Introducing NLP, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
A stimulus which is linked to & triggers a physiological: Ibid
Emotional Transference: Subliminal Mind Control, John J. Williams
This is the realm of phobias: Introducing NLP, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
Targets are constantly: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Organizations known to have studied NLP include military intelligence: NLP Today E-zine February 2006; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, August 2001 Issue, Subtle Skills for Building Rapport, Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the Interview Room, Vincent A. Sandoval, M.A., and Susan H. Adams, M.A; Lobster Magazine, Non-Lethality, June 1993, Armen Victorian; SCS Matters, LLC
set of techniques to modify behavior patterns: Lobster Magazine, Non-Lethality, June 1993, Armen Victorian
In 1983, the NLP training group: The Warrior's Edge, (Avon Books, 1992), colonel John B. Alexander, Janet Morris, Major Richard Groller
According to his Bio:
patterns of behavior can be installed: The Warrior's Edge, colonel John B. Alexander, Janet Morris, Major Richard Groller
There has been some concern in the mental health: Introducing NLP, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour; Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Neuro-linguistic programming, Leonard C. Bruno
possible uses & misuses of this technology: NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, (Harper Paperbacks, 1996), Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner
Targets around the world:;
the process of copying an emotional state: Introducing NLP, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour
Space Invasion (Crowding)

Space invasion includes blocking: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,;;
Prolonged crowding can have an extremely: Human Ecology, High stress and low income: The environment of poverty, December 1, 2002, Clare Ulrich; A Literature Review Prepared for the Ministry of Social Policy (Ebook), Definitions of crowding & the Effects of Crowding on Health, Alison Gray; American Demographics, Crowded House?-how different ethnic groups react to crowds, December 2000, Alison Stein Wellner; Human Ecology, Crowded Homes Are Stressful, Regardless of Culture, September 22, 2000, Susan S. Lang
Body language is more accurate & reliable: Messages: The Communication Skills Book, (New Harbinger Publications, 1995), Matthew McKay, Ph.D., Martha Davis, Ph.D., Patrick Fanning
For most North Americans the intimate zone: Ibid, Secrets of Sexual Body Language: Understanding non-verbal communication, (Amorata Press), Martin Lloyed-Elliot
This space invasion happens: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
Noise Campaigns

noise campaigns: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
most people are sensitive to very loud noises: Future War, (St. Martin's Press, 2000), Colonel John B. Alexander
habitual door slamming: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Door slamming: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Blaring horns, sirens, [&] garbage disposal[s]: Ibid
loudly pace as they mimic: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
A number of individuals report that occupants: MHME, Julianne McKinney
pace in their apartment: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
helicopters is a common tactic: List of mind control symptoms, March, 2003, Cheryl Welsh,; Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
noise will be synchronized: Ibid
Chronic exposure to even low-level noise is considered a health hazard: Archives of Environmental Health, Chronic effects of workplace noise on blood pressure and heart rate, July 1, 2002, Claire C. Caruso; Environmental Health Perspectives, How earplugs can help your heart: health effects of noise pollution, March 1, 2002, Bob Weinhold; Newsletter-People's Medical Society, Now Hear This (detrimental effects of noise), April 1, 1999
noise can produce high blood pressure: Nutrition Health Review, The increase in noise pollution: what are the health effects? (The Harmful Effects of Noise), September, 22, 1996, Arlene, L. Bronzaft
Noise has been known to cause hearing loss: Pediatrics (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health), Noise: a hazard for the fetus and newborn, October 1, 1997; Pediatrics for Parents, Fetal hearing loss. (from intrauterine exposure to noise), February 1, 1993
Prolonged stress in general: Agence France Presse English, Stress triggers miscarriage, study says, November 10, 2004; Daily Post (Liverpool, England), Innocent nurse tells of year-long battle to clear name (News), March 15, 2005; War at Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It, (South End Press, 1989), Brian Glick; The Mirror (London, England), Boss Stalked Me (News), November 15, 1995

echoing & mirroring are very powerful: Secrets of Sexual Body Language: Understanding non-verbal communication, Martin Lloyed-Elliot
mirroring to influence people: The Warrior's Edge, Alexander, Morris, Groller
Harassment Skits (Street Theatre) clear their throat or cough: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
Some words carry with them a particular weight: NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner; Gaslighting, Victor Santoro the subject's ongoing experience: Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., (Metamorphous Press, 1997), John Grinder, Judith Delozier, Richard Bandler
verbal anchors: The Warrior's Edge, colonel John B. Alexander, Janet Morris, Major Richard Groller
Metamessages are suggestions hidden in a statement: Messages: The Communication Skills Book, Matthew McKay, Ph.D., Martha Davis, Ph.D., Patrick Fanning
The tone, volume, & rhythm of specific words in the sentence are changed: Ibid; Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Richard Bandler, John Grinder; Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England), Fear, coercion and control-tactics used to recruit members, August 8, 1998
It's hard to defend against the anger & disapproval: Messages: The Communication Skills Book, Matthew McKay, Ph.D., Martha Davis, Ph.D., Patrick Fanning
Imbedded commands serve the purpose of making suggestions: Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Richard Bandler, John Grinder
recurrent negative comments by strangers that: MHME, Julianne McKinney
My friends tell me to feel comfortable: Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Richard Bandler, John Grinder
When we hear something, even from another conversation: NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner
foster your target's paranoia: Gaslighting, Victor Santoro
used on protesters at anti-corporate rallies: San Francisco Bay Guardian, The new COINTELPRO, October 22, 2004
-Tactics (part II)
Setups & Confrontations

Recurrent confrontations by unusually hostile strangers: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Seemingly homeless people: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
immediately complained to the building: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Reportedly, local police participate in stalking: Ibid
during Cointelpro, there were routine setups: War At Home, Brian Glick
frame innocent people for crimes: Sunday Herald, The FBI used this guy to frame men for murders they did not commit, December 7, 2003, Noel Young
In case after notorious case: The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, (AWT Inc., 2005), former Senator John W. DeCamp
Stores & Restaurants

Store & restaurant staff: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
A variation of these tactics: Stasiland, Anna Funder
Friends & Family

friends & family may be recruited: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
A number of individuals in touch with: MHME, Julianne McKinney
they will probably be forced to carry out: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
Thefts & Break-ins

When break-ins occur: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Santoro claims that these subtle: Gaslighting, Victor Santoro
Burglarizing your home is very, very common: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Executive Order NO. 12333: War at Home, Brian Glick
surreptitious break-ins, thefts, & sabotage: Ibid
Santoro advocates include filling: Gaslighting, Victor Santoro
always leave subliminal messages: Techniques used to silence critics, Ted L. Gunderson FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Ret)
if you are being subjected to a secret: Subliminal Mind Control, (Consumertronics), John J. Williams
Sabotage, vandalism, & staged events

