by Joe Jankowski
April 18, 2016
PlanetFreeWill Website

R.I.P MSM...
At this point, most Americans are aware of the staggering dishonesty
and reality twisting that
the mainstream, corporate news media
engages in on a daily basis.
And it is showing.
Numbers released by Pew Research show that major news channels like
CNN, Fox News and MSNBC are in a
decline of prime time viewers.
Even reporters within the major networks have admitted that the
media has been corrupted by political and corporate interests.
This is what former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson
had to say:
There is unprecedented, I believe,
influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you
see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of
special interests, political interests and corporations. I think
all of that comes into play.
But if there was any indication that the
mainstream press has no credibility and is on its way to extinction,
this latest poll is it.
From the
Associated Press:
Trust in the news media is being
eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by
Americans' skepticism about what they read on social media.
Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in
the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and
well below the public's view of other institutions.
In this presidential campaign year,
Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than
Republicans or independents.
Nearly 90 percent of Americans say it's extremely or very
important that the media get their facts correct, according to
the study.
About 4 in 10 say they can remember
a specific incident that eroded their confidence in the media,
most often one that dealt with accuracy or a perception that it
was one-sided.
The news media have been hit by a series of blunders on
high-profile stories ranging from the Supreme Court's 2012
ruling on President
Barack Obama's health care law
to the Boston Marathon bombing that have helped feed negative
perceptions of the media.
In 2014,
Rolling Stone had to retract a
vivid report about an alleged gang rape at a fraternity party at
the University of Virginia.
The Columbia Graduate School of
Journalism, asked by Rolling Stone to investigate after
questions were raised about the veracity of the story, called it
an avoidable journalistic failure and,
"another shock to journalism's
credibility amid head-swiveling change in the media
There is only one thing that can save
the mainstream media, and that is the truth.
But the truth is not why networks like MSNBC exist. They exist to
deceive and play lapdog for the establishment.
More than ever the American people want the truth and accuracy when
it comes to their news. This is why we are seeing a huge rise in
alternative media.
By just taking a look at the popular commercial web traffic data and
analytics site, Alexa.com, we see that alternative news sites are
ranking very high inside the United States and globally.
The very popular and accurate ActivistPost.com is ranked in the top
16,000 websites inside the United States and in the top 35,000
Just to put that in perspective, there are over 1 billion
websites in all globally.
Considered to be the tip of the spear of the alternative news, Alex
Jones's Infowars.com is ranking in the top 1,200 websites in the
U.S. and the top 3,200 globally!
Alexa.com gathers data on a web page's daily unique visitors and
daily pageviews.
Another great example of alternative news rising to mainstream
popularity is James Corbett's CorbettReport.com. This stunning
website is ranking in the top 150,000 globally and in the top 60,000
in the U.S.
There is only one way to conclude this article:
