Acharya S
Fredom4rum Website
Is the world destined to be dominated by a
single religion?
Which one will it be?
Who will be in charge of this theocracy?

"I pledge my allegiance to
HaShem, G-d of Israel, Creator and King of the Universe, to
His Torah and its representatives, the developing Sanhedrin.
I hereby pledge to uphold the Seven Laws of Noah in all
their details, according to Oral Law of Moses under the
guidance of the developing Sanhedrin. May HaShem bless and
aid me, my fellow council members and all B'nai Noach in all
our endeavors for the sake of His name. Blessed are You G-d,
King of the universe, who has caused me to live, sustained
me, and brought me to this day."
Pledge made by the
"Children of Noah" in front of
the Israeli Sanhedrin,
With the new millennium, increasing
numbers of people have heard about the "One World Religion"
purportedly being planned by the ruling elite, i.e., the
"Illuminati," "Masons," or various other cultic/religious interests.
Many people believe that such a One World Religion, if indeed a
planned development, will be a form of Catholicism or "New Age
Spiritualism," while others such as Jews and Muslims insist that
their ideologies will rule the world.
From some circles it appears
that, rather than heading for a "new age of enlightenment" with
increased personal freedom, including the freedom from religion, as
is popularly believed, the United States - and by extension the
world - is evidently being pushed instead towards a fascistic
Although governmental agencies may have had a hand behind
some aspects of the "New Age Movement" (NAM), the
One World Religion
evidently intended by these various agencies is not the pastiche of
airy-fairy, lovey-dovey concepts found within the NAM, by which
everyone is equal and accepted.

Vying for the authorship of the One World Religion are evidently a
number of factions, including certain interest groups that wish
the theocracy to be based primarily on Judaic ideology, emulating
firm and merciless hand of Islam's mullahs and imams. Under such a
dictatorship, books would be banned and burned, and freethinkers
would be jailed or executed.
If the Hassidic Jewish Movement has its
way, the so-called Noahide Laws would be followed to the letter, as
would many others found in the "Old Testament," prescribing capital
punishment for abortion, euthanasia and "sexual deviation" such as
adultery and homosexuality. The punishment, in fact, for breaking
any of the Noahide Laws is decapitation.
Although the term "Noahide Laws" is not widely known, it is fairly
common knowledge among the political and religious powermongers,
allegedly representing "holy writ" passed along to Noah prior to the
"Great Flood."
According to some, these Laws are to be the basis of
the One World Religion being pushed by the "Committee of 300's"
World Order.

Ultraist intentions are displayed by the
Temple Mount & Eretz
Yisrael Faithful Movement - Jerusalem, a supposed "fringe group"
(with Knesset connections) that advocates as one of its long-term
"Consecrating the Temple Mount to the Name of G-d so that it can
become the moral and spiritual center of Israel, of the Jewish
people and of the entire world according to the words of all the
Hebrew prophets. It is envisioned that the consecration of the
Temple Mount and the Temple itself will focus Israel on (a)
fulfilling the vision and mission given at Mt. Sinai for Israel to
be a chosen people separate unto G-d, a holy nation, and a nation of
priests, and (b) becoming a light unto all the nations [Yeshayahu
(Isaiah) 42:6] so that the Name of G-d may be revered by all nations
and the Biblical way of life may be propagated throughout the
The Temple Mount Faithful group claim that the United States was,
"founded by G-d to stand with Israel against her enemies...
further asserts that anyone who moves against Israel is "anti-G-d";
Israel and "her people" are essentially equated with God, but all
others are not.
Another quote from Temple Mount Faithful: "No one
can stop the G-d of Israel."
Providing evidence of a possible One World Religion, on March 26,
1991, U.S. President George Bush signed Public Law 102-14, a
congressional resolution on the Seven Noahide Laws (H.J. Resolution
104, Public Law 102-14).
Prior to that event, as
Val Valerian says,
"The bill was passed in the House by a voice vote on March 5, 1991
and was passed by the Senate on March 7, 1991."
The Proclamation was
as follows:
"Whereas Congress recognized the historical tradition of ethical
values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and
upon which our great Nation was founded;
"Whereas these ethical principles have been the bedrock of society
from the dawn of civilization when they were referred to as the
Seven Noahide Laws;
"Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of
civilization stand in serious peril of returning to chaos;
"Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening
of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and
threaten the fabric of civilized society;
"Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let
the citizens of the Nation lose sight of their responsibility to
transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past
to the generations of the future;
"Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these
ethical values and principles throughout the world;
"Whereas Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch
movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth
birthday falls on March 26, 1991;
"Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, 'the rebbe,'
this his ninetieth year will be seen as one of 'education and
giving,' the year in which we turn education and charity to return
the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and
"Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor
signed by the President of the United States and other heads of
state; Now, therefore, be it,
"Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
That March 26, 1991,
the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader
of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as 'EDUCATION DAY
U.S.A.' The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling
upon the people of the United States to observe such day with
appropriate ceremonies and activities."
What are the Noahide Laws?
The Noahide Laws are said to be from the "Bible," but evidently are
Talmudic. The Encyclopedia Americana relates concerning the Noahide
"A Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam
and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt Sinai and
consequently binding all mankind. Beginning with Genesis 2:16, the
Babylonian Talmud listed the first six commandments... After the
flood a seventh commandment, given-to Noah, forbade the eating of
flesh from living animals (Genesis 9:4).
Throughout the ages
scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and
Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic
concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human
rights for all."
Matrix III, Val Valerian says:
"...the Noahide Laws apply only to non-Jews living under Jewish
jurisdiction. Interestingly, Webster's Dictionary, New International
Edition 2nd Ed 1950, states that a Noachite is 'one who has taken
the 21st degree of the Scottish Rite (Freemasonry).'"
As noted, the punishment for breaking these Laws is decapitation.
Valerian wonders:
"In discussing this curious sociological development, I was reminded
of the stories that have been going around for the past three or
four years about shipments of guillotines into the United States. A
Valerian further quotes a,
"Dr. Earnest Easterly, III, Professor of
International Law and Director of the Institute for Comparative
Legal Studies, Southern University Law Center," as saying:
"With further recognition by other nations and international courts,
the Seven Noahide Laws should become the cornerstone of a truly
'civilized' international legal order."
There have been a number of calls lately for the the "establishment
of justice" based on the "seven mitzvot of the children of Noah,"
which are claimed to be "universal." In essence, Judeo-centric
writers and leaders wish to impose the Noahide Laws upon the rest of
the world. In fact, those who do not follow the "Seven Commandments
of Noah" are considered to be "lower than the mosquito."
What are these Laws, which should cause consternation to all
thinking individuals?
The order of the Laws varies from source to source; the following is
the Chabad version.
The First Noahide Law
The first of the Seven Noahide Laws is:
"Thou shall not engage in idol worship."
"Idolatry" is clarified as:
"Any teaching or belief system that attempts to deify man (any man)
or to humanize God is idolatry."
Since the definition of "idolatry" is also culturally dependent,
Christians, Buddhists and Hindus, among many others, would all be
considered criminals.
Islam, of course, takes this law to the
extreme, fervently banning "idolatrous images." However, according
to this Noahide Law, Muslims who "worship" the kaaba stone at Mecca
would be subject to punishment, although supposedly not death.
In other times and eras "God" was viewed as a female, such that,
were such cultural biases reversed, the worship of God as a giant
man in the sky, as found in Islam and Judaism, would also be
considered idolatry. The Trinity of Catholicism is considered
idolatrous, as are the many Hindus Gods. Under this law, the
precepts of Buddhism would be illegal, since Buddhism is designed to
recognize and produce the "God within," and to thus treat people and
other sentient beings with dignity and respect, as Godly entities.
Pantheism, of course, or the recognition of the Divine in all
creation, would also be illegal. People who erect "beautiful graven
images," even without intention to worship them, will also be
subject to punishment. It is also forbidden to buy products from
"idol-worshippers," such as incense or health food from Hindus, if
they are used in "idol-worship." Bending down in front of an "idol"
or picking up a brick and saying, "This is my God," makes a person
liable for (capital) punishment.
Astrology and the "full form" of
the Zodiac are forbidden, although separate images of the signs are
"Complete" images of the sun and moon are also
as are various forms of jewelry and music. "Three-dimensional" forms
of man (i.e., statuary) are also forbidden to be "gazed upon." The
three "chief idolatrous forms in the world" are the dragon, as a
"symbol of the primordial serpent"; a "full figure of man" offering
something from his extended palm (Christ as the "Pantocrator?"); and
"a woman nursing an infant" (Madonna and Child).
Anyone who induces
someone else to bow to an idol is a "seducer" and is liable for
punishment, which, again, is decapitation. Bowing down or
genuflecting before a cross, of course, is considered idolatry.
The list goes on and on, with nitpicking over the smallest minutiae,
including forbidden and permissible rocks, trees, water, ghosts and
spirits, and how to "nullify" idolatrous images. "Witchcraft" and
"divination" practiced by a "Noahide," i.e., "Child of Noah" or
Gentile who follows the Laws, are debatable as to their
permissibility under this Noahide Law, as one must be a "true
wizard" to be liable for death by stoning.
Astrology that determines
a person's character is permissible, but forecasts of the future are
The Second Noahide Law
The second of the Noahide Laws is:
"Thou shall not blaspheme God."
It is further referenced at Leviticus 24:16:
"He who blasphemes the name of
the Lord shall be put to death; all
the congregation shall stone him; the sojourner as well as the
native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death."
This outrageous and inhumane law was lampooned in Monty Python's
brilliant and enlightening "Life of Brian": "Jehovah! Jehovah!
The concept of "God" has been culturally dependent, and those
freethinkers who have questioned it have often constituted some of
the most intelligent, honest and brave human beings around.
This Law
would catch in its deadly net not only "atheists," who make up a
tiny, highly persecuted minority, but evidently also anyone who did
not agree with the Judaic interpretation of "God" as determined by
the Torah, Tenach ("Old Testament") and Talmud. In other words,
vengeful tribal God Yahweh. Blaspheming or cursing the Gods of other
cultures, by calling them "idols," however, is not punishable.
According to this interpretation, it is the duty of a pious Jew to
"place the blasphemer under a ban of excommunication." The belief in
two powers, God and Satan, is also considered "blasphemy," for God
is "Lord and Master of all." Ditto with the belief in Lucifer as a
rebellious angel.
"False" or "meaningless" oaths taken in the name
of God are also forbidden (except the
Kol Nidre "prayer"
said each
year at Yom Kippur, wherein the pious can retract oaths made during
the coming year).
"One who curses G-d in the name of idolatry is
subject to being attacked and killed by zealots, who are, in turn,
held harmless by the law."
Surprisingly, this Noahide Law is clarified by saying that one
should refrain from insulting one's "fellow man," because "man was
made in God's image," and hence one would be blaspheming. "Fellow
man" evidently refers only to a pious Jew or Gentile Noahide.
asserting that God is absolutely separate, such that worshipping
"him" in the creation is "idolatry," this Noahide Law nonetheless
paradoxically prescribes that one recognize the divine hand in
everything and abstain as much as possible from speaking ill of any
aspect of creation.
The Third Noahide Law
"Murder" is the subject of the third Noahide Law:
"Thou shall not shed innocent blood of an human or fetus nor ailing
person who has a limited time to live."
This Law is based on Genesis 9:6:
"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed."
Putting people to death for blaspheming the Name of the Omnipotent,
who could not possibly be harmed by such assaults, would not
constitute murder. Nor would it be "murder" to slaughter entire
cultures (genocide) in that very same sacrosanct Name, as is the
behavior of the "chosen people" depicted throughout the Old
Testament. Such murder, as long as it is done by the group who makes
up the rules, is apparently acceptable.
Under this law, doctors who perform abortions, along with their
nurses and the patients themselves, could also be put to death.
Someone who strikes a woman and kills her fetus receives the death
penalty, provided the fetus is more than 40 days old. If under 40
days old, it is considered the same as the "destruction of the man's
seed," which is an offense to be judged in Heaven, not on Earth.
Euthanasia, or "mercy killing," no matter how much the suffering, is
punishable by death. Although some authorities claim it is
permissible to save a woman's life by aborting the fetus, others
proscribe it. After much bickering, it is concluded that "spilling
one's seed" or masturbating is "strictly forbidden," as it is
equivalent to "murdering one's own children."
In other words,
masturbation is punishable by death.
The Fourth Noahide Law
The Fourth Law is against "illicit sex":
"Thou shall not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous, or
homosexual relations nor commit the act of rape."
This Law also proscribes "fornication," i.e., sex outside of
marriage. However, polygamy - or more, appropriately, "polygyny," or
"many wives" - is exempt from this law, as is the possession of
The determination of what is considered "sexually immoral" has been
a cultural artifact, not a writ from "God." Cultures that have
different sexual practices, such as the Tibetans, who for centuries
practiced "polyandry," or "many husbands," would be considered
deviant and criminal. The Tibetans had practical reasons for such
practices: They lacked land and had to keep the population down.
What is considered "adulterous" has likewise been culturally
Under this Law, a man could get the death penalty for having sex
with his mother-in-law, for example. Like the biblical scriptures,
the Noahide laws do not proscribe lesbianism; however, it is
considered immoral and against natural laws, upsetting the natural
order. Male homosexuality, in whatever form and whether with an
adult or child, consentual or rape, private or public, is punishable
by death.
Under the Noahides, a man can have sex with the "Gentile
wife of a Jew," because she is not really his wife and is therefore
unmarried. A Jewish wife is off limits. A man may also practice
sodomy or other non-vaginal relations with a married woman, and such
will not be considered adultery.
The commentary on this Noahide
"One who caresses a forbidden member of the opposite sex, or hugs or
kisses in a manner of lust, or has close personal contact for the
sake of pleasure, transgresses the commandment prohibiting forbidden
relationships, but he is not punished by the courts. In all cases
where the courts are not empowered to act, punishment is meted out
by God."
One must also not flirt with a "forbidden woman" in any way, shape
or form.
More commentary:
"Relations with an animal are forbidden at any stage of the animal's
maturity, even the day of its birth."
"Even the day of its birth" seems to imply there was doubt that it
was wrong to have sex with an animal when it was newborn.
"Incest" is permissible when not siblings are not maternally
"The Children of Noah are considered related only through the
mother. Those on the father's side are not considered relatives.
This means that a man's half-sister of the same father but a
different mother is not considered related to him, and is
permissible to him."
The Fifth Noahide Law
The fifth Law is against theft:
"Thou shall not steal."
The term "theft" is ambiguous, as one could easily argue the case
that the Federal Reserve's business is "theft." While the Noahide
cult considers "adultery" as the "theft" of the wife, it doesn't
seem to recognize that taking sons and daughters away from their
mothers and fathers, through warfare and the murder of "infidels,"
could also constitute "theft." Forcing people to conform to a belief
in "God" or other intangible concept would seem to constitute
"theft" of one's intellectual freedom.
The theft of a woman during war is prohibited for Gentiles, or "Noahides"
(i.e., "Children of Noah," Gentiles who follow the Noahide Laws;
Jews who follow them are called "Israelites"). Under various
circumstances, such as a "Milchamot Mitzvah," it is permissible for
a Jew to steal a woman during war. The "Children of Noah" are
forbidden to overcharge or engage in usury. Nothing is said of the
"Children of Israel."
The justification for the death penalty for
thieving is that the Noahide Courts are created to mete out justice
so that the violator will not suffer punishment in the "World to
Come," i.e., the afterlife.
"Because of the justice of the courts,
therefore, a man can transgress and still receive a share of the
World to Come as a righteous person."
It is further believed that at
Rosh Hashanah, "God" decides what
wealth one will acquire during the coming year, such that no one can
change the outcome. Although this fact is not explicated upon in the Chabad exegesis of the Noahides, in Talmudic law there is a double
standard as concerns theft, among other things.
In many cases, it is
permissible for an Israelite to steal from a Gentile.
The Sixth Noahide Law
The sixth Noahide Law is:
"Thou shall not be cruel to animals."
This Law proscribes the "eating of the limb of a living animal," and
incorporates Genesis 9:4:
"Only the flesh with the life thereof with
the blood thereof thou shalt not eat."
It is sane and humane enough,
although humans could be executed if convicted of cruelty to
It appears odd that it was necessary to create a law against the
"eating the limb of a living animal," but apparently there was an
epidemic of such behavior among the biblical people. It is evidently
permissible under Mosaic Law to eat an animal after it has been
ritually slaughtered, while its limbs are still moving (although it
is not necessarily still alive, with brain activity). The debate
over which was proper, Mosaic or Noahide law, is presented in the
story of Joseph and his brothers, representing one of the reasons
Joseph was sold into slavery.
Unlike other ideologies, Judaism professes that animals have souls.
(Latin: anima=soul)
This Law surely seems the sanest of the lot,
sounding very Jainist in its call for not deliberately harming
animals and suggestion that those who do so are spiritually unsound,
except that it apparently allows for the flaying alive of an animal
and use of its hide. Animals killed humanely are available to eat.
Gentiles are punishable no matter what animal they "eat of the limb
of," whereas Jews are guilty only if the animal is "spiritually
clean," i.e., "those that have split hooves and chew their cud."
justification for this Law is that the soul of the animal must be
detached from the body before humans can eat it, because, while the
flesh of a human and animal may become one, their souls must never
The Seventh Noahide Law
The seventh Law discusses the establishment of "courts of justice":
"Thou shall establish laws and courts of law to administer these
laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered
only if there is one testifying witness."
These "courts of justice" would be based on the Noahide Laws. Harsh
punishments, such as the death penalty for breaking any of these
Laws, would be strictly enforced. According to some sources,
Menachem Schneerson's disciples will be the governors of these
courts of justice.
According to a
Chabad opinion, a boy is liable at the age of 13, and
a girl at 12, such that they could be executed at these ages. Any
court that does not follow the Noahides is considered to be "an
instrument for driving G-d's blessings out of the world." Failure to
establish a Noahide court is punishable by death, as is the
establishment of a court other than one based on the "Seven
Universal Laws."
If a city does not institute justice according to
the Noahide Laws, all inhabitants are liable. The only punishment
meted out by the Noahide courts of law in criminal cases is the
death penalty." The defendant, however, must be judged "mentally
competent." Circumstantial evidence is admissible in a Noahide
court. The death penalty for a murderer cannot be appealed and must
be carried out swiftly.
Judges in the Noahide courts are to be
chosen using strict criteria, including that they possess the
"a. wisdom
b. humility
c. fear of Heaven
d. fear of Sin
e. contempt
for money
f. love of truth
g. beloved by his fellow man
h. a good
A woman, however, may never be a judge, nor can a "slave," small
child, "fool" or "the insane." Deaf mutes and the blind are also
"Whoever disgraces himself publicly is disqualified as a witness.
These are people who walk and eat in a coarse, impolite fashion in
public, or who go naked in public, or who are involved in any
disgusting work or activity, or anyone who feels no
self-embarrassment. All these people are considered on the level of
a dog, and we cannot trust them to be stringent against giving false
Although it seems incredible that these archaic and culturally
biased laws could be applicable or relevant to 21st-century America,
the wheels are apparently in motion. Such legislation as that passed
under the elder George Bush is indicative of what the future holds,
i.e., a fascist theocracy, in which the death penalty would be
wielded freely.
Who is Rebbe Schneerson?
Why Menachem Schneerson plays so central a role in this development
is unclear, except that his followers - Hassidic Chabad-Lubavitcher
Jews - at the time of Bush's resolution believed he was the Messiah.
When Schneerson, a "direct descendant of King David," failed to rise
from the dead three days after he died in
June 12, 1994, it was
clear he wasn't the Messiah, although some Lubavitchers still await
his resurrection.
Other orthodox/religious Jews did not believe the
tale. Allegedly Schneerson had declared prior to the Gulf War that
Israel would be "the safest place in the world." When the war ended
with very few Israeli casualties, the event was portrayed as
miraculous and Schneerson as a great prophet. This event no doubt
had something to do with Bush's virtual canonization of Schneerson,
since the Gulf War was Bush's "baby."
It is interesting to note that
the truce in the Persian Gulf War was called on March 3, 1991, just
two days before the House passed the Noahide/Schneerson bill.
Although supposedly only 100,000 strong worldwide, the Lubavitcher
movement apparently has enormous clout and influence.
Influenced by the
Baal Shem Tov, a Polish-Jewish mystic of the 18th
century, Chabad-Lubavitcher Chassidic Movement was founded by
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the "Tanya," the "Written Torah"
of Chabad. Chabad-Lubavitch is an "international movement
headquartered in New York."
It stresses "outreach" or "missionary"
work and claims to have "propelled huge numbers to a deeper Jewish
commitment," as well as to provide "powerful weapons in the War
Against Assimilation.'"
In other words, its goal is to prevent Jews
from becoming assimilated into "Gentile" culture. It also asserts
that the,
"Judaism that makes peace with the world the way it stands
now is not Judaism," and that "Kaballa is as central to Judaism as
the sun is to the solar system, as a heart is to a body, as Human
Liberty is to America."
"Kaballa," or Kabbalah/Cabala, etc., is the
bizarre mystical system that Rabbi Lewis Browne declared was
"plagiarized" from the Egyptian and Babylonian mystery schools. The Kaballa is considered the mystical system that will "accomplish G-d's
will," as defined by the Lubavitchers.
In regard to this goal of world domination,
Rebbe Schneerson stated:
"The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of
the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such
that 'and kingship will be Hashem's,' Ovadiah 1:21)."
--Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.
("Avodah" means a "spiritual mission," "prayer service" or "cleaving
unto God." The "golus" refers to the "exile," i.e., Jews living in
the Gentile world. "Hashem" is the unnamed "name" of the Jewish
"Consequently, it is obvious and self-evident that in modern times
we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe
[Moses]: 'To compel all human beings to accept the commandments
enjoined upon the descendants of Noach.'"
(Shabbos Parshas Tsav,
5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 75)
"We must therefore deduce that this is an auspicious time to conquer
the world with Torah and Yiddishkeit in a pleasant and peaceful way:
'All the land is before you.'"
(Bereshis 13:9). ("Conquer the World
with Torah: A Message to the Shluchim Convention," 5747,
Sichos in
English, vol. 33, p.270)
"The Seven Laws must be explained in a way that the nations can
relate to and, because non-Jews do not possess genuine free will,
they will be willing to change more quickly and easily than a Jew."
(Hisvaduyos 5748 3:183, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol
Boi Ha'olam, p. 385-386)
"Even in the future, the nations will continue to exist, to serve
and help the Jewish people. This, then, is our lesson - to increase
our activities in the areas where the many will be influenced: Jews,
the world, and the nations"
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21 Kislev,
Other quotes at the Lubavitch Noahide site include the following by
Yitzchok Dovid Smith, Esq., who speaks of:
". . . the Torah mandated role of Judaism as the only true religion
for all of mankind, either as Jews or as Bnai Noach."
(The "Bnai Noach" are the "children of Noah," i.e., Gentiles who
adhere to the Noahide Laws.)
Smith continues:
"There is no room for dialogue with other religions, for the
purification of Christianity or lost-ten-tribes theology. These
falsehoods... are destructive anti-Torah viewpoints. The Rambam [Schneerson]
writes that the time will come when Christians and Muslims will
realize that their religions are false, and fault their forefathers
for teaching it to them.
They will accept the One G-d of the Jewish
people, and all other religions, in any form or variation, will be
abolished in their entirety. The time for this is now, and all other
approaches only are intended to delay the revelation of the absolute
Truth of Torah in the entire world." (Emphasis added.)
And another Lubavitcher article, "The Final War for Jerusalem,"
"In reality, neither the Jewish people nor the gentiles support the
betrayal of Israel, and essentially all six billion gentiles are
quite ready to ask the Jews for spiritual leadership in these times
of darkness....
"Judaism has always been a conquering religion, not for the purpose
of converting gentiles to become Jews, but rather with the mission
of returning the world to the universal covenant between G-d and
Noah. For halachic reasons too numerous and detailed to list here,
gentiles today who follow Christianity, Islam, or other religions
are not, for the most part, "righteous gentiles" who inherit the
World to Come. That status belongs only to those gentiles who
carefully observe the Seven Laws of Noah, including following the
halachic authority of the oral Torah and the rabbis....
"And as the
Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the
gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will
help us reveal Moshiach and bring all Jews back to the Torah.
Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the "peace process" in
Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the
gentiles--especially through the campaign to teach the Noachide
"Our most pressing task, to put it simply, is to launch an
international Noachide revolution without delay. The process has
already begun, with dozens of tiny Noachide communities having
appeared throughout the United States, generally composed of former
Christians who have abandoned that religion....
"...the growing Noachide movement will seize political power--using
only peaceful, lawful means--in the capitals of the Western nations.
This, of course, will not take place until the Noachide society has
grown to some threshold size. We do not know how large this needs to
be nor which nations will join the revolution first, although the
United States, as a fairly religious, conservative nation, certainly
tops the list of prospects."
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by
Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, the authors are quoted in a
review by Allan C. Brownfeld
as relating the following quotes by Rebbe Schneerson:
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from
the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have
a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior
level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between
totally different species.
This is what needs to be said about the
body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality
from the body of [members] of all nations of the world. A non-Jew's
entire reality is only vanity. It is written, 'And the strangers
shall guard and feed your flocks' (Isaiah 61:5). The entire creation
[of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews."
Brownfeld also writes:
What particularly concerns the authors [of Jewish Fundamentalism] is
the total contempt which Jewish fundamentalists show toward
non-Jews. Rabbi Kook the Elder, the revered father of the messianic
tendency of Jewish fundamentalism, said, "The difference between a
Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews all of them in all different
levels is greater and deeper than the difference between a human
soul and the souls of cattle."
Rabbi Kook's entire teaching, which is followed devoutly by, among
others, those who have led the settler movement on the occupied West
Bank, is based upon the Lurianic Cabbala, the school of Jewish
mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late 16th to the early
19th century.
"One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala," the
authors write, "is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and
body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic
Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews; the
existence of non-Jews was subsidiary.
If an influential Christian
bishop or Islamic scholar argued that the difference between the
superior souls of non-Jews and the inferior souls of Jews was
greater than the difference between the human soul and souls of
cattle, he would incur the wrath of all and be viewed as an
anti-Semite by most Jewish scholars regardless of whatever less
meaningful, positive statements he included."
Brownfeld further states:
Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any
retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the
Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in
occupying the land. After his death, thousands of his Israeli
followers played an important role in the election victory of
Binyamin Netanyahu.
Among the religious settlers in the occupied
territories, the Chabad Hassids constitute one of the most extreme
groups. Baruch Goldstein, the mass murderer of Palestinians, was one
of them.
Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, who wrote a chapter of a book in praise of
Goldstein and what he did, is another member of this group. An
immigrant to Israel from the U.S., Rabbi Ginsburgh speaks freely of
Jews' genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews.
"If you
saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you
save the Jewish life first," Ginsburgh states.
"If every simple cell
in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every
strand of DNA is part of God. Therefore, something is special about
Jewish DNA
"If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an
innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably
permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value."
A "Powerless Minority"?
There is apparently a concerted and effective effort to compel the
world's governments to establish the oppressive Noahide Laws as the
"law of the land." The non-Jewish politicians' motivation in joining
with these efforts evidently comes from not only material
"incentives" but also "spiritual" benefits.
Chabad website
"When one of the Children of Noah [Goy] engages in the study of the
Seven Universal Laws, he is able to attain a spiritual level higher
than the High Priest of the Jews, who alone has the sanctity to
enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem."
In addition, Schneerson's "Education Day" honor was presented
because of his efforts to bring education of "the people" to the
forefront. Schneerson is depicted as being a great lover of
However, as reported in
the New Republic, May 4, 1992,
the Chabad-Lubavitch interpretation of "humankind" is right in line
with their "sacred texts" that constitute the Talmud: To wit,
"humankind" does not refer to non-believers in the Law.

Furthermore, it is reported that in an article in
The New York
Times, May 27, 1996, Israeli columnist Ari Shavit wrote, concerning
the killing of more than 100 Lebanese civilians in April of that
"We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with
absolute certitude that now with the White House, the Senate and
much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not
count so much as our own."
In consideration of the dangerous factors outlined here, it is
crucial that people examine their belief systems, especially those
promulgated by the monolithic religions such as
Judaism and
Each of these ideologies is despotic and designed
as a method to control the masses, as well as to pit them against
each other.