Small & not-so-small scale: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Some of this can be attributed to the E-bomb: Talk of the Nation (NPR), Electromagnetic pulse bombs, March 14, 2003, Ira Flatow; The American Enterprise, Fear of a new weapon.(National Security), March 1, 2004, Eli Lehrer; AP Technologyr (AP Worldstream), Pentagon could debut new weapons in Iraq, February, 18, 2003
Ongoing computer problems: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
pets die suddenly of mysterious illness: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Automobiles are one of the biggest targets: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Vehicles invite peculiarly ferocious attacks: MHME, Julianne McKinney
staged accidents: Ibid
They also conduct staged accidents: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
"accidental" deaths: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Car brake-leads have been cut: Stasiland, Anna Funder

surrounded by vehicles: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,; Road To Freedom shows, Eleanor White,
City & state vehicles which may stalk: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,; List of mind control symptoms, March, 2003, Cheryl Welsh,

Brighting is an attack: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,;;
Among the most common non-lethal: Winning The War, (St. Martin's Press, 2004), Colonel John B. Alexander

Targets who are employed: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Blacklisting was originally used as a foreign-policy tool: Special to The Christian Science Monitor, Blacklisted by the bank, Sara B. Miller
An entire industry has sprung up to produce: The American Civil Liberties Union, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, August 2004, Jay Stanley
Federal law enforcement have sent these watch lists: Wired NewsWire, Big Business Becoming Big Brother, August 9, 2004, Kim Zetter
job applicants might have been denied work: Ibid
plain-clothed People's Brigade: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov
To accomplish this Blacklisting: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Georgetown University, Understanding The Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its control in the USSR, Ray S. Cline
their careers were destroyed: Stasiland, Anna Funder
to bring their finances down: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
financial state is destroyed: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
asked with accusing, or mocking tones: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
The harassment is masked: Ibid
Reporters & historians are also blacklisted: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
risk losing their jobs and being blacklisted: Publishers Weekly editorial review at of book, Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press, by Kristina
Communications Interference

Targets experience tampering: MHME, Julianne McKinney
mail is intercepted: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
During the former version of Cointelpro: War At Home, Brian Glick
inspected all mail in secret rooms: Stasiland, Anna Funder
disrupt the communication systems: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
targets usually receive lots of harassing telephone calls: MHME, Julianne McKinney; Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret

Targets may also be stalked online: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
Carnivore, DCS1000: Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service (Knight Ridder Newspapers), Modern snooping technology can dig deep, September 9, 2001, Dawn C. Chmielewski
These cryptic attacks: Subliminal Mind Control, John J. Williams
TI TV businesses conducting surveillance is increasing: Business Wire, Statistics show rise in surveillance of workers, May 18, 2005
people being Gang Stalked in the office: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Covert workplace surveillance: Denver Rocky Mountain News, Surveillance Helps Companies Catch Thieves Wireless Video Cameras, Transmitters Help Firms Keep An Eye On Staffers, April 30, 2001, Kyle Ringo
Secret monitoring of employees: Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service (Bridge News), The boss is watching as workplace surveillance grows, August 6, 1997, William S. Brown
According to these publications: Ibid; Denver Rocky Mountain News, Surveillance Helps Companies Catch Thieves Wireless Video Cameras, Transmitters Help Firms Keep An Eye On Staffers, April 30, 2001, Kyle Ringo; Who's watching the workplace? The electronic monitoring debate spreads to Capitol Hill (includes related article)(Special Issue) (Cover Story); Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News (The Orlando Sentinel), Privacy Experts Concerned by Employers' Increased Surveillance of Workers, July 23, 2003, Harry Wessel
Non-lethal Weapons

briefcase-sized portable: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the law states that federal & local: Chapter 170 of the Acts of 2004, An act relative to the possession of electronic weapons
These weapons or similar ones are currently being used: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
high-tech arms of the century: Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons, Dr. Reinhard Munzert, September 6, 2002
this technology was outsourced to the FBI: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
anyone complaining about these systems were imagining: Julianne The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
can cause nausea, fatigue, headaches, liquefy bowels: U.S. News & World Report, EM Weapons (Wonder weapons), July 7, 1997, Douglas Pasternak; The Sunday Telegraph, Microwave gun to be used by US troops on Iraq rioters, September 19, 2004, Tony Freinberg, Sean Rayment
So-called acoustic or sonic weapons: Ibid, (Wonder weapons)
Enemy soldiers might be confused: Wired Digital, Surrender or We'll Slime You, February 1995, Mark Nollinger
weapons are both land & space based: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
electrical grid throughout the country: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Microwave DEWs will produce dizziness, burning, headaches: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret; The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney; The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
inflict pain in a highly focused fashion: Ibid (McKinney)
hit the heart, and the brain, and testes: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
cause deteriorating health, digestive problems, tremendous pain: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Sleep disruption/deprivation: MHME, Julianne McKinney
We have information that this Secret Service: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
the Stasi File Authority began to investigate: Stasiland, Anna Funder
three of former East Germany's best-known dissidents: BBC, Dissidents say Stasi gave them cancer, May 25, 1999
his was tortured to death & given cancer: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
sustained high levels of radiation: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
The Russian LIDA machine: Eleanor White,
demonstrated a V2K success in the mid 70s: The American Psychologist (Journal of the American Psychological Association), March 1975
wireless" and "receiverless" communication of SPEECH: Ibid
The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the inducement of auditory input: Ibid
kind of torture: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
The intelligence agencies are capable of transmitting voices: Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, (Feral House, 1997), Alex Constantine
used on Iraqi soldiers: Nexus, Military Use of Silent Sound (PSY-OPS WEAPONRY USED IN THE PERSIAN GULF WAR), Volume 5, Issue 6, October/November 1998, Judy Wall
Subliminally, a much more powerful technology: Ibid
classified by the US Government: Ibid
Once you're engaged and you have a capability: Cincinnati Post, U.S. Taps high-tech arsenal/pentagon likely to debut new weapons in Iraq, March 30, 2003
the perfect crime: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Munzert
Support Groups

foster an informant's rise to respectability: Department of History, Amherst College, The Stasi: New research on the East German Ministry for State Security, Catherine Epstein; The People's State,(Yale University Press, 2005), Mary Fulbrook
Jacketing was often used during the old Cointelpro: War at Home, Brian Glick
An Ancient Phenomenon

