by Lance Schuttler
January 27,
TheMindUnleashed Website
Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa
with a degree in Health Science and is Director of
Creative Health Non-Profits for Personable Media. He is
passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as
well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient,
sustainable and health-promoting transition that our
world's current socio-economic model is rapidly
undergoing. |

In what is
becoming a rather continuous theme, former CIA spy Robert Steele has
dropped more bombshell truths for the world to grasp.
This time, the
revelations came in a live interview on Russia Today (far
below video).
This is the same
Robert Steele who
appeared on RT
in March of 2015 and said that every terrorist attack in the
U.S. has been
a false flag event...
It comes as no
surprise then that Steele once again openly spoke about
uncomfortable truths in an interview (far below video) with RT last week:
Hillary and the DNC
stole 13 primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic vote
Clinton, it's on record,
Stanford University has studied this and documented
this, stole 13 primaries from Bernie Sanders using
electronic ballot tampering.
Russians did not hack the election,
Hillary Clinton hacked
the election and lost."
The Counter-Coup
"We've had
a counter-coup in the United States. We have successfully
defeated the coup that was being led by Wall Street, Hillary
Clinton and John Brennan (CIA Director).
The Electoral Reform Act of 2017 is a must
personal feeling is that if Trump does not pass an Electoral
Reform Act in the next 90 days, he will not finish his term.
He will leave.
The Electoral Reform Act does a number of things but one
of the most important things is that it free the members
from the bribery and blackmail that is pervasive in U.S.
I think
Trump has the capacity to free the members from their
dependency on foreign money, particularly Saudi Arabian,
Israeli and Wall Street money.
It destroys
the 2-party tyranny. I have tried for over 3 years to get
the mainstream media to cover Electoral Reform.
They won't
touch it."
Russia Did Not Hack The Election
"This has
been disproven completely.
First off,
I sounded the alarm on cyber-security in 1994. I wrote the
first letter to the White House, I introduced NSA to
hackers, I was the opening speaker of Hackers on Planet
Earth in 1994.
I am, as it
were, a strong representative of the hacking community going
back 30 years. I know what I'm talking about.
The DNC was
a leak, not a hack.
Julian Assange, William Binney from the
NSA, Ambassador Craig Murray and I and Ray McGovern and Phil
Giraldi, we're all saying the same thing.
This was a
leak, not a hack.
I've listed 29 different people with links to their
public statements saying the Russians did not hack the
election. It was a leak.
'Russians hacked the election' is now a dead meme."
John Brennan Should Be Tried As a War Criminal
"The lies
John Brennan has told, both anonymously and publicly,
are in my view, an impeachable offense.
He has
prostituted his office the way that George Tenet prostituted
his office when he led
with Dick Cheney the telling of 935
lies that led us into Iraq. Brennan should be in an
international court under indictment for being a war
If you want
to play war criminal, let's start with John Brennan. The
drone assassination program by CIA is killing thousands, 98%
of whom are known to not be on any list.
women, children and innocent old men.
Mainstream Media Has Been Revealed As The Fake News
"In the
panic to repress skeptical citizens and investigative
journalists, the fake news meme, like the conspiracy meme
that the CIA invented in the 1960s to diminish people who
were questioning the JFK story, has been intended to
diminish citizens saying 'hey wait a minute, there's a
pizza-gate, there's a pedo-gate, there's all these other
What has
happened is that now everyone understands what they've
refused to believe in the past, which is that the New York
the Crap News Media, all of these people, are the
fake news."
Reince Priebus
Has Penetrated the Trump Administration & Doesn't Want Trump
to "Unrig the System"
Priebus, in my view, is a spy on Trump who is opposing Trump
from within.
personally believe Priebus should not be allowed to be Chief
of Staff. Trump now has the power, should he choose to use
it, to unrig the system.
And that's
where I'm really concerned, because Reince Priebus' highest
priority in life is to stop Donald Trump from unrigging the
Former CIA case officer Robert David
enters the Hawks Nest to discuss
Donald’s Trump’s relationship
with the Intelligence Community after
all the
Russian Hacking allegations with Sean
There are also many
other truths that Steele has revealed in this interview that
can be seen in above video.
What is important
to take from this is that yet another person has come out and
shredded the many lies that have been told to the world for a very
long time.
The fact that this
was said on RT, which reaches many people around the world, is yet
another sign of the times we live in.
The truth is
continuing to gain momentum at an unprecedented rate, which is
making some people very excited, and certain others, very nervous.