May 14, 2011
YouTube Website
'College Conspiracy' is going to open up the minds of millions of students
who have been brainwashed their entire lives by the propaganda in
mainstream media.
We are a nation of sheep, where nobody thinks
for themselves and everybody follows the same system. The system we have
today turns everybody into debt slaves, while the
Federal Reserve
bankers on Wall Street to steal the wealth of middle-class Americans through
Now is the time for all young Americans to think outside of the box and
become self-educated. Don't rely on others to provide jobs for you.
Go out there and make a job yourself!
College Education is a Scam Says New Documentary
May. 16 2011
PRNewswire Website
National Inflation Association today officially released the
most comprehensive documentary ever produced about higher education in
the U.S. NIA's hour-long documentary called 'College Conspiracy' exposes
the facts and truth about America's college education system.
'College Conspiracy' was produced over a
six-month period by NIA's team of expert Austrian economists with the
help of thousands of NIA members who contributed their ideas and
personal stories for the film. NIA believes the U.S. college education
system is a scam that turns vulnerable young Americans into debt slaves
for life.
NIA tracks price inflation in all U.S. industries and there is no
industry that has seen more consistent price inflation this decade than
college education. After the burst of the Real Estate bubble, student
loans are now the easiest loan to receive in the U.S., and total student
loan debts now exceed credit card debts.
The government gives out easy student loans
to anybody, regardless of grades, credit history, what they are majoring
in, and what their job prospects are.
NIA believes it is illegal for the U.S.
government to be in the student loan business because the U.S.
constitution doesn't authorize it. Just like how the U.S. government
created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make housing affordable, but
instead drove housing prices through the roof; the U.S. government, by
trying to make college more affordable, is accomplishing the exact
opposite and driving tuition prices to astronomical levels that provide
a negative return on investment.
The U.S. has been experiencing 5.15% annual college tuition inflation
this decade. Despite this, 70.1% of high school graduates are now
enrolling into college, a new all time record. 2/3 of college students
are now graduating with an average of $24,000 in debt.
There is nothing special about getting a
college degree if everyone else has one, and it is certainly not worth
getting $24,000 into debt to camouflage yourself into the crowd. NIA's
President is friends with hundreds of CEOs of mid-sized corporations who
tell him that someone who skipped college is a lot more likely to stand
out amongst the hundreds of applicants who apply for each job available.
The real unemployment rate in America is now 22% and 60% of college
graduates who are lucky enough to find a job, are receiving low skilled
jobs where a college degree isn't even required. In fact, 70% of high
school graduates who didn't go to college, were able to get these very
same jobs as the average college graduate.
The main difference is, by the time
Americans who went to college get their degree, those who went straight
into the work force after high school will already have 4 to 6 years of
valuable workplace experience. Instead of having $24,000 in debt, these
experienced Americans will be working their way up to a higher paid
position or a better job at a different company.
All across America, colleges are deceiving prospective students with
misleading and often fraudulent tactics and statistics. The fact is, law
schools are handing out 43,000 law degrees each year, when there are
15,000 less attorney and legal staff jobs in the U.S. than three years
Many law schools are advertising a 90% job
placement rate within one year of graduating. However, weeks before job
placement surveys are conducted, some law schools will hire unemployed
graduates to work in their admissions department. They are let go as
soon as these surveys are completed, but count as being part of the 90%
'College Conspiracy' also exposes how three years ago when 15 new
pharmacist schools were getting ready to open in the U.S., the college
cartel created a pharmacist shortage hoax to scam Americans into
investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend pharmacist school.
NIA has uncovered how economists were bribed to produce phony studies
that forecast the need for 150,000 new pharmacists in America by 2020.
Today, NIA is hearing from many young
Americans who were deceived into getting pharmacist degrees and can't
find any pharmacist jobs no matter how many they apply for. These
Americans are now deeply in debt and admit that they would have been
better off getting minimum wage jobs stocking shelves somewhere.
NIA is very pro-education and dedicated to educating its members to the
truth about the U.S. economy and inflation for free.
Americans who read NIA's articles and watch
NIA's documentaries for one year are guaranteed to learn more about the
U.S. economy than they would have learned studying economics at an ivy
league college for 4 years. NIA believes that in today's world, any
young American who is motivated to become well educated and have a
successful career, can become self-educated by simply reading college
textbooks and using the Internet.
Americans today need to change their mindsets. Instead of worrying about
getting a job, they need to focus on making a job. Not only is it
possible to become educated online at a low cost, but it is also
possible to start an online business with almost no overhead expenses.
The current system in America that everybody
follows of studying useless information to get good grades in high
school, taking out a student loan, going to college, taking out a
mortgage, buying a house, and getting married, is setup to transfer
wealth through inflation from the middle-class to bankers and lawyers
who produce nothing for society.
Americans need to stop being sheep and learn
how to think for themselves.
'College Conspiracy'
contained a countless number of priceless economic facts and
statistics related to the college education industry, which
besides the U.S. Treasury and U.S. dollar bubble,
in our opinion is the
largest bubble left in the U.S. today.
NIA made many
predictions in the movie about the upcoming collapse of the
college bubble and how student loan default rates will soon
skyrocket with college enrollments plummeting at the same
NIA's goal is to not
only prepare Americans for hyperinflation and educate
to the facts and truth
about the real economic crisis ahead,
but to help Americans
learn how to prosper and become wealthy
while the rest of
America goes broke.
Mainstream Media Finally Acknowledging
College Bubble
May 20, 2011
Inflation Website
The National Inflation Association would like to congratulate its members
for helping spread the word during the past week about America's college
tuition bubble and how college education is the largest scam in U.S.
After NIA's release of 'College Conspiracy'
(above video) on Saturday, May 14th, over 340,000 people have watched the
documentary in its first six days of release, with many thousands of
Americans tweeting about the movie on Twitter and sharing the movie on
Because of your help in spreading NIA's message,
the New York Times finally felt compelled to admit the truth and write a
cover story Thursday morning discussing some of the facts that NIA exposed
in 'College Conspiracy'.
Bloomberg, NBC News, the Washington Post, and
many other mainstream media outlets, also came out with their own reports in
recent days exposing some of the facts from 'College Conspiracy'.
On Thursday's cover of the New York Times, Catherine Rampell
wrote an article entitled 'Many
With New College Degree Find the Job Market Humbling'.
According to the New York Times article,
Only 56% of college graduates in 2010
were able to get a job by this spring, compared to 90% of the
graduates in years 2006 and 2007.
Only half of those finding a job, found
a job where their degree was required.
The median starting salary for college
graduates last year was $27,000, down 10% from the $30,000 starting
income in years 2006 to 2008.
One of NIA's expert guests in 'College
Conspiracy' was Brian Mackey, a national recruitment manager for GEI
He said in our movie that 60% of college
graduates are now being employed in low skill jobs where their college
degree wasn't even required. NIA's research has uncovered that 70% of high
school graduates have been successful at getting these exact same jobs
without even needing a college degree.
Mackey also pointed out in 'College Conspiracy'
that 20% all new waiter and waitress positions are being filled by college
The New York Times article added to Mackey's
point, reporting in their cover story that college graduates aged 25 to 34
working in the food service industry at bars and restaurants increased 17%
in 2009 over 2008.
Bloomberg aired a live television segment on Thursday, 'Is a 4-Year College
Degree Worth the Cost?' and cited a poll that shows 57% of U.S. adults say
college is not worth the price with 75% of U.S. adults saying college is
Bloomberg had on a guest Alexis Ohanian,
co-founder of Reddit.com, who said,
"there are plenty of students out there who
would really benefit from just avoiding a lot of the college stuff and
just trying to create something".
NIA agrees with Ohanian that the experience of
trying to create a job in the real world will do most Americans a lot more
good than getting deeply into debt to attend college.
