The New World Order Scam


Some of Allen’s Teachings

Very Important Material for those who hope to Comprehend the Early 21st Century!

Allen taught a number of concepts known to occultists, some of which I have rarely if ever seen in print. One teaching that is quite well known (such as taught by author Barbara Marx Hubbard), and that has received widespread attention, is that as we enter into the New Age, those who are "laggards" and cannot quite get it on with their personal evolution, will by some means be eliminated from the world. Some teach that the more enlightened among us will assist in the removal (the "Great Work," or to be a little less tongue in cheek, at least one aspect of it... "someone has to do it"). However, Allen taught that this would happen quite naturally, and that UFO’s would assist in this natural process. In other words, nature would assist to eliminate those who could not make the quantum jump in human consciousness necessary to enter the New Age (it is taught that this is initiation, and ascension).
He also taught that this process would be assisted by "little righteous fireballs" (one might assume plasma balls, or perhaps these are actually entities?) that would be shot or released out of the UFO’s to torment the laggards, those who were having a difficult time to make the evolutionary leap. This, about "little righteous fireballs," is a concept I have not come across, in occult or New Age literature. It seems to be an Allen Noonan original!
It is difficult to adequately emphasize the importance of one teaching Allen had, with regard to the realization of "The Plan," and this is that all of the following would be controlled by occultists, by the end of the age: the financial institutions (specifically he mentioned the Bank of America), the corporations, the military, the GOVERNMENT, the education establishment, the news media, arts, entertainment, RELIGION... virtually every facet of our lives would be controlled by (but not consisting entirely of) people engaged in the Great Work. The research I have done since that time has again and again borne this out to an extent that is scarcely conceivable. It is most definitely true. The Establishment not only of the United States but of the entire developed world, and much of the remainder, too, is controlled by occultists. Allen was scarcely the only one to teach this; it is widely known and recognized.
Allen, as I remember him, would have no problem with the concept that the avenue through which the occultists would gain control of the various institutions is Freemasonry.
Jerry Rubin, the 60’s activist, in his counterculture book "Do It!," published in 1970 by Ballantine Books candidly writes, "Revolution is profitable. So the capitalists sell it... The hip capitalists have some allies within the revolutionary community: longhairs who work as intermediaries between the kids on the street and the millionaire businessmen."
Another former radical leader, James Kirk, is also quoted in a book by G. Edward Griffin, entitled "The Capitalist Conspiracy," as having said,

"Young people... have no idea that they are playing into the hands of the Establishment they claim to hate. The radicals think they’re fighting the forces of the superrich, like Rockefeller and Ford, and don’t realize that it is precisely such forces which are behind their own revolution, financing it, and using it for their own purposes."

Black Panther leader Eldrige Cleaver even realized toward the end of his career that "the wealthy were buying themselves a revolution." He was absolutely dumbfounded, to realize this...
One of Allen’s favorite teachings was that the end of the age would serve up a most ironic twist of fate -- what he called the DOUBLE CROSS -- He didn’t elaborate on this, to explain, but I’ve always had it in mind that it is kind of a spiritual sting operation of sorts (more on this, later...)
Another favorite teaching was that, at the end of the age, when the Revolution was finally taking place, ...when The Plan was finally coming into fruition, that the people on the street, so to speak, who would cooperate with the occultists in power, would be "The Agents 666."
Also exceedingly important to The Plan, and its realization upon the material plane, are the UFO’s which he said were ascended masters who represent "The Galactic Command Space Complex, the GCSC." These are said to be entities that were fully conscious in, and operating in, all 12 dimensions of the universe. They were to become openly integrated into the material plane at the time The Plan comes to realization... that is to say, they will be living with humans, and walking among us, at that time. I have come to believe this, although I see it from a different perspective.
Allen taught what is a fundamental tenet of occultism, and that is that every event that has ever taken place in the material plane, the world, has been recorded in the etheric structure of matter, and that occultists are capable of accessing that "recording," and seeing all that had ever taken place here on earth. This etheric record is called the Akashic Record, by occultists.
He taught the law of cause and effect, or Karma, and said that some individuals more or less "snowball" in terms of karma, and become "Lords of Karma," or in other words people who have so much negative karma accumulated, that they form what is called the Satanic polarity of humanity, and as such, they play roles upon the human stage such as did Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Allen also taught that trained occultists could literally see thought forms, on the astral plane, which are continually created by humans, and birthed onto the astral plane just by the action of thought. He taught that the higher elevations are more spiritual (the high places), or conducive to spiritual things, because there were fewer thought forms floating around. Thought forms are said to be much "thicker" in coastal locations. Often it is found that a person will encounter a thought form, and will get the wrong idea that the thought was his... that he had formed the idea, rather than that he became cognitively aware of the thought form as having come from the astral plane.
Allen was strongly communist in orientation, and taught that an important part of the Revolution would be for us to GROM, get rid of money. The dollar sign $ stands for bondage to Satan, he said, and for that matter, Satan is not an entity, but rather a concept -- a concept representing the negative polarity of the universe.
The end of the age would involve total financial collapse, and a restructuring of the world’s economic system into CHRIST COMMUNISM, where all things would be held in common (no more private property!).
There would be a WWWS, a World Wide Work Stoppage, and the transition to the New Age would finally allow the dreams of the WORKERS to be realized. The Agents 666 would be intimately involved in the financial restructuring, to achieve CHRIST COMMUNISM. FInally, the SOLDIERS would rebel against the Lords of Karma, and REFUSE TO FIGHT IN ANOTHER WAR! The present actions of occultists in control of the United States and its military are presently making this, by design, come true. There are presently soldiers who are in open rebellion. As will be shown later, they are being poisoned by depleted uranium, and they are beginning to realize this.
Other occult tenets he taught were that meat eating would become a thing of the past (so prions for meat have been developed, I should add, to create MAD Animal Disease), and would be replaced by vegetarianism. He taught that meat-eating people are filled with lower, base animal vibrations, anyway! The institution of marriage would become a thing of the past (and it largely has), replaced by Natural Selection -- a natural process wherein when two people click, they click... Children would be raised by the communes, rather than by the parents.
But one thing was most important of all, to Allen, and that was the concept of the World-Wide Revolution, at the end of the Old World Order, and the synthesis of Capitalism and Communism according to the Hegelian process of the DIALECTIC, and the birth of the NEW AGE.

Announcing the Birth of...


The New World (Secular) Order








