by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
May 30, 2009
TomHeneghanIntel Website

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be
reported that the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC)
received over $5 TRILLION from the U.S. Treasury in the last 48 hours.
The funds transfer to China was part of an agreement between the Obama
Administration and the PRC, which allowed the Chinese to then come in and
support the U.S. bond market, which was on the verge of collapse, given the
imbalance created between short term and long term interest rates aka the
yield curve.
The People's Republic of China has recently been using its surrogate puppet
state, North Korea, as a vehicle of blackmail and extortion all aimed at the
Obama Administration.
The nuclear test by North Korea, along with threats to cancel the 1953
Armistice agreement that ended the Korean War, was directed by the highest
level of the Red Chinese Communist government.

Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
George Herbert Walker Bush embraces his co-conspirator Henry Kissinger (L)
Alan Greenspan (C) Reuters by Kevin Lamarque, Henry Kissinger Getty Images

Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
Bill and Hillary Clinton
The People's Republic of China recently
confronted the Obama Administration, along with its loser and dysfunctional
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, with evidence that
former President George Herbert Walker Bush, former Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan, former President Bill Clinton and his sociopath wife Hillary
Clinton, and
New World Order thug, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, have been involved in a massive criminal Ponzi Scheme that has
looted TRILLIONS of dollars out of the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Assisting the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in this theft and
extortion was the late Madam Wu, a major Chinese financial officer, who had
been compromised by rogue U.S. and Israeli Intelligence assets in using the
massive toxic derivative
Federal Reserve worldwide Ponzi Scheme in its raid
against the Chinese Sovereign Fund.

Chinese Gen. Haotian Chi , national defense
minister (front left), and U.S. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen (right)
review Chinese military forces on July 12, 2000 in Beijing. Photo by Linda
D. Kozaryn.
Note: It was former Clinton Secretary of State William Cohen that used the
noted information sharing policy, an agreement between the U.S. and RED
China during the 1990s, that allowed the creation of secret offshore U.S.
CIA-Chinese Intelligence proprietary accounts, that set the foundation for
what would become the massive financial catastrophe that has beset both the
U.S. Federal Reserve and the Chinese Sovereign Fund.
Reference: It should also be noted that the transfer of the $5 TRILLION to
the People's Republic of China, authorized by the privately owned U.S.
Federal Reserve, involved a wire transfer with the Bank of Hong Kong as the
recipient bank.
The Bank of Hong Kong, which is still jointly owned by both the PRC and the
United Kingdom, is a noted U.S. CIA-British MI6-Chinese Intel box bank aka a
clearinghouse for laundering of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds.
We can also divulge that former British Prime
Minister and Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Anthony Blair, received a
large commission tied to this massive THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds and
Chinese Sovereign Funds, which found its way to the Bank of Hong Kong, which
allowed Blair to use his illegal commission to replenish the coffers of her
majesty, the queen of England, who is currently blackmailing the Obama
Administration aka a $5 TRILLION loan that she made to former illegal White
House occupant, George W. BushFRAUD, that has not been repaid.
We can report that the British government is now cooperating with the
People's Republic of China in joint satellite and cyber attacks against the
U.S. computer infrastructure and actually preparing for a possible World War
Reference: This explains the recent cyber attacks against the U.S. Marshal
Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Note: It was just 48 hours ago that the U.S.
Joint Chiefs of Staff placed the U.S. Military and its nuclear strike force
DEFCON 2 preparing the U.S. Military for a
possible nuclear confrontation
with the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation and, as
unbelievable as this sounds, folks, none other than the United Kingdom.
Despite their knowledge of the criminal
corruption and TREASON committed against the American People by their own
government, the only nation that the United States and its People can count
on to come to its defense with its own nuclear force is, of course,
America's oldest ally of 200 years, the Republic of France.
P.S. The new evidence dealing with the theft of Chinese Sovereign Funds,
along with the THEFT of U.S. Treasury by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate, is once again being covered up by the U.S. Attorney for the
Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald.

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Protector
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is, once again, using the bogus claim
of "national security" as his rationale for his continuation of Obstruction
of Justice and Misprision of Felonies involving the Bush-Clinton gang of
Note: Fitzgerald, who clearly took too much catechism and not enough
Constitutional law, believes that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate is
infallible aka some divine right monarchy.
Fitzgerald is now using Roland Burris, current
Democratic U.S. Senator of Illinois, as his latest diversion to keep the
heat off the Bushes and Clintons.
So the question is, folks, what is he covering up?
Well, here is your answer:
A major link has been established between the theft of Chinese Sovereign
Funds and U.S. Treasury funds involving major Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate corporations called SF Holdings Corporation in Little Rock,
Arkansas, SF Holdings LLC located at 200 North LaSalle Street, Chicago,
Illinois and SF Holdings Ltd out of the Cayman Islands.
This massive money laundry, which also involves a major Chicago-based
securities and commodities discount brokerage firm, has a backdoor link to
the noted Jackson Stevens Corporation located in Little Rock, Arkansas and
midtown New York City on Park Avenue.

