by Steven J. Smith
ScientificPapers Website
For many years there have been reports and rumors of a vast network
of underground complexes and tunnels beneath the North American
continent. Starting in the late 1980s, the American government has
tried to deflect these rumors through a campaign of misdirection and
misinformation. Disclosure of the
Greenbrier Congressional Shelter
at White Sulphur Springs is a good example of this campaign.
To believe the existence of the
Greenbrier complex was revealed against the wishes of the American
government is the height of naiveté. This revelation was allowed to
take place. The Greenbrier underground complex was no longer useful,
so it was sacrificed to divert attention away from a much larger
secret. In other words, a classic misdirection ploy.
While I do not have complete knowledge concerning the extent of
America's covert underground infrastructure, I do have detailed
first hand experience with many sites near my home in Oregon. Based
on my experiences, and assuming a roughly uniform distribution
correlated with U.S. population demographics, the total number of
covert underground facilities is in the tens of thousands.
What follows is both a compendium of my observations, and a
do-it-your-self field guide for those who wish discover the true
extent of the American covert underground infrastructure.
Rabbit holes
The covert underground infrastructure serves many functions. Among
these are strategic storage of materials and weapons, clandestine
research and production facilities, alternant basing for military
personnel and equipment, surface environment control systems
(atmospheric lensing, synthetic earthquakes, weather modification,
civilian population control, etc.), and of course sheltering
essential government personnel during time of national crisis or
war. This list is not complete, it is only indicative of the diverse
ways in which the underground infrastructure is utilized.
It should be obvious that many of the uses listed above require both
support from, and easy access to, the surrounding surface
communities. I call these underground access points "rabbit holes",
and they represent a key detectable feature of the underground
It should also be obvious that many of these uses require the
facilities to be interconnected by a network of tunnels. The
construction of these tunnels creates surface evidence of their
existence, albeit transitory.
From the perspective of detection, the
transitory nature of the evidence makes tunnel construction less
useful than covert underground access points, however as we shall
see, the evidence itself is far more compelling.
Searching for
As previously mentioned, many underground infrastructure functions
require surface access, furthermore many underground facilities also
make use of above ground support such as electrical utilities,
generally as backup for their primary supply source. These
requirements pose a design dilemma. The underground access points
must be well hidden, and at the same time, easily accessible to
personnel and/or vehicular traffic. What is true of covert
underground access points, is also true to a lesser extent for
utility supply points.
How do you hide traffic and personnel movement? By mixing it with a
legitimate flow of people and vehicles, in locations already under
government ownership or control. In rural areas, public parks and
recreational facilities make ideal locations. For instance, at a
public camp ground, who will notice if 20 cars go in, but only 15
come out? In urban areas, post offices and other purpose built
government installations are used.
After all, who pays attention to the
comings and goings at a post office? In other words, the underground
access points are hidden in plain sight. This is both a strength and
a weakness. It is a strength if nobody is paying close attention,
however it is also tremendous weakness, since anyone wishing to
observe the location will blend in to the general ebb and flow of
activity. In some respects, rural underground access points are
easier to locate, but more dangerous to investigate, since the level
of human activity will be less.
Another aspect of rabbit hole location is proximity to some useful
above ground resource. For instance, a public zoo makes a good
source of genetic material for a bio-lab facility. It should be
obvious that a major metropolitan hospital would make an ideal
source for human genetic material, as well as the perfect location
to "field test" some new weapon-ized bacteria or virus. What is true
of urban access points, is also true for rural access points.
Many are located near the periphery of
major urban populations. A large water reservoir, or a public camp
ground located near a major highway, are good examples of useful
above ground resources. Rural underground access points are favored
as utility supply points, since the supply is less likely to be
interrupted in time of national crisis.
As we shall see, this last
observation can be used to great advantage in detecting rabbit hole
Urban rabbit
hole detection
The detection of urban access
points requires both persistence, and a certain amount of luck.
Quite often, it will be some apparently trivial detail that will be
your first clue.
The following is a list of indicators that are
cause for suspicion:
A post office parking lot full of
cars, with only one or two people visible inside the post
Sporadic late night activity at a
government office building.
Security that is out of proportion
with presumed facility use.
Unbalanced traffic patterns.
Example: people or vehicles go in but do not come out, or visa
Facility size is out of proportion
to traffic flow. Example: many delivery vehicles at a small
government office building.
Utility services is out of
proportion to facility size. Example: large electrical service
supplying a small government office building.
Deliveries are mismatched to
presumed facility use. Example: 40 foot refrigerated truck, or
medical supply truck unloading at social security office.
Facility location is inappropriate
for presumed use or function. Example: social security office
located in an industrial district.
