by Matt Agorist
May 19, 2016
TheFreeThoughtProject Website
Matt Agorist is an
honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former
intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This
prior experience gives him unique insight into the world
of government corruption and the American police state.
Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a
decade and has been featured on mainstream networks
around the world. |

"There is nothing which
I dread so much
as a division of the republic
into two great parties,
each arranged under its leader,
and concerting measures in
opposition to each other.
This, in my humble
is to be dreaded as the
greatest political evil
under our Constitution."
John Adams
Letter to Jonathan Jackson
October 1780
A recent national poll has highlighted the problematic and
autocratic nature of politics in the United States - the two party
When faced with two candidates, one on
the perceived left and one on the perceived right, the poll reveals
that the majority of Americans want neither.
According to
Data Targeting, Inc., the group
conducted a live telephone survey of active registered voters in the
United States of America (fifty states + District of Columbia) on
the evenings of May 12th through May 15th, 2016.
The group carried out the survey,
"in order to better understand the
facts at hand and the fundamentals of public opinion, on issues
regarding the presidential race and the electorate's opinions
regarding an independent candidacy."
Below are the key findings of their
1 - As it stands today, the most
likely scenario is that
Hillary Clinton will win
the general election.
While Donald Trump has
continued to improve in the popular vote, the electoral college
map, because of his major problems among key demographics and
battleground states, while possible, remains very difficult for
2 - Here are the most striking,
historic numbers: 58. 55. 65.
What are they?
58% of respondents are
dissatisfied with the current group of Republican and
Democratic candidates for President.
55% of respondents favor
having an independent presidential ticket in 2016.
a shocking 91% of voters
under the age of 29 favor having an independent
candidate on the ballot.
65% of respondents are at
least somewhat, pretty or very willing to support a
candidate for President, who is not Donald Trump or
Hillary Clinton.
3 - In a ballot test against
Clinton and Trump, a truly independent candidate starts off
with 21% of the vote.
This number increases to 29% in the
"Big Sky" region, 30% in "New England" and 28% in the "West"
Among voters with an unfavorable opinion of both Trump and
Clinton, the independent actually wins the ballot test:
TRUMP: 11%
4 - Both major candidates continue
to have historically high negative name ID.
56% of voters have an
unfavorable impression of Hillary Clinton.
Among males, her unfavorable number is 64%
Among Republicans, her unfavorable number is 78%
Among Independents, her unfavorable number is 57%
55% of voters have an
unfavorable impression of Donald Trump.
Among women, his unfavorable number is 60%
Among Democrats, his unfavorable number is 71%
Among Independents, his unfavorable number is 58%
What this poll confirms is that most
Americans dislike both of their options.
As the creators of Southpark so
eloquently laid it out over a decade ago, when Americans vote on
presidential candidates they end up having to choose between "A
Giant Douche" and a "Turd Sandwich."
In the meantime, however, a small majority of Americans want someone
else - but, thanks to the incremental deterioration of choice among
leaders in the U.S. over the last several decades, that is not an
The poll also shows that if an independent candidate were to run,
they would receive 21% of the vote against Clinton and Trump.
The problem with that 21%, however, is that the system is setup in
such a way as to make absolutely sure that doesn't happen. Sure,
Americans will see the other parties on the ballot when they go to
the voting booths this November, but thanks to the ruling class,
most Americans will have no idea who those people are as they are
given zero time on television to express their ideas.
For the majority Americans, the United States political system is
seen as a football game.
Any time their party is in power, it's
as if they are 'winning' and the other party or team is 'losing.'
But what most Americans fail to see is that both 'teams' have the
same owner. That owner cares not about which one of their teams is
'winning,' just so long as its one of their teams in the game.
This 'owner' of the teams is not a single person, nor a single
corporation, or focus group, or think tank. Despite the best efforts
of Alex Jones and the like, the owners of government cannot
be nailed down to just a few old rich men. This is because
the owners can be anyone.