Rahm Emanuel, Karl Rove, Wesley Clark
A shell company called the Freedom Corporation
administered by both Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel, current Obama White
House Chief of Staff, former BushFRAUD White House Deputy Chief of Staff,
Karl Rove, and noted Clinton stooge, former U.S. General Wesley Clark, have
actually laundered STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds through
Chicago and Little Rock, Arkansas onto the noted Dominion Bank out of
Toronto, Canada (TD aka
Toronto Dominion).

Conspiratorial TRAITORS
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partners
BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton in Toronto on May 29, 2009
Reuters/TD Bank Financial Group/Handout
It was just yesterday that both former President
Bill Clinton aka daddy Bush's little bitch, and former illegal White House
George W. BushFRAUD, appeared together in Toronto, Canada and, of
course, made a massive withdrawal from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion
Note: The withdrawal of funds by BushFRAUD and Clinton were also used to
BRIBE and pay off former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and other
members of the Canadian political class who continue to blackmail the U.S.
government aka the secrets of 9/11.
Obama-Bush-Cheney-U.S. Media Psyop
Paul Martin owns a Canadian steamship company that has been used in illegal
narcotics and weapons trafficking for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Martin is now retired from politics and clearly still operates as a bagman
and extortionist for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family.
The massive withdrawal of both STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign
Funds from the Toronto, Canada-based Dominion Bank made by Bush Jr. and Bill
Clinton also involve withdrawal of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation
funds that were laundered out of the Central Bank of Iraq through Jackson
Stephens Inc. onto the Dominion Bank in Toronto.
Reference: It was this morning that MSNBC's
Witt aka 3rd degree witch aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge,
was smiling ear to ear as she reported the presence of crime partners BushFRAUD and Bill Clinton appearing together at a special gathering of New
World Order types in Toronto.
Alex Witt, a monarchist, once congratulated current MSNBC commentator and
year 2000 presidential independent candidate Pat Buchanan on his role in the
theft of the year 2000 presidential election aka the use of the Palm Beach
County, Florida intentionally confusing butterfly ballot, which contributed
to the theft of over 20,000 votes in the year 2000 presidential election
from then Vice President now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

Obama embraces and kisses Hillary, a partner in the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
AP by Alex Brandon
Note: It was just recently that foreign born
alleged President Obama blocked the U.S. Marshal Service from executing a
warrant for the arrest of Obama's Secretary of State, loser and lesbian
in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to Baghdad, Iraq
on April 25, 2009 Getty Images/Europe,
right photo: Central Bank of Iraq Photo by Thomas Hartwell
Reference: Hillary was about to be arrested by
the U.S. Marshal Service while she was in Baghdad, Iraq trying to arrange an
illegal wire transfer of laundered Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds
from the Central Bank of Iraq to none other than the Toronto, Canada based
Dominion Bank.
The sociopath Hillary, who has been a CIA
operative most of her life, like the Bushes believes she has immunity from
all prosecution based on their role, that is the Bushes and Clintons, as
intelligence agency employees.
Note: Loser Hillary has had a long and checkered past when it comes to North
Korea. In the early 1990s Hillary, along with a lesbian team headed by a
Diane Lewis, headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois, all faced indictment
for their involvement in procuring uranium for the government of North
The nuclear grade uranium that was sent to North Korea was disguised as food
subsidies linked to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and none other than the
then head of the North American Israeli Mossad Rahm Emanuel.
The uranium sent to North Korea disguised as food subsidies was part of the
overall Iraq-Gate scandal aka illegal weapons sent to Iraq disguised
subsidies that engulfed the George Herbert Walker Bush Administration and
Bush cabinet member Robert Mosbacher.
A Federal Grand Jury headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois was ready to
indict Hillary Clinton, Diane Lewis and daddy Bush's Secretary of
Agriculture Robert Mosbacher for violation of the Neutrality Act aka arms
shipment to the enemy.
It was then daddy Bush's U.S. Attorney General William Barr that eventually
declared "national security" vis a vis the Downers Grove Federal Grand Jury
investigation and eventually, illegally disbanded before the indictment
could be issued.
Later, in 1994, then alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, a
UN-registered foreign lobbyist for the RED Chinese, was given the IraqGate-North
Korea case involving Hillary Clinton and Robert Mosbacher by the Clinton
Justice Department.
Starr proceeded, of course, to cover it all up.
After the Congressional elections of 1994, which thanks to nepotistic
takeover of the Clinton-Gore Administration by the closet lesbian Hillary,
the Democratic Party was basically wiped out and lost its Congressional
Hillary's response to her first national defeat, she would eventually suffer
a second, was to plot a black op that would encourage North Korea to start
military hostilities with South Korea, which would then give her politically
wounded husband a chance to be a war time president.