Facility construction and/or layout
is inappropriate for presumed use. Example: office building with
oversized warehouse style loading dock.
Facility staff size and/or type is
inappropriate for presumed facility use or function. Example:
large ratio of managerial personnel (business suites) to
clerical personnel.
The above list is far from exhaustive.
ather, the list is intended to illustrate what sort of details
should be examined to uncover a rabbit hole. As can be seen from the
list, many clues involve some activity that does not match the
presumed use or function of the facility. Other clues involve a
mismatch between the physical nature of the facility and it's
presumed function.
Once a suspected rabbit hole has been located, further observation
is required to develop a profile of anomalous activity. Drive by the
location at different times of the day and night. Keep detailed
records of observations. Enlist the help of individuals who live
within sight of the facility to monitor activity.
Does a medical supply truck show up
every Tuesday at a social security office? Is there any discernable
pattern to the traffic flow imbalance?
It is the details that will
ultimately confirm the existence of a suspected rabbit hole.
Rural rabbit
hole detection
As with urban access points,
it will be a mismatch between activity and/or the physical nature of
a facility, and it's presumed use or function that will indicate the
presence of a rural underground access point. In addition, there are
several aspects of rural underground access points that appear to be
Most rural underground access points
employ a form of radiated electro-magnet field that functions as a
wide area deterrent to birds, rodents, and insects. The purpose of
the field being to act as a contamination shield or barrier for the
underground access point entrance. Next, since rural underground
access points receive less intense public scrutiny, their supporting
above ground infrastructure is generally speaking, more blatant.
The presence of a well maintained home
with around the clock human supervision of the suspected facility is
common feature. These homes will have multiple satellite dishes,
and/or radio antennas. Another common feature of rural rabbit holes
is the presence of odd alpha-numeric markings on the reverse side of
highway traffic signs located near the underground access point.
The following is a list of rural underground access point
A well maintained branch road
leading to a little used park or recreational facility.
Electrical power lines that are
routed near facility, when such routing results in longer line
length and/or routing over a natural obstacle (mountain, river,
Electrical power lines or
substations much larger than visible local load requirements.
Large reservoirs that serve no
apparent useful function. Example: not needed for flood control
or civilian water supply, or that have larger capacity than is
required for presumed function.
The presence of truck traffic on
rural roads with no known destination, or inappropriate truck
types for apparent destination.
A public park or recreational
facility that is maintained at a level well in excess of other
nearby facilities, especially if facility less well known or
used than other nearby facilities.
Public facility personnel (park
rangers, etc.) that are overly nosey and/or suspicious of your
activities, especially if personnel occupy the site on a 24/7
Public park or recreational facility
where part of facility is fenced off, or accessed by a gated
road, or otherwise made inaccessible to the general public.
The presence of inappropriate or
unusual structures and/or construction methods. Examples: small
cinder block building with an electrical power feed normally
used on major office buildings. An unmarked, but well maintained
trail in public park. An old building (possibly abandoned) with
a new door, and expensive lock.
People at camp grounds that seem out
of place. Example: improperly dressed, or using inappropriate
equipment, or having unusual accents (these are people taking a
recreational break from underground facilities).
Well maintained roads that are not
shown on maps, or follow a different route than shown on maps.
A noticeable lack of wildlife
(birds, small animals, insects, etc.) in a location that would
normally support a large wildlife population (see 1.2.4
Any of the applicable indicators
listed under urban rabbit hole detection. Example: unbalanced
traffic flows, etc.
As with urban rabbit hole detection,
this list is far from complete. It is intended to illustrate what
sort of indicators to look for, when searching for rural underground
access points. Again, all of the techniques employed in urban rabbit
hole discovery are applicable to rural underground access points.
However, it must be stressed that rural
access point detection and observation is far more dangerous. Not
only are there less people to hide your activities, but a larger
faction of those people who are present will likely be rabbit hole
occupants or guardians. Failure to exercise due caution may lead to
becoming an unwilling underground guest.
For this reason, the author suggests one
or more of the following precautions.
Be very discreet in rural
underground access point observation.
Always inform a trusted friend of
your intended destination and expected time of return.
When possible, use a group
recreational outing as cover for your activities.
Spread your observation activities
over several months, at random times and days of the week.
Assume you are being watched at all
times, and act appropriately. i.e. As somebody who is enjoying a
day in the park.
Tunnel construction
The techniques used for covert tunnel construction are very
different than civilian tunnel construction. Covert tunnel
construction makes use of a
boring machine that actually melts earth
and rock (by chemical valence disruption), thereby forming a glass
like tunnel wall. This has several advantages over civilian tunnel
boring methods.
