by Brad Steiger
January 29, 2008
UfoDigest Website
Helvetius, the grandfather of the
celebrated philosopher of the same name, was an alchemist who labored
ceaselessly to fathom the mystery of the "philosopher's stone," the
legendary catalyst that would transmute base metals into gold.
One day in 1666 when he was working in his
laboratory at the Hague, a stranger attired all in black, as befitted a
respectable burgher of North Holland, appeared and informed him that he
would remove all the alchemist's doubts about the existence of the
philosopher's stone, for he himself possessed such an object.
The stranger immediately drew from his pocket a small ivory box, containing
three pieces of metal the color of brimstone. With those three bits of
metal, he said, he could make as much as twenty tons of gold.
The alchemist examined the pieces of metal and seeing that they were very
brittle, he surreptitiously scraped off a small portion with his thumbnail.
He then returned the three pieces of metal to his mysterious visitor and
invited him to perform the process of transmutation.

The stranger answered that he was not allowed to
do so. It was enough that he had verified the existence of the metal to
Helvetius. It was his purpose only to offer him encouragement in his
After the man's departure, Helvetius procured a crucible and a portion of
lead, into which, when in a state of fusion, he threw the stolen grain he
had secretly scraped from the alleged philosopher's stone. He was
disappointed to find that the grain evaporated, leaving the lead in its
original state.
Thinking that he had been made a fool by the mad burgher's whimsy, Helvetius
returned to his own experiments in attaining the philosopher's stone.
Some weeks later, when he had almost forgotten the incident, Helvetius
received another visit from the stranger. Impatiently, the alchemist told
the man that if he could not do as he claimed, then please leave the
laboratory at once.
"Very well,” the stranger said, consenting
to perform a demonstration of the philosopher's stone for the skeptical
Helvetius. “I shall show you that that which you most desire does truly
The mysterious visitor said that one grain was
sufficient, but it was necessary to envelope it in a ball of wax before
throwing it on the molten metal; otherwise, its extreme volatility would
cause it to vaporize.
To Helvetius's astonishment, the stranger transmuted several ounces of lead
into gold. Then he permitted the alchemist to repeat the experiment by
himself, and Helvetius converted six ounces of lead into very pure gold.
Helvetius found it impossible to keep a secret of such immense value
and importance. Soon the word of the alchemist's remarkably successful
experiments spread all over the Hague, and Helvetius demonstrated the power
of the philosopher's stone in the presence of the Prince of Orange, and many
times afterward, until he had exhausted the supply of catalytic pieces that
he received from the mysterious burgher.
And search as he might, Helvetius could not find the man in all of North
Holland nor learn his name. And pray as he might, the stranger never again
visited Helvetius in his study.
Down through the centuries, very mysterious individuals have appeared at
certain moments in human history and provided convincing demonstrations that
"impossible" inventions are possible.
The "respectable burgher of North Holland" appeared "modest and simple" to
the alchemist Helvetius.
It was his incredible knowledge that startled
and inspired the alchemists of Helvetius's day, and though these learned and
determined men never did acquire the philosopher's stone that would
transmute lead into gold, they did fashion the seeds of the science of
chemistry that has accomplished so many transmutations of the human
environment and the human condition in the last three hundred years.
Out of the smoky laboratories of the alchemists,
Albert le Grand produced potassium lye
Raymond Lully prepared bicarbonate of
Paracelsus described zinc and introduced
chemical compounds in medicine
Blaise Vigenere discovered benzoic acid
Basil Valentine perfected sulfuric acid
Johann Friedrich Boetticher became the
first European to produce porcelain
While each of the above is an important
discovery, there are rumors that lying amidst the musty pages of certain
ancient alchemical laboratories there are recorded experiments with
photography, radio transmission, phonography, and
aerial flight.
Throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there were
many scholars who claimed that they had received late-night visits from
mysterious members of a secret society that had accomplished the
transmutation of metals, the means of prolonging life, the knowledge to see
and to hear what was occurring in distant places, and the ability to travel
across the heavens in heavier-than-air vehicles.
