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The Atrium
Rainier And Thread Below
by Tommy Beartooth
15 September 2002
TheAtrium Website
I see some have thoughts other than about skirts. You all must have
noticed how closely America and Britain have been on the Middle
East. And no wonder why. Both countries foreign policies are
determined by The Pilgrims (London-New York) whose members
are the richest people on
Windsor etc.
Read about it in Review of Reviews May 1902 pp 552-561 founded by
wills of
Cecil Rhodes diamond monopolist. Rhodes believed 200
years---and many (managed, preplanned) wars would be necessary as
The Pilgrims were to be (verbatim),
"a secret society gradually
absorbing the wealth of the world."
President of US, Secretary of
State and ambassador to Britain ALWAYS members---no text on
political science or govt. mentions this. I have brought this up
before. Other organizations like
Bilderberg are often viewed as
dominant, but Bilderberg exists only to influence transitory
With The Pilgrims absorbing the world's money (where do
you think the $7 trillion in stock losses went in the Nasdaq bust
and NYSE declines---they got their payrolls back) they dominate all
other societies. The Pilgrims motto Hic Et Ubique--Latin--here and
everywhere---their holdings are global, therefore, globalization,
protested by so many. All Rhodes scholars (Bill Clinton, Democrat,
Sen. Richard Lugar) under control of Pilgrims Society ("I am on the
lookout for those who will do the governing of the nations in the
years that are to come," 1902).
Federal Reserve System, creating "money" out of nothing and loaning
it to the world, a creature of The Pilgrims Society (Paul Warburg
contrived legislation with Sen Aldrich, David Rockefeller's uncle.)
In spring 1979 I confronted Sir Ivor Seward Richard, U.K. ambassador
to UN and Pilgrim Society member, wearing T-shirt with Society's
logo---he fell all over himself to get away from me and running tape
recorder. His maternal grandfather was Secretary of State Seward in
Lincoln cabinet, made Alaska Purchase from Russia.
Pilgrim Society planning mideast war, intends to bring
to power to "solve" world's problems.
Random quotes about various Pilgrim Society members and
David Rockefeller:
"the power he wields crosses all
borders, can make or destroy governments, start or stop wars,
profoundly influence everyone's life"
(biographer William Hoffman)
"It is doubtful if there exists enough money in the entire world to
make their holdings liquid"
(Emanuel Josephson)
Andrew and Paul Mellon:
"Mr. Mellon has violated more laws, caused
more suffering and illegally acquired more property to satisfy his
personal greed than any other person on earth---billions, zillions,
do not seem unusual to Paul Mellon---Paul controls thousands of
companies--the Mellon fortune is equal to two-thirds of all the gold
in the entire world---determining all Mellon holdings would be a
virtually endless task---phenomenally valuable assets are often
listed on their books as being worth $1"
---Hoffman & Lundberg
("Rich & Super Rich")
"It can at once be realized in what transcendent degree
wealth towered far above that of every other rich man in the United
---Gustavus Myers
"The Rothschilds virtually endless assets"
---Frederic Morton
"The Rothschilds $6 billion fortune as of 1890, a hair-raising
"there was little withstanding of him, his very name was a terror to
those of lesser capital" (Vanderbilt)
---Gustavus Myers
"Warburg counts among his friends some of the most powerful men in
the world"
---Business Week
Cavendish Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, owns 300 acres
of the choicest property in downtown London, as well as immense
tracts of land in Canada, Hawaii, Australia and elsewhere"
---Parade Mag.
HEY PILGRIM SOCIETY---keep on absorbing the wealth of the
world---all most stupid Americans want to do is watch football or
Oprah Winfrey!
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The Atrium
World Is Ruled From London
by Tommy Beartooth
29 April 2004
The British Empire encompassed many times the land mass gained by
Hitler. The British Empire and its Chinese Opium trade may have cost
more lives than Hitler. But there is a theme playing somewhere in
the distance that suggests, only certain types of lives matter!
The British created Hitler at the Treaty of Versailles with terms
against Germany so punitive it ensured that Germany would again go
on the offensive. The time span required was the time needed to
raise another generation of young men.
The creature that controls our financial lives is the
Reserve System. It is modeled after the Bank of England, with which
it collaborated to cause the crash of 1929 and the great depression.
The way to make money fastest is when others are losing theirs.
Before that, we had no central bank since 1836 (77 years) because
Andrew Jackson abolished the British controlled Bank of the US,
whose unbacked paper notes became WORTHLESS by 1842. Jackson
recognized that only gold and silver are real money. Paper money,
not redeemable in metal, ALWAYS returns to its true value---ZERO.
The Continental notes just before 1800, became worthless, "not worth
a Continental," so did the Lincoln "greenbacks," and Confederate
scrip. Your Federal Reserve notes are in fact worthless. It is only
the perception that they have value, that maintains the pretense,
but the pretense is fading. When you pay more, and notice the item
weighs a bit less, that's the process of the Federal Reserve note
becoming worthless. There is danger that in the near future, a
Federal bank freeze may be ordered.
The purpose will be to stop
Americans from converting bank demand deposits into
tangibles---gold, silver, platinum---even diamonds are tangibles
(things having intrinsic value in and of themselves, not dependent
on government edict for "value.") We live in a pre-Fascist,
pre-totalitarian state. And you thought it was just about telling
you, you can't wear certain clothes. Well, you can wear a military
uniform and go fight for the British under the guise of fighting for
America. Bush intends to invade and occupy Iran. The goal is to get
at the great Caspian Sea oil region. The huge British Petroleum
company will get its slice.
That small nation West of continental Europe is a second rate
military power, but atop the financial pyramid, so they use US
military force. Take a look at the Defense Policy Council and the
British connected warmongers there.
The following organizations represent British influence here:
Pilgrims Society (limited to 1,000 members, old intermarried East
coast wealth, controls all our foreign, military and financial
Newcomen Society of North America (18,000 or so members,
many big business execs, named after James Newcomen, inventor of
steam engine)
English Speaking Union (haven't looked at numbers
lately, goal is to force English as universal language)
Council on Foreign Relations (heavy with ambassadors)
Atlantic Council of US (headed by former Ambassador to England,
Pilgrim Society member Henry Catto)
National Planning Association
British North American Committee
Yale societies:
financial racketeers are working to install an "antichrist," is what
evidence suggests. These people could also be called "Tories,"
working with the British Crown and its associated wealthy
exploitative families, who sucked the wealth out of the British
Empire ("Commonwealth") for CENTURIES! I strongly believe the
conquering Romans left their most warlike genes in "Britannia!"
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