as far back as the Roman Empire:;
The fascist dictatorship of Portugal:
Other countries have used massive citizen informant networks: BBC News, Czech collaborators to be named, March 6, 3003; BBC News, Czech communists guilty of harassment, February 12, 2002;, Czech Republic, Timothy G. Borden; The New York Times, Polish Assembly Votes to Release Files on Communist Collaborators, May 29, 1992; BBC News, New Polish archbishop in spy row, January 5, 2007;;;;;
plain-clothed citizen informants were called IMs: Stasiland, Anna Funder
the result is nothing short of monstrous: Stasi, John O. Koehler
We have growing problems in our country: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov
A Familiar Pattern

homeless people to white-collar workers: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
friends, co-workers & even family of targeted people: Ibid
are trained by this organization to harass: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
Tens of thousands of persons in each [Metropolitan] area: Nexus Magazine, How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), April/May 1996
Executive Order 12333 states: War At Home, Brian Glick
following and checking on subjects, Nexus Magazine: Nexus Magazine, How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), April/May 1996
Even though TIPS was officially rejected by congress: The American Civil Liberties Union, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, August 2004, Jay Stanley
The Terrorism Information and Prevention System: Sunday Morning Herald (, US Planning to Recruit One in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies, July 15, 2002, Ritt Goldstein
only under the most oppressive governments: The American Civil Liberties Union, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, August 2004, Jay Stanley
the current effort to build a colossal network: The New American, TIPping off Big Brother: if the Bush administration's citizen informant program "TIPS" is fully implemented, America may end up a nation of tattletales and civilian spies that would make Big Brother proud, October 7, 2002, Bonta, Steve
1 million informants: Washington Times, Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits '1984' Fears, July 15, 2002, Ellen Sorokin
harness the power of the American people:
the IMs included doctors, lawyers, journalists: Stasi, John O. Koehler
Other questionable programs: The Boston Globe, Building a Nation of Snoops, May 14, 2003, by Carl Takei
weed out: U.S. Department of Justice, The Weed And Seed Strategy-Weed And Seed Topical Publication Series (Document NCJ 207498); U.S. Department of Justice, Weed And Seed Implementation Manual (Document NCJ 210242)
Watching America with Pride: The Boston Globe, Building a Nation of Snoops, May 14, 2003, by Carl Takei
According to Catherine Epstein at the Department: Department of History, Amherst College, The Stasi, Catherine Epstein
one in ten people will unofficially: Techniques used to silence critics, Ted L. Gunderson FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Ret)
In Germany the recruiters were given quotas: Stasi, John O. Koehler
They've recruited the youth

Children are now participating: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,;
6% of the IMs were children: Stasi, John O. Koehler
families were recruited as IMs in East Germany: The File, (Vintage Books, 1998), Timothy Garton Ash
These programs are probably offered in high school: University Wire, Boston U. adopts Crime Watch program, September 6, 2001 Kerriann Murray; University Wire, Police enlist Ohio State U. students in war on crime, October 25, 2000, Ikenna D. Ofobike; The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, School police enlist aid of students in new crime watch, July 5, 2001, AHAN KIM; The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Student-led crime watch on duty at high school, October 18, 2001, SHANDRA HILL; Sarasota Herald Tribune, Students keep the peace; Middle school patrol watches for violence, drug problems, October 16, 2000, (Editorial)
children were also recruited: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
Youth Crime Watch:;
A nation of Gang Stalkers

USAonWatch is the face:
For more than 30 years:
Citizen Corps is run by The Federal:;
The Neighborhood Watch is Homeland Security:
informers who literally encircled their everyday movements: Man Without A Face,( PublicAffairs, 1999), Markus Wolf, Anne McElvoy
surrounded by unofficial informers: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
people would be stalked by a network of IMs: Stasiland, Anna Funder
In 1974 the former Deputy Director: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Georgetown University, Understanding The Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its control in the USSR, Ray S. Cline
help co-op citizens into participating in state-sponsored harassment: Foreign Press Foundation, Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs To Work Under Chertoff, December 16, 2004
sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security: VIPS-Volunteers In Police Service
in East Germany, the adults & children: Stasiland, Anna Funder; Stasi, John O. Koehler
In Russia, informants operated: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov; The Official KGB Handbook, (published by the USSR's Committee For State Security, translated & re-published by the Industrial Information Index)
entire families who are citizen informants: Chicago Sun-Times, Family of spies on run, With cover blown, pro informants `disappear', May 31, 1998, Pamela Warrick

Under no condition was the public to know: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov
When citizen informants in East Germany were recruited: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook; The File, Timothy Ash

these mental blocking techniques: Releasing The Bonds: Empowering People To Think For Themselves, (Aitan Publishing Company, 2000), Steven Hassan
mindguard is an attention bodyguard, standing vigilant: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, (Simon And Schuster, 1985), Dr. Daniel Goleman
Hitler and his troop of amateur magicians: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
totalitarian movements:

IMs in East Germany communicated non-verbal cues: Stasiland, Anna Funder
Friends & Family

Friends & family of targeted people are sometimes: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
FBI records reveal frequent maneuvers to generate tension: War At Home, Brian Glick
What we've studied and reported: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
put under siege: Man Without A Face, Markus, Wolf
We know what you have been doing: War At Home, Brian Glick
Full government complicity

