by Gregory Dail
Orange County Conservative Examiner
June 21, 2009
TheExaminer Website
Scanning foreign papers one would find many people demanding to know where
is mainstream media? The 134.5 Billion seized by the Italians is attracting
a multitude of inquiring minds.
Either scenario of counterfeit or smuggling are
of historic proportion and should be dominating the news!

Provide By Guardia di Finanza
Italian police seized U.S. government bonds
found in the false bottom of a suitcase carried by two Japanese travelers
attempting to cross into Switzerland.
“They’re clearly fakes,” said Stephen Meyerhardt, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of the Public Debt in
Washington. “That’s beyond the fact that the face value is far beyond
what’s out there.”
"Meyerhardt said Treasury records show an
estimated $105.4 billion in bearer bonds have yet to be surrendered.
Most matured more than five years ago”, he said. “The Treasury stopped
issuing bearer bonds in 1982,” Meyerhardt added.
Colonel Rodolfo Mecarelli of the Guardia di
Finanza in Como, Italy, said the securities, seized in Chiasso, Italy, was
very genuine looking and needed to be confirmed by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
If the notes are genuine, the pair would have
been the U.S. government’s fourth-biggest creditor, ahead of the U.K. with
$128 billion of U.S. debt and just behind Russia, which is owed $138
billion. The Italian authorities reported they seized 249 securities with a
face value of $500 million each and 10 additional bonds with a value of more
than $1 billion, as well as securities purported to be “Kennedy” bonds.
Meyerhardt said no such securities exist!
First described as meticulous and high quality, reports are surfacing that
instruments were rough and shoddy. The Japanese businessmen detain have been
reported to released.
Reports that all this happened on June 1st
instead of the 10th adds another inconsistency to the growing list:
Although the smugglers have been
identified in the press as “Japanese nationals”, there has yet to be
any third party confirmations, formal charges made or a release of
the culprit’s identities. Asian and Japanese press outlets are
reporting the suspects were released shortly after they were
A Bloomberg article regarding this
story, the seized bearer bonds allegedly were dated as of 1934.
Since bearer bonds in denominations of $500 million did not exist in
1934, the bonds were deduced as fake. The police are still waiting
for a declaration regarding the bonds’ authenticity from the SEC,
and the populous is speculation how to spend their 40% windfall.
Something smells about this declaration.
How can the quality of the forged bearer bonds be so meticulous that
they “are indistinguishable from the real ones”, yet the
counterfeiters are so ill-informed as to not date the bearer bonds
Bloomberg reported that there is no
known existence of the alleged Billion-dollar Kennedy bonds. This
defies any logical explanation. The expert counterfeiters would have
made more of the $500 million denomination, indistinguishable from
the real thing, instead of making 10 bonds in denominations of $1
billion a piece in a bearer bond never existed?
On March 30, 2009, the US Treasury
Department announced that USD $134.5 billion remained in its
Troubled Asset Relief Program [TARP]. The same amount as the seized
bearer bonds was $134.5 billion.
The two well-dressed Japanese men
traveled a well known financial smuggling route where them would
stick out like sore thumbs, defies logic.
Then we have this June 18 article from
the Financial Times, that questions whether the men are really
Japanese, as their passports declared, and it is may be the work of
the Mafia.
Officials in Tokyo were nonplussed.
Takeshi Akamatsu, a Japanese foreign ministry press secretary,
said Italian authorities had confirmed that two men carrying
Japanese passports had been questioned in the bond case but Tokyo
had not been informed of their names or whereabouts.
Kyodo News reported on June 19 that the
two Japanese men had been released. The Japanese consulate general
in Milan said Thursday it has confirmed that two men who were
briefly detained by Italian police after attempting to enter
Switzerland with $134 billion worth of U.S. bonds were Japanese
citizens. The men were released later that day after an Italian
lawyer provided fidelity guarantee for them.
The Italian authorities continue to
probe how the two obtained the bonds and why they were trying to
take the fake securities to Switzerland.
The Italians are now saying the forged
bonds appeared shoddy and some of them had face values that were
nonexistent. The Italian authorities said they wonder why the
securities were produced because the bonds cannot be used even for
fraud in view of their poor quality. In pictures the bonds appear
new, crisp and clean!
They were first described as being
“meticulous” work and “indistinguishable” from real ones but we are
also to believe that they now “appeared shoddy.”
Hold on to your hat for another wild turn.
Turner Radio Network (TRN) announced June
20 that it had new confirmed information the two Japanese nationals are in
the “employees of the Finance Ministry of Japan.”
TRN has now confirmed the two men arrested were
trying to secretly dump Bonds as ordered by the government of Japan because
the Japanese government feared that the U.S. government would be unable to
repay its debts. Despite the assurances from Japanese Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano that Japan has complete confidence in the U.S. Treasury has confirmed
the upon the serial numbers of the Bonds, part of the $686 billion of U.S.
debt officially held by Japan.
The last couple of days the Italian press was abuzz with suggestions on how
to spend their forty-billion dollar windfall despite the claims the being
Under Italian law Italy gets to keep forty percent (40%) of the
smuggled bonds. Now TRN reports that the US and Japan are trying to
negotiate with Italy for return of the Bonds but because of the astonishing
amount of money involved and Italy is refusing to negotiate.
If all of this hold’s true Americans should know clearly that Japan is still
capable of a Pearl Harbor, financial style, and that our Government is
incapable of telling the truth.

Image of Actual Bond (TRN)
U.S. officials apparently lied to Italy,
numerous news outlets, the American People and Glenn Beck!
From the World’s
perspective the U.S.A. can’t even identify its own bonds, has very nervous
creditors and that U.S. mainstream media in unable to perform impartial
journalism and are worthless as an honest and viable news source.
Glenn Beck offers good advice from his radio
show, “Wake up America!”
Smuggling 134 billion in US bonds
21 June 2009
NewsStage Website
The story of the two Japanese men trying to smuggle US bonds with a total
worth of 134.5 billion dollars into Switzerland keeps raising questions.
Despite lack of thorough media coverage, it is becoming clear that this is
not something we can disregard.
On the Edge with Max Keiser
June 19,
from YouTube Website