by S.D. Wells
July 16, 2012
NaturalNews Website
I.G. Farben was a powerful cartel comprised
of Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, and other German chemical companies which
experimented mercilessly on Jewish prisoners as Hitler commanded, inside the
World War II Auschwitz Concentration Camp, testing dangerous drugs and
vaccines and killing thousands.
In fact, Auschwitz was the largest
mass extermination factory in human
Ironically, just two weeks after Germany's unconditional surrender, the
designer of the Nazi guided missile, Herbert Wagner, arrived in Washington
D.C. This was the beginning of the mass influx of "mad scientists" who would
go to work in the United States for a mission called "Project
Paperclip," headed up by President Roosevelt to supposedly
"exploit the knowledge of Nazi scientists."
A few years later, the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 of the
I.G. Farben executives for mass murder, slavery and other crimes against
humanity; however, in less than 7 years, every single murderer was
released, and began consulting American corporations.
From 1950 to 1980,
...filled their highest position, Chairman of the Board, with convicted mass
Currently, each of the three IG Farben "daughter" companies is
far more powerful than Farben ever was during World War II.
Today, these companies send lobbyists
to Washington D.C.
with millions (if not billions) of dollars to influence regulatory decisions
made by the FDA.
Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass
murder, served just 5 prison years, then "conveniently" became the
chairman of Bayer's supervisory board.
Carl Wurster of BASF helped
Zyklon-B gas, the powerful pesticide used to execute
millions of Jews. He knew the use of this product was for
annihilation, and his partners in crime were convicted and hanged in
Arthur Rudolph, director of the
concentration camp where 20,000 Jewish and Polish workers died from
beatings, hangings and starvation, was granted U.S. citizenship and
went on to design the Saturn 5 rocket used in the Apollo moon
Kurt Blome, who admitted to
killing Jews with "gruesome experiments," was hired in 1951 by the
U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare.
Big Pharma's evil seeds, which the FDA calls
medicine, were first planted in the United States 65 years ago.
Many of the "mad scientists" who tortured
innocent human beings in the Holocaust were hired and promoted by U.S.
Presidents to catapult what we call "Western Medicine," and its ultimate
goal of
creating sickness and then treating its symptoms for
The "chronic care management and disease business" of America is growing
rapidly. Take a good look at all the pharmaceutical advertisements on
These are synthetic, untested chemical drugs and
aluminum-laden vaccines pushed on the American public like candy, with side
effects much worse than the condition they are supposed to treat.
Convenience and
perpetuated myths drive the growth of Western Medicine
Simply put, most Americans under-estimate the power of
the FDA and
Big Pharma's mission to control medicine
and make their billions at any cost, and prescription drugs, flu shots and
vaccines that are prominent in advertisements that "seem normal" are
culprits of bad health and disease.
Ultimately, convenience and perpetuated myths
have driven the masses to consider these corporate scams and experiments as
part of their normal array of choices for products, medicines, and
If you're still looking to cure your migraine headaches with "extra strength
medicine," your first step should be to avoid buying anything sold by a
company which hires mass murderers as their CEO's and head scientists.
Then review your eating and drinking habits. It
could just be that the MSG in your food and
Aspartame in your diet drinks and gum are what's causing those
headaches in the first place.
Put it this way, if the aspirin container had a label that read,
"Warning - the former Chairman of Bayer was a
convicted serial killer,"
...would you still give it to your child?