Ohanian says that his company and other firms in
Silicon Valley hire employees based entirely on their experience and past
accomplishments and not a college degree.
NBC News anchor Brian Williams came out with a report Thursday night
about the college bubble in a segment entitled, 'Education Nation'. Williams
reported many of the basic facts from 'College Conspiracy' including that
student loans are one of the few types of debts you can't get rid of in
bankruptcy and that total student loan debt is now above $800 billion and
exceeds credit card debt.
NBC News spoke to one prospective student who
has chosen to attend a community college rather than the prestigious $50,000
per year school she was accepted to, saying,
"I don't want to graduate with a bachelor's
degree with $80,000 worth of debt."
According to the NBC News report, Tidewater
Community College in Virginia is now requiring students who apply for a
student loan to complete a worksheet detailing their future ability to pay
the loan back.
Although NIA applauds Tidewater for taking the
initiative, we find it absurd that the U.S. government doesn't already do
this. The U.S. government gives out student loans to practically anybody,
regardless of their future ability to pay the loan back. This is complete
insanity, because not only is this the reason tuition inflation is so high,
but it will be all U.S. taxpayers and holders of U.S. dollars who will end
up paying for these bad debts.
The Washington Post published an article this week entitled, 'The
Real Debt Crisis', which reported that 85% of college graduates
this year will be moving back home to live with their parents.
The Post discussed the stunning growth in
for-profit colleges from year 2000 to 2008, which saw a 225% increase in
enrollments from 670,000 to 1.6 million. The five largest for-profit
colleges are receiving 77% of their revenues from government loans and
In 'College Conspiracy', NIA discussed how an NIA member who is the owner of
a private vocational school is forced to raise tuitions every time the
government increases financial aid to students. This is due to the 90/10
rule, which mandates for-profit colleges to receive at least 10% of their
revenues from private sources. It is insane that the government would even
need a 90/10 rule.
This is just another example of government
legislation that was passed solely to deal with the problems created by the
government's own programs and regulations.
Up until this week, the mainstream media completely ignored the college
bubble, just like how they previously for many years ignored the Real
Estate bubble. Up until the Real Estate bubble began to burst in 2006,
the media encouraged Americans to take out no money down interest only
subprime mortgage loans to buy a house at a monthly mortgage payment that
was double the cost to rent that same house.
The media proclaimed that housing prices can
only go up and that Americans who didn't buy a house would be priced out of
the market forever.
The media brainwashed the public to look
down at renters as if they were incompetent and throwing their money away,
even though they were putting a roof over their head at a very affordable
price and are in much better financial shape today.
After the Real Estate bubble began to burst in 2006, which led to the
financial crisis of 2008, the media began proclaiming the new best
investment to be a college degree.
Whereas in the past, Americans didn't need a
job, they would simply take out mortgages to buy multiple houses and live
off of the appreciation in home values; now that Americans needed to get a
job, the media began brainwashing them into believing that college degrees
were their passport to prosperity.
The media promoted myths that NIA has
proven in 'College Conspiracy' to be completely made up lies, like that
college graduates earn $1 million more in lifetime income than high school
graduates without a degree.
The media also frequently cited and gave
credibility to phony research reports that projected there to be major
employee shortages in different fields, all of which turned out not to be
Up until the release of 'College Conspiracy' this week, the mainstream media
never did a thing to warn Americans about a college bubble.
Not once did anybody in the mainstream media
ever connect the dots and tell the truth that college tuitions are rising as
a direct result of government financial aid. The media simply published
articles on how to save money for college and why parents should setup
college savings accounts for their children. The media brainwashed the
public to look down at parents who didn't send their kids to college, with
the notion that if you don't go to college and get a college degree, you
will never have a successful career.
NIA believes the U.S. government needs to end all financial aid to students
immediately. There is nothing in the U.S. constitution that authorizes the
U.S. government to be in the student loan business.
If there were no government student loans and
grants, all Americans would be able to afford college and the quality of
education would be far superior to what it is today.