The CSETI Project Starlight
Disclosure Strategy
Update and Clarification
by Steven M. Greer M.D.
8 April 1998
GreatDreams Website
For over four and one half years,
has been diligently implementing a strategic plan to effect a
disclosure on the UFO/ETI subject.
Recent misinformation and
disinformation regarding this process which has appeared on the
Internet and elsewhere necessitates a reiteration of that strategic
plan and an update on the process.
In the summer of 1993, a group of CSETI advisors and military
consultants met to discuss how to best develop a reliable point
of contact (POC) to the US government. This was felt
necessary after a number of CSETI CE-5 encounter incidents had
occurred which resulted in team members expressing concerns about
covert attempts to interfere with the CE-5 diplomatic initiative.
It was felt a reliable POC was needed for communication and briefing
purposes, thus reducing the likelihood of an undesired outcome or
Ultimately it was decided that we should pursue various POCs within
the Executive Branch of the US government and the military
and to approach congressional leadership at a later point in the
A strategic plan was devised to:
1) collect and identify the
Best Available Evidence related to UFOs/ETI
2) identify top-secret
military and intelligence witnesses to the matter who were
willing to come forward and disclosure what they knew
3) create a team of briefers
and advisors to Executive Branch officials and military
officials who would conduct briefings and recommend near-term
disclosure of the subject and the end to secrecy related to the
By September of 1993 this plan
was in action, and with the assistance of a senior official at the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, a meeting was set up at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base with the top-secret Foreign Aerospace Science and
Technology Center located there (this had previously been the
Foreign Technology Center to which the 1940's New Mexico UFO
crash remains had been sent; it is now called the National Air
intelligence Center -NAIC).
The discussions at
Wright-Patterson AFB were cordial and constructive.
Eventually, a number of consultants became involved with the
briefing and disclosure process, including national security think
tank heads, friends of the President and others. Continued
networking resulted in briefings for senior Clinton Administration
officials, including CIA Director James Woolsey.
During these briefings, we recommended decisive government action to
end the secrecy surrounding this subject and that the Administration
should work to disclose substantial facts about the UFO/ETI issue
as soon as possible. In the materials provided for senior White
House, CIA, DOD and other officials we set out the rationale for the
timeliness of this disclosure and the dangers associated with
continued secrecy. We also clearly stated in writing that if the
government did not coordinate this disclosure, that we would
bypass the government and work to disclose these secrets
However, we made it clear that it was in the nation's (and world's)
best interest to have so weighty a matter disclosed cooperatively by
the government.
Unfortunately, very senior Executive Branch officials, including the
CIA Director, senior Presidential advisors and
Pentagon officials found it difficult to penetrate the
ultra-secret 'black' programs dealing with this subject. As CIA
Director Woolsey pointed out to me, they cannot disclose what
they do not know or have access to.
It is now a matter of public record that Assistant Attorney
General and close Presidential friend Webster Hubbell
had been asked officially by the President to look into the UFO
issue (see Hubble's book "Friends in High Places").
Hubbell stated that they were not satisfied with the answers
they were getting from NORAD and elsewhere. It is disturbing to
think that the President - our Commander-In-Chief - and his
inner circle may not have high enough clearances to be briefed fully
on this matter...
After a period of extensive briefings for US, foreign and UN
leaders, it became obvious that,
1) these leaders were
deliberately being kept in the dark on the subject
2) that they did not
possess the courage or political will to take on the covert
apparatus managing the UFO/ETI matter
In fact, they were visibly shaken by the
As more and more top-secret witnesses, documents and other evidence
was identified, it became clear that - unless a Presidential
executive order effectively ended the secrecy and resulted in
disclosure - that our next best option would be to identify a member
of congress who would call for and hold open congressional hearings
on the subject.
At this point, a number of old wags in the UFO subculture
stated that we should just come forward with what we knew, identify
the top-secret witnesses and let it all come out.
This facile
strategic recommendation overlooked three major problems:
1. The foundation of the
disclosure process is the pool of dozens of top-secret military
and intelligence witnesses to unambiguous UFO/ET events and
programs. These courageous witnesses have asked for a safe,
effective and official means of coming out with their testimony,
if at all possible.
CSETI felt a moral responsibility to vigorously pursue an
officially sanctioned venue for so momentous a disclosure, if at
all feasible. To this end, CSETI has - for 4½ years -
attempted to secure the highest, safest official venue possible
for this disclosure. These courageous military witnesses have
asked this of us, and we have faithfully pursued that request.
Some of these witnesses are in fear for their lives; others fear
other sanctions and punishment. All of them would prefer to come
forward in an official setting, freed from the restraints of
their national security oaths etc.
