Lear Aircraft Company
Black budget technology

This is an interesting story about John Lear:

UFOs & Aliens by John Lear

Unknown - Reformatted by Kidd 11/2000

During the late 1980's and early 1990's, John Lear, a Lockheed L- 1011 Captain and son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet, started coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects. During his lecture at the 1989 MUFON conference in Las Vegas, titled 'UFO COVERUP, HISTORY AND CURRENT SITUATION' during which he spoke to an audience of over 400 of the nations leading UFOlogists, Lear made some startling comments.

One man who we will refer to extensively elsewhere claims to be a deep level intelligence operative within the U.S. Government who has access to some very sensitive and top secret information concerning the government's involvement with 'alien' studies. This individual, who refers to himself only as 'Commander X', made the following comments concerning John Lear and his possible intentions and motives for his outspokenness.

"...One can't help but be impressed with the name John Lear. After all, his father, William was the famous aviation pioneer who built the Lear Aircraft Company, which today holds down many defense contracts and employs thousands.

"Lear - the son - is also highly regarded in aviation circles, having flown a variety of over 150 test aircraft, and having won every award granted by the Federal Aviation Administration.

"Until a few years ago (early 1980's) John Lear had little or no interest in UFO's--he hadn't thought terribly much about the subject, which seemed 'way out' to him. Then he chanced to talk to a friend who had been stationed in England when a UFO touched down at a military complex there, and was seen by U.S. servicemen on duty--small creatures and all. Intrigued, Lear began asking around and found some of his former associates in the CIA--for whom he had flown a number of missions--willing to confirm that government leaders knew a great deal more about UFO's...then the public was being let on.

"Lear discovered to his utter amazement that the U.S. military actually possessed craft (ie. aerial craft of unknown origin - Branton), some of the vehicles were even in partially working order. Apparently, the Americans had initially gotten their hands on these... disk-shaped devices as far back as the late 1940's, upon recovery of a 'saucer' that the Nazi's had somehow captured during World War II. Apparently, some of the lethal 'death weapons' we subsequently developed were based on facets of this (recovered) technology.

"Furthermore, Lear believes that any number of flying discs 'fell' into our hands when they crashed in the southwest in the late 1940's and early 50's.

"Scattered around the various crash sites were the bodies of small humanoid beings, the EBE's. At least one alien was found still alive and he, along with his badly burned budies, were flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, home of the infamous 'Hanger 18'; this final destination, the so-called 'Blue Room', (is the one) which Senator Barry Goldwater has not even been permitted to penetrate.

"Lear's scenario also includes the suspicion that the government has made secret deals with the 'aliens', actually exchanging humans for advanced technological data. Supposedly, the government was to be provided with a list of those being abducted so they could maintain a vigil over them after their experience and make sure that they were not being harmed in any way. Unfortunately, the 'aliens' took advantage of the situation, taking away tens of thousands for God knows what purpose, and implanting small transmitters inside their brains (ie. of those who were fortunate enough to be abducted and RETURNED - Branton) which can be activated for some sinister 'mission' at some prearranged future moment...

"According to friend and foe alike, John Lear wears a variety of masks. Sometimes what he has to say lacks credibility, but just when you think you've caught him with his jump suit down, evidence pops up that what he has to say may not be so totally off the wall. For example, others with military connections have recently come forward to verify part of his amazing saga..."

[Editor's note: Those thousands of employees need to be put to work for peacetime applications because the people refuse to fund Black Budget technology now.]