From the perspective of secrecy, the
biggest advantage is that little or no waste material (rock, dirt,
etc.) is produced by the boring process, thereby alleviating the
need for above ground disposal sites. Another advantage is that
tunnels can be bored through lose rock, sand, etc. or other
locations that would be unsuitable for civilian boring methods (for
instance, a river bed). Large underground cavities are also
constructed using this technique.
Covert tunnel boring produces several phenomena that are detectable
by surface observation. These phenomena are transitory, and will
disappear shortly after tunnel completion. However the presence of
these phenomena is unmistakable evidence that covert tunnel
construction is taking place.
The method used to melt earth and rock employs electro-magnetic
energy to disrupt the chemical bonds within the material. This
method produces little or no heat as a by product of the melting
process, and is therefore very stealthy. However it does cause the
evaporation of water to take place at an accelerated rate.
Since the method is electro-magnetic,
there is a certain amount of "leakage" radiation, and this is
detectable by the odd effect it produces on surface water. In
particular, the water will appear to rise from the ground as wisps
of steam, even though the ground is cold. This phenomena is very
noticeable during rain storms on cold winter nights. The steam does
not rise into the air, as it would if the ground was actually warm,
but instead forms a layer just above the surface.
Another side effect of covert tunnel boring is a peculiar rippling
in road surfaces. This rippling is very slight, and most noticeable
while driving at highway speed (55 mph). It is more heard than felt.
What sets this ripple apart from normal highway bumps and
imperfections is it's consistency. Assuming a constant driving
speed, the ripple is perfectly constant. In some cases, the rippled
road surface will continue for several miles, without the slightest
change in pitch or intensity.
The "cold steam" phenomena is only observable while covert tunnel
boring is actually taking place. However the "road ripple" phenomena
will persist for several weeks after covert tunnel boring is
These phenomena are best observed late at night.
Forty trillion
Despite an ever increasing tax burden, the roads and bridges
continue to decline, the cities continue to decay, social security
and Medicare benefits continue to dwindle. Today with both husband
and wife working full time jobs, the American standard of living is
less than 1950 when the husband worked, and the wife stayed home.
In 1950, most government buildings were
somewhat dilapidated, having a "well used" look about them, while
most American homes were modern and well cared for. Today the cities
are full of shinny new government office buildings, and many
American homes look dilapidated and in need of repair. Government
budgets and deficits continue their upward spiral, while the
American family is learning how to "make do" with less.
Consumer prices continue to rise and
wages continue to fall, as the American dream fades, replaced with
the nightmarish specter of advancing middleclass poverty.
Inexorably, despite every effort to reverse the trend, American
wealth has been systematically striped from the people, and
transferred to the government
Something has gone horribly wrong in America.
For the past several decades, there have been an unbroken chain of
government scandals involving over billing and multiple invoicing
for items ranging from toilet seats to bombers. Inevitably the media
portray these scandals as unscrupulous corporations taking advantage
of an inept government bureaucracy.
Sadly these incidents are more pervasive
than media reporting indicates, and the truth is far more ominous
than mere government incompetence or corporate greed. When the
clandestine diversion of tax revenue was no longer sufficient to
satisfy the requirements, a second method was instituted. American
jobs were outsourced to other countries, thereby allowing the
government to repatriate nearly 100% of product and/or service
revenue through the foreign purchase of American government bonds.
Since the early 1960s, the American
citizenry have been the unwitting victims of government fraud,
perpetrated on a scale so vast that it staggers the imagination.
When figured in 2004 dollars, the total amount exceeds 40 trillion
What did the American government and it's corporate accomplices do
with this almost inconceivable wealth?
The government has built a entirely new underground civilization
beneath the abandoned factories, tattered homes, and crime ridden
streets that litter the American landscape. In this new society,
there is no poverty, no crime or illicit drug use. In this new
society, healthcare is affordable, energy is free, public transport
is efficient. And you, the American tax payer have paid for it all,
without receiving any benefit whatsoever for your Herculean efforts.
As to why this monstrous crime was committed against the American
people, is the topic for a future paper. Suffice it to say, you will
not like the motive, nor the eventual disposition planed for you and
your loved ones...
ALL information contained herein is derived from public sources,
widely accepted scientific principles, and/or authors first hand
experience. The author has NO written or verbal agreement with ANY
governmental agency forbidding disclosure of the information
contained herein. In disclosing this information, the author is
exercising his right to free speech as a private citizen of the
United States of America.
While the author advocates the discovery
and disclosure of the American covert underground infrastructure, NO
ATTEMPT should be made to interfere in any way whatsoever with the
personnel and/or operations of said infrastructure.
The proper
method for achieving discontinuance of these activities is through
court ordered injunctive relief.