Left pic: Vice President Albert Gore Jr. (r) next to Clinton, and
Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell stepped in to neutralize the escalating
North Korean conflict created by Hillary Clinton
Note: It was only through the efforts of then
Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and then Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell
that the situation in North Korea was neutralized and World War III was

Jimmy Carter in Pyongyang, Korea with Kim Il Sung in 1994
An agreement was later struck between Clinton's
envoy at the time, former President Jimmy Carter, and the government of
North Korea that brought some sense of sanity to the Korean peninsula.
What has gone un-reported for years is that the Clintons, with the help of
the Swedish monarchy procured various Swedish prostitutes that would visit
the North Korean dictator at least three times a month.
The sexual services provided the North Korean dictator helped placate him
and kept him from causing major problems although North Korea continued its
nuclear program under the radar screen.
Jackson Stephens Inc. operates as a CIA
money laundry and is,
accordingly, not subject to any oversight by Congress.

Leon Panetta, CIA Director
P.P.S.: We can also divulge that both Clintons,
along with former President George Herbert Walker Bush, and CIA Director
Leon Panetta, recently ignored and countermanded President Obama's attempt
to finally implement the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
The Clintons, the Bushes and Panetta have told Obama that his Executive
Order, actually signed twice, is illegal and violates national security.
Of course, this has nothing to do with national security, folks. It has to
do with protecting the secret offshore accounts of the Bush-Clinton Crime
Family Syndicate that deal with STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds and misuse of the
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols for their own selfish, criminal interests.
Note: It is, of course, Obama White House legal counsel Greg Craig, a noted
"Skull and Bonesman", and the attorney for Cuban
Elian Gonzalez in the year
2000 anti Al Gore Florida presidential election psyop, that is enabling the
Bushes and Clintons by issuing legal opinions that have no basis in the law
or U.S. Constitution.
"Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig recently issued a legal brief defending the
BushFRAUD Administration's illegal spying against a charity foundation as
legal under the state secrets act.
Folks, there is NO state's secrets act anywhere in the U.S. Constitution ~
only in Great Britain.
Accordingly, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig,
who lives in a luxury Georgetown house in Washington, D.C. with his crooked
wife, is enabling TREASON on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate. Getty Images
We can now announce that we have issued a Citizen's Arrest Warrant for Greg
Craig and have prepared the duct tape and handcuffs.
Craig is clearly a domestic ENEMY of the American People and its U.S.
We have now reached the point of no return when rogue elements of the CIA
and other criminal U.S. Intelligence agencies assets are now superseding the
U.S. Constitution and Executive Orders of the President.
Note: Nancy Pelosi, who argued for implementation of the Protocols, was
recently smeared by the controlled U.S. media in an alleged confrontation
over terror interrogations with current CIA Director Leon Panetta.
So you see, folks, the alleged Pelosi vs Panetta confrontation had little to
do with waterboarding but had everything to do with money.
Note: Pelosi was recently in China discussing the implementation of
the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols and actually brought with her the evidence
of the Federal Reserve banking codes that were used in the theft of the
Chinese Sovereign Funds.
This is typical of the corporate controlled, fascist American media filth
who like to run diversionary stories, change the subject and go after the
smaller fish rather than the big fish.
Last week Chrissy Pooh Matthews aka Tweety Bird
of MSNBC's Hardball show was at it again trying to protect the Bush-Clinton
Crime Family Syndicate and its enabler Patrick Fitzgerald by going after
current U.S. Senator Roland Burris, D-IL, for alleged misstatements
involving the appointment of Burris as the Democratic U.S. Senator from
Illinois replacing the former Senate seat held by now President Barack Obama.
Matthews, who brags that in the year 2000 presidential election he voted for
nation wrecker, closet homosexual, AWOL, cocaine snorting, war criminal
George W. BushFRAUD, was trying to catch Burris in a perjury trap and use
Burris as a diversion so as to keep the new evidence involving the Chicago,
Illinois-Little Rock, Arkansas based Jackson Stephens' SF Holdings LLC money
laundry out of the news.
It was U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald who used a perjury trap against former Vice
pResident Dick Cheney aide, Scooter Libby, as a way of deflecting the bigger
crimes of the BushFRAUD Administration, which included a criminal conspiracy
involving BushFRAUD, Cheney and former BushFRAUD U.S. Under Secretary of
State Richard Armitage attempt to plant Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)
in Iraq before the Iraq War began.