ground crew that participates in patrols: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Some of these informants: Stasiland, Anna Funder; Man Without A Face,( PublicAffairs, 1999), Markus Wolf, Anne McElvoy
the internal army by which the government kept control: Stasiland, Anna Funder
a criminal organization: Stasi, John O. Koehler
a key task of the Stasi: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
To accomplish this: Stasiland, Anna Funder
Cointelpro has since been legalized: War At Home, Brian Glick
the FCC as a minimum: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
the FBI, CIA, & DOE are probably involved: Ibid
the military is... very directly & heavily involved: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
This globally infiltrated organization: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens: Nexus Magazine, How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), April/May 1996
The Big Lie
co-opting specific individuals in a targeted: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
There is an intelligence faction: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
attacks people with Directed Energy Weapons: Ibid
that conducts staged accidents, & frames people for crimes: MHME, Julianne McKinney; Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
each community has a Citizen Corps Council: Citizen Corps, Guide for Local Officials,
What the public doesn't see very hierarchical: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
the use of the mafia & terrorists: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
the FBI works with known criminals: Sunday Herald, The FBI used this guy to frame men for murders they did not commit, December 7, 2003, Noel Young
trained, & even protected terrorist: The Times of India, CIA worked in tandem with Pakistan to create Taliban, March 7, 2001; Omaha World-Herald, Bin Laden once had U.S. support, experts say, September 17, 2001, Stephen Buttry & Jake Thompson; MSNBC, Bin Laden comes home to roost, His CIA ties are only the beginning of a woeful story, August 24, 1998, Michael Moran; WorldNetDaily, U.S. sent Afghanistan $125 million, September 15, 2001, Jon Dougherty; Newsweek, Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained At U.S. Bases, September 15, 2001, George Wehrfritz, Catharine Skipp & John Barry; MSNBC, The 'airlift of evil', November 29, 2001, Michael Moran; The Guardian, US helped Taliban to safety, magazine claims, January 21, 2002, Oliver Burkeman; The Washington Times, Report: bin Laden treated at US hospital, October 31, 2001, Elizabeth Bryant; The Guardian, FBI claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated, Officials told to 'back off' on Saudis before September 11, November 7 2001, Greg Palast & David Pallister
The overt operations involve investigators: Techniques used to silence critics, Ted L. Gunderson FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Ret)
Hypothesis A
a theory... which has to be supported by evidence: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Mr. Chris Morris:
Ms. Janet Morris: Ibid
the foreign & domestic use of Non-lethals: MHME, Julianne McKinney
The energy emitted from all of these [Microwave] weapons: Ibid
The Morris' have provided interviews & opinion pieces:
task force for the Council on Foreign Relations: New York Times Magazine, The Quest For The Nonkiller App, July 25, 2004, Stephen Mihm
Col. John B. Alexander, PhD,:
the creation of this policy resulted from his non-lethal study for the: Ibid
all extensively interlocked with the C.F.R.: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
It is no exaggeration: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
New weapons for a New World Order

Raytheon had developed the Active Denial System: New York Times Magazine, The Quest For The Nonkiller App, July 25, 2004, Stephen Mihm
weaponized versions of Valium and other drugs: Ibid
one-world socialist dictatorship: The Invisible Government, (The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962), Dan Smoot
inked a contract... with Platinum Studios: USA Today (Gannett News Service), Top military advisor signs on for video games, July 3, 2003, By Mark Saltzman
is recognized and acknowledged as the world's leading: Market Wire, Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. Secured as ShockRounds(TM) Advisor, March, 2004,
Maybe I can fix you: The Washington Post Company, Mind Games, January 14, 2007, Sharon Weinberger
able to protect national interests and values: The Boston Globe, New Weapons For A New World Order, March 7, 1993
nonlethal technology with domestic law enforcement agencies: Wired Digital, Surrender or We'll Slime You, February 1995 (Issue 3.02), Mark Nollinger
vocal group of conspiracy theorists: Harvard International Review, Optional Lethality-Evolving Attitudes Towards Nonlethal Weaponry, From The Future of War, Vol. 23 (2), Summer 2001
Today the path to total dictatorship: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Hypothesis B

[A] number of virtually identical complaints: MHME, Julianne McKinney
The awful truth is that the entire democratic: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
If a revolution has indeed been accomplished: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
Here in the reality of socialism you have a tiny: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Article 4 of the Constitution of former East Germany: Stasi, John O. Koehler
Totalitarianism under any label spells: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
In their pursuit of a new world order: With No Apologies, former Senator Barry Goldwater
If you have total government: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
The key to modern history: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
If one understands that socialism: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world: Ibid
rather to seize control of the political state: With No Apologies, former Senator Barry Goldwater
The Revolution is Over

The most important thing of all is to remember: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
socialist revolution by stealth: Ibid
All that can be hoped for is a counterrevolution: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
IMs were to play an important role: Department of History, Amherst College, The Stasi, Catherine Epstein
The CSIS report, which described: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Georgetown University, Understanding The Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its control in the USSR, Ray S. Cline
The KGB's success depended on the extensive: MHME, Julianne McKinney
participatory dictatorship: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
Every unfortunate society: The New American, Informant nation, June 16, 2003
capturing a percentage of the population: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
I'd like to go back to the underlying purpose for all of this: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
I think that once full control is established: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Revolution is nearly accomplished: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
In order to solidify their power: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
America to become part of a worldwide: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
If you want a national monopoly: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
I would say that the persons who have realized: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
over Europe, and maybe all over the world: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
These are global operations: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
carried out in all of the NATO countries: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
There is evidence that this is escalating: The Investigative Journal, Annie Earle
I've seen a tremendous expansion: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
They are ALREADY in every apartment block: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
top management into a state-run program: Stasi, John O. Koehler
are in direct contact with police:
There was someone reporting to the Stasi on their fellows: Stasiland, Anna Funder
Without exception, one tenant in every apartment building: Stasi, John O. Koehler
Law enforcement, in partnership:
As groups continue to grow:
reinvigorated to increase the number of groups: Citizen Corps, A Guide for Local Officials,
focal point for all Neighborhood Watch:
It's strange, before we were attacked: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
pawns, shills, puppets: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
dedication and effort to win that it took to destroy Hitler: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
-Motivational Factors
Intimidation & Blackmail

7% of the IMs were recruited by intimidation: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
Voluntary Servitude

All human beings have these: Personal Power II: The Driving Force, Anthony Robbins
The surface reason is a means to an end: Ibid
it is not difficult to be biologically selfish: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
But they believed that by participating they were special: Stasiland, Anna Funder
a member of a Russian Citizens Brigade: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov
feeling important: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
Whether it occurs among nations or among individuals: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
When these groups sprung up in Germany & Russia: Stasiland, Anna Funder; Stasi, John O. Koehler; The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov
A hallmark of the person as group member: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
Individuals not only routinely regress: People Of The Lie, (Simon & Shuster, Inc., 1983), Dr. M. Scott Peck
Dr. Stanley Milgram quote:
Madness, said Nietzsche, is the exception: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
Like individual evil, group evil is common: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
This is because a group is an organism: Ibid
mental homogeneity: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
enemy creation: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
Enemy Creation

It is almost common knowledge: Ibid
A group may implicitly demand of its members: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
The first victim of groupthink is critical thought: Ibid
the behavior may seem disturbing when viewed by an outsider: Betrayal Trauma: The Logic of Forgetting Childhood Abuse, (Harvard University Press, 1998), Dr. Jennifer J. Freyd
a matter of laziness: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
USAonWatch empowers:
Birds of a Feather

They often "vulture", lacking the courage: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
a number of individuals having surrendered their selves to something bigger: Ibid
covert wannabees: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
you would think it would not be so easy to co-opt them: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Specialized Groups: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
Evil in Disguise

They live down the street-on any street: Ibid
How can they be evil and not designated: Ibid
Utterly dedicated to preserving their self-image of perfection: Ibid
are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil: Ibid
evil people are often destructive because they are attempting: Ibid
Ordinary Evil

