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The contents of this article are controversial and the potential consequences are frightening. I did not rely on only source of information to bring this information to the attention of the public.
Personally known, but unnamed ex-intelligence sources, who have previously proven the veracity of their knowledge and trustworthiness were the original bearers of this information.
Second, a known and highly respectable source will be cited as the second source.
However, the best source of the following information is the undisputed paper trail of government documents, legislative actions and Executive Orders are the third and the most reliable source of this information. Credibility of Sources
FEMA Coffins
I have been approached by the proverbial unnamed sources who are personally known to me, over the past week, in order to use me as a mouthpiece to spread the word to as many as possible, that the globalists are going for broke and are moving to destroy and enslave all nations, but none will be subjugated with the furor that is the United States because our country is the biggest threat to their plans of world domination.
I would never expect anyone to accept the unquestioned word unnamed sources.
However, the use of unnamed sources can point us in directions which serve to validate their warnings to the American people if there statements can be backed up by other means.
Subsequently, I will be being relying on a named source, who partially validates the claims put forth in this article. In addition, I have searched for a correlation between what I have been told and what I can find in government documents which would point to the validity of the scenario which will be laid out here in this article.
I am shocked at how easy it was to cross-validate the globalist intentions through a cursory examination of government documents.
Why Impose Martial Law This Soon?Why is the move to lock down America proceeding with such rapidity?
Simple, too many of us have awakened to the tyranny that is unfolding. False flag events come and go and an increasing number of people are seeing right through games being played, such as planning terrorist training drills which coincide with a major false flag operation.
When the Oklahoma City bombing happened, the country reacted with horror. When 3,000 people were killed on 9/11, more people started asking questions. When the London and Madrid bombings took place, a few of us noticed the coincidence of terrorist training drills and the actual event.
When the latest "terrorist bombing" took place in Boston, the "koolaid drinking CNN believers" are in the clear minority, for we have the globalist playbook and have caught on to their old familiar script and as a result we no longer believe their lies.
Late last year, I detailed how former intelligence operatives were bugging out to seek a safe haven in prepared getaways from the calamities that the globalists were enacting with the intent of seizing total control of the country through martial law which would be followed by a series of false flag attacks.
These are the same two
people who have temporarily broken their silence to bring me the first set
of information offered in the first part of this article. The Boston Marathon bombing shook them up and they claim that this is the opening salvo in this subjugation of the American people. The martial law situation in Boston was the beta test for everything from gun confiscation to the arresting of dissidents (i.e. anyone who disagrees with this criminal administration).
Based upon what these for intelligence types were telling me, I have been calling for a false flag event to begin the tipping point of the coming tyranny. The Boston bombing is the trigger event. Make no mistake about it, we are going to war to protect the endangered Petrodollar.
And martial law will be simultaneously ushered in after a series of false flag events.
Dissidents Will Be Removed or WorseThe NDAA has provided this criminal administration with all the "authority" to secretly arrest and even murder dissidents without a trial.
The NDAA can be viewed as nothing but an East German Stasi enforcement mechanism which did the same in the hell that was East Germany. Thus, the claims of the intelligence sources about removing dissidents for "re-education or worse" is now within the grasp of this administration.
Food As a Weapon
One of the items I view as credible from my intelligence sources is that the government will use food to control the population.
Even Ray Charles could see
that Obama is setting the table to take his place among Stalin, Hitler, Pol
Pot, Castro and Mao as another despot in the long line of tyrannical leaders
who would grant themselves the authority to subjugate the masses by using
food as a weapon. Americans desperately need to look at history in order to
understand what happens every time the people of a government allows the
government to control its food supplies and farms. In hindsight, I have often wondered how prophetic was Obama’s campaign speech when he promised to fundamentally transform America? This was actually one campaign promise that Obama is trying to keep.
NSSM 200 has come full circle, but in this case, it is specifically aimed at the American people.
History show us that Socialists, Communists, Islamists and Marxists, use food and the production of food as a weapon against their own people in order to solidify power and control. We could soon be seeing the same thing.
I venture to say that most individuals who get their "news" from FOX and CNN would hold fast to the belief that the benevolent U.S. government would never use food as a weapon against the American people.
Someone should remind these "sheeple" that this is the same U.S. government which has been caught shipping drugs into Mexico under Operation Fast and Furious which has resulted in the deaths of a half dozen U.S. law enforcement officials.