2. The disclosure of the reality of UFOs and ETI
is no small matter. Neither the CSETI leadership nor our
witnesses wanted to appear to be upstaging the US government,
the UN or other concerned governments. It was imperative that we
make good-faith efforts to get our national and world leaders to
deal with this subject officially, prior to a unilateral
privatized disclosure. The implications of such a disclosure are
so vast and so profound that only a very reckless person or
group would attempt to effect this disclosure without first
offering to work cooperatively with our governments. We have
assiduously created a paper trail which fully documents these
efforts, lest we later be accused of disclosing the ultimate
secret without first consulting with the government. While this
process has been in turns tedious, rewarding, exasperating,
expensive and time-consuming, we are certain that it was the
right thing to do.
3. In the absence of significant funding for a privatized
disclosure, the best and most cost-effective way to achieve this
goal was to convince the government or the Congress to take on
this task. A congressional hearing, obviously, would be funded
by the Congress. A private disclosure will need to be funded by
- who? Those who think that you simply hold a press conference
with the witnesses (arranging that - including flying into one
place, lodging etc dozens of witnesses - would alone cost tens
of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands) have
never dealt with big media on this subject.
We are not willing to expose these
witnesses unless it is strategically effective. There is no
point in taking such risks unless there is a reasonable
likelihood that the status quo will be changed. To privately see
that this is the case - with no support of congress or the
government - will be a very complex and expensive undertaking,
far outside the resources of the UFO community at this time (or
at any time in the past).
In light of the above, from 1995-1997
CSETI pursued a number of briefings with members of Congress.
One year ago, on April 9,1997, we convened the historic
briefings for members of Congress, White House
figures and senior military figures, among others (see the
CSETI Report on the DC Briefings). Since April of 1997, we have
continued to provide briefings and recommended to key congressional
committee chairmen that open hearings be convened as soon as
practical. Hundreds if not thousands of CSETI supporters have
written these key congressional leaders recommending open hearings
on the UFO/ETI subject.
I have personally met with numerous members of Congress. Key
committee chairmen have been fully briefed and given unambiguous
evidence and top-secret witness testimony, in person and on
videotape. And everyone is tossing this hot potato to someone else's
committee. Not unlike the refrain Not In My Backyard, it
appears our leaders are saying Not In My Committee.
To recap, we have over the past four and a half years assiduously
fulfilled a strategy to identify the best scientific evidence and
government witnesses, brief and advise world leaders, members of
Congress, the Pentagon, the UN and others and have
fully documented this process. We have done everything humanly
possible, at immense cost in funds, time and human life, to see that
this process was done properly. In good faith to our witnesses we
took no shortcuts and have consistently asked the President, the
Congress and others to allow this disclosure to take place
officially and safely through proper channels.
While we are willing to continue to brief members of Congress,
Pentagon leaders and other government leaders when called upon, and
while we still prefer official government involvement in this
disclosure, the time has come to begin these disclosures without the
government. We cannot allow this process to be delayed indefinitely
by bureaucrats or timid politicians who will not take on this
The opportunity has been offered to them, and we
continue to offer our cooperation should Congress or the President
decide to do the right thing and become involved in this disclosure
Ultimately, however, the time comes when closure is needed regarding
the government briefing process, and 'we the people' should exert
our rights to free speech and come forward with the truth as we have
found it.
Without the cover of a Congressional subpoena, many
witnesses may be reluctant to step forward. However, we know
that the most courageous and resolute government witnesses will come
forward with us, independent of the government. They, more than we,
are weary of the excessive secrecy and ridiculing which surrounds
this subject. With these courageous witnesses, we will come forward
with a privatized, civilian led program to disclose the truth of
this subject, in the most credible, highest and most effective
manner possible.
This will consist of a world news conference, multi-part prime time
expose documentary series, compendium books and a world scientific
summit. This process, once begun, must be relentless, high quality,
serious and thorough.
Ironically, numerous members of Congress, White House
staff, and very senior Joint Chiefs of Staff personnel have
recommended that we bypass the government altogether and come
forward with the evidence and witnesses.
Of course, this is somewhat
self-serving, since it gets them off the hook and ignores the fact
that many of our best witnesses will not come forward without
officially sanctioned approval and immunity from prosecution for
violating national security regulations. Nevertheless, after four
and half years of thorough strategic implementation, the time has
come to see that the truth comes out via a civilian, privatized
multi-media process. And we have been told by members of Congress
that once this happens, the likelihood of open Congressional
hearings will be significantly enhanced.
These are the crossroads at which we find ourselves: The Congress,
like Caesars's Senate, pursues trivialities while Rome
burns, and the main stream news media regards the pursuit of
sexual pecadillos as the summit of investigative reporting. How
Meanwhile, it is left to the people to resolve one of the most
important issues of our time:
And the means for generating immense
amounts of pollution-free energy is hidden away in
black projects, while the earth's
geophysical equilibrium is increasingly upset.
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Project Starlight Coalition
by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
International Director of CSETI
SpacePub Website
The Project Starlight Coalition (PSC)
is a voluntary association of researchers, scientists, world leaders
and concerned citizens who are dedicated to effecting a non-harmful
disclosure on the UFO/ETI (Unidentified Flying Object /
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) issue in the near future.
Since its inception in July 1993, the PSC has
developed a strategy to coordinate a high level disclosure on the
UFO/ETI subject, and has successfully been able to brief numerous
world leaders. We have found that wide consensus exists among senior
political, scientific and military / intelligence figures for a
public acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs and ETI.
The PSC envisions the process of disclosure to go forward in
four phases:
I. Collection of evidence and
the testimony of senior government, military and intelligence
witnesses on the UFO/ETI subject; development of
strategy; building networks and early pre-briefing of senior
world leaders (underway).
II. Upon finalization of evidence and witness testimony
collection, the formal briefing process will begin. The briefing
process, to begin just prior to a public disclosure, will be
geared towards the world's senior government, scientific,
cultural and religious leaders and organizations.
III. The public announcement will include an event
covered by the world's media where the best evidence and
witnesses will be presented publicly, making an undeniable case
for the reality of UFOs and ETI.
IV. The Post Announcement Era. As follow-up to the
announcement concerning the detection of ETI, a
continuing effort of public education, conferences and in-depth
briefings will occur. This continued educational program is to
ensure a calm, orderly and ultimately constructive assimilation
of the knowledge that we are not alone in the universe, and to
empower the world community to assume open responsibility for
management of the subject, thus ending current exclusive covert
The interested and concerned public is
invited to join PSC to assist in this global disclosure
effort. Specifically, help is needed in the following areas:
1. Collection of best evidence
and witnesses
High quality, multiple witnessed
UFO/ETI cases, official documents, photos, video, movies, hard
evidence such as metal samples, biological samples, etc., and
first-hand government / military witnesses are being sought. If
you have access to, or possess high quality evidence, please
contact us as soon as possible. Important witnesses to current
or past operations dealing with this subject may be assured of
confidentiality and a serious approach to their security needs
and national security oaths / obligations (see below).
2. Network building
In order to provide briefings, serve
in an advisory capacity and gather support for the project, we
invite those with bona fide contacts in the following areas to
contact us: government leaders and organizations, scientific
leaders and organizations, military / intelligence leaders and
organizations, cultural and economic leaders and organizations,
including the media, religious leaders and organizations, other
leaders and organizations who need to be briefed or could
provide assistance
3. Funding
We have ultimate funding needs of
approximately $5 million. If you know of individuals,
institutions, philanthropic organizations or other groups who
could help with funding, please contact us.
A key part of the Project Starlight Coalition's strategy is
the identification of important government witnesses to the UFO/ETI
subject. This includes:
corporate contractors
military and
intelligence officers and officials
civilian government
NASA and other space
officials and employees
political figures.
The combination of bona fide witness
testimony from credible witnesses of stature with other evidence,
such as pilot sightings, general reports, government documents,
photos, videos, hard evidence, etc., will make an undeniable case
for the reality of the UFOs and the existence of ETI.
We are acutely aware of the sensitive security issues and needs of
these types of witnesses, and have taken measures for their
protection. Very senior US government briefings have occurred and
steps are being taken at appropriate levels of the Executive
Branch of the US government to provide release for these
witnesses from their national security obligations, and to provide
for their protection.
Moreover, an important dynamic is created by gathering together
multiple credible witnesses in a coalition - there is safety in
numbers - and by coordinating a strategy for all of these witnesses
to come forward in unison and at the same time, credibility is
enhanced and an unassailable case is made for the reality of the
Nevertheless, we recognize that courage and a genuine sense of
altruism and dedication to the ideals of democracy are required for
individuals to come forward. We have already located a number of
such witnesses and invite others to come forward. The time for the
truth to be told has come, and with the end of the Cold War,
there can be no justification for continued secrecy.
Indeed, the
future of democracy may depend on the courage of individuals willing
to come forward and share what they know about a subject which must
become the domain of all the peoples of the world.
Such witnesses
are key to the success of the Project Starlight strategy.
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Comprehensive Briefing Document
Assessment Summary
by Steven Green, M.D.
CSETI (Center for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
UFOEvidence Website
summary from the comprehensive assessment of the UFO
phenomenon by CSETI.
UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS)
which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological
entities (EBEs) who originate on another planet,
and most likely
another star system" |
Recent worldwide trends of increasing extraterrestrial activity,
coupled with significant advancement in
CSETI research results, suggest
that imminent extraterrestrial events and CSETI initiatives
will soon overtake current government policy on this issue.
It is
recommended that governments worldwide review and change existing
policy to one of increasing openness, disclosure and cooperation
with civilian research teams. (See section IV on Strategies and
Rationale for Changing Government Policy).
Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS)
which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs)
who originate on another planet, and most likely another star
More than one extraterrestrial
civilization is represented in the current activities involving
These extraterrestrial civilizations
are working in concert and not competitively, although there is
some specialization in function and activities for the various
groups. This indicates that there exists either an emerging or
well established organization for these groups.
These beings have bases within this
solar system and may maintain temporary bases on earth,
particularly under water.
The variety in sizes and shapes of
ETS observed is due to: varying civilizations of origin,
and more importantly, specialization of function, which include
general reconnaissance, medical research and intelligence, earth
environmental research, central command and base operations,
energy generation and transfer, and human technology, military
and space program research and reconnaissance.
Sudden and fully open contact with
human civilization has been avoided because of a number of
interrelated factors, including:
the need to avoid an untimely
disruption of earth civilization including military,
political, geopolitical, cultural, economic, technological
and religious upheaval
risks to their own civilization
and "people" as well as overall mission, given human
xenophobia and tendencies towards violent armed reactions;
and up to this time, such massive and open contact has not
been necessary, and has not been consonant with their
overall long term mission and purpose.
A Plan is in place to allow for
gradually broader and deeper contact with human society and
individuals so that humans may become accustomed to the reality
of other intelligent beings in the universe, and so that needed
research and observation may take place on both sides. Limited
but increasing opportunities for bilateral and human initiated
contact will occur in the reasonably near future.
Sudden and large scale contact will occur only in the event of a
significant worldwide emergency (manmade or natural).
While ET observation and interaction
with earth is probably an ancient as opposed to purely
modern phenomenon, the marked increase in activity coinciding with
World War II and the dawning of the "nuclear age" indicates
that ETI are quite concerned about this transitional stage of
human social evolution.
Extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI)
technology is strictly guarded by both ETI and human
governmental agencies because of its potential for military
applications which would greatly threaten world security. It is
imperative that this technology not find significant human
applications until such time as the earth is ready for it
The US government, at least at the
level of a highly compartmentalized top secret group, has known
about the reality of these ETS and their occupants since
at least 1947. A strict secrecy has been maintained due to:
Fear of public panic and social
Security issues surrounding
possible military and technology application of ETI
technology, especially in the setting of a world beset
with Cold War tensions and competing interests
Uncertainty and mistrust
regarding ETI motives and intentions
Embarrassment and consternation
over human military inability to secure world air space from
repeated penetrations by ETS.
The U.S. government possesses several
ETSs and the deceased bodies of several EBEs.
The nature of "reality" of these craft and these beings has been
incorrectly characterized by some as belonging to "another dimension
and reality" from this dimension. Unfortunately, these statements
are made without fully considering what "this reality" is. A more
correct understanding of this is that the Full Spectrum of
Reality is a singular, integrated one which may be perceived
wholly or in its various aspects, such perception being entirely
dependent on the level of consciousness of the perceiver.
The various aspects of "dimensions" of
this reality, which are limitless in number, are not restricted to
or by time and space as we know it commonly.
These beings and
their craft belong to the same Reality as humans, however, their
advancement in the realms of physical science and the science of
consciousness has given them competence in a broader aspect of the
Full Spectrum of Reality than is usually experienced by
The difference, then, is one of degree
and not fundamental reality, since humans potentially have access to
all aspects of the Full Spectrum of Reality just as
extraterrestrial beings do. These differences are not
insurmountable, nor are they truly fundamental; in fact they are
relative and only temporary. While these beings are utilizing and
experiencing a broader aspect of the Full Spectrum of Reality,
so too can and will humans, for we are as "inter dimensional'' by
nature as they.
ETS energy and "propulsion" systems utilize principles and
laws of the physical universe not yet fully appreciated by human
science, and may include:
Gravity/anti-gravity and
electromagnetic/gravity technology
Space energy and so-called hyper
dimensional energy systems
Matter energy interchangeable
Possible Consciousness Assisted
Technology (CAT) and Technology Assisted
Consciousness (TAG)
Some, if not all, EBEs have
advanced mental capabilities which include telepathy, precognition,
remote viewing and others, indicating that they have developed the
"science of consciousness" to a degree which parallels or surpasses
their advanced physical technologies.
Humans also possess these
capabilities, but these remain largely undeveloped by most humans.
EBEs are more developed or advanced than humans in a number
of respects, but are not superior to humans as beings. Our point of
unity and equality with EBEs is in our mutual existence as
conscious intelligent beings.
While these various EBEs may
have values and priorities which are different from those of some 20th
century humans, their motives and ultimate intentions are non-
hostile and do not include the acquisition or subjugation of the
earth and its peoples.
The establishing of a lasting world peace and a just and effective
world government is essential to the long-term ETl-Human
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