Even civilians will commit evil with remarkable: Ibid
The point of the experiment is to see: Harper's Magazine, The Perils of Obedience, December 1973, Stanley Milgram,
"These predictions," stated Dr. Milgram "were unequivocally wrong.": Ibid
65% of the adult test subjects administered the full 450 volts: Psychology Today Magazine (Document ID: 1989), The Man Who Shocked The World, March/April 2002, Thomas Blaas
The level of obedience increased to has high as 85%: Harper's Magazine, The Perils of Obedience, December 1973, Stanley Milgram,
ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility: Ibid
the satisfaction of pleasing the authority figure: Ibid
the experimenter did not threaten the subjects: Ibid
the responsibility belonged to the man who actually pulled the switch: Ibid
Obviously, you would have dissented: Yale Alumni Magazine, When Good People Do Evil, January/February 2007, Philip Zimbardo '59PhD,
soar to over 90 percent: Ibid
a history teacher's supposed authoritarian political movement: Ibid
some disturbing truths about human nature: Psychology Today Magazine, The Man Who Shocked The World, March/April 2002, (Document ID: 1989), Thomas Blaas
demonstrated with jarring clarity that ordinary individuals could be induced: Ibid
Milgram crafted his research paradigm to find out what strategies: Yale Alumni Magazine, When Good People Do Evil, January/February 2007, Philip Zimbardo '59PhD,
If a system of death camps were set up in the United States: The American Scientist, Milgram's Progress, July/August 2004, Robert V. Levine,
Primetime" wanted to know if ordinary people: ABC News Internet, Basic Instincts: The Science of Evil, January 3, 2007, Caroline Borge (
group will remain inevitably potentially conscienceless and evil: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
Stanley Milgram quote:
-Who's Targeted

Air Force official says nonlethal weapons: Associated Press, Official Touts Nonlethal Weapons for Use, September 12, 2006, Lolita C. Baldor
We are developing devices: Peace Magazine, Zapping The Movement, Jun-Jul 1987, David Kattenburg
harassed in multiple states & countries: Sun Journal, New Bern, NC, Woman fears government zapping, September 28, 1992, Janet Blackman
harassment campaigns are intergenerational: MHME, Julianne McKinney
No TI should look for a reason why this is going on: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
are not & never have been a threat: Ibid
absolutely terrible secret policy: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
reasons of national security blanket: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Similarly, in East Germany & Russia, people were labeled: The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov; Stasi, John Koehler; Stasiland, Anna Funder
other groups may emerge: Future War, Colonel John B. Alexander
The government's legitimate concern with national security: The Franklin Cover-up, former Senator John Decamp
There are no laws preventing this: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney

Government whistleblowers, or whistleblowers of a corporation: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Scientist Leuren Moret: Uncovering the Truth About Depleted Uranium, Leuren Moret
The whistle-blower is forced out, frightening workmates and supporters: Virtual Government, Alex Constantine

The records show that the vast majority of the targets: War At Home, Brian Glick
40 people experienced headaches: The Guardian, Peace women fear electronic zapping at base, Monday March, 10 1986, Gareth Parry
trying to kill her with radio frequency weapons: Associated Press, Government Wants Me Dead, April 15, 1995
potential "terrorists.": The Village Voice, J. Edgar Hoover Back at the 'New' FBI, Classified FBI Bulletin Reveals Tactics at Protests, December 4th, 2003, Nat Hentoff
targeted due to uncovering some information:
unruly demonstrators disrupting World Trade Organization: Seattle Times, Crowd-control cookery: Microwaves among new non-lethal weapons, April 1, 2000, John Yaukey
"neuter" people: The Washington Post Company, Mind Games, January 14, 2007, Sharon Weinberger
Parents & children of targeted individuals are also being: MHME, Julianne McKinney
killed one of her daughters to spare her: Cleveland Plain Dealer, Psychiatrist Testifies At Mom's Hearing, June 28, 1991
if she valued the lives of her children: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the Stasi would target families: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
testing the latest in surveillance & Directed Energy Weapons: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
MKULTRA, a known mind-control project: The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks
about 23,000 people were traumatized: Mass Control-Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith
Stasi burnt out many paper-shredding machines: Stasiland, Anna Funder
The paper trail for these experiments ended around 1984: Ibid
It would appear that the CIA's and FBI's Operations MKULTRA: MHME, Julianne McKinney

Both the East German Stasi & the CIA: Stasiland, Anna Funder; The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks
Political Movement

it has moved beyond experimentation: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney; Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
ANYONE can become a target: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
many of them run surveillance operations for government agencies: Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, August 2004, Jay Stanley
many instances of individuals in the corporate environment being singled: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
there does seem to be a certain profile: The Investigative Journal, Annie Earle
There's a heavy predominance of those types: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Others that have been targeted include: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney; Eleanor White,; Suanne Campbell,; Road To Freedom shows, Eleanor White; Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret; The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
Mobbing targets are selected for these exact reason: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott

there are considerably more women targeted than men: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
Commission on Population Growth: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
The Harrimans... along with the Rockefellers funded: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
eugenics programs in Nazi Germany were organized & funded: Mass Control-Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith
Eugenics work, under more politically correct names: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
Rockefellers and Carnegies constructed the Eugenics Records: Mass Control-Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith

force the individual to commit an act of violence: MHME, Julianne McKinney
The purpose is to completely isolate: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Isolation of the individual from members: MHME, Julianne McKinney
induce a sense of perverted "loyalty" toward: Ibid
Your protocol follows you wherever you go so it's a waste of time: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
All of these harassment techniques are recurrent: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret
Suicides might also qualify as "staged accidents,": MHME, Julianne McKinney

Because the group harassment for Mobbing & The Hidden Evil: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
other reported symptoms & situations are: Co-op Radio, Leuren Moret; Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde; The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert; MHME, Julianne McKinney; The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Many, many, many thousands, no doubt, are involved: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
are experiencing extreme traumatic stress: The Investigative Journal, Annie Earle
the victims experience extreme, unbelievable things: Targeting the Human, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
were probably more damaging, ultimately: Man Without A Face, Markus Wolf
For many, the discovery: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police, July 1, 1999, Bourgholtzer, Frank
Rapidly deteriorating health, generally of a digestive nature: MHME, Julianne McKinney
hot spot on the skull: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Usually the victims experience pain: The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
People with mental disorders are stereotypically: Center for the Advancement of Health, Stigma of mental illness still exists, Bernice A. Pescosolido, PhD,
Frankly I strongly recommend that you keep your: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
lunatic asylum: Dr. Reinhard Munzert interviewed on The Investigative Journal, Dr. Reinhard Munzert
harassment even continues inside hospitals: MHME, Julianne McKinney; Cleveland Plain Dealer, Psychiatrist Testifies At Mom's Hearing, June 28, 1991
If you have been diagnosed with a mental disorder: Connecticut Clearinghouse-A program of wheeler clinic, Stigma & Mental Illness, (
You may also be denied certain licenses: PSYCHIATRIC STIGMA follows you everywhere you go-for the rest of your life (A warning from Lawrence Stevens, J.D), Lawrence Stevens, J.D.
EAPs work for the company: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
it is better to be an ex-convict in the job market than someone: PSYCHIATRIC STIGMA follows you everywhere you go-for the rest of your life (A warning from Lawrence Stevens, J.D), Lawrence Stevens, J.D.
Results of the Hidden Evil

