by Zen Gardner
July 20, 2012
ZenGardner Website
“Now turn in your guns, America.
The UN
mandate we’ve agreed to says so.”
They’ve been egging on for this for ages and the time has come with this new
Nations cave in.
Believe me, there are millions of American patriots who have no
intention of abiding by this idiocy.
When only the unjust have arms, we have problems. History says so.
I don’t believe in violence, nor do most common sensed folks. However, we
live in a world of usurpers. Weird power-crazed idiots who want to control
everyone. Universe knows what drives them, but they’re real.
And we are
their objective.
Abject control is the goal.
Know Your Enemy
Just look at their historical logic. There’s one simplistic ideology
They cannot have spontaneous anything. It freaks them out. Therefore natural
anything makes them crazy. It’s a pathological issue for them. Maybe a sort
of racial issue as well - they’re from another inter-dimensional race!
Racists pushing the racist agenda? Nothing surprising, they’ll pull
anything. Hypocrisy equals bold faced lying - so what’s new?
I don’t know. We’re bound inside of layers of reality, and we’re working our
way through them. One thing I know, we’re being diddled….seriously.
These controllers are doing a number on humanity and need to be called out
for it.
Our Current Status
You can’t look at the news objectively without realizing something serious
is at play.
Between the coming Olympic disaster set up and the American pressure cooker,
something’s has to give.
Besides the
insane militarization of London, can the US continually push
such draconian measures on a slowly awakening American populace?
You decide. I don’t think so. It’s serious stuff. Last time the
international power structure needed a “pearl harbor” type situation they
created one with 9/11.
And it worked.
You are going to sit and wait for the next one, like an entranced idiot?
Most will...
How To Sell the Last
Well, ultimately, what I wanted to say is this.
These bastards need
something sizeable to push through all this crap they’ve been lambasting us
with the last several years. As drastically Orwellian as it has been,
besides stealing everyone’s money, they’ve pushed through measures for
unquestioned incarceration, unlimited wiretapping and information gathering,
and such complete totalitarian control it’s beyond comprehension.
All while so-called patriots watch on, some in protest and smoldering
anger, but most in numbed disbelief.
When the slam down comes, I’m not sure how many will recognize it, as
efficiently as
the 9/11 scam went. I only hope it will backfire in some
strange way as to wake up a huge strata of the unaware, and bring more
stability to their protest against tyranny.
Anyway, my shot at this strange thing called “our current world”.
Take it for what you want.
Be aware, be very aware...
P.S.: In case you’re
wondering, this was written Thursday before the Colorado incident and I
posted and went to bed. I was as amazed as you when I saw the news this
morning. No surprise really, with this gun control agreement waiting for
approval. Now watch them go to town over this incident and milk it to
death... literally.