The New World Order Scam
The New
Atlantean Plan of the European Secret Societies
Washington, D. A. (District of
A Copy/Paste Cutting (SNIP):
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
The New Atlantis, 1627, is essentially a utopia, in which
Bacon outlines an ideal state. It has sometimes been interpreted
as an elaborate allegory with hermetic (and even Rosicrucian)
We sailed from Peru, where we had continued by the space of one
whole year, for China and Japan, by the South Sea, taking with us
victuals for twelve months...
For the full article, please go to
Alchemy Web Site
Francis Bacon is said by some to be the actual author of the works
of Shakespeare. Many have concluded that the Freemasons have worked
to realize Bacon's dream, to recreate ancient Atlantis in the New
World. Atlantis was an empire prior to the flood, and consisted of
seven islands, and three additional regions beyond. The Ten Kings of
these ruled in a Democracy, and they, themselves, were subservient
to the Eleventh, Lucifer, the supreme god of Masonry.
It is not entirely a settled matter, how Freemasonry has gone about
its business of re-creating Atlantis in America. Some say the
English and the French Masons have worked together to bring about a
Global Rule, and others have said these factions have fought
bitterly to bring this plan to realization. To complicate the
picture, the Vatican, and the Jesuits... how have they played into
this power struggle? What sort of Detente presently exists? Is a
rapprochement nwo in place?
I will recommend that it is essential to grasping the big picture,
to progressing in understanding of all of these things, to learn
about the Masonic Design of Washington, D.C. I will provide small
extracts, copy/paste cuttings from the Cutting Edge Website's
article on this, and commend you to their website for the article in
Cuttings from Cutting Edge:
"We will demonstrate that the street
design in Government Center in Washington, D.C., has been
cunningly laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic
symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries.
This design was created by an Masonic architect in 1791, just a
few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New
World Order, in 1782. Remember, occult leaders in Europe were
told by their Familiar Spirits as early as the 1740's that the
new American continent was to be established as the new
"Atlantis", and its destiny was to assume the global leadership
of the drive to the New World Order. From the beginning, the
United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this
kingdom of Antichrist, and Washington, D.C. was to be its
"When the architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, who was a
Freemason, laid out Governmental Center of Washington, D.C., in
1791, he planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings.
He planned to use the layout of Governmental Center to hide
certain occultic magical symbols, which, when they were
instituted, became one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol. An
occultic magical symbol is defined as " image which hides
an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden
behind a form..." (Frederick Goodman, Magic Symbols, Brian Trodd
Publishing House, Ltd., London, 1989, page 6). This definition
from this Luciferic book is so important, we need to repeat it.
An occultic magical symbol is defined as " image which
hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden
behind a form..."

click above image to

Notice that the bottom point of the
GoatsHead is the White House, in this Washington D.C. street design.
Occultism teaches that the upper four
points of the Goathead represent the four elements of the world,
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The bottom fifth point represents the
spirit of Lucifer. In the Goathead Pentagram, the fifth point
extends down into the mind of the goat (the pituitary gland). In the
street layout, the fifth point is the White House, and symbolizes a
placement that represents that the spirit and mind of Lucifer will
permanently reside in the White House.

Below is a Masonic Square and Compass --
find it in the map above!

More Symbolism in the Map:
The most important Temple of Freemasonry
in North America is located 13 yes 13 blocks North of the White
House. The
House is located at "R" Street, and R is the 18th letter
of the alphabet (6 + 6 + 6).
Additionally, one of the most
important features of the street layout
is the Washington Monument, which one faces when looking from the
Capitol, down the Mall.
a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering
toward a pyramidal top. The obelisk is sacred to the occultist,
since symbolically, the spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra,
resides within it.
Only three major obelisks are in
existence. Two of them are in the
United States.
Another is in Rome:

The obelisk in Central Park in New York
City was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt (what
good thing ever came from Alexandria?). The Washington Monument is
obviously Freemasonic for a number of reasons.
Its capstone weighs exactly 3,300 pounds (33 is a sacred Masonic
number). The total cost is said to have been $1,300,000 (a Thirteen,
and Thirteen signifies Rebellion). The monument has eight windows,
and together they total 39 square feet in size. The number 39 is
thrice thirteen. The number 8 characterizes new beginnings, so Eight
of Thirteen is a New Beginning of Rebellion13, so NWO begins the
Atlantean Rebellion.

Ever since January 20, 1981,
presidential inaugurations have all taken place facing the Obelisk.
This sends the strongest possible signal to fellow illuminists, that
they face their allegiance to Ra.
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