There are persons I have seen being targeted: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
6 million people came under scrutiny:; Stasi, John O. Koehler
have been known to go postal & kill themselves: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
a wave of postal killings, giving rise to the term: Atlanta's Office Massacre, Rachael Bell,
former members of the intelligence community are often granted positions: Virtual Government, Alex Constantine
A jury awarded $5.5 million to the family of a woman: Employment Practices Solutions, Inc (Articles/News Briefs), $5.5 Million Awarded in Sexual Harassment Case, November 6, 1996
Mr Lee left a suicide note addressed to his mother: The Guardian, Suicide of black worker 'caused by bullying,' January 9, 2001, Helen Carter
unable to ever return to the workforce: Mobbing, Noa Davenport, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
the post office may have been responsible: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Report links violence, local postal management, December 22, 1998, Georgia Pabst
In 1999 a postal inspector named Calvin Comfort: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Postal inspector kills self near work, April 2, 1999, Jessica Mcbride
Milwaukee postal inspector who investigated the fatal 1997: Ibid
A former postal worker who had been put on medical leave: USA Today, Ex-postal worker commits suicide after 5 die in shooting, January 31, 2006
Psychological harassment & intimidation are carried out by hired specialists: Virtual Government, Alex Constantine
Some may feel revengeful: Mobbing, Ph.D., Ruth Distler Schwartz, & Gail Pursell Elliott
refusal of the mass media to address this topic: MHME, Julianne McKinney
The U.S. postal service has conducted its own $4 million dollar study: Boston Herald, Workplace violence called an epidemic, December 27, 2000, Tom Mashberg; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Study Calls 'Go Postal' Stereotype Mere Myth, September 01, 2000, Bob Dart
-The Psychopathic Influence
Description of a Psychopath

Psychopaths, also called sociopaths: Mask of Sanity, (C.V. Mosby Co.), Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley; Without Conscience, (Simon & Schuster Inc, 1993), Dr. Robert D. Hare
emotional impairment: The Psychopath: Emotion And The Brain, (Blackwell Publishing, 2005), James Blair, Karina Blair, Derek Mitchell
psychopaths don't feel emotion in a normal: The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment, (Jason Aronson Inc., 1988), Dr. J. Reid Meloy
Generally, those who believe: The Psychopath: Emotion And The Brain, James Blair, Karina Blair, Derek Mitchell
These disorders are detected: Ibid
4% of the population: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
can be found in every race: Ibid
the term psychopath has been used: Ibid
no difficulty at all in looking anyone: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
Lying, deceiving, and manipulation: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
ability to rationalize their behavior: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
show a stunning lack of concern: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
counseling would be wasted: Ibid
reflect the wishes of the therapist: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
Among themselves therapists: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
traditional therapeutic approaches:
considered sane: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
Dr. Scott Peck concludes: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
Where Are They?

The true difference between them: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
never go to prison or any other facility: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
Corrupt and callous politicians: The Psychopath's Brain: Tormented Souls, Diseased Brains, Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD,
The experience of pleasure: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
They love to have power: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
They are well aware that their mental makeup: Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes, (Red Pill Press, 2006), Andrew M. Lobaczewski
learn how to detect others: Ibid
contacted by Nicole Kidman: Psychopaths Among Us, Robert Hercz,
any emotions which the primary psychopath:
using their charm: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
the typical psychopath will seem particularly: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
often witty and articulate: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
A Different Species

Some researchers agree: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Psychology Today Magazine, This Charming Psychopath, Robert Hare,
imagining the world as the psychopath: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
the world of pathological egotism and terror: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski
The typical person: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
intraspecies predators: The Psychopath's Brain, Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
There is a class of individuals: Psychology Today Magazine, This Charming Psychopath, Robert Hare,
what is missing in this picture: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
morally depraved individuals: Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, And Psychopathy, North Carolina Wesleyan College,
create chaos for no reason: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
One day a scorpion and a frog:
Psychopaths in Politics

they are likely to exert themselves more than most: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
[They] come from the very highest social strata: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
We then usually reach the conclusion: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Because their willfulness: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
under stressing social situations: The Psychopath's Brain, Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
Yet, in public, they impress us as men: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
When psychopaths rule a society: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski
When the controlling faction: Ibid
Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
EVIL MONSTERS: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
When a nation or other: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski
The actions of this phenomenon affect: Ibid
The Hidden Evil

If someone has personally experienced: Ibid
perverted sense of loyalty: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Sadistic control is also an element of perversion: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
treat their targets as objects: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Psychopaths view people: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
The outer layer closest to the original: Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski
According to Dr. Lobaczewski: Ibid
envy and greed in themselves: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
-The Satanic Influence

people who have been stalked after breaking ties: McKinney MHME
get rewarded for their evil actions: Microwave mind control, Dr. Kilde
License plates which include the numbers: Personal notes of Mark M. Rich,
Use of modified license plates: McKinney MHME
Satanists usually appear: Techniques Used To Silence Critics, Ted L. Gunderson; The Franklin Cover-up, Senator John Decamp; Satanic Crime, William H. Kennedy; The New Satanists, (Grand Central Publishing, 1994), Linda Blood
evil needs to hide: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
one of the blossoms and one of the roots: Ibid
Satanism encompasses: Techniques Used To Silence Critics, Ted L. Gunderson; The Franklin Cover-up, Senator John Decamp; Satanic Crime, William H. Kennedy
of a wider criminal continuum: The New Satanists, Linda Blood
The video "Conspiracy of Silence": Techniques Used To Silence Critics, Ted L. Gunderson
Satanists control and dominate the big corporations: Ibid
specific organizations under a Satanic influence: Ibid
The Order of Skull & Bones