Copyright 2007 By Marty Katz
Conspiratorial TRAITOR Bush-Clinton
Crime Family Syndicate partner Alan Greenspan
enjoying MSNBC;s Hardball host Chris Matthews (L)
Andrea Mitchell, Greenspan's wife is center
Matthews, like his buddy homosexual
in-the-closet James Warren of the Chicago Tribune, is a U.S. media enabler
of Fitzgerald's attempt now to cover up for the Bushes, the Clintons, Rahm
Emanuel as well as Karl Rove and, of course, use former Illinois Governor
Rod Blagojevich and now Illinois U.S. Senator Roland Burris as the patsies.
Once, again, going after the smaller fish and covering up for the bigger

When it comes to Matthews and Warren, folks,
they both stink like a rotten fish!
Note: Burris recently survived an assassination attempt aka the use of
electronic magnetic pulse on his United Airlines flight from Washington to
O'Hare, which had to make an emergency landing in Pittsburg a week ago. (Burris, Schakowsky ride out emergency landing unscathed)
Burris has received "smoking gun" evidence from White House social secretary
Desiree Rogers, who was also present on the flight with Burris, that U.S.
Attorney Fitzgerald has coordinated at least forty-five (45) illegal Federal
Grand Jury leaks to former Chicago Tribune editor, closet homosexual and
British Intelligence asset James Warren.
Warren, also a lifelong archenemy of duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.,
received leaks not only designed to frame both Blagojevich and Burris, but
also received Federal Grand Jury illegal leaks from Fitzgerald that was able
to give a heads up to both Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and BushFRAUD's former Deputy Chief of Staff
Karl Rove on the status of
Fitzgerald's investigation, including elements tied to both Emanuel and
Fitzgerald talks to his "handler" daddy Bush on a weekly basis!
Reference: Patrick Fitzgerald and James Warren are currently under a Special
Master's Justice Department investigation for illegal leaking of Federal
Grand Jury evidence.
Patrick Fitzgerald is using the Kenneth Starr "national security" defense
and closet homosexual James Warren is using the Judith Miller defense.
So you see, folks, what a piece of manure
Chrissy Pooh Matthews is. Keith Olbermann recently threatened to put him in
his place, which wouldn't take much time given Matthews is such a
marshmallow. Reuters pic
Matthews recently actually praised year 2000 presidential election fixer and
9/11 co-conspirator Ted Olson given Olson's now support of gay marriage.

a young Victor Ashe (L), with BushFRAUD's daddy (R)
Question: Could it be, folks, that BushFRAUD
will soon divorce his wife Laura and marry his lifelong male love, current
Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, and Hillary will soon divorce Bill and
then marry BushFRAUD's wife Laura, and Ted Olson operating as best man and
male (maid) of honor at both weddings (ha).
Stay tuned for further intelligence briefings, which will include the
Bush-Clinton Family Syndicate plot to bankrupt the Federal Reserve sometime
in August of 2009.

This scripted bankruptcy will coincide with the
issue of a new
New World Order currency for both the United States, Mexico
and Canada aka
the AMERO.
This will allow U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to attempt to write off the U.S. dollar dominated TRILLIONS of
dollars of toxic derivatives on the back of what would then become a defunct
U.S. dollar.
Note: Given the TRILLIONS of dollars of RED Chinese held U.S. dollar
denominated assets one can expect major fireworks to develop again between
the U.S. and RED Chinese governments.
Their plan is to bankrupt the Federal Reserve at the time the new AMERO
currency is issued allowing a new joint Canadian-U.S.-Mexican Federal
Reserve, this time headquartered in Toronto, Canada to replace
the old Fed
It should also be mentioned that the creation of a new joint North American
Federal Reserve will allow the old Federal Reserve to destroy all of its
records and documents tied to the criminal massive
Ponzi Scheme and money
laundry that looted the U.S. Treasury.