Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition (FFC)
"accusing" the
president and select Democrats of,
"waging wars against religious liberty
and education and… a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people
ready for a hostile takeover of the nation's capital."
Jindal said:
"I can sense right now a rebellion
brewing amongst these United States; where people are ready for a
hostile takeover of
Washington D.C., to preserve the American Dream
for our children and grandchildren."
Calling this a "silent war", Jindal exclaimed:
"I am tired of the left. They say
they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality
is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with
them. The left is trying to silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't
take it anymore."
The Louisiana governor continued:
"Are we witnessing right now the
most radically, extremely liberal, ideological president of our entire
lifetime right here in the United States of America, or are we
witnessing the most incompetent president of the United States of
America in the history of our lifetimes?
You know, it is a difficult
I've thought long and hard about it.
Here's the only answer I've come up with, and I'm going to quote
Secretary Clinton: `What difference does it make?'"
The FFC is headed by Ralph Reed, member of the
Council for National
Policy (CNP) and former head of the Christian Coalition. Many of the
members of the FFC are also members of the CNP and other groups such as
Conservative Action Project (CAP).
Jindal is also a member of the CNP and joined co-speakers by New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and fellow CNP members Senator
Marco Rubio and Senator Rand Paul.
The CNP is a Christian conservative
propaganda organization,
created to combat "the liberalism of the
Council on Foreign Relations" (CFR)
whose purpose is to "acquaint
our membership with those in positions of leadership in our nation
in order that mutual respect be fostered… to encourage the exchange
of information concerning the methodology of working within the
system to promote the values and ends sought by individual members."
The CNP is
made up of influential Christian/Conservative thought leaders and members
influence in politics and media such as:
Reverend Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind Series
Paul Weyrich, co-founder of the Heritage Foundation
James Dobson, Focus on the Family
Jerry Fawell, televangelist
Edwin Feulner, founder Heritage Foundation
Larry Klayman, founder Judicial Watch
Wayne LaPierre, spokesman for the NRA
Pat Robertson, televangelist
Dr. Stanley Monteith
Erick Erikson, editor-in-chief for RedState.com
John Allison, president and CEO for the CATO Institute
Steve Green, President Hobby Lobby Stores
Jim DeMint, president-elect, The Heritage Foundation
Pat Buchanan
Erik Prince, founder
Mark Levin,
syndicated Conservative talk show host and best-selling author
Mark Meckler,
co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots and founder of the Convention of
the States Project (CSP)
The force massed for the agenda of the CNP are the newly formed
Conservative/Patriot militias such as Oath Keepers which was the
brainchild of CNP member former Major General
John K. Singlaub.
Singlaub assisted
in supplying
the Contras with armory and militia training during the Reagan
administration with the help of White House liaison Oliver North to
create "non-insurgency counter warfare strikes" with funding from
millionaires as well as fellow CNP members and oil billionaire,
Joseph Coors
H. Ross Perot
Shockingly, the funding provided by CNP members to the Contras was
tax deductible.
Monies raised in the 1980s for the Contra militia totaled in more
than $60 million for weapons, militia training, fatigue uniforms and
other necessities.
Years later, promoting the militia blueprint visualized by Singlaub,
Larry Pratt, head of Gun Owners of America (GOA) and member of the CNP,
stated in his book published in 1990 called, "Armed People
that based on his expertise in "citizen defense patrols"
(used in Guatemala and the Philippines) there should be a militia
movement fostered and developed in the US to combat "communism".
These conservative/patriot militias would be modeled after the
squads" created by CNP members in South America.
This concept has been sold to the public as needed protectors of the
US and a "Christian" army to ensure our return to a Constitutional
Republic under the direction of the CNP.
Pratt was involved in the publication of
the guidebook for US militias known as the
"Field Manual of the Free Militia"
which details how to prepare "insurgents" for "underground war".
Oath Keepers and GOA have strong ties, working together in promoting
militia membership to foster the formidable force necessary to become
the patriot rebellion Jindal spoke about to the FFC; the "civilian army"
of gun owners trained in military tactical operations in preparation for
"hostile takeover of Washington,
D.C., to
preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."
During the standoff between Oath Keepers and supporters of
Bundy in Nevada against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Pratt
compared the scene to the Battle of Bunker Hill.
This altercation became known in patriot circles as the
"Battle of Bunkerville" because the Bundy Ranch is located in Bunkerville, Nevada.
Pratt said:
"What they were hoping obviously was that they could run
tanks in like they did at Waco as a final, murderous act, but clearly
that wasn't going to be political possible in ‘Bunkerville'.
interesting, the country you could in a way say it got started at Bunker
Hill and it got a new injection of life at Bunkerville, Nevada."
Anti-Washington "Rebellion"
Across Country
June 22, 2014
CBSNews Website

Louisiana Gov.
Bobby Jindal,
seen here speaking at the
2014 Republican Leadership Conference
on May 29, 2014 in New
Orleans, La.
Justin Sullivan, Getty
Louisiana Gov.
Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President
Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against
liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S.
with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital.
Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom
Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed.
Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the
three-day gathering.
Republican officials across the political spectrum
concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP
"I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States,"
Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of
Washington D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and
The governor said there was a "silent war" on religious liberty being
fought in the U.S. - a country that he said was built on that liberty.
"I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they
respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless
you happen to disagree with them," he said.
"The left is trying to
silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't take it anymore."
Earlier this week, Jindal signed an executive order to block the use of
tests tied to
Common Core education standards in his state, a position
favored by tea party supporters and conservatives.
He said he would
continue to fight against the administration's attempts to implement
Common Core.
"The federal government has no role, no right and no place dictating
standards in our local schools across these 50 states of the United
States of America," Jindal said.
Jindal used humor in criticizing the Obama administration on several
fronts, referencing the
Bergdahl prisoner exchange and the deadly attack
on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.
"Are we witnessing right now the most radically, extremely liberal,
ideological president of our entire lifetime right here in the United
States of America, or are we witnessing the most incompetent president
of the United States of America in the history of our lifetimes? You
know, it is a difficult question," he said.
"I've thought long and hard
about it. Here's the only answer I've come up with, and I'm going to
quote Secretary Clinton: 'What difference does it make'?"
The conference featured most of the well-known Republicans considering a
2016 presidential run, including,
Gov. Chris Christie
Florida Sen. Marco
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul
Jindal is expected to announce after
the November midterm elections whether or not he will launch a
presidential bid.