by J.D. Heyes
December 27, 2012
NaturalNews Website
CNN-based British journalist Piers Morgan is in a bit of a sticky
wicket, as his countrymen might say: It's possible he has run afoul of
American law by, ironically, criticizing American law.
In an interview with longtime
Gun Owners of America chief Larry
Pratt a few days before Christmas, Morgan berated his guest over the
latter's suggestion that, in the wake of yet another deadly school shooting,
education officials around the country should use armed guards or trained
and armed school teachers to better protect children.
Morgan dismissed Pratt's suggestions out of hand, arguing that the United
States has an "enormous problem" with gun violence and adding that our
country has,
"the worst rate of gun murder and gun crime
of any of the civil countries in this world" (which is not true; Mexico
and Brazil have higher rates, by far, though they have fewer guns in the
hands of private citizens).
You're an unbelievably
criminal man, aren't you?
When Pratt responded that taking guns away from law-abiding people - who
comprise the vast majority of America's 85-million gun owners - would only
make them more vulnerable, not to mention deny them their
Second Amendment right to self-defense, Morgan couldn't contain himself:
"You're an unbelievably stupid man, aren't
Morgan's characterization of Pratt, let alone
his irrational anti-gun mentality, makes him a criminal in America - one
that should land him on the first flight out of the country.
Americans are, of course, protected under
the First Amendment to make their
points of view well-known, even if (or especially if) they use their
constitutionally protected voice to speak out against other rights enshrined
in the Constitution.
But Morgan is not afforded those rights and
protections. Using his broadcast as a position of influence he serves more
as a criminal foreign agent when he stumps for positions that seek to deny
Americans their constitutional rights.
Morgan may claim he has a First Amendment right in the U.S. to speak his
mind, but here again he'd be wrong.
First of all, our Constitution applies
to citizens of our country (and Morgan is no citizen)
Secondly, James Taranto of The Wall
Street Journal noted that, in Kleindienst v. Mandel, a 1972 U.S.
Supreme Court ruling, the high court signed off on a decision by
then-U.S. Attorney General Richard Kleindienst to prevent Ernest
Mandel, a Maxist, from entering the country. Kleindienst's decision,
the court ruled, did not violate the First Amendment.
Further, it is inconceivable to imagine
that an American on British television would get away with
subverting English law and tradition, perhaps by calling for the
Queen to lose her thrown and be tossed out of the country; Morgan
has repeatedly advocated for the repeal of the Second Amendment, a
position he has no legal or even moral standing to make.
Finally, Morgan has joined with other
anti-gun lobbyists such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to
call for the constitutional rights of Americans - their birthrights,
no less - to be limited, removed or revoked. This is a clear act of
subversion, making him an enemy of the state who should be
immediately deported.
There'll be no help
from the administration, you can bet on that
There are more examples of Morgan's subversion.
Per InfoWars.com:
Morgan has ideologically aligned himself
with other foreign agents in trashing the Constitution, including
synthetic citizens like his CNN colleague Fareed Zakaria, the Communist
Chinese government, and the Russian government (via state-controlled
Truly, Morgan represents a foreign threat to
American law and liberty - a fact recognized by at least
76,000 signers of a White House petition demanding he
be deported immediately.
"British Citizen and CNN television host
Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S.
Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment," the petition reads.
"We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported
immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for
exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage
attacks against the rights of American citizens."
The petition received at least 25,000 signers by
Monday, the number needed to require consideration and eventual response by
the White House.
Of course, the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Barack Obama,
happens to agree with the haughty Morgan, so he isn't likely to order his
ever-compliant and equally complicit attorney general, Eric Holder,
to investigate the criminal Brit.
So we're not holding our breath. Worse, Morgan
likely knows it.
On Christmas Eve the bottom-dwelling CNN host
Tweeted this taunt:
"Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me
That might change, of course, should Morgan ever
do something really bold, like back
Arizona-style immigration enforcement or
Florida-style voter registration.
The Law Says Deport Piers Morgan
by Alex Jones
Paul Joseph Watson contributed to this
December 23, 2012
Infowars Website
Why Infowars is calling for his deportation
A petition on the White House website calling
for CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported is likely to reach 25,000
signatures, a benchmark that will mandate a White House response.
The petition, which was initiated by Infowars, states;
British Citizen and CNN television host
Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S.
Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment.
We demand that Mr.
Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of
Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television
host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.
Infowars is calling for Morgan’s deportation for
a number of very specific reasons.
It’s one thing for an American citizen
to ideologically assault and trash the Constitution, although odious
such activity would be protected under the First Amendment, but
Piers Morgan is a foreigner in a position of influence on prime time
television. He is a foreign agent using his power to lobby for the
constitutional rights of American citizens to be overturned.
In response to Morgan’s claim about the
First Amendment, James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal pointed to
a transcript of Kleindienst v. Mandel, a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court
ruling. It validated an effort by then attorney general Richard
Kleindienst to refuse Marxist Belgian journalist Ernest Mandel entry
into the country. The Court ruled that denying Mandel entry did not
violate the First Amendment.
If I was on British television every
night calling for the Queen to be dethroned and kicked out on the
streets, many British people would also call for me to be deported.
Morgan is subverting the very foundation of American freedom, the
second amendment.
In joining with others like Mayor
Bloomberg to lobby for Americans’ rights to be revoked and their
property and birthright to be removed, Morgan is committing a clear
act of subversion and should be deported. The fact that he is
visiting with President Obama and posing for photos with him is also
of grave concern.
Morgan has ideologically aligned himself
with other foreign agents in trashing the Constitution, including
synthetic citizens like his CNN colleague Fareed
Zakaria, the Communist Chinese
government, and the Russian
government (via state-controlled media).
In other tweets, Morgan
openly brags about how he is a foreign agent coming to conquer
Piers Morgan’s claim that he had no
knowledge of the phone hacking scandal has been described
by Lord Justice Leveson as “utterly unpersuasive”. Morgan should
be extradited back to Britain to face charges for his alleged
involvement in the scandal.
Public officials tasked with
representing the interests of the American people have to swear an
oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. In aggressively and
repeatedly attempting to eviscerate that very Constitution, Piers
Morgan has singled himself out as a threat to the liberties of the
American people.
Although it’s likely that the White House will
be forced to issue a glib response to the petition, we don’t think it’s
likely that Piers Morgan will be deported.
However, if all the media
attention that has been focused on Morgan’s offensive and dangerous rhetoric
serves as a reminder that foreigners have no business telling Americans what
rights should and should not apply to them under the Constitution, then the
White House petition will have been worth it.