Stan Deyo
(paraphrased from:
The Cosmic Conspiracy Millennium Edition
Nestled in a shallow little valley at
the southern foot of the Macdonnell Ranges about twelve miles by air
from the dead centre of Australia is one of the modern wonders of
the world. The apparent, surface entrances to this
super-technological retreat are located in the vicinity of 23
degrees 48 minutes south by 133 degrees 43 minutes east. It is one
of the top three of several very-secret, U.S. Government -financed
’bases’ in Australia.
Pine Gap facility as it is informally known, is officially
called the Joint Defense Space Research Facility; however,
Australians refer to it as "Pine Gap" or just "The Gap". The CIA
codename for it is "Merino".
The Pine Gap facility has had several functions. Its original
function was to execute research and development of space defense
technology. The primary responsibility for the facility has been
controlled by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA
) located in the U.S. at 1400 Wilson Blvd., Arlington , Virginia
22209, in the Architect Building.
During the early stages of the establishing of Pine Gap, the
Director of DARPA was Stephen J. Lukasik. Key members of his staff
a) Kent Kresa - special assistant for Undersea Warfare Technology
and director of tactical technology, b) Lawrence G. Roberts - director of information processing
techniques, c) Eric H. Willis - director of nuclear monitoring research,
d) David E. Mann - director of strategic technology, and
e) Lt. Col. Austin W. Kibler -
director of the human resources research division
Pine Gap has what is
believed to be the deepest and straightest ’water bore’ in Australia drilled beneath it. The bore is at least
28,000 feet deep (5.3 miles). This bore can also be used as an
underground "antenna" for very low frequency electricity broadcasts.
As Pine Gap is supposed to be involved in both upper
atmospheric and sub-surface research, it is quite feasible, if for
no other reason, that the ’bore antenna’ could be used to tune a
gigantic ’standing
wave’ field around the entire planet!
Such a system might easily be tuned to frequencies from, say, 9,000
cycles per second to 14,336 cycles per second. Enough to set up a
resonating, electric field to an altitude of 250 miles above the
earth! However, this possibility will be explored in a bit more
detail in Chapter 4 of
The Cosmic Conspiracy.
It is also rumored that Pine Gap has a very large
nuclear facility used to power its enormous ’transceiver.’ Other
rumored projects include high-voltage, high-energy plasma
accelerators (possibly for use in new methods of power generation),
a ’death ray’ or plasma
cannon, and even specialized power broadcasts to partially fuel
’electric submarines’ as far away as the Indian Ocean.
It is almost
certain that the earlier version of Pine Gap’s VLF
(very-low-frequency) transceiver which was located at the North West
Cape near Exmouth Bay in Australia was used to transmit very
powerful undersea electric currents to U.S. submarines which trailed
long antennae behind them. It is also known that electricity
transmitted in this way can be ’strong’ enough to recharge on-board
’high-voltage batteries’ known as ’plasma-dynamic storage cells.’
The Nation Review - a national Australian newspaper, had some
interesting things to say about Pine Gap in their May 17-23 issue of
"The Pine Gap research facility near
Alice Springs has managed to
keep secret , until now, one of the most unbelievable research
projects in the world."
"The United States has been carrying out continuous research into
electromagnetic propulsion (EMP for short) at
Pine Gap since it was
established in 1966.... Nixon (former U.S. President ) last year
announced 1975 as a target date for the completion of the project.
At that time it was to relieve the petrol crisis ."
"I understand that last minute flaws in the design and operation of
the EMP vehicles have probably put the completion date back by four
years". Security aspects of the EMP project have included hypnotic
and post-hypnotic keys implanted in personnel prior to their
acceptance into the project. It is likely, however, that this
technique has been replaced now that it is known that a side effect
of LSD and other hallucinogenics is to remove partial hypnosis
I (Stan Deyo) wrote to The Nation Review seeking additional
information from the author of the previous article, William H.
Martin. A reply was sent by his secretary which sought more
information than it gave. Apparently, ’William H. Martin’ was a
de plume. No further dialogue was attempted.
