ImpeachBush Website
Bush has admitted to authorizing the NSA, a
secretive spy agency, to conduct warrantless wire taps on American citizens.
The spying even extends to postal mail.
The NSA has also been collecting phone
records in an attempt to build a database of every phone call that is made.
- Mark Klein, a retired AT&T
communications technician, submitted an affidavit in support of the
Electronic Fronteir Foundation's FF's lawsuit against AT&T. He
testified that in 2003 he connected a "splitter" that sent a copy of
Internet traffic and phone calls to a secure room that was operated
by the NSA in the San Francisco office of AT&T.
He heard from a
co-worker that similar rooms were being constructed in other cities,
including Seattle, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego. From
"Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room", Wired News, 4/7/06 [Wired] [EFF
- The New York Times reveals
"Months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly
authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans
and others inside the United States to search for evidence of
terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily
required for domestic spying, according to government officials."
The Bush wiretaps violated US law because he was required to get
approval from FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). He can start a wiretap of a suspected terrorist
at any time but must then seek approval to continue within 72 hours.
Attorney General Gonzales claims
gave Bush authority to conduct the wiretaps. But HJR114 only grants
use of the "Armed Forces". HJR114 does not explicitly suspend the
Also HJR114 requires,
"The President shall, at least
once every 60 days, submit to the Congress a report on matters
relevant to this joint resolution, including actions taken pursuant
to the exercise of authority granted in section 3".
Congress was not
notified of these wiretaps. [HJR114]
Bush may have bypassed FISA because he
wanted to listen to and analyze all international signals, not just
those of suspected terrorists. He knew this was blatantly illegal so
he hid it.
Bush says,
Then later,
distinction is that "detecting" requires listening to lots of calls
with a computer to see if someone says certain keywords like "bomb"
in Arabic, or maybe even "impeach Bush" in English. Monitoring is
listening to a specific suspected terrorist. The problem with
detection is that you have to listen to all calls, including yours
and mine. [This NY Times article confirms this interpretation. Also
More evidence that Bush wants to listen
to all signals is in Bob Woodward's book "Bush at War," on page 303.
James B. Comey, acting Attorney General,
refused to sign an authorization for the NSA program because it "did
not comply with the law". On March 10th, 2004,
Alberto Gonzales and
Andrew Card tried to bypass Comey be getting a disoriented John
Ashcroft to sign an authorization from his hospital bed. Comey
rushed to the hospital to stop them. On March 11th, Bush intervened
personally to get the Justice Department to authorize the program. [NYTimes]
Investigators may have found that Bush
applied for an expansion of wiretap capability from FISA, was
rejected, and then went ahead and did it anyway. [FindLaw] [FAS]
Bush claims going through FISA is too
slow but legal emergency wiretaps helped capture terrorist Mosquera.
According to a report in USA Today, the
NSA is collecting the phone records of tens of millions of Americans
- most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. The agency's goal is
"to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's
borders. The stated goal is to be able to identify who is involved
in a network of terrorists.
But this same technique can be used to
determine who is involved in a network of political activists who
might, for example, oppose the Bush administration. Under Section
222 of the Communications Act, first passed in 1934, telephone
companies are prohibited from giving out information regarding their
customers' calling habits. All of the major telecommunications
companies cooperated with this program except for Qwest.
Joe Nacchio,
CEO of Qwest, was troubled by the fact that there was no FISA
approval and that the program was so pervasive.
- In response to a lawsuit filed
by the ACLU, US District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled that the
wiretaps are unconstitutional. [NYTimes] [WashPost]
- New York Times says,
Primary Sources
12/17/05 - Transcript of Bush at a Radio
Address revealing that he had authorized the program more than 30
times. [White House Transcript]
12/19/05 - Transcript of Bush at a Press Conference discussing the
wiretaps [White House Transcript]
US Code Title 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter I, Sec 1805 defining the
operation of the FISA Court.
US Code Title 18, Chapter 121 "Stored Wire and Electronic
Communications and Transactional Records Access" controlling access
to telephone records.
US Code Title 18, Chapter 206 "Pen Registers and Trap and Trace
Devices" controlling devices used to monitor communications.
US Code Title 47, Chapter 5 "Wire or Radio Communication" - AKA
"Communications Act of 1934"
2/2006- "Wartime Executive Power and the National Security
Agency’s Surveillance Authority" - Hearings before Senate Judiciary
1/6/06 - Letter from Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe to John
Conyers stating that "the presidential program of surveillance at
issue here is a violation of the separation of powers — as grave an
abuse of executive authority as I can recall ever having studied."
Collection of FISA Documents at http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fisa/
12/15/05 - "Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S.
After 9/11, Officials Say" By JAMES RISEN and ERIC LICHTBLAU , NY
4/7/06 - "Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room", by Ryan Singel, Wired
Electronic Frontier Foundation lawsuit against AT&T for domestic
ACLU v. NSA: The Challenge to Illegal
Spying - extensive research and court cases
Electronic Frontier Foundation resource center on NSA spying
Timeline of NSA Wiretaps by CooperativeResearch.org (Excellent)
Timeline of Wiretaps by Jodin Morey
"NSA warrantless surveillance controversy" on Wikipedia
Other Resources
EPIC - details on FISA from Electronic
Privacy Information Center
"An Update on President Bush's NSA Program: The Historical
Context, Specter's Recent Bill, and Feingold's Censure Motion", in
FindLaw, 3/24/06, by JOHN W. DEAN
"Bipartisan call for wiretapping probe", 12/21/05 [CNN]
Oregan court case determines that reasons for FISA approved
wiretaps can remain secret. 3/18/03 [CNN]
'What are the "Inherent" Powers of the President? How the Bush
Administration Has Mistaken Default Rules for Exclusive Right' By
Michael C. Dorf, Feb. 13, 2006 - analyses legality of wiretaps.
"Judge Rules Against Wiretaps NSA Program Called Unconstitutional"
by Dan Eggen and Dafna Linzer, Washington Post Staff Writers,
Friday, August 18, 2006
Articles on Surveillance and infiltration of protestors before the
Republican Convention
NY Times, 8/7/07
WashPost, 8/7/07
12/6/07 - John Conyers blog "Setting the Story Straight on FISA"
and the RESTORE Act. Has good links.
It is ironic that Bush prevented the FBI and other Investigators from
investigating possible terrorist links by the Bin Laden family prior to