by Adrian
April 19, 2009
The Fundamentals
The vast majority of Argentine citizens thoroughly reject and abhor the
decades-long destructive action which local politicians have perpetrated
against our people and country.
Acting as a veritable "Politicians' Lobby"
whether out of ignorance, collaborationism, self-interest or outright
treason they have systematically aligned themselves with the
World Order elite private power structures.
Acting together, both have put Argentina on
its knees.
The MSRA Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina
(Argentine Second Republic Movement) has developed a comprehensive and
integrated proposal for a strong 21st Century Argentina:
a genuine Argentine National
Plan geared to save our country, moving away from the ominous and fatal
course which the "Politicians' Lobby" have set us on.
The greatest outstanding task confronting the Argentine people today is the
need to recover lost national Power.
By this we mean political,
economic, financial and media power, among others, necessary if we are to
promote our objectives and defend our interests, in the same way as the
world's powerful nations promote and defend their objectives and their
To this end, it is essential that the Argentine people not be led amiss
arguing and bickering over secondary matters.
Accordingly, we call on public
opinion to agree on the urgent need of promoting and achieving a compact set
of key objectives which are essential if we are to exercise our sovereign
rights and power.
The MSRA thus calls upon all Argentineans to work relentlessly and quickly
to achieve these fundamental goals, in order to put Argentina back on its
feet again.
The MSRA's Five Key
1. Restoring a Sovereign Nation-State
Which means fulfilling the three essential and
non-transferable functions of:
Integration: to promote the Common Good
of our people within our national frontiers
Planning: to defend the National
Interest against external and anti-national forces, foreseeing
opportunities (which must be properly seized) and threats (which
must be efficiently neutralized or mitigated)
Leadership: to design, plan and carry
out the Argentine National Plan implicit in the proper development
and implementation of the functions of Integration and Planning
described above
2. Recovery of a Sovereign National Currency
Which means fulfilling the essential monetary
functions of:
Measure of Value (Prices)
Exchange Instrument (Selling and Buying)
Savings Instrument (Stable and
Credit Instrument (State-promoted plans
for urgent reconstruction of our national strategic infrastructure
[roads, railways, mining, canals, roads, ports, etc.] and social
infrastructure [hospitals, schools, housing, etc.])
National Currency is like a public service; its
sole owners are the People.
A Sovereign Nation-State has a monopoly right to
issue currency, as well as an obligation of maintaining the proper money
supply required by the national economy, keeping a proper balance between
two fundamental macro-economic and social priorities:
maximum economic
activity with maximum price stability.
3. Renegotiation and Investigation of the
Internal and External Public Debt
Knowing full well that this presently represents
the New World Order's main instrument of domination over our country.
In this respect, we shall:
Investigation of Argentina's enormous public
debt shall include key issues described in our 2003 Report, "Proposal for a
Balanced Long-Term Solution to Argentina's Public Debt Problem" and a
thorough investigation into the shady deals, privatizations and outright
public frauds perpetrated by the governments of former presidents:
4. Upholding Republican Institutions
In today's National Emergency:
heed, abide by and enforce our
Constitution and all legislation and codes of law in force, through
a genuinely independent, sovereign and strong Judiciary System
In the medium term:
promote constitutional reform
improve and streamline our codes of law
at the national, provincial and municipal levels
5. Promoting Public Ethics
We hold that "The Common Good is always above
all individual interests".
We recognize and enforce the following Values
and Priorities in our social organization necessary to uphold the Common
Financial interests should be
subordinated to the Economy i.e., the world of Money (virtual and
abstract values) must be subservient to the Real Economy of work,
production, goods and services
The Economy should be subordinates to
the Body Politic i.e., economic activity can develop freely as
long as it does not harm the Common Good nor affect the National
The Body Politic should be subordinates
to Cultural Values i.e., the Political model promoted by the State
shall be identified with, and respect and protect those Cultural
values and traditions which are held dear by the Argentine People
Cultural Values should be subordinated
to Transcendental Values i.e., although we are pluralists on
religious matters, we are nevertheless aligned to Christian
Tradition, invoking "the protection of God as the source
of all Reason and Justice", as declared in the Preamble of the
Argentine Constitution