Some students of the history of alchemy have stated that crumbling, yellowed
records of the alchemists remain in dusty libraries - more than 100,000
ancient volumes written in a code that has never been sufficiently
Numerous occult groups have been created around the belief that centuries
ago a secret society achieved a high level of scientific knowledge that they
carefully guarded from the rest of humanity. According to these occultists,
certain men of genius in ancient Egypt and Persia were given access to the
records of the advanced technologies of the antediluvian world of
Atlantis. Many hundreds of years ago, these ancient masters
learned to duplicate many of the feats of the Titans of the lost continent.
There are persistent legends in nearly every culture that tell of an
Elder Race that populated the Earth millions of years ago. The Old
Ones, who may originally have been of extraterrestrial origin, were an
immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced species who eventually
chose to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet's
soil and seas.
The Old Ones usually remain aloof from
the surface dwellers, but from time to time throughout history, they have
been known to visit certain of Earth's more intelligent members in the guise
of alchemist or mysterious scientists in order to offer constructive
criticism and, in some cases, to give valuable advice in the material
The Buddhists have incorporated
Agharta, a subterranean empire, into their
theology and fervently believe in its existence and in the reality of
underworld supermen who periodically surface to oversee the progress of the
human race. According to one source, the underground kingdom of Agharta was
created when the ancestors of the present day cave dwellers drove
the Serpent People from the caverns during
an ancient war between the
reptilian humanoids and the ancient human
The decision to form an ancient secret society may have been based on the
members' highly developed moral sense and their recognition of the awesome
position of responsibility that the discovery of such applications of
ancient knowledge had placed upon them. They may have decided to keep their
own counsel until the rest of the world had become enlightened enough to
deal wisely with such a high degree of technical accomplishments.
From time to time, the secret society may decide the time is propitious to
make one of its discoveries known to the "outside world." Such intervention
in the affairs of humankind is usually accomplished by carefully feeding
certain fragments of research to "outside" scientists whose work and
attitude have been judged particularly deserving. When these scientists
accomplish the breakthroughs in their research, they credit the success of
the experiments to their own diligence, and the secrecy the society prizes
so highly is maintained.
On the other hand, the secret society may feel little or no responsibility
of any kind to those humans outside of their group. They may be merely
biding their time until they turn the great mass of humanity into their
By the 1840s, the legend of Agharta had already been widely circulated among
the mystically minded in Germany. According to this ancient tradition, the
Master of the World already controlled many of the kings and rulers of the
surface world by exercising his occult powers. Soon this Master and his
super race would launch an invasion of Earth and subjugate all humans to his
If certain master magicians, disciples of the Titans, individuals of
exceptional intellect, power, and wealth, actually did achieve a high degree
of technical accomplishment several centuries ago, then they could very well
be responsible for a good many of the strange and mysterious vehicles seen
in our skies. And if alien life-forms apprehended their advanced technology
at the end of the previous century, then they might have established an
alliance with the society of humans that easily appeared to be the more
advanced and worthy to receive the benefits of their extraterrestrial
The year 1897 may have seemed an ideal time to show the “outsiders” just how
far advanced the members of the ancient secret society really were.
The science of the outsiders seemed as though it had gone about as far as it
could go, and it was poised confidently on the brink of the twentieth
Many of the world's most learned men and women were filled with
pride over a host of new technological accomplishments.
In 1893, Karl Benz and Henry Ford built
their first four-wheeled automobiles
Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope (1889) was
among the first practical systems of cinematography
In 1895, Louis and Auguste Lumiere
presented the first commercial projection
In that same year, Wilhelm Roentgen
discovered X rays, Marconi invented radio telegraphy, and Konstantin
Tsiolkovsky formulated the principle of rocket reaction propulsion
In 1896, William Ramsay isolated helium,
Ernest Rutherford accomplished the magnetic detection of electrical
waves, and Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity
The Royal Automobile Club was founded in
London in 1897, and cars were going faster every year
However, with all of these scientific marvels
about which to boast, there were as yet no heavier-than-air aerial vehicles
to occupy the efforts and the interests of potential aviators; and a good
number of brilliant scientists of great reputation had gone on record with
their arguments that it was aerodynamically impossible to build such a
flying machine.
