by J.S. Chiappalone
presented by Annwn Publications
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Not all men in the physical bodies are the same
The purposely distorted information wants people
to believe that if one has no more karma to work out one does not need to
incarnate any more. The false philosophies also state that only the ones who
have attained liberation have a choice as to whether they will re-incarnate
or not, and that if they should sacrifice themselves and re-incarnate they
would not be subjected to the limitations affecting ordinary men.
In other
words it tells them that they will always be joyous, serene, contented etc.
Do not believe this fake information.
The so called Board of Karma with its board of administrators was an
instrument of the evil demigod. Through it a great deception called the
White Brotherhood was propagated.
There was never a White-Brotherhood.
This so called
White-Brotherhood is in fact the Black
calling themselves White.
Its evil lords of
karma and its minions assumed the name of
the consciousness of the light, picked the truth these high consciousness
had given out as their own in order to fool and trap the true beings who
yearn for the light and truth, and caused them to plunge into further and
further entrapment and to eventually destroy their very Divinity.
The Brotherhood set up a pseudo-enlightenment for those who sought
liberation from the physical bondage. The so-called liberation one attained
was really still within the astral worlds of the demigod.
Ordinary true beings who had actually been fooled into pursuing this ladder
of enlightenment had always to re-incarnate again and again in spite of the
false promises.
However, the so-called enlightened counterfeit beings of the demigod were
allowed to remain in the
astral realms for their hierarchy permitted them.
The one known as
Lord Maitreya is in fact the manifestation
of the evil mind known as Ikluk. He and his minions have fooled and
continued to fool many seekers on the spiritual path by their cunningly and
well-organized plot. Their intent is to serve the evil demigod and its evil
creation at the expense of the true beings.
Elizabeth Claire Prophet is another evil being now residing in the
U.S.A. who claims to have the sole connection to the higher resources and
also claims that master Morya, St. Germaine, and others are
working through her. The truth is that she is the manifestation of the very
evil demonic essence.
Certainly the real master Morya, who is of the light, never worked and never
will work through her for these two are of the opposite essences. She has a
good connection, not to the Higher source of the light, but instead a
connection to the hierarchy of the Black Brotherhood under the
pretence of the White.
They are calling the White, Black, and themselves who are Black,
White. If
you know the sorts of things that are really going on in the inner levels
and at the top levels you would understand why they are so evil. Do not be
fooled by their expression in the physical and the things they say. They are
not what they claim or appear to be.
Prophet also claims to be Queen Gwenevere of Camelot. In fact she is
the opposite to the essence and consciousness of Queen Gwenevere who
in truth was the manifestation of the true divine mother.
Evil beings often play the game of imposters and assume roles opposite to
their own kind to confuse and distort the truth and further trap the true
I wish to vigorously assert that the true Morya, Kootoomi, Jesus and
Germaine will never co-operate with the dark side. Those who claim these
masters are working through them are deluding others of their own essence.
They themselves are evil or else deluded by the spurious agents of the dark
It is true that this Black Hierarchy has existed in the past but it is now
collapsing. It must be known that it is of the creation of the evil demigod
and not of the true Divine God.
For a long, long time, due to the distortion and confusion of all physical
dimensions, most beings, even high beings, have been at a loss to know who
was who. Often and unknowingly, the ones of the light had assisted the dark
side believing that they were serving the light. In such circumstance, the
intent of these true beings was to serve the light.
Therefore they have not betrayed the light. However, due to their trap they
suffered the many consequences of this evil dimension.
Law of Karma and the Law of Re-incarnation are
two major impositions
placed on those who exist in the dimensions of the demigod. The sole purpose
was, once again, to exploit the true beings so as to continuously extract
their energy. It is the true beings who have a direct link to certain energy
The traps for those who have yearned for the light have been all around them
and it was extremely difficult for beings of light in the past to awaken.
However, this time is unique and this is the chance that has been afforded
to all those who wish to sincerely serve the divine being of purity and
receive his love and light.
All these evil traps of the so-called White Brotherhood (which in truth is
the Black Brotherhood) which have fooled so many for so long, shall be once
and for all totally destroyed for the deliberate destruction they have
At present, the main aspect of the divine mother is working with the
son-aspect to set up the main energy unit on Earth with 12 sub-units serving
them. Each sub-unit is under the direction of the main-unit and the supply
of energy to these sub-units is also monitored through the main-unit.
Each sub-unit has its own particular work to perform and can appear to be
working in different ways.
However, in spite of the apparent diverse ways
amongst them, there is no antagonism or clashes with the main unit or
amongst the sub-units. Inwardly, those involved in the sub-units will
gradually recognize the main unit when their vision becomes clearer which
will occur as they become more and more purified by the new energy.
Many appear to speak the "language" of truth, but go deeper and you will
find, with discrimination and discernment, the difference between the ones
of the truth and the ones of falsehood and of evilness.