The Order was founded in 1832: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
It is said to be an American branch: Ibid
during the 2004 presidential candidacy: Baltimore Sun, Keepers of the crypt, March 23, 2004; CBS News, Skull And Bones, June 13, 2004; Washington Post Staffr, Bush, Kerry Share Tippy-Top Secret, April 4, 2004, Don Oldenburg; Guardian Unlimited, Skeleton key to the White House, February 24, 2004; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Yalies Bush, Kerry can keep a secret (Skull and Bones), March 6, 2004, Bob Dart
Meet the Press:
Each year during commencement week: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Members of The Order are elevated: Ibid
It was legally incorporated: Ibid
It conducts yearly meetings: Ibid
These families include, Whitney, Lord: Ibid
Bush and Kerry are only the latest Bonesmen: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Yalies Bush, Kerry can keep a secret (Skull and Bones), March 6, 2004, Bob Dart
Notable members of The Order include: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Columnist William F. Buckley: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Bohemian Club member lists: Bohemian Grove-Cult Of Conspiracy, (iUniverse, 2004), Mike Hanson
George H. W. Bush was a member of The Order: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
George Bush was a Skull and Bonesman: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Prescott Sheldon Bush was a founding: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Both George H. W. Bush, & George: Bohemian Grove-Cult Of Conspiracy, Mike Hanson
Winston Lord became the chairman: Americas Secret Establishment, Professor Antony Sutton; Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Henry Lewis Stimson was also a CFR: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
E. Roland Harriman was a CFR: Ibid
W. Averill Harriman, who financed the Nazis: Ibid (Perloff); Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton; Americas Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
In more recent years we find that during the 2004: Americas Secret Establishment, Professor Antony Sutton
The Order has been called a "stepping stone": Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
the world shadow government owned: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
Even with our limited knowledge: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
the shortest senior is appointed "little devil,": The History Channel History's Mysteries, Secret Societies, hosted by Arthur Kent (
The reader may consider this juvenile: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
I can only tell you that this is exactly what goes on: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
It is a psychological conditioning process: Ibid
a variation of brain-washing: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
Like their counterparts, the Skull & Bones Society: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
been able to gain impressive positions of influence: Ibid
has infiltrated the top of public organizations: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
One observation is that The Order: Ibid
infiltrated every aspect of society: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
The Order being first on the scene is evident: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
James Jeremiah Wadsworth: Ibid
Andrew Dickson White: Ibid
The activities of The Order are directed: Ibid
Bohemian Grove

invited to the summer encampment of 1994: Sonoma County Free Press, San Francisco Bohemian Club: Power, Prestige and Globalism, June 8, 2001, Peter Phillips
They produced a film of their experience: Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Alex Jones, Mike Hanson, (
Mike Hanson authored a book: Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy, Mike Hanson
a few mainstream media sources: The Washington Post, Lunch Among The Redwoods, July 06, 1905; New York Post, Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members, July 22, 2004; Sacramento Bee Correspondent, Movers, shakers from politics, business go Bohemian, August. 2, 1999, Suzanne Bohan (
more properly known as the Midsummer Encampment: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
was formed in 1872-3: San Francisco Bohemian Club, Peter Phillips; Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
invitation only; Ibid (Hanson)
According to Hanson & Phillips: Ibid
good-old-boys political network Ibid (Hanson)
they rented Bohemian Grove: Ibid
consists of about 2,712 acres: Ibid
located in Sonoma County: Ibid
a civic center with a Bar & Grill: Ibid
While the Grove's public areas: Ibid
fire department & medical care: Ibid
No Trespassing signs cover the grounds: Inside Bohemian Grove: Masters of the Universe Go to Camp, November, 1989, Philip Weiss
barbed wire fences: Ibid
vigorously guarded: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
own private security force: Ibid
Professor Marrs' research: Exposé of The Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs interviews Alex Jones
lasts for about two weeks: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
alcohol is available 24/7: Ibid
average club member's age: Inside Bohemian Grove, Philip Weiss
Between two & three: Ibid
The second Saturday of the encampment: Ibid; Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Spring Jinks in June: Ibid (Weiss)
The CFR and Bohemian Club: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
In attendance are representatives: Extra! Magazine, Inside Bohemian Grove: The Story People Magazine Won't Let You Read (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)), November/December 1991
Here, heads of state and industry: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
The remaining members are mostly: San Francisco Bohemian Club, Peter Phillips
I found at least 150 Bohemians: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Notables that have attended the grove: Ibid
consists of a variety of camps: Ibid
The Bushes call the Hill Billies: Ibid
There are few rules: Inside Bohemian Grove, Philip Weiss
The club's motto, was taken: The Daily Reveille (Louisiana State University), An Elite Alliance, March 7, 2006, Amy Brittain
The media figures attending: Extra! Magazine, Inside Bohemian Grove
Hanson's experience is similar: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Media access to the Grove: The Daily Reveille, An Elite Alliance
policy passed without the voting public's knowledge: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
begin at 12:30: Ibid
The club has drawn criticism: Sacramento Bee Correspondent, Movers, shakers from politics, business go Bohemian, August. 2, 1999, Suzanne Bohan (
The point of the protests: Ibid
The important men come out for the Lakeside Talks: Inside Bohemian Grove, Philip Weiss
that the Manhattan Project: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Grovers privately boast: New York Post, Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members, July 22, 2004
the Manhattan Project was conceived on its grounds: Extra! Magazine, Inside Bohemian Grove
not an isolated case: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Stealth B-2 Bomber: Ibid
Other Lakeside Talk topics: Ibid
These speeches were delivered: Ibid
Behind the scene: San Francisco Bohemian Club, Peter Phillips
These guys ALREADY run the world: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Club members collect owl statues: Ibid
decorated with wooden or stone owl statues: Inside Bohemian Grove, Philip Weiss
"The Owl" shuttle: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
a mock-human sacrifice: Ibid
In a letter regarding: Ibid
perform mock-druidic rituals: New York Post, Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members, July 22, 2004
The annual gathering near the Russian River: Bee Correspondent, Movers, shakers from politics, business go Bohemian
Grove members carrying torches: The Daily Reveille, An Elite Alliance
The cremation took place: Inside Bohemian Grove, Philip Weiss
Built to serve as a ceremonial: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
Beethoven's 7th symphony: Ibid
the sacrificial object is screaming in pain: Ibid
silly if it weren't so evil: Exposé of The Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs interviews Alex Jones
owl represents Moloch: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
there is no shortage of evidence: Ibid
surrounded by men groaning: Exposé of The Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs
Revulsion is a powerful emotion: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
just really sick to be inside there: Exposé of The Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs
a Satanic ritual: Ibid
There have been rumors circulating: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
occult experts analyze their footage: Ibid
forced to witness & engage in Satanic activity: The Franklin Cover-up, former Senator John W. DeCamp
wealthy individuals were caught: Blood Sacrifice and Debauchery at the Bohemian Grove-Shocking New Revelations, Professor Texe Marrs interviews Alex Jones
A "snuff" pornography film: The Franklin Cover-up, John W. DeCamp
the ritual rape and murder: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
participate in Satanic cult murder: Blood Sacrifice and Debauchery at the Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs
Male & female prostitutes: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
In the fall of 1992: Ibid
I didn't know that this place he describes: Ibid
sudden deaths: Blood Sacrifice and Debauchery at the Bohemian Grove, Professor Texe Marrs
O'Brien writes of her visits to the Bohemian Grove: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
In her documented autobiography: Trance Formation of America, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips
Even more difficult to ignore: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson
those who are evil: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
those ushering in the New World Order: Trance-formation of America, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips
takes away many of our Constitutional rights: Techniques used to silence critics, Ted L. Gunderson FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Ret)
Run by Satanists