On the other hand, the future of balloon
transport seemed promising, and gondolas could be attached to carry
passengers. With all the other wonders of modern science, how could anyone
bemoan the lack of heavier-than-air flying machines?
And yet, in March of 1897, a bizarre aircraft, often described as resembling
a cone-shaped steamboat, was seen flying across the United States and later
throughout the world.
The German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin did not build his famous
airship, a rigid dirigible, until 1898.
Could some mysterious unknown inventors
have beaten Count von Zeppelin to the drawing board with a much more
impressive vehicle, a forerunner of the modern passenger plane?
Or was a secret terrestrial society of
master magicians once again displaying their superiority over the
The flights of the enigmatic airship continued
until August of 1897 when the craft was sighted off the coast of Norway and
over Vancouver, British Columbia on the same day.
After a twelve-year absence, the airship reappeared over England in 1909.
Within a matter of days, it was sighted over New Zealand, Arkansas,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Tennessee. It’s final
appearance seems to have been over Memphis on January 20, 1910.
In 1871, occultist Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote
The Coming
Race, a novel about a small group of German mystics who had
discovered a race of supermen living within the Earth’s interior. The super
race had built a paradise based on The Vril Force, a form of energy
so powerful that the older beings had outlawed its use as a potential
weapon. The Vril, was derived from the Black Sun, a large ball of “Prima
Materia” that provided light and radiation to the inhabitants of
the inner Earth.
In 1919, Karl Haushofer founded the Brothers of the Light Society
in Berlin, and soon changed its name to
the Vril Society.
As Haushofer’s Vril grew in prominence, it
united three major occult societies, the Lords of the Black Stone,
the Black Knights of the
Thule Society, and the Black Sun and chose
the swastika, the hooked cross, as its symbol of the worship of the Black
Sun. As with many secret groups, there appears to have been more than one
order - those who followed the Golden Sun and those who followed the
The Black Sun, like the Swastika, is a very
ancient symbol. While the Swastika represents the eternal fountain of
creation, the Black Sun is even older, suggesting the very void of creation
itself. The symbol on the Nazi flag is the Thule Sonnenrad (Sun
Wheel), not a reversed good luck Swastika. The Black Sun can be seen in many
ancient Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship.
While these societies borrowed some concepts and rites from various Hermetic
groups, they placed special emphasis on the innate mystical powers of the
Aryan race. The Vril and its fellow societies maintained that the
Germanic/Nordic/Teutonic people were of Aryan origin, and that Christianity
had destroyed the power of the Teutonic civilization.
The secret societies formed in Germany wanted desperately to prove
themselves worthy of the super humans that lived beneath the surface of the
planet and they wished to be able to control the incredibly powerful Vril
This ancient force had been known among the
alchemists and magicians as,
the Chi
the Odic force
the Orgone
the Astral Light...
...and they were well aware of its
transformative powers to create supermen of ordinary mortals.
Vril Lodge believed that those who learned control of the Vril
would become master of themselves, those around them, and the world itself,
if they should so choose.
Such members of the Lodge as,
...became obsessed with preparing German youth
to become a Master Race so the Lords of the Inner Earth would find them
worthy above all others when they emerged to evaluate the people of Earth’s
In 1921, Maria Orsic (Orsitch), a medium in the society, now renamed
Vril Gesellschaft, began claiming spirit messages originating from
Aryan aliens on
Alpha Tauri in the Aldeberan star system.
Orsic and another
medium named Sigrun, learned that the aliens spoke of two classes of people
on their world,
the Aryan, or master race
a subservient planetary race
that had evolved through mutation and climate changes
A half billion years ago, the Aryans, also known
as the Elohim or Elder Race, began to colonize our solar
system. On Earth, the Aryans were identified as
the Sumerians until they
elected to carve out an empire for themselves in the hollow of the planet.
Students of the Vril Society also insist that extraterrestrials
worked with
Nazi scientists to create early models of flying saucers.
