July 2006
Aliases: Henry Alfred Kissinger, Heinz Alfred Kissinger, Butcher of Cambodia DESCRIPTION
Age: 80+ Build: Heavy
Sex: Male Hair: Gray
Height: ??
Weight: ??? pounds
Race: White (or is it "khazaran jew, an asiatic"?)
In the minutes of a secret 1975 meeting of the National Security Council
attended by President Ford reveal Henry Kissinger grumbling,
"It is an act
of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President
from ordering assassination."
LOST CRUSADER: The Secret Wars of CIA
Director William Colby, by John Prados, Oxford University Press, 2003
The February and March 2001 issues of Harper's Magazine feature a series by
Christopher Hitchens on the case for
charging Kissinger with War Crimes.
Christopher Hitchens' Trial of Henry Kissinger
-A Review
by Mike McGlothlin
Hitchens presents a rather straightforward argument that establishes two
seemingly undeniable propositions: on at least one occasion, Henry K.
conspired to commit murder, and that on numerous other occasions, Henry K.
was the primary force behind certain acts that could quite plausibly be
considered war crimes.
The case for Henry K. as murder conspirator is what Hitchens calls a "lay-down" case, i.e., one that stands out for its clear
facts and clear law.
The murder victim is General Rene Schneider, who was
the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army, whom Hitchens misidentifies as
the Chilean "Chief of Staff."; According to Hitchens (and the 09 September,
1970 minutes of the "40" Committee, the Kissinger chaired secret panel that
oversaw U.S. covert operations), the Chilean military had a strong tradition
of neutrality in political affairs, a rarity on the South American
General Schneider was known as an officer committed to upholding
the Chilean constitution and therefore opposed to the rumored incipient coup
against newly elected Socialist President Salvador Allende by a right wing
would-be junta of current and former Chilean military officers.
Using U.S.
Government communications cables from the CIA and documents from the State
Department, and White House, Hitchens relates the facts of Kissinger's
direct involvement in the direction, planning, financing, and general
support by the organs of the U.S. Government in the plot to remove General
LA Weekly - WLS Review: Henry - Portrait of a Serial Kissinger
How You Can Do What the Government Won’t
- Arrest Henry Kissinger -
Manhattan’s Milosevic
The Village Voice, Week of August 15 - 21, 2001
...bring Henry Kissinger to justice for crimes against humanity. Consider,
though, what happened to the last people to talk even jokingly about plans
for a citizen's arrest of the real-life model for Dr. Strangelove... An
indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war
crimes would include (but not be confined to) the following...
Henry Kissinger - War Criminal or Old-Fashioned Murderer?
Welcome to the
"Henry Kissinger - Unindicted Terrorist" file!
Incredibly, Henry Kissinger - the man who rivals Pol Pot for the dubious honor
of being the person responsible for the death of the largest number of
innocent people in South East Asia (and far surpasses Pol Pot in criminality
when one factors in Kissinger's various levels of responsibility for
wholesale slaughter and repression in other parts of the world) - still wields
significant power in the United States; but his role as eager facilitator of
mass murder, totalitarian repression and other atrocities is never discussed
in polite society.
Masterminded the murder of as estimated 600,000 peasants in Cambodia (the
"Secret bombing")
Pol Pot And Kissinger On war criminality and impunity
by Edward S. Herman
President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger gave the go ahead to
Suharto's invasion of East Timor and subsequent massive war crimes there,
and the same Kissinger, who helped President Nixon engineer and then protect
the Pinochet coup and regime of torture and murder, and directed the first
phase of the holocaust in Cambodia (1969-75)...
The time was September 11, 1973. The country was Chile. The event was the
bloody overthrow of a democratic government.
And the criminals were,
Pepsico, ITT, and other large U.S. corporations were also guilty parties in
these crimes against the State and against The People of Chile.
Pornography of Power
Washington reacted furiously to a request
by Chilean judges for Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state, to
answer questions about an American journalist killed during the 1973 coup in
Bush administration official condemned the Chilean supreme court
decision to send questions to Dr Kissinger, saying the move increased unease
about the proposed International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
administration source said:
"It is unjust and ridiculous that a
distinguished servant of this country should be harassed by foreign courts
in this way."
The danger of the ICC is that, one day, US citizens might face
arrest abroad and prosecution as a result of such politically motivated
"...In its ruling, Chile's supreme court said a list of questions
should be sent to the US supreme court with regard to Dr Kissinger's
knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the death of Charles Horman, a
journalist arrested by troops loyal to General Augusto Pinochet. His body
was identified in a mortuary weeks later...
The Chilean order came less
than two months after French detectives delivered a court summons to Dr
Kissinger, who was visiting Paris, asking him to testify about the
disappearance of French nationals in Chile...
In another case, a judge in
Argentina has ordered Dr Kissinger to testify in a human-rights trial about
a 1970s plan by South American governments to kidnap and kill Left-wing
The US involvement in coup planning began even before Allende's election
victory, under the code-name FUBELT, with action plans prepared for
Kissinger's consideration.
One group of officers working under CIA direction
carried out the assassination of General Rene Schneider, a pro-Allende
officer, in an unsuccessful attempt to spark a full-scale coup before
Allende could take office.
Can Henry Kissinger be Extradited?
He serves his consulting firm,
Kissinger Associates, serves as a sort of
private National Security Adviser and Secretary of State to about 30 major
corporations around the world, such as,
Walter Isaacson on Booknotes
According to the new book
"Kissinger," by
Walter Isaacson, published in 1992 (page 733) had a contract or project
arrangement with Henry Kissinger’s money-making consulting firm, Kissinger
Associates, in 1990.
According to this fascinating book, Kissinger started
his consultancy in July 1982 with,
“$350,000 lent to him by Goldman Sachs and
a consortium of three other banks.”
Some of the people Kissinger hired to
work for him were Brent Scowcroft, former national security adviser, and
Lawrence Eagleburger,
“who was lured aboard as president in June 1984 after
serving as undersecretary of state”.
Both Snowcroft and Eagleburger left
Kissinger Associates in 1989 to join President Bush’s administration. Kent
Associates is a subsidiary of Kissinger Associates.
On pages 733-734 a list
of some of Kissinger’s corporate clients include, aside from ABB:
More Information
Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, came to the United
States in 1938, and was naturalized a United States citizen on June 19,
1943. He speaks French and German.
Kissinger is married to the former Nancy Maginnes and is the father of two
children [Elizabeth and David] by a previous marriage. First wife, Ann
Henry and Nancy Kissinger have a house in Kent Connecticut.
American Express Board of Directors
The Chairman of Kissinger McLarty Associates is Dr. Henry Kissinger.
Washington, D.C.-based Kissinger McLarty Associates is an affiliate of
Kissinger Associates, Inc., which is headquartered in New York City.
GlobalNet Retains Kissinger McLarty Strategic Consulting Firm...
“The firm
of Kissinger, McLarty & Richardson epitomizes Washington, D.C. at its worst
- sleazy ex-administration officials, feeding off special influence and
power and then ..."
Larry Klayman from Judicial Watch