warned of an evil, one-world government: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Eleanor White proclaimed that: Road to Freedom Show 19, Eleanor White interviews William H. Kennedy,
warning them of paranoid extremists: Project Megiddo, FBI
I proudly served in the FBI: Techniques Used To Silence Critics, Ted L. Gunderson


Volume II Part II
-Techniques to Discredit

Anyone in the U.S. who: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
Propaganda and the Alert Citizen: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Because the Establishment controls the media: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Smear tactics "from left and right: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
phony Left-Right political spectrum: America's Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton
divert attention from responsible reasoned criticism: Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton, Patrick M. Wood
If you assemble the evidence: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
professional scandalmongers: With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater was the Republican: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Investigations into crimes & practices of the financial elite are thwarted-witnesses discredited

Articles began to appear in the Omaha World Herald: The Franklin Cover-up, Senator John DeCamp
Carefully Crafted Hoax: Ibid
spawning swirls of gossip: Ibid
anonymous complaint: Ibid
The cover-up of a similar event occurred in Minnesota: Ibid
international organized crime syndicate: Ibid
kidnapping ring in Belgium: Satanic Crime: A Threat In The New Millennium, (, William H. Kennedy
The Hidden Evil is beyond a Congressional Investigation

Wormser described: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
The far-reaching power of the large foundations: Ibid
death threats, harassment of witnesses: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
The pressure against Congressional investigation: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
As we have seen: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
In 1980, the American Legion: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
died in a curious incident: Ibid
The dangers of a Congressional Investigation

the Reece Committee was also killed: Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser
every obstacle which could be put in our way: Ibid
led by members of the CFR: The Shadows Of Power by James Perloff;
The United Nations

the United Nations is a creation of the CFR: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
All American advocates of supra-national government: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
By 1945, the Rockefellers: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
Of the American delegates: The Shadows Of Power, James Perloff
Nelson and his brothers donated: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
an outgrowth of the old League of Nations: Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs
the UN's purpose: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
the U.S. Committee for the UN: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
Project Megiddo

strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism: Project Megiddo, FBI,
The NWO conspiracy theory: Ibid
has been used since the mid 30s: Chronological history of the new world order, Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD,
In the last several years: The Age, Pope calls for new world order (Vatican City), January 2, 2004 (; San Jose Mercury News (Knight Ridder Newspapers), Neoconservatives push for a new world order, May 4, 2003, Dick Polman;, Russia, EU can direct formation of new world order-Putin; (Middle East North Africa Financial Network), African Leader Calls For 'New World Order' at UN Meeting;, (China People's Daily), China's Top Legislator Calls for Establishment of New World Order; Guardian Unlimited, The prime minister's address to British ambassadors in London, January 7, 2003
An active Federal Government Disinformation Program: Techniques used to silence critics, Ted L. Gunderson FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Ret)
Distrust of the government: Future War, Dr John B. Alexander
False Memory Syndrome Foundation

a group of psychiatrists whose mission: Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith
mind-control experiments & the military: Ibid
a panel of experts which are used to discredit: Psychic Dictatorship, Alex Constantine
the mainstream media attempted to discredit: Betrayal Trauma, Professor Jennifer J. Freyd
arrived at the same conclusion: Trance-formation of America, (Reality Marketing Incorporated, 1995), Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips
Mainstream news is used to discredit targets

the owner of the Washington Post: Who's Who of the Elite, (RIE, 3rd printing 2002), Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.
The idea of a group of people convinced: The Washington Post, Mind Games, January 14, 2007, Sharon Weinberger
wacky claims: Ibid
there were some abuses that took place: Ibid
Not all people who hear voices are schizophrenic: Ibid
a professor of psychiatry at Penn State University: Ibid
The very "realness" of the voices: Ibid
-Why it Remains

Failure of "Establishment" Support Systems.": MHME, Julianne McKinney
Congress & state legislators: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
Discrediting by Psychiatrists: MHME, Julianne McKinney
This tactic was heavily used in Russia: The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks
The communists of the USSR: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
If you go to a medical doctor you do not talk about: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
aware of existing conditions of targeted patients: MHME, Julianne McKinney
Nothing I had researched: Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas
doctors to help destroy enemies of the state: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
Some have allegedly deliberately sabotaged cases: MHME, Julianne McKinney
all the defense lawyers and all the judges were part of it: Stasiland, Anna Funder
dismissing targeted individuals that report this as lunatics: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the FBI has been contacted by a great number of people: Ibid
Writing to the various [federal] agencies: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
The ACLU & Amnesty International Will Not Intervene: MHME, Julianne McKinney
the definition of "enemy" increased as time went on: Stasiland, Anna Funder
The number of informal collaborators: The People's State, Mary Fulbrook
this happened until about 1/3 of the population was targeted: spy.files/intelligence/stasi.aspl
In our evolution, our survival as a species: Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Dr. Daniel Goleman
Truths that rattles one's nerves: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
not recognizing reality: The Investigative Journal, Julianne McKinney
If we are descending into a period of darkness: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Some who have tried to assist targeted people: MHME, Julianne McKinney
They don't want to lean the truth: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
-Raising Awareness

it may be too late: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
The invisible government: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
The dirty little secret:
one sure and final way: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
This change [to shut down the Federal Reserve]: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
repealing the 1947 National Security Act: Access Denied for Reasons of National Security, Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips
withdraw from all international, governmental: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
The best-known instruments: How The World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
The evil hate the light: People Of The Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
The one thing these conspirators: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
their repugnant activities: Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs
Unless you are an Insider: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
realize that they have been conned: Ibid
Gang Stalking & Directed Energy Weapons

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