According to some researchers, an alien tutor race secretly began
cooperating with certain German scientists from the Thule, the Vril, and the
Black Sun societies in the late 1920s. Working in underground bases with the
alien intelligences, the Nazis mastered antigravity space flight,
established space stations, accomplished time travel, an developed their
spacecraft to warp speeds.
In 1922, members of Thule and Vril claim to have built the
Jenseitsflugmaschine, the Other World Flight Machine, based on
the psychic messages received from the Aldebaran aliens.
W. O. Schulmann of the Technical
University of Munich was in charge of the project until it was halted in
1924, and the craft was stored in Messerschmitt’s Augsburg. In 1937, after
Hitler came into power, he authorized the construction of the Rund
flugzeug, the round, or
disk-shaped vehicle, for military use and for
In April, 1942, Nazi Germany sent out an expedition composed of a number of
its most visionary scientists to seek a military vantage point in the
hollow earth. Although the expedition of leading scientists left
at a time when the Third Reich was putting maximum effort in their drive
against the Allies, Goering, Himmler, and Hitler are said to have
enthusiastically endorsed the project. Steeped in the more esoteric
teachings of metaphysics, the Fuehrer had long been convinced that Earth was
concave and that a master race lived on the inside of the planet.
The Nazi scientists who left for the island of Rugen had complete confidence
in the validity of their quest. In their minds, such a coup as discovering
the opening to the Inner World would not only provide them with a military
advantage, but it would go a long way in convincing the Masters who lived
there that the German people truly deserved to mix their blood with them in
the creation of a hybrid master race to occupy the surface world, truly a
New World Order.
In 1991 when President
George H.W. Bush began speaking about a
World Order to beef up his campaign for reelection, evangelist
Pat Robertson, who was briefly a presidential candidate, passionately
spoke out that "new world order" was actually a code for a secret group that
sought to replace Christian society with a worldwide atheistic socialist
Bush, the conspiracy buffs charged, was a member of one of the world's most
devilish and powerful secret societies: the
Order of Skull and Bones. What
was more, according to these same conspiracists, Bush was linked to the
Bilderbergers and the
Trilateral Commission, dangerous elitist organizations.
At about the same time that President Bush's alleged secret affiliations
were being exposed, a number of fundamentalist evangelists began to take
their first real notice of the UFO phenomenon and saw the mysterious aerial
objects as the "signs in the skies" referred to in apocalyptic literature
and in the book of Revelation.
It was a short leap or many evangelists to begin
to blend accounts of UFOs with the secret societies of top U.S. government
officials, politicians, corporate chairmen, international bankers, and many
others who sought to bring into being the dreaded "New World Order."
According to the proponents of this cosmic conspiracy, when President
Ronald Reagan gave his famous "alien
invasion" speech to the entire United Nations General Assembly in
September of 1987, he had already secretly advised representatives of the
176 member nations that the leaders of their respective governments must
meet the demands of the technologically superior extraterrestrials or be
As Reagan said in his speech:
"I occasionally think how quickly our
differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat
from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien threat
already among us?"
Some UFO researchers have warned that highly
placed members of an ancient secret society that can trace its origins
beyond the temples of ancient Egypt to Atlantis have established a plan to
create a carefully staged "alien invasion" that will convince the masses of
the world that a real-life War of the Worlds alien attack is about to begin.
People of all nations will believe their leaders who say that it has been
learned that the aliens are a benevolent species and that unconditional
surrender to them is for everyone's own good.
Immediately following the "surrender" to the aliens, the leaders of the
ancient secret society will form a One World Government, a New World Order,
thus fulfilling biblical prophecies about a return to the days of Babylon.
Concern over interference by secret societies in the affairs of government
was considered very real long before our present-day paranoia. For hundreds
of years, certain scholars have worried about global conspiracies being
conducted in secret by such groups as the
Knights Templar, the
Vril, the
Thule, the
Sun, and
the Illuminati - who may all be waiting
until the propitious time to complete world domination.
In 1876, Benjamin Disraeli, British prime minister, warned:
"The governments of the present day have to
deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and
ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere
their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the
governments' plans."