According to several eye-witnesses, white disks about 30 feet in
diameter with ’U.S. Air Force’ markings have been ferried into
Australia inside large, military air transports, which have landed
at one or the other of the two airports servicing Pine Gap. Other
eye-witness reports have seen these same air transports unloading
incredible amounts of modern furniture, food, and other provisions
which one would ordinarily expect to see in a very plush hotel.
Could it be that located nearby to the obvious Pine Gap facility in
an underground, man-made city of multiple levels is the real
Gap facility’?
Could it be that Pine Gap is also a so-called ’bolt-hole’ to be used
to shelter key U.S. personnel in the event of a natural weather
catastrophe or a full-scale nuclear attack like a Noah’s Ark ? ...
One does wonder.
Should anyone doubt the degree of orbital surveillance that is
possible today; a 1973 press release about one of Pine Gap’s other
functions should convince him. The release said that Pine Gap and
its sister station in Guam supported photographic satellites as part
of what is known as Operation Big Bird. Each ’bird’ weighed eleven
tons; was fifty-feet long by ten-feet wide; could scan the entire
surface of the earth every 24 hours; and could vary its altitude
from 100 to 200 miles for ’close-look’ photographs of ’interesting
Whenever ground control instructed the ’bird’ to take a
’close look’ or ’high-resolution’ photograph of some strategic area
, a huge Perkin-Elmer camera would be used by the ’bird’ to take a
low-altitude photograph of the objective. The resulting pictures
would be so sharp that objects of only twelve inches across were
identifiable. The ’birds’ as well as the early-warning satellites of
Programme 647 used infra-red sensors and films. It is almost certain
that the Russians have equivalent systems in operation...(is ’big
brother ’ at home tonight?’).
A similar station to Pine Gap is located in the
Transvaal, South Africa; but it is difficult to obtain much
information about it. Most of the employees there are disguised as
U.S. consular employees (I think, however, that twelve hundred
consular staff is a bit excessive). My sources reported the station
was located near a place called ’Krugersdorp’ or ’Koedespoort?’. It is, apparently, also
linked to another VLF station at the South Pole, possibly
Deep Freeze.’ Is it not a strange coincidence that the two ’grids’
mentioned by Capt. Bruce Cathie have ’poles’ located at the
Pole, too?
Some of the major contractors and suppliers for the Pine Gap
facility have been Collins Radio, TRW, Ling-Tempco-Vought (L.T.V. ),
McMahon Construction and I.B.M. It is also
rumored that there are
’super IBM computer systems’ on a floating platform - ’down the
well’ underneath the facility.
A VLF power transceiver, and ’electric flying machines’ are not so
hard to believe. Remember, L.T.V. is an aerospace company formed as
a conglomerate of electronics and aircraft manufacturing
subsidiaries. IBM has, also, long-ago developed mammoth computers
with super-cooled, crystalline, main-memory units . These computers
can recognize both voice and visual patterns.
Their main-memory
sizes are said to be in excess of 2,000,000,000 bytes (characters)!
Is it not possible that there have been some secrets which the ’invisible government
’ of planet earth has kept from its subjects?
Remember, there were over 100,000 people working on the Manhattan
Project to produce the first A-bomb. Did that secret escape in time
to help the Japanese...?
compass centered on Pine Gap and extended to
Perth will, when
scribed about the Pine Gap centre, form a circle around
which roughly intersects the following areas:
the VLF
transceiver at Exmouth,
Melbourne (along
the Mornington Peninsula)
and an area just off Cape Otway between
the Cape and King Island.
Incidentally, Darwin and
Adelaide fall on a circle around Pine Gap
with a radius of some 800-odd miles while the previously mentioned
areas fell on a circle of some 1200-odd miles. The Department of
Transport (formerly called the Department of Civil Aviation ) lists
Pine Gap as ’R233’ on the navigation maps for the area. ’R233 ’
listed as a restricted air space reserved for space research
...(i.e. do not fly over the area as shown on the map). The ’R233 ’
space is a circle around Pine Gap with a radius of five nautical
If one plots the antipode (opposite point on the earth’s globe) to
Pine Gap, one finds the point lies in the Atlantic Ocean just east
of the "Bermuda Triangle." In the case of the
Exmouth Base in
western Australia which also used a huge Tesla Coil-type
transceiver, its antipode was directly in the "Bermuda Triangle."