March 29, 2012
TheIntelHub Website
In the last few years the people of the world have witnessed and been a part
of a
mass awakening of humanity on a level never seen before.
The people are no longer standing idly by as the powers that be further seek
to control every aspect of their lives.
A major part of this mass awakening has been the revelation that
corporate controlled media has literally served the military industrial
complex for at least the last 20 years.
As advertisers and readers flock to the alternative media, the old dinosaur
media continues its downhill plunge with CNN leading the free fall.
This fact was solidified by the recent release of the March and Q1 cable
news ratings which showed CNN down a total of up to 50% and a downhill
turn by all three cable news networks.
An article released on these numbers by TVNewser
outlined the new ratings:
CNN bore the brunt of the downward trend the
news networks experienced this month and for much of the first quarter,
when compared to the busy first few months of 2011. For the month of
March, CNN was down -50% in total viewers and down -60% in A25-54
viewers (Total Day).
Although overall net traffic was down up to 21%,
the fact remains that the alternative media continues their upward trend
while the corporate funded lapdog media continues to plunge into oblivion.
When you consider that stations such as CNN and Fox News are receiving
millions and millions of dollars of corporate advertising revenue yet
failing to expand, the reality of the continual mass awakening that we now
find ourselves in becomes much clearer.
News outlets that continue to server
the new world order will soon be the
thing of the past as real media finally breaks through the once rock solid
stranglehold the powers that be have had on the media.