Yes, this is the same government which has turned a blind eye to HSBC bank setting up fictitious bank accounts in order to launder money derived from the profits of drug trafficking and running guns and then turning around and sending this money to fund various terrorist organizations.
Yes, this is the same government which permits the Federal Reserve to send trillions of American dollars in order to bail out their own personal banking interests in Europe.
Yes, this is the same U.S. government, through the TSA, which commits second degree sexual assault on airline travelers under the guise of protecting Americans from the very terrorists that they are complicit in funding through organizations such as the HSBC bank.
Therefore, it is prudent to ask the question, would the United States use food a tool of governmental policy in order to control its population? Unfortunately, this question has already been answered in the affirmative.
Further, the use of food by the U.S. government has been a matter of official U.S. governmental covert policy since 1974-1975.
In December, 1974, National Security Council directed by Henry Kissinger completed a classified study entitled, "National Security Study Memorandum 200 - Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests."
The study was based upon the unproven claims that population growth in Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) constituted a serious risk to America’s national security.
In November 1975 President Ford, based upon the tenets of NSSM 200 outlined a classified plan to forcibly reduce population growth in LDC countries through birth control, war and famine.
Ford’s new national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, in conjunction with CIA Director, George H. W. Bush, were tasked with implementing the plan and the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture assisted in the implementation of these insane genocidal plans.
NSSM 200 formally raised the question,
Kissinger has answered these questions when he stated that he was predicting a series of contrived famines, created by mandatory programs and this would make exclusive reliance on birth control programs unnecessary in this modern day application of eugenics in a scheme that would allow Henry to have his cake and eat it too in that the world would finally be rid of the "useless eaters!"
Third world population control, using food as one of the primary weapons, has long been a matter of official covert national policy and a portion of President Obama’s Executive Order (EO), National Defense Resources Preparedness is a continuation of that policy.
Only now, the intended target are not the LDC’s but, instead, the American people.
With the stroke of his pen, Obama has total and absolute control over all food where his Executive Order states:
This unconstitutional Executive Order is particularly disturbing in that it clearly states that the government has control over anything that is "capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals…"
If you thought that you and Fido were going to get through coming food crisis by storing and consuming dog food, think again.
How will farmers maintain the nation’s food supply when all fertilizer, their farm equipment and all of their vehicles are under the control of this sociopathic President or the next power-hungry President?
The term "all food storage facilities" includes your refrigerator, your pantry and even the very food in your cabinets as well as what is on your kitchen table. In short, anywhere you keep food is now under the control of the government and can be redistributed.
Have you recently been scratching your head in bewilderment as you watch on the news as the Amish have had their farms raided, raw milk producers have been jailed and the kids running lemonade stands have been shut down and ticketed?
Now you know why these
abuses are being perpetrated by the government in that it represents a mere
conditioning process designed to get all U.S. citizens used to the idea that
the government owns all food and food production. The most clever aspect of this Executive Order is that no Hegelian Dialectic (i.e., false flag event) is needed as a pretense to seize food and imperil survivability.
The warning issued by the unnamed intelligence sources certainly seems more credible given these set of circumstances.
Through the National Defense Preparedness Act, Obama is following in the footsteps of Hitler and Stalin and we should all be worried, very worried.
More Executive Orders Validating the Ex-Intel ClaimsThe paper trail not only points to what is coming, the evidence is overwhelming. We are headed for an Orwellian nightmare like no dictator has ever been able to impose on any country at any time in world history.
Here is a partial list of Obama’s Executive Orders along with a brief description:
Intentions or Games?
The correlations between the ex-intelligence sources, Pastor Williams and the government paper trail appears strong.
However, one should ask themselves a question. Are these acts merely the product of a set of politicians having too much time on their hands? If the government was not planning on a complete martial law shut down to accompany the coming WWIII, then what are all these laws and Executive Orders about?
For myself, I have concluded that we in the patriotic dissident crowd are in a great deal of danger and I am seriously rethinking my position on expatriation. I would never ask anyone to act based upon my writings.
However, I hope I have encouraged many of you to do your own research and form your own best conclusions and course of action for you and your family. Final ThoughtsStill Not Convinced? Then why did DHS purchase 2.2 billion rounds of these? Who do they plan on shooting?
Why Is DHS Practicing Shooting At These Targets?
FEMA Coffins
Who Are These Hundreds of Thousands of Coffins for?