The U.S. political system is set up in such a manner that it
allows for anyone with enough money to steer policy that benefits
them personally. Politicians are hardly particular when it comes
to who's throwing money at them, so ownership is constantly in a
state of flux.
The controlled politicians, the rigged system, and
the elite are not some vast
conspiracy as much as they are a tendency of the state in general.
As long as a system exists that allows government force to be
bought and sold for the benefit and privilege of a few,
these atrocities will continue.
The money shoved into the pockets of politicians on behalf of
special interest groups, aka bribery, has become so mainstream and
widely accepted that no one even bats an eye at the billions doled
out to their elected officials on behalf of lobbyists.
Republicans and Democrats alike sit back in their plush, taxpayer
funded offices in white marble buildings, rubbing elbows with elite
businesspersons who pay them to write laws that create unfair
advantages for their industries.
In the extremely rare case that a
politician resists this corruption and refuses to conform, they are
ridiculed by fellow lawmakers, painted as kooks by the MSM, and
their supporters labeled as radical nutjobs, i.e. Ron Paul.
Meanwhile, We The People argue over the various privileges
granted, and how much of our paychecks can be stolen by the almighty
rulers on high.
The reason it's so hard for people to break out of their two-party
shells and see that there are no differences between politicians
with a 'D' and politicians with an 'R,' is a complex one.
However, much of the reason we refuse to
see things as they are is that humans have a naturally tribalistic
tendency. Democrats and Republicans know and employ multiple
techniques to keep you on their team, aka tribe.
The main technique used is 'Us vs. Them' manipulation,
as seen by this current poll.
In spite of the heavy desire to elect
someone else, Americans are force fed only two options.
Constantly pointing out the flaws of the perceived 'them' group
makes the 'us' group easily dismiss logical information without
applying any critical thought. This is how both Democrats and
Republicans can pass freedom shattering police state laws,
bipartisanly, and the masses continue to support their party.
All the blame from such horrid policy is
easily written off and passed on to the "other guy."
This method of ridicule invokes the "Black and White" constraint of
thinking; there are only two choices, and one is detrimental while
the other is our savior. MSM and politicians love this constraint on
your mind because they can simply convince you that you must go
their way, and not with this utterly ridiculous choice.
In the meantime, however,
Republicans are for big
government, if with war, and the democrats are for war,
if with big government.
And, the only "change" people see is
their dwindling bank accounts.
Seeing outside of the two-party paradigm is a difficult task. It can
take years for people to break their conditioning and see the
political system for the rigged game that it is.
The good news is that once you see the system for what it is, you
cannot unsee it. No one goes back to sleep, despite the fact that
waking up to the system can be particularly stressful. And, if this
poll shows us anything, it's that people are beginning to see the
two-party paradigm for the sham that it is.
The number of people waking up to the controlled two-party system is
ever-increasing and those people, in turn, wake up others.
If you are one of those people who sees Washington DC as the
Don King boxing match that it
is, then you are doing something right. You are likely a reader of
the alternative media, you probably don't watch massive amounts of
television, and you likely have a thirst for a lesser ignorance.
If you are accused of being a liberal and a conservative in the same
conversation, it's probably because you have broken free from the
cult-like constraints placed on you by the system.
However, only waking up is not enough.
If you want to affect positive change in
this world, then you have to become that change. This doesn't mean
that you have to go out, buy a bullhorn and begin screaming in the
Simply changing your purchasing habits can force a change far
greater than any bullhorn. Voting with your dollars is far more
effective at inciting change than a voting booth.
The radical and peaceful change that society needs will most
assuredly not originate from the center of the very system that is
designed to prevent it.
You can quite literally 'be the change that you want to see in this
world,' and you can start this now.
Do not be discouraged by
the establishment who attempts to
silence your radical and peaceful views and keep them on the fringe.
They do it out of fear, it's merely an act of self-preservation, and
it shows that open-mindedness and peace are overcoming cruelty and
Always remember, no